Cultural is real.

Degree programme objectives

The study program aims to develop students interpretative skills, which are advanced on the ground of structuralist and hermeneutic methods of analyzing cultural meanings. Research in cultural sociology is focusing on meanings circulating and having an influence through a variety of social phenomena. The core of the study program is formed by courses dealing with specific methods and conceptual frames of cultural sociological interpretation which could be applied beyond public culture, too. Thus students are prepared to work as experts and researchers in various institutional spheres in which communication plays a crucial role.

Study plans

Admission Procedures
Admission Master program Spring 2025 (beginning February 2025)
Submission deadline until midnight 31/10/2024


  • Objectives

    The study program aims to develop students interpretative skills, which are advanced on the ground of structuralist and hermeneutic methods of analyzing cultural meanings. Research in cultural sociology is focusing on meanings circulating and having an influence through a variety of social phenomena. The core of the study program is formed by courses dealing with specific methods and conceptual frames of cultural sociological interpretation which could be applied beyond public culture, too. Thus students are prepared to work as experts and researchers in various institutional spheres in which communication plays a crucial role.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • understand methodological procedures of sociological research including analytical and interpretive approaches.
    • handle advanced methods of analysis and interpretation of empirical evidence consisting of meanings, signs, textual and visual documents.
    • comprehend conceptual transformations and thematic changes in the field of cultural sociology
    • being able to apply sociological knowledge during performing cultural sociological interpretations in a variety of institutional spheres.
    • being able to analyze and compare communication strategies developed in a variety of organizations, associations, social and cultural movements or subcultures.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    Graduates of Cultural Sociology are able to skillfully participate in research projects, including the selection, collection, analysis, and interpretation of empirical evidence consisting of meanings, signs, textual and visual documents. They are able to deal with the ethical aspect of sociological research, too. Graduates are able to advance a critical cultural interpretation of social phenomena, events, and institutions while applying proper theoretical concepts and research methods. Graduates are able to analyze and compare communication strategies developed in a variety of organizations, associations, social and cultural movements or subcultures. Thus graduates of Cultural Sociology are prepared to work as experts and researchers in various institutional spheres in which communication plays a crucial role.

    Graduates of Cultural Sociology study program beside performing analytical skills as members of project-based teams are able to perform independent interpretive and analytical work, including the preparation of new projects. After accumulating work experience graduates of cultural sociology will be able to work also as team leaders.

  • Practical Training

    It is not a part of the study program.

  • Goals of Theses

    There are two seminars which assist students in their thesis writing: the first helps to write the project proposal of their thesis, the other gives assistence directly to the thesis writing. By this means the topic of the master's thesis is specified during the third term of the study program. The master's thesis consist of minimally 126 000 characters including spaces, (maximally 162 000 characters). The thesis demonstrates studenet's critical and analytical skills to deal with academic literarure, to provide interpretation of empirical evidence grounded in various forms of documented meanings, to perform conceptually grounded analysis focusing on a subejct matter respective on a research question. Thesis defence before a commision is a part of final state exams.

  • Access to Further Studies

    Graduates can develop their academic and research skills by accessing the doctoral study program of Sociology.

Basic information

master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Length of studies
2 years
Language of instruction
English English
Annual tuition fee

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Social Studies
Programme guaranteed by