Mobilis in mobili (Jules Verne)

Degree programme objectives

Doctor study program Kinantropologie should produce qualified experts in the field of kinanthropology and it is focused on developing independent creative science activities in the field of kinanthropological researches. The aims of the study reflect improving theoretical knowledge obtained by the successful graduation from master degree studies in universities or other research institutions and getting abilities to work in kinanthropology researches, both as an independent researcher and as a member of a research team.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    Doctor study program Kinantropologie should produce qualified experts in the field of kinanthropology and it is focused on developing independent creative science activities in the field of kinanthropological researches. The aims of the study reflect improving theoretical knowledge obtained by the successful graduation from master degree studies in universities or other research institutions and getting abilities to work in kinanthropology researches, both as an independent researcher and as a member of a research team.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • to understand theories, concepts and methods which present topical trends in kinanthropology in the international frame
    • to be able to propose and use advanced research processes and methods which enable improving knowledge in the field of kinanthropology and enrich it by original investigations
    • to make kinanthropological researches in the independent way, to control processes of obtaining data and to prepare data for statistical analyses
    • to collaborate with foreign Research institutions; to present Knowledge and interpret results of the practical activities coming from the theoretical basis; to provide all the Knowledge via publication processes in the international context
    • to plan complex research activities and be able to get financial sources for scientific projects
    • to present results of Research vis international conferences and other events, to popularize (in the adequate way) all obtained knowledge
    • to transfer the results and to communicate the main kinanthropological topic in the lessons provided for university students and to be able teach in seminaries, even in English

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    After fulfilling the objectives of study, a graduate will be able to succeed in searching for jobs connected with kinanthropology and his/her professional career should be supported strongly. The graduate will be ready to operate the research and to control process of analysing new research processes in kinanthropology. After getting PhD., together with obtained scientific and research erudition, proved by the publication and other research outputs, the possibilities for the graduate to be employed in the academic or research spheres increase. A graduate can be employed as a teacher, or a researcher in universities and other institutions.

  • Practical Training

    Practical training does not present the compulsory part of study. The compulsory duty for the students registered in the full-time form is to complete a foreign country working stay in the length of 30 days, minimally.

  • Goals of Theses

    Dissertations have to be elaborated in the high quality according to the standards for this type of final works. The standard length of a dissertation is between 120 and 180 pages (the character limit is 216 000 to 324 000, including gaps). The dissertation must be in accordance with the ethical rules of research. An author provides the complex analysis, or the complex solution of the selected problem. In the case of the theoretical type of work an author must provide a complex and critical analysis of the processes and their interpretations. A dissertation can be elaborated as the independent thesis, or it can be worked out in the form of interpreted and commented file of, at least three, published (or prepared for publication) studies. Published, or for publication prepared, studies can also be provided in the form of the scientific monography. All the formal adjustments have to be in accord with the standards of the APA publication manual.

Basic information

doctoral degree programme
Length of studies
4 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Sports Studies
Programme guaranteed by