To prepare Ph.D. student for a practical scientific life

Degree programme objectives

The Internal Medicine doctoral degree programme has been created through the merging of three originally individual study disciplines, which have become the sub-specialisations of this unified programme - Dermatovenerology, Cardiology, and Internal Medicine.

The main objective of the programme is to achieve successful inter-disciplinary cooperation through the interaction between the individual sub-specialisations, as well between the specialisations of other doctoral degree programmes at the FM MU, such as Pathophysiology, Chemistry, or Pharmacology. The graduates of this degree programme will be able to succeed in the toughest of competitive environments at the national and international level, thanks to the recent reinforcement of international cooperation with institutes abroad and the emphasis placed upon the encouragement of scientific and publications activities (primarily English publications in international journals with a measured impact factor).

The main focus is to maximize the possible improvement of the quality of the publications of the PhD students, with the maximum effort to ensure the successful defence of their work. The graduates should be primarily prepared to continue their scientific careers at academic institutions.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The Internal Medicine doctoral degree programme has been created through the merging of three originally individual study disciplines, which have become the sub-specialisations of this unified programme - Dermatovenerology, Cardiology, and Internal Medicine.

    The main objective of the programme is to achieve successful inter-disciplinary cooperation through the interaction between the individual sub-specialisations, as well between the specialisations of other doctoral degree programmes at the FM MU, such as Pathophysiology, Chemistry, or Pharmacology. The graduates of this degree programme will be able to succeed in the toughest of competitive environments at the national and international level, thanks to the recent reinforcement of international cooperation with institutes abroad and the emphasis placed upon the encouragement of scientific and publications activities (primarily English publications in international journals with a measured impact factor).

    The main focus is to maximize the possible improvement of the quality of the publications of the PhD students, with the maximum effort to ensure the successful defence of their work. The graduates should be primarily prepared to continue their scientific careers at academic institutions.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • understand theories, concepts, and methods, which represent the current trends in the discipline corresponding to the doctoral thesis topic, as well as in the larger context, and the general field of internal medicine
    • prepare a competitive application for the research project grant
    • design the concept of their own research project and then consecutively realise it in cooperation with other team members
    • compose scientific articles and publish them in international scientific journals
    • work as post-graduate scientists in the Czech Republic as well as abroad
    • be aware of and honour the ethical principles of scientific work and specific ethical issues connected to their discipline
    • professionally lead the students during their scientific preparation
    • provide basic medical care for the patients suffering from issues relevant to their discipline, prescribe medicine, and recommend diagnosis methods

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    The graduates are able to perform the scientific tasks relevant to their discipline, present their results, and also lecture other students

    The graduates of this degree programme are able to succeed in the toughest of competitive environments at the national and international level, thanks to the recent reinforcement of international cooperation with institutes abroad and the emphasis placed upon the encouragement of scientific and publications activities (primarily English publications in international journals with a measured impact factor).

    The graduates should be primarily prepared to continue their scientific careers at academic institutions.

  • Practical Training

    at least 5 reagions of common basis, including English at least 2 semsters and finished by exam

    at least 4 basic fields an th fulfill publication criteria

    a foreig praxis at least for 1 motnh and to cooperate on an international project

    to present own data on an international conference

  • Goals of Theses

    The standards of dissertation theses at LF MU are regulated by the Dean's Directive No. 5/2021 "Guidelines on the formal requirements of dissertation theses prepared at the MU Faculty of Medicine"

Basic information

doctoral degree programme
Length of studies
4 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Medicine
Programme guaranteed by