Degree programme objectives

Aims and Purpose of Study:

Study programme is aimed at both persons in service or in employment that comes – during their professional activities – to interaction with criminal law and administrative penal law or for persons that do their business in field of security services. Target of study is active application of theoretical and practical knowledge concerning substantive criminal law, procedural criminal law, substantive and procedural administrative law, forensic science, criminology and various related disciplines.

Content Focus:

Study programme is oriented at obtaining and subsequent advancement of systematic overview of Czech and European legal regulation in areas of criminal and administrative law, forensic science, criminology as well as professional language skills.

Abilities Developed by Study Programme:

Ability to develop independent analytic thinking, ability of critical evaluation of certain issue, ability to form one’s own reasoned conclusions, improvement of professional language skills.

To What Sort of Students Is This Study Programme Designed For?

Study programme is supposed for both persons in service or in employment that comes to interaction with criminal and administrative penal law during their professional activities or for persons that do their business in field of security services.

Concept of Study Programme:

Study programme is concepted as general prepare for mainly clerical professions where application of abovementioned fields of study is supposed or for persons that do their business in field of security services. Concept is based on assumption that student chose this study programme in context of his present employment or profession and thus puts an emphasis on interaction between theory and practice. This contact is also provided by direct collaboration with


Programme’s study plan consists of obligatory subjects of Bachelor studies at Faculty of Law and subjects of programme that create common general background of programme (e. g. Constitutional Law for Bachelors, Language Minimum for Bachelors or Law of Information And Communication Technologies). There are also specific subjects according to study fields and subjects according to specialization. These subjects can be either obligatory or obligatory-optional and student can choose between them according to his or her interests, profession or specialization. Student can also choose from offer of study plans of other programmes realized by other faculties or institutes unless these subjects are designed specifically for certain study programme. However, even in case of last-mentioned subjects, student may apply to guarantor of such subject to grant an exception that allows to study and absolve this subject. This opportunity enables student to increase their knowledge about other topics from both social and natural sciences. These subjects can be recognized as part of study programme as so called obligatory-optional subjects, if related to subject of study.

In case of study programme Theory and Practice of Criminal And Administrative Proceedings there are in particular subjects of administrative studies offered by Faculty of Economics And Administration, subjects of political, sociological or psychological studies offered by Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Social Sciences or subjects concerning special education offered by Faculty of Education. Other subjects are recognized as obligatory-optional ones.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    Aims and Purpose of Study:

    Study programme is aimed at both persons in service or in employment that comes – during their professional activities – to interaction with criminal law and administrative penal law or for persons that do their business in field of security services. Target of study is active application of theoretical and practical knowledge concerning substantive criminal law, procedural criminal law, substantive and procedural administrative law, forensic science, criminology and various related disciplines.

    Content Focus:

    Study programme is oriented at obtaining and subsequent advancement of systematic overview of Czech and European legal regulation in areas of criminal and administrative law, forensic science, criminology as well as professional language skills.

    Abilities Developed by Study Programme:

    Ability to develop independent analytic thinking, ability of critical evaluation of certain issue, ability to form one’s own reasoned conclusions, improvement of professional language skills.

    To What Sort of Students Is This Study Programme Designed For?

    Study programme is supposed for both persons in service or in employment that comes to interaction with criminal and administrative penal law during their professional activities or for persons that do their business in field of security services.

    Concept of Study Programme:

    Study programme is concepted as general prepare for mainly clerical professions where application of abovementioned fields of study is supposed or for persons that do their business in field of security services. Concept is based on assumption that student chose this study programme in context of his present employment or profession and thus puts an emphasis on interaction between theory and practice. This contact is also provided by direct collaboration with


    Programme’s study plan consists of obligatory subjects of Bachelor studies at Faculty of Law and subjects of programme that create common general background of programme (e. g. Constitutional Law for Bachelors, Language Minimum for Bachelors or Law of Information And Communication Technologies). There are also specific subjects according to study fields and subjects according to specialization. These subjects can be either obligatory or obligatory-optional and student can choose between them according to his or her interests, profession or specialization. Student can also choose from offer of study plans of other programmes realized by other faculties or institutes unless these subjects are designed specifically for certain study programme. However, even in case of last-mentioned subjects, student may apply to guarantor of such subject to grant an exception that allows to study and absolve this subject. This opportunity enables student to increase their knowledge about other topics from both social and natural sciences. These subjects can be recognized as part of study programme as so called obligatory-optional subjects, if related to subject of study.

    In case of study programme Theory and Practice of Criminal And Administrative Proceedings there are in particular subjects of administrative studies offered by Faculty of Economics And Administration, subjects of political, sociological or psychological studies offered by Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Social Sciences or subjects concerning special education offered by Faculty of Education. Other subjects are recognized as obligatory-optional ones.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • explain general theoretical and methodological knowledge from both law and public administration with regard to theory and practice of criminal and administrative proceedings
    • apply systematic and comprehensive knowledge about legal regulation concerning criminal law and administrative penal law
    • present his professional and special knowledge and skills in area of criminal law and administrative penal law, including language and informative technologies skills
    • comment and interpret current changes of economical and legal conditions with knowledge of general theoretical legal background, using highly specialized knowledge concerning areas of his or her study
    • continue at second level of university studies at any university in accordance with announced and fulfilled conditions of admission procedure (follow-up Master’s degree)

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    Graduates of Bachelor’s study programme Theory And Practice of Criminal And Administrative Proceedings may – according to their competencies gained through their study – succeed at those bodies of public administration that are involved in criminal proceedings, administrative penal proceedings, as well as any other administrative delict proceedings, including executive positions. Thus, their competencies are applicable for example at the Police of the Czech Republic, General Inspection of Security Forces, Fire Rescue Service, Judicial Security Service, Prison Service of the Czech Republic, Military Police, Customs Administration of the Czech Republic, Security Information Service, at commission for minor administrative offences or any other administrative bodies that are oriented at areas that correspond to study programme.

    Graduates can also use their newly gained knowledge in their own business e. g. in field of security services.

    Last but not least our graduates can offer to their employers extensive and deep knowledge mainly from area of substantial and procedural criminal law, substantial and procedural administrative law, forensic science, criminology etc., including language skills and general knowledge from other various fields of study.

  • Practical Training

    Obligatory practical training is not – giving regard to combined form of study and its character – demanded.

  • Goals of Theses

    Defence of Bachelor theses is integral part of state final exam. The state final exam consists of two compulsory subjects – Substantive and Procedural Criminal Law and Legal Doctrine. Third subject can be chosen among three following subjects – Forensic Science, Criminology and Substantive and Procedural Administrative Law. The aim of state final exam is verify amount and quality of knowledge gained by student during his or her study and his or her ability to interconnect and apply this knowledge to specific cases.

    The minimum extend of Bachelor’s theses is 30 standard pages (one standard page consists of 30 rows, each made of 60 characters, total 1.800 characters). The scope of minimum extend of Bachelor’s theses includes title page, abstract with a list of keywords, content of the work and list of used sources. Formal requirements for the processing of Bachelor's theses are regulated by relevant directives of the Dean of the Faculty of Law. Aim of Bachelor's theses is to examine student's ability to process the chosen theme in the required range. Topic of Bachelor’s thesis is either listed by academic staff or it can be listed as “free” and student specifies his or her topic according to negotiation and agreement made with academic staff. Bachelor’s thesis should also demonstrate ability of student to work with currently published information sources concerning chosen topic and it also should proved his or her capacity to take critical view towards his or her topic through one’s own reflections, opinions and comments including reflections de lege ferenda.

  • Access to Further Studies

    Graduate of study programme Theory and Practice of Criminal And Administrative Proceedings may continue on second level of university studies at any university in accordance with announced and fulfilled conditions of admission procedure (follow-up Master’s degree). This follow-up study programme is not Master’s study programme Law. At Faculty of Law of Masaryk University graduates may continue (if he or she fulfill conditions of admission procedure) his or her studies in follow-up Master’s study programme Public Administration or eventually in MPA study.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Law
Programme guaranteed by