Degree programme objectives

The study of the discipline is intended for applicants interested in deepening their knowledge of Constitutional Law and the related field of Theory of State. Constitutional Law makes the student familiar with the place of Constitutional Law in the legal system (term, subject, sources), with theory of constitution and values on which is based, with constitutional bases of state form (territory of organization, state regime, state authority), legal order and legal system (law formation, legal regulations, publication of legal regulations, relation of Constitutional, International and Transnational law, constitutional bases of law interpretation), with law regulation of state authority and its organization (division of powers, particular constitutional bodies, their position, rules, elections), with bases of relation of state and an individual (citizenship, human rights and freedoms, their protection, constitutional bases of position of foreigners). Mastering the Constitutional Law of the Czech Republic assumes the detailed knowledge of theory of state and political science as general basis. The common denominator of the doctoral study in the discipline of Constitutional Law is learning the methods of scientific work, as well as critical legal thinking during the analysis of practical problems of Constitutional Law with regard to legislation and judicature of the Czech Republic and in other countries.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The study of the discipline is intended for applicants interested in deepening their knowledge of Constitutional Law and the related field of Theory of State. Constitutional Law makes the student familiar with the place of Constitutional Law in the legal system (term, subject, sources), with theory of constitution and values on which is based, with constitutional bases of state form (territory of organization, state regime, state authority), legal order and legal system (law formation, legal regulations, publication of legal regulations, relation of Constitutional, International and Transnational law, constitutional bases of law interpretation), with law regulation of state authority and its organization (division of powers, particular constitutional bodies, their position, rules, elections), with bases of relation of state and an individual (citizenship, human rights and freedoms, their protection, constitutional bases of position of foreigners). Mastering the Constitutional Law of the Czech Republic assumes the detailed knowledge of theory of state and political science as general basis. The common denominator of the doctoral study in the discipline of Constitutional Law is learning the methods of scientific work, as well as critical legal thinking during the analysis of practical problems of Constitutional Law with regard to legislation and judicature of the Czech Republic and in other countries.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    Graduates of the program can work primarily as academic or scientific staff (post-docs) at universities – not only in the Czech Republic, but also in comparable positions abroad.

    The program also provides its graduates with competencies usable outside the academic sphere in positions requiring insight into constitutional law issues with a comparative overlap (analytical departments of courts, governmental and other public authorities, international law offices, EU institutions and the Council of Europe).

  • Practical Training

    Practical training is not a part of the course of study.

  • Goals of Theses

    The content and formal requirements concerning theses in the current doctoral degree programs are regulated by the regulation of the Doctoral Council of 27 June 2014. The text of this regulation is available

    After the accreditation and the appointment of the faculty council for the newly prepared doctoral program, the newly appointed Doctoral council will adopt its own regulation based on the above cited document.

Basic information

doctoral degree programme
Length of studies
4 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

estimated number of admitted
number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Law
Programme guaranteed by