Geology - science indispensable for society and for nature conservation

Degree programme objectives

The Bachelor’s degree programme Applied and Environmental Geology provides comprehensive higher education. It is intended for those who plan to work in different geological companies of applied science (environmental geology, hydrogeology and engineering geology and economic geology).

Its aim is to prepare graduates for basic work in companies as well as to further study and to allow them a qualified choice of their further profiling through some of the specializations of the follow-up master's program.

The curriculum of the Bachelor’s study programme covers the basics of geological disciplines (Mineralogy, Paleontology, Physical Geology, Applied geophysics, Petrology, Geochemistry, Historical Geology, Quaternary Geology, Regional Geology, Economic Geology, Hydrogeology, Geotechnics and Environmental Geology).

Specific training courses prepares graduates for practical tasks. An integral part of the study is practical training in the field and field work.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The Bachelor’s degree programme Applied and Environmental Geology provides comprehensive higher education. It is intended for those who plan to work in different geological companies of applied science (environmental geology, hydrogeology and engineering geology and economic geology).

    Its aim is to prepare graduates for basic work in companies as well as to further study and to allow them a qualified choice of their further profiling through some of the specializations of the follow-up master's program.

    The curriculum of the Bachelor’s study programme covers the basics of geological disciplines (Mineralogy, Paleontology, Physical Geology, Applied geophysics, Petrology, Geochemistry, Historical Geology, Quaternary Geology, Regional Geology, Economic Geology, Hydrogeology, Geotechnics and Environmental Geology).

    Specific training courses prepares graduates for practical tasks. An integral part of the study is practical training in the field and field work.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • use and explain principal geological terminlogy and basic knowledge;
    • recognize principal minerals, rocks, fossils, and structures;
    • solve tasks related to the search, exploration, use and protection of water resources.
    • master the common geological research methods used in field work and laboratory work;
    • work independently with Czech and foreign language literature;
    • solve particular geological problems independently;
    • process the obtained data using the appropriate information technology;
    • present the obtained information in written and oral forms.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    Graduates will find employment in the companies of applied geology (exploration, mining and quarrying, prospecting and ground water protection, geomechanics, geoconservation,etc.), at universities, cultural institutions, environmental institutions and in state administration.

  • Practical Training

    An obligatory part of the study is a block Course of terrain work, field exercises and excursions, as well as practical exercises for compulsory and obligatory optional subjects.

  • Goals of Theses

    In the bachelor thesis, the student demonstrates the ability to independently solve the problem of medium difficulty, including work with literature, the processing and interpretation of the results and their presentation.

    The student has the right to propose the topic of his/her thesis on the topics listed for the given study program or outside of this offer, if the supervisor agrees to do so and lists the proposed topic. Topics of the final thesis are approved by the director of the department.

    The thesis includes literature thesis, i.e. a sufficiently good written summary of the current state of published knowledge about the topic on the basis of primary sources (i.e. scientific articles) including the list of cited literature.

    The data used for the bachelor thesis can be taken over (even from the published materials) or obtained by field or laboratory research. The data must be creatively elaborated and interpreted in such a way that the bachelor's thesis brings new discovery.

    The formal content of the bachelor thesis is determined by the Dean's regulations. The extent of the core of the final thesis (i.e. the text and figures of the chapters between the Introduction to the Conclusions inclusive) must not exceed 20 pages. The minimum extent of work is not defined.

  • Access to Further Studies

    After completing the Bachelor's study programme of Geology, students can pursue their studies in the follow-up Master's study programme or in other Master's degree programmes in Geology

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Science
Programme guaranteed by
Programme guarantor