To understand the cell is to understand life

Degree programme specification

The Master's degree programme in Cell Biology offers to the students an advanced knowledge of life processes in eukaryotic organisms at the cellular level. With regard to the direct continuity, this programme is primarily intended for graduates of the Bachelor's degree programme in Experimental and Molecular Biology, specialization Cell Biology.

Graduates of this program will gain a comprehensive understanding of important biological phenomena and processes such as cell architecture and cell-cell interactions, cell cycle and cell division, cell signaling and cell-to-cell communication, cell movement, cell differentiation, cell pathology, and cell death. The consequences of these processes at the tissue and organism levels are also emphasized.

The study includes unicellular eukaryotic microorganisms, protozoa, plant cells and fungal cells, but the main focus will be on animal and human cells, including tumor cells. An important part of the study is the application of achieved knowledge on eukaryotic cells in biotechnology and biomedicine.

During your studies you will encounter state-of-the-art imaging, advanced methods of cell biology and molecular biology including bioinformatics approaches, as well as the active use of professional English.

An integral part of your study are also the seminars, during which you will learn the principles of professional communication, presentation skills and critical thinking skills. Master's theses are designed as independent experimental research projects.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The study of this programme is aimed at an acquirement of detailed knowledge of basic life processes on cellular level in eukaryotic cells. From the continuation viewpoint, this programme is established for alumni of the Bachelor's degree programme Experimental and Molecular Biology with specialization in Cell Biology. Alumni of this Master's degree programme will be able to understand the important biological phenomenons and processes such as cell architecture, cell-cell interactions, cell cycle, cell division, cell signaling and communication, cell differentiation, cellular pathology, cell death, etc. A complex insight into these processes and phenomenons will be emphasised as well as into their consequences on tissue or organismal levels. The study will encompass the unicellular eukaryotic microorganisms, protozoans, fungi and plant cells, but the animal and human cells will be accented due to the fact that these cell types represent the main biological models in modern cell biology. The area of applied cell biology, i.e. the practical use of the above mentioned knowledge in biotechnologies and in various fields of biomedicine will be also included in the study plans. The students will be also able to use the up-to-date imaging methods as well as the methods of cell and molecular biology including appropriate bioinformatic approaches. The active English language with professional terminology will be also required. The regular seminars, in which the students will acquire the communication skills, the convention of discussions on given scientific topics, the rules of presentation of their own results as well as the ability of critical thinking. Diploma theses will be composed as the individual research projects; thus, the alumni are expected to continue their scientific careers, especially in the doctoral degree programs. They also can work in clinical laboratories, biobanks, biotechnologcal or trade companies.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    Graduates of the Cell Biology programme are primarily qualified for a career as scientists in basic or applied research (institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, departmental research institutes, university departments).

    However, their knowledge and skills will also be useful in practice, especially in biomedical fields: they can be employed in various professional positions in reproductive medicine clinics, immunology or haematology laboratories, blood banks, tissue and cell banks and biotechnology companies.

    We also expect their good employability in the commercial sphere, specifically in commercial companies as product specialists in various areas of Life Sciences.

  • Practical Training

    This is an academic study programme in which no mandatory work experience is required.

    You will acquire your practical knowledge in the exercises that are an integral part of many courses in the curriculum. However, you will be further involved in research, laboratory and clinical practice especially during your diploma thesis work, either in one of the research teams directly involved in teaching or in a collaborating external research institution.

  • Access to Further Studies

    Graduates of this study programme in Cell Biology can continue their doctoral studies directly at the Faculty of Science (DSP Biology - primarily in Cell and Molecular Biology and Genetics, possibly also in other relevant fields according to the specific topic, and DSP Life Sciences).

    Furthermore, we expect the graduates to successfully apply for doctoral studies at the MU Faculty of Medicine (DSP Oncology, DSP Medical Biology, or DSP Anatomy, Histology and Embryology), as well as at other universities in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Basic information

master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree in Advanced Master's state examination
Length of studies
2 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students

Faculty of Science
Programme guaranteed by