Degree programme objectives

The purpose of this Bachelor’s degree study programme is to acquire and internalize the basic level of education and special competences for the professional work of a historian, namely taking up high school knowledge. Students will acquire an overview of Czech and general history from prehistoric times up to the present and will acquaint themselves with the methodology and organization of historical research and important moments in historiography. Choosing facultative lectures and seminars, students can focus their interest in specific historical periods or topics. The study of history is intended not only for those concerned with the field of history and historiography, but also for people interested in other social sciences and humanities: the Bachelor’s degree study programme in history represents a suitable introduction to further study in different disciplines, since it provides basic information and findings about the function, logic, and structure of human society in the course of history. Students learn how to work with historical sources and how to obtain, analyse, and contextualize their information potential. Students are directed in both the individual searching and critical sorting of information. Abilities in relevant argumentation and independent critical thinking are particularly encouraged and desired. Acquiring such knowledge and competences is very important in terms of the nature of the field, i.e. the fact that knowledge and understanding of history is not direct, but mediated through historical evidence.

The Bachelor’s degree study programme is on offer either as one study programme (single-subject study) or a combination of two separate study programmes (two-subject study).

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The purpose of this Bachelor’s degree study programme is to acquire and internalize the basic level of education and special competences for the professional work of a historian, namely taking up high school knowledge. Students will acquire an overview of Czech and general history from prehistoric times up to the present and will acquaint themselves with the methodology and organization of historical research and important moments in historiography. Choosing facultative lectures and seminars, students can focus their interest in specific historical periods or topics. The study of history is intended not only for those concerned with the field of history and historiography, but also for people interested in other social sciences and humanities: the Bachelor’s degree study programme in history represents a suitable introduction to further study in different disciplines, since it provides basic information and findings about the function, logic, and structure of human society in the course of history. Students learn how to work with historical sources and how to obtain, analyse, and contextualize their information potential. Students are directed in both the individual searching and critical sorting of information. Abilities in relevant argumentation and independent critical thinking are particularly encouraged and desired. Acquiring such knowledge and competences is very important in terms of the nature of the field, i.e. the fact that knowledge and understanding of history is not direct, but mediated through historical evidence.

    The Bachelor’s degree study programme is on offer either as one study programme (single-subject study) or a combination of two separate study programmes (two-subject study).

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • understand context, be familiar with the basic methodological approaches, and be able to define key terms in historical development
    • demonstrate being well versed in the literature, work with sources and interpret them, and show a command of the basic methodology of historical research in their written work

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    Graduates are qualified for posts as lower professional assistants in academic institutions, libraries, and information, documentation, and bibliographical centres and museums, as well as for work in the media and in publishing and in expert teams focused on culture and history in state and private institutions.

  • Goals of Theses

    The submitted Bachelor’s thesis is intended to prove that based on literature and primary sources and under the guidance of a supervisor the student is able to define, critically analyse and interpret historical issues on an expert level. The evaluation of the thesis concentrates on the understanding of the subject as well as the presentation of the topic.

    The minimum length of the Bachelor’s thesis is 70,000 characters. The thesis is written on white A4 paper, the paginated sheets are bound in hardcover. The title page is an obligatory part of the thesis. It contains the names of the university, faculty, department, title of the thesis, type of the thesis (Bachelor’s or Master’s), names of the author and the supervisor, year of submitting, author’s declaration on the originality of the thesis, contents, list of primary sources and literature and footnotes. The thesis is assigned upon the registration of the first Thesis Workshop, which is usually at the beginning of the fifth semester. The student is entitled to suggest the subject of his/her Bachelor’s thesis and ask a relevant teacher for supervision. Students publish their thesis by means of inserting its digital version into IS MUNI.

  • Access to Further Studies

    After completing the Bachelor’s degree study programme, it is possible to continue further studies (after satisfying the admission requirements) in the Master’s degree study programme of historical studies and related subjects.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Arts
Programme guaranteed by
Programme guarantor