Much more than just a chicken scratch

Degree programme objectives

The study of Japanese Studies provides a basic insight into philologicaly oriented study of Japanese culture and society. The Bachelor's degree programme is based on two basic grounds: intensive cours in modern Japanese language and set of courses specialized in Japanese history, literature and society topics. The goal of the language course is to equip students with complex passive and active knowledge of modern Japanese (both spoken and written) in a short period of time. The specialize courses equip students with theoretical knowledge of the Japanese culture and society, that is supposed to be further developed in a philological manner, e.i. through a conscious work with texts. Besides a general introduction to a philological form of Japanese Studies, the students are taught also application of scientific work on specific japanological topics that are related to teachers' specializations. In this way the Japanese Studies programme does not educate students through the Japanese language, but also serves as an example of a philology on a general level.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The study of Japanese Studies provides a basic insight into philologicaly oriented study of Japanese culture and society. The Bachelor's degree programme is based on two basic grounds: intensive cours in modern Japanese language and set of courses specialized in Japanese history, literature and society topics. The goal of the language course is to equip students with complex passive and active knowledge of modern Japanese (both spoken and written) in a short period of time. The specialize courses equip students with theoretical knowledge of the Japanese culture and society, that is supposed to be further developed in a philological manner, e.i. through a conscious work with texts. Besides a general introduction to a philological form of Japanese Studies, the students are taught also application of scientific work on specific japanological topics that are related to teachers' specializations. In this way the Japanese Studies programme does not educate students through the Japanese language, but also serves as an example of a philology on a general level.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • Independently interpret medium-difficult texts in Japanese (both written and spoken)
    • Communicate and mediate commuication in Japanese with regards to socio-cultural specifics
    • Develop his/her own linguistic competences at all levels
    • Describe and demonstrate a methodology of philological work on a Japanese example
    • Characterize modern Japanese language on a theoretical level
    • Navigate basic literature in the field of Japanese Studies
    • Search and use relevant sources and information related to the field of study
    • Analyze specific phenomena of Japanese culture and society in context
    • Criticaly evaluate the quality of information with respect to the Japanese Studies matters
    • Positive self-development, reflecting on himself/herself

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    The graduates of this study programme are equipped for work in a broad spectrum of institutions, where knowledge and skills acquired during the study can be put into practice. Besides general philological skills the graduates can apply their linguistic competences in modern Japanese language, knowledge of intercultural communication and skills for work with texts. Some areas of potential employment include tourism, language services (translation, interpretation), international business, communication mediating in Japanese production companies, cultural institutions, media and others.

    At the same time the graduates are equipped sufficently for continuing in a graduate study program both in the Czech republic and abroad.

  • Goals of Theses

    From a formal point of view, the thesis should meet the standard requirements for bachelor thesis at the MU Faculty of Arts, including the title page, abstract, notes and bibliography etc. The list of key words, bibliographic record and abstract should be given in both Czech and English.

    From the content point of view the Bachelor's thesis is supposed to demonstrate the candidate's skills to complete an assignment using methodological tools acquired during the study. A clear definition of a research question as well as description of a methodology, analysis of data and secondary sources and clear conclusion are expected. So is propper stylistics and language use, graphic form, handling of sources (citations etc.) and following all formal requirements that are generally accepted in philologies.

  • Access to Further Studies

    After completion of the Bachelor's studies and on fulfilling requirements for entrance, it is possible to continui further studies in Japanese Studies Master's degree programme (F15001 or F15003) at the Masaryk University's Faculty of Arts.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Arts
Programme guaranteed by
Programme guarantor