Place is the base.

Degree programme objectives

The main objective of this program is to provide students with multidisciplinary theoretical knowledge and practical skills that are necessary for the application of systemic approaches towards optimal management of societal-territorial structures. The development will be perceived with regard to its economic, social and environmental connotations. The study develops the system knowledge necessary for the optimal use of territorial prerequisites with special attention to the implementation of development projects and tourism, which is an increasingly important factor in territorial development in all geographical scales. Students will acquire deeper skills needed to find the procedural interplay of public and private actors of socio-economic development in the region. A systemic approach to regional development is a characteristic feature of this program.

Study plans

Admission Procedures
Application procedure into Master's degree programmes in English - Spring semester 2024/2025
Submission deadline until midnight 15/10/2024


  • Objectives

    The main objective of this program is to provide students with multidisciplinary theoretical knowledge and practical skills that are necessary for the application of systemic approaches towards optimal management of societal-territorial structures. The development will be perceived with regard to its economic, social and environmental connotations. The study develops the system knowledge necessary for the optimal use of territorial prerequisites with special attention to the implementation of development projects and tourism, which is an increasingly important factor in territorial development in all geographical scales. Students will acquire deeper skills needed to find the procedural interplay of public and private actors of socio-economic development in the region. A systemic approach to regional development is a characteristic feature of this program.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • explain the principles of spatial development and apply methodical approaches used in regional economics and related disciplines,
    • participate in creating development concepts, strategies and projects at the regional, national or transnational (e.g., European Union) levels,
    • evaluate the importance and potential benefits of individual instruments of regional policy (with emphasis on the EU cohesion policy), innovation policy and tourism policy at regional, national and transnational levels,
    • apply the acquired knowledge in the management and marketing of tourism and other fields with strong links to the spatial dimension of business,
    • process applications for project support from national and transnational public sources,
    • reflect the environmental aspects of sustainable (regional) development thanks to the knowledge of global environmental problems and the potential negative impacts of development projects and tourism,
    • communicate with experts from related disciplines (e.g., public economics, business management, spatial planning, sociology and ecology).
  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    Graduates of the program will acquire competencies that will enable them to pursue their careers in both public and private institutions, from the local to the transnational level. Potential work opportunities include more demanding professional positions in state or territorial administration and self-government, regional development and tourism consultants (e.g., in development companies and agencies), project and destination managers, or investment analyst and consultant positions. They can also work in middle and higher managerial positions in companies.

  • Practical Training

    Practical training is not an obligatory part of this study programme. International internships are supported within Erasmus/Erasmus + programme framework.

  • Goals of Theses

    The diploma thesis is one of the essential parts of the study, in which each student demonstrates the ability to work independently and analyse defined problems. Diploma thesis should demonstrate the capability of the student to apply critical analysis and synthesis of the gathered information related to the selected topic. The length of the final work is between 60 and 80 pages without attachments. More detailed requirements for diploma theses are given by internal regulations of the Faculty of Economics and Administration and Masaryk University.

  • Access to Further Studies

    The graduates can (after fulfilling the conditions of admission) continue their studies in the doctoral study program Regional Economics, which is offered in full-time and combined study mode.

Basic information

master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Length of studies
2 years
Language of instruction
English English
Annual tuition fee
CZK 95,000

number of active students

Faculty of Economics and Administration
Programme guaranteed by