Understanding the causes of the global change turns it from threat to opportunity

Degree programme specification

One of the challenges facing human society today is to understand the main causes and possible impacts of current global environmental change, and then to find appropriate ways to adapt to that change. The main goal of the study program is to offer students a geographical view of the current very dynamic environmental changes. The physical basis of the global environmental change is studied from the perspective of the main disciplines of physical geography. The part of the study program that focuses on the impact on society and the possibilities of adaptation is the domain of social geography. Knowledge and skills associated with methods of studying the spatio-temporal variability of the global change manifestations are covered by subjects in the field of geoinformatics and cartography.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    One of the challenges facing human society today is to understand the main causes and possible impacts of current global environmental change, and then to find appropriate ways to adapt to that change. The main goal of the study programme is to offer students a geographical view of the current very dynamic environmental changes. The physical basis of the global environmental change is studied from the perspective of the main disciplines of physical geography. The part of the study programme that focuses on the impact on society and the possibilities of adaptation is the domain of human geography. In the field of human geography, this programme will offer students a current view of the issues related to the global implications of urbanism, migration, tourism, uneven economic development, or age structure changes. Knowledge and skills associated with methods of studying the spatio-temporal variability of the global change manifestations are covered by subjects in the field of geoinformatics and cartography.

    The programme is suitable for students who would like to gain a deeper understanding of current environmental problems and would like to contribute to their solution either by their own research activities or by applying the acquired knowledge and skills in the public administration or the private sector.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • Explain the role of the main natural and anthropogenic forcings that cause global environmental change, including feedback mechanisms and the main positive and negative impacts of global change.
    • Perform geographical analysis and synthesis of natural and socio-economic processes of different spatial scale (local, regional, global) and different dynamics over time.
    • Identify, model and evaluate negative impacts of global environmental change in the Earth system spheres from local to global scales. Identify, model and evaluate natural hazards and risks affecting human society.
    • Apply tools of geo-informatics and cartography and methods of statistical data processing in solving specific physical-geographical and socio-economic tasks.
    • Interpret, discuss and evaluate available adaptation measures and design new one with respect to regional and cultural specifics
    • Generate and advocate his/her professional decisions and bear full responsibility for them

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    There is growing urgency for experts in the field of the environmental change globaly. Your career opportunities will not be restricted to a national level. Graduates may develop careers around the world across the scientific and educational institutions, non-profit organizations, environmental agencies and state administration.

  • Practical Training

    Practical training is not required.

    Further information can be found here:


  • Goals of Theses

    The diploma thesis is focused on solving specific issues related to the manifestations, causes and impacts of the global environmental change, with possible adaptations and also with procedures that will lead to the mitigation of negative impacts. The thesis has the character of a scientific study of basic or applied research. Depending on the topic, the graduate also demonstrates mastery of contemporary field, laboratory, cartographic, geoinformatics and statistical methods and techniques.

    The student prepares the thesis in the form of a comprehensive dissertation (60 to 80 pages of text), which also includes a research overview of the current state of affairs and a discussion of their own results in the context of current knowledge about the issue. For each diploma thesis, the fulfillment of the requirements arising from its assignment, professional level, formal and linguistic adjustment, quality and aesthetics of the performance are evaluated.

  • Access to Further Studies

    The graduation of this Master’s degree should motivate talented and involved students to continue their PhD studies either at the Department of Geography Masaryk University or in the study of other environmentally oriented PhD programmes worldwide.

Basic information

master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree in Advanced Master's state examination
Length of studies
2 years
Language of instruction
English English
Annual tuition fee

number of active students

Faculty of Science
Programme guaranteed by