a 2012

P-3 like wave occurs in diverse contexts of the target and nontarget ERPs elicited in human brain during visual oddball task


Basic information

Original name

P-3 like wave occurs in diverse contexts of the target and nontarget ERPs elicited in human brain during visual oddball task

Name in Czech

P3-like vlna se vyskytuje v různém kontextu terčových a neterčových ERP vyvolaných v lidském mozku během visuálního oddball úkolu


1st Conference of the European Society fo Cognitive and Affective Neursoscience, Marseille, France, 2012

Other information



Type of outcome

Conference abstract

Field of Study

30000 3. Medical and Health Sciences

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

Organization unit

Faculty of Medicine


International impact
Changed: 24/10/2012 09:24, doc. MUDr. Alena Damborská, Ph.D.


V originále

This study concerns the P3-like wave in the context of the target and nontarget event-related potentials (ERPs) recorded in cortical and subcortical regions. Electrical activity from 152 brain regions of 14 epileptic patients was recorded by means of depth electrodes during a visual oddball task. P3-like wave as one of the target ERP components was generated in 34 regions of 12 patients. Among these regions the target ERP varied: (1) in configuration (the number of the components – from 1 to 5, most often 2; the latency of the earliest component -from 86 to 594 ms after the stimulus onset; the symmetry in polarity of the components - number of positive and negative components either differed or not), and (2) in similarity with the nontarget ERP (the number, latency, and polarity of the nontarget components were almost identical in 10 and different in 24 brain regions). The study showed that the P3-like wave may be elicited as a component of various target ERPs, which either differ or not from the nontarget ones. The fact that the active regions generated the P3-like wave in such diverse contexts could signify that these regions are engaged in the task differentially.


ED1.1.00/02.0068, research and development project
Name: CEITEC - central european institute of technology
MSM0021622404, plan (intention)
Name: Vnitřní organizace a neurobiologické mechanismy funkčních systémů CNS
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, The internal organisation and neurobiological mechanisms of functional CNS systems under normal and pathological conditions.