V originále
Antonin Šourek e češkija učitel, koito dojde v Balgarija prez 1880 g. i e naznačen za prepodavatel po matematika v gimnaziite v Sliven i Plovdiv. Ot 1890 g. raboti na Sofijskija universitet i e naznačen za redoven profesor. Avtor e na redica učebnicite i ima vlijanie varchu izučavaneto na matematika v Balgarija. V kraja na života piše spomenite si za parvite si godini v Balgarija, koito izdava v sp. Čechoslovaški obzor. V doklada si iskam da analiziram spomenite na Šourek i predstavja pogleda mu na pogavašnata situacija v Balgarija.
Antonín Šourek was Czech teacher, who came to Bulgaria in 1880 and became professor of mathematics and physics in the grammar school in Sliven, then in Plovdiv. He worked in Sofia since 1890 and was promoted to professorship at the Sofia University in 1893. Šourek wrote many textbooks and had great influence on teaching mathematics in Bulgaria. At the end of his life he wrote memoirs about his first years in Bulgaria, which were published in journal called Československý obzor (Czechoslovak horizon). The aim of this paper is to analyze the memoirs of Antonín Šourek and present his point of view on situation in Bulgaria at the end of the 19th century.