arXiv:1212.5123v2[math.CT]9Dec2013 TWO DIMENSIONAL MONADICITY JOHN BOURKE Abstract. The behaviour of limits of weak morphisms in 2-dimensional universal algebra is not 2-categorical in that, to fully express the behaviour that occurs, one needs to be able to quantify over strict morphisms amongst the weaker kinds. F-categories were introduced to express this interplay between strict and weak morphisms. We express doctrinal adjunction as an F-categorical lifting property and use this to give monadicity theorems, expressed using the language of F-categories, that cover each weaker kind of morphism. 1. Introduction The category of monoids sits over the category of sets via a forgetful functor U : Mon → Set. This functor is monadic in the sense that it has a left adjoint F and the canonical comparison E : Mon → SetT to the category of algebras for the induced monad T = UF is an equivalence of categories. So if you are interested in monoids you can set about proving some theorem about algebras for an abstract monad T and be sure it holds for monoids, or any variety of universal algebra for that matter: this is the categorical approach to universal algebra via monads. Before going down this path one thing must be established – namely, the monadicity of U. To this end the fundamental theorem is Beck’s monadicity theorem [2] which asserts that a functor U : A → B is monadic just when it admits a left adjoint, is conservative and creates U-absolute coequalisers. What makes the theorem so useful in practice is that the conditions, up to the existence of a left adjoint, are cast entirely in terms of the typically simple U – these conditions are clearly met for monoids or indeed any variety (see Section 6.8 of [18]). Now our interest is not in universal algebra, but in two dimensional universal algebra and 2-monads, and monadicity as appropriate to this setting. What do we mean by the varieties of 2-dimensional universal algebra? Monoidal structure borne by categories provides a basic example: one observes that associated to this notion are several kinds of structure. On the objects front we have at least strict monoidal categories and monoidal categories of interest. Between these are strict, strong, lax and colax monoidal functors all commonly arising, between which we have just one kind of monoidal transformation. Restricting ourselves to just one kind of object, let us take the monoidal categories, we still find that we are presented with four related 2-categories MonCatw, where w ∈ {s, p, l, c}, living over Date: December 10, 2013. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 18D05. Supported by the Grant agency of the Czech Republic under the grant P201/12/G028. 1 2 JOHN BOURKE the 2-category of categories Cat as on the left below. (1) MonCats MonCatp MonCatl MonCatc Cat GG UU♦♦♦♦♦♦ 99❖❖❖❖❖❖ Vs 11❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ Vp  Vl ÖÖ Vc {{✇✇✇✇✇✇✇✇✇✇ T-Algs T-Algp T-Algl T-Algc Cat GG UU♦♦♦♦♦ 99❖❖❖❖❖ Us 11❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ Up  Ul ÖÖ Uc {{✇✇✇✇✇✇✇✇✇✇ The objects in each of these are monoidal categories; the morphisms are respectively strict, strong (or pseudo), lax and colax monoidal functors with monoidal transformations between them in each case. The inclusions witness that strict morphisms can be viewed as pseudomorphisms (s ≤ p), which can in turn be viewed as lax or colax (p ≤ l) and (p ≤ c). The situation corresponds with that of a 2-monad T based on Cat, associated with which are several kinds of algebra, including strict and pseudo-algebras. We will only ever consider the strict algebras: note that even non-strict monoidal categories are the strict algebras for a 2-monad, as further discussed below. Between strict algebras are strict, pseudo, lax and colax morphisms, with again a single notion of algebra transformation. As before we obtain a diagram of 2-categories1 and 2-functors over Cat, as on the right above. Comparing the diagrams left and right above we see that a monadicity theorem in this setting ought to match each 2-category on the left with the corresponding one on the right in a compatible way. More precisely, there should exist a 2-monad T on Cat and, for each w ∈ {s, p, l, c}, an equivalence of 2-categories Ew : MonCatw → T-Algw over Cat, as left below (2) MonCatw T-Algw Cat Ew GG Vw ''✼✼✼✼✼✼✼✼✼✼✼ Uw ÓÓ✞✞✞✞✞✞✞✞✞✞✞ MonCatw1 T-Algw1 MonCatw2 T-Algw2 Ew1 GG  Ew2 GG and these equivalences should be natural in the inclusions w1 ≤ w2 for w1, w2 ∈ {s, p, l, c}, as on the right. Now it is well known that such a 2-monad does indeed exist, with, moreover, each comparison Ew : MonCatw → T-Algw an isomorphism of 2-categories. Likewise many of the other varieties of 2-dimensional universal algebra are monadic in this sense. With such varieties as the primary object of study the subject of 2-dimensional monad theory was developed, notably in [3]. General results were obtained such as those enabling one to deduce that each inclusion MonCats → MonCatw has a left 2-adjoint, or establish the bicategorical completeness and cocompleteness of MonCatp. 1The objects in each of these 2-categories are the strict algebras. TWO DIMENSIONAL MONADICITY 3 Of course to apply such abstract results one must first establish monadicity. How is this known? Here the subject diverges substantially from the 1-dimensional approach of Beck’s theorem. The standard approach is that of colimit presentations [15][11]. Here one explicitly constructs the intended 2-monad T as an iterated colimit of free ones, and then performs lengthy calculations with the universal property of the colimit T to establish monadicity in the sense described for monoidal categories above. Now although the natural analogue of Beck’s theorem has been obtained for pseudomonads [17] and pseudoalgebra pseudomorphisms this does not specialise to capture monadicity in the precise sense described above, even when w = p. Our objective in the present paper is to establish 2-dimensional monadicity theorems, in which monadicity is recognised not by using an explicit description of a 2-monad, but by analysing the manner in which the varieties of 2-dimensional universal algebra sit over the base 2-category – as in Diagram 1. Apart from characterising such monadic situations our main results, Theorem 23 through Theorem 25, enable one to establish monadicity when a workable description of a 2-monad is not easily forthcoming. In seeking to understand monadicity in the above sense the first important observation is that the world of strict morphisms is easily understood: one can check that Vs : MonCats → Cat has a left 2-adjoint – say, by an adjoint functor theorem – and then apply the enriched version of Beck’s monadicity theorem [4] to establish strict monadicity. Having observed this to be the case the natural question to ask is: Which properties of the commutative triangle MonCats MonCatw Cat GG Vs ''✼✼✼✼✼✼✼✼✼✼✼ Vw ÓÓ✞✞✞✞✞✞✞✞✞✞✞ ensure that the canonical isomorphism E : MonCats → T-Algs extends to an isomorphism Ew : MonCatw → T-Algw over the base? We answer this question in Theorem 25 but not using the language of 2-categories. For it turns out that these determining properties are not 2-categorical in nature: they cannot be expressed as properties of the 2-categories or 2-functors in the above diagram considered individually. Rather, to express these properties we must be able to single out strict morphisms amongst each weaker kind. Consequently we treat the inclusion MonCats → MonCatw as a single entity, an F-category MonCatw, and the above triangle as a single F-functor V : MonCatw → Cat. Let us now give an overview of the paper and of our line of argument. F-categories were introduced in [16] in order to explain certain relationships between strict and weak morphisms in 2-dimensional universal algebra. We recall some basic facts about F-categories in Section 2, in particular discussing F-categories T-Algw of algebras for a 2-monad and F-categories MonCatw of monoidal categories – we will use monoidal categories as our running example throughout the paper. Given a strict monoidal functor F and an adjunction (ǫ, F ⊣ G, η) the right adjoint G obtains a unique lax monoidal structure such that the adjunction becomes a monoidal adjunction. This is an instance of doctrinal adjunction, the main topic 4 JOHN BOURKE of Section 3, and the first key F-categorical property that we meet. We express three variants of doctrinal adjunction – w-doctrinal adjunction for w ∈ {l, p, c} – as lifting properties of an F-functor, so that the case just described asserts that the forgetful F-functor V : MonCatl → Cat satisfies l-doctrinal adjunction. We define the closely related class w-Doct of w-doctrinal F-functors and analyse the relationships between the different notions for w ∈ {l, p, c}; each such class of Ffunctor is shown to be an orthogonality class in the category of F-categories. In the fourth section we turn to the reason F-categories were introduced in [16] – namely, because of the interplay between strict and weak morphisms, tight and loose, that occurs when considering limits of weak morphisms in 2-dimensional universal algebra. The crucial limits are ¯w-limits of loose morphisms for w ∈ {l, p, c} – after defining these we describe the illuminating case of the colax limit of a lax monoidal functor. We then examine how such limits allow one to represent loose morphisms by tight spans – the nature of this representation is analysed in detail. This analysis allows us to prove the key result of the paper, Theorem 21 of Section 5, an orthogonality result which has nothing to do with 2-monads at all. Its immediate consequence, Corollary 22, ensures that the decomposition in F-CAT MonCats MonCatw Cat j GG V GG = MonCats MonCats MonCatw Cat 1 RR✐✐✐✐✐ j CC❱❱❱❱❱ j  Vs BB❯❯❯❯❯❯❯❯ Vw QQ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ of the forgetful 2-functor Vs : MonCats → Cat is an orthogonal (⊥w-Doct, w-Doct)decomposition. Likewise for a 2-monad T on Cat the F-category T-Algw is obtained as a (⊥w-Doct, w-Doct)-factorisation of Us : T-Algs → Cat. Our monadicity results, given in Section 6, use the uniqueness of (⊥w-Doct, w-Doct)decompositions to extend our understanding of monadicity in the strict setting to cover each weaker kind of morphism. For instance, the isomorphism E : MonCats → T-Algs over Cat induces a commuting diagram as on the outside of MonCats MonCatw Cat j GG V GG T-Algs T-Algw Cat E  Ew  j GG U GG 1  with each horizontal path an orthogonal (⊥w-Doct, w-Doct)-decomposition. The two outer vertical isomorphisms then induce a unique invertible filler Ew : MonCatw → T-Algw, so establishing monadicity in each weaker context. This is the idea behind the main monadicity result, Theorem 25. Naturality in different weaknesses (as in Diagram 2 above) is treated in Theorem 24. In the seventh and final section we describe examples and applications of our results. We begin by completing the example of monoidal categories before moving on to more complex cases. In Theorem 27 we give an example of the kind of monadicity result that cannot be established using techniques, like presentations, that require explicit knowledge of a 2-monad. TWO DIMENSIONAL MONADICITY 5 Acknowledgments. The author thanks Richard Garner, Stephen Lack, Ignacio L´opez Franco, Michael Shulman and Luk´aˇs Vokˇr´ınek for useful feedback during the preparation of this work, and Michael Shulman for carefully reading a preliminary draft. Thanks are due to the referee whose insightful observations enabled us to remove unnecessary hypotheses from the main results. Thanks also to the organisers of the PSSL93 and the Workshop on category theory, in honour of George Janelidze for providing the opportunity to present it, and the members of the Brno Category Theory Seminar for listening to a number of talks about it. 2. F-categories in 2-dimensional universal algebra In this section we recall the notion of F-category, introduced in [16], and a few basic facts about them. 2.1. F-categories. An F-category A is a 2-category with two kinds of 1-cell: those of the 2-category itself which are called loose and a subcategory of tight morphisms containing all of the identities. A second perspective is that an F-category A is specified by a pair of 2-categories Aτ and Aλ connected by a 2-functor j : Aτ → Aλ which is the identity on objects, faithful and locally fully faithful. Here Aλ contains all of the morphisms, which is to say the loose ones, and all 2-cells between them, whilst Aτ contains the tight morphisms together with all 2-cells between them in Aλ. Loose morphisms in A are drawn with wavy arrows A B and tight morphisms with straight arrows A → B, so that a typical diagram in A would be A B C f GGGoGoGoGoGo g  h 111•1•1•1•1•1•1•1• α{Ó ⑧⑧⑧⑧ For each pair of objects A, B ∈ A the inclusion of hom categories jA,B : Aτ (A, B) → Aλ(A, B) constitutes an injective on objects fully faithful functor. In fact F-categories are precisely categories enriched in F, the full subcategory of the arrow category Cat2 whose objects are those functors which are both injective on objects and fully faithful. F is a complete and cocomplete cartesian closed category so that the full theory of enriched categories [8] can be applied to the study of F-categories. To begin with we have F-CAT, the 2-category of F-categories, F-functors and Fnatural transformations. An F-functor F : A → B consists of a pair of 2-functors Fτ : Aτ → Bτ and Fλ : Aλ → Bλ rendering commutative the square Aτ Aλ Bτ Bλ jA GG Fλ  Fτ  jB GG 6 JOHN BOURKE This equally amounts to a 2-functor Fλ : Aλ → Bλ which preserves tightness. An F-natural transformation η : F → G is a 2-natural transformation η : Fλ → Gλ with tight components. 2.2. 2-categories as F-categories. Each 2-category A may be viewed as an Fcategory in two extremal ways: as an F-category in which only the identities are tight, or as an F-category in which all morphisms are tight, whereupon the induced F-category has the form 1 : A → A When we view a 2-category A as an F-category it will always be in this second sense and we again denote it by A. With this convention established we can treat 2-categories as special kinds of Fcategories and unambiguously speak of F-functors F : A → B from 2-categories to F-categories, or from F-categories to 2-categories as in G : B → C. These F-functors appear as triangles A Bτ Bλ Fλ &&✹✹✹✹✹✹✹ Fτ ÔÔ✡✡✡✡✡✡✡ jB GG Bτ Bλ C jA GG Gλ ÔÔ✡✡✡✡✡✡✡ Gτ &&✹✹✹✹✹✹✹ with an F-functor between 2-categories just a 2-functor. Observe that each Fcategory A induces an F-functor from its 2-category of tight morphisms j : Aτ → A which is the identity on tight morphisms and j : Aτ → Aλ on loose ones – we abuse notation by using j in either situation. 2.3. F-categories of monoidal categories. In two-dimensional universal algebra one encounters morphisms of four different flavours and so F-categories naturally arise. Here we recall the various F-categories associated to the notion of monoidal structure – we recall the defining equations for monoidal functors as we will use these later on. The data for a monoidal category consists of a tuple A = (A, ⊗, iA, λA, ρA l , ρA r ) where we use juxtaposition for the tensor product. A lax monoidal functor (F, f, f0) : A B consists of a functor F : A → B, coherence constraints fa,b : Fa ⊗ Fb → F(a ⊗ b) natural in a and b and a comparison f0 : iB → FiA, all satisfying the three conditions below (Fa ⊗ Fb) ⊗ Fc F(a ⊗ b) ⊗ Fc F((a ⊗ b) ⊗ c) Fa ⊗ (Fb ⊗ Fc) Fa ⊗ F(b ⊗ c) F(a ⊗ (b ⊗ c)) fa,b⊗1 GG fa⊗b,c GG 1⊗fb,c GG fa,b⊗c GG λB F a,F b,F c  F λA a,b,c  iB ⊗ Fa FiA ⊗ Fa F(iA ⊗ a) Fa Fa f0⊗1 GG fi,a GG ρB l  F ρA l  (Fa) ⊗ iB Fa ⊗ FiA F(a ⊗ iA) Fa Fa 1⊗f0 GG fa,i GG ρB r  F ρA r  TWO DIMENSIONAL MONADICITY 7 which we call the associativity, left unit and right unit conditions. We call (F, f, f0) strong or strict monoidal just when the constraints fa,b and f0 are invertible or identities respectively; reversing these constraints we obtain the notion of a colax monoidal functor. Fa ⊗ Fb Ga ⊗ Gb F(a ⊗ b) G(a ⊗ b) ηa⊗ηb GG ηa⊗b GG fa,b  ga,b  iB FiA GiA f0 GG g0 77▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ ηiA  Between lax monoidal functors are monoidal transformations η : (F, f, f0) → (G, g, g0): these are natural transformations η : F → G satisfying the two conditions above, which we call the tensor and unit conditions for a monoidal transfor- mation. For w ∈ {s, l, p, c} we thus have w-monoidal functors (with p-monoidal meaning strong monoidal). Together with monoidal categories and monoidal transformations these form a 2-category MonCatw which sits over Cat via a forgetful 2-functor Vw : MonCatw → Cat. Now strict monoidal functors are strong (s ≤ p) and strong monoidal functors can be viewed as lax (p ≤ l) or colax (p ≤ c). Whenever w1 ≤ w2 it follows that we have an F-category MonCatw1,w2 of monoidal categories with tight and loose morphisms the w1 and w2-monoidal functors respectively, as specified by the inclusion j : MonCatw1 → MonCatw2 . Each such F-category comes equipped with a forgetful F-functor V : MonCatw1,w2 → Cat where Vτ = Vw1 and Vλ = Vw2 – see the commuting triangles in Diagram 1 of the Introduction. Of particular importance will be those F-categories MonCats,w for s ≤ w, which we denote by MonCatw. 2.4. F-categories of algebras. Of prime importance are those F-categories associated to a 2-monad T on a 2-category C. Each 2-monad has various associated flavours of algebra and morphism. We will only be interested in strict algebras and will call them algebras. Between algebras we have strict, pseudo, lax and colax morphisms – as with monoidal functors we specify these using s, p, l and c. Drawn in turn from left to right below is the data (f, f) for a strict, pseudo, lax or colax morphism of algebras (f, f) : (A, a) (B, b) TA TB A B Tf GG b  a  f GG TA TB A B Tf GG b  a  f GG ∼= f TA TB A B Tf GG b  a  f GG f TA TB A B Tf GG b  a  f GG f uƒ Thus f is an identity 2-cell in the first case, invertible in the second, and points into or out of f in the lax or colax cases; in all cases these 2-cells are required to satisfy two coherence conditions [12]. There is a single notion of 2-cell between any kind of algebra morphisms; for instance given a pair of lax morphisms (f, f), (g, g) : (A, a) (B, b) an algebra 8 JOHN BOURKE 2-cell α : (f, f) ⇒ (g, g) is a 2-cell α : f ⇒ g satisfying TA TB A B b  f 77 g WW a  Tf GG α  f  = TA TB A B b  g GG a  Tf 88 Tg VV g Tα  whilst the equation in the colax case looks like the lax case with the directions reversed. Algebras, w-algebra morphisms and transformations live in 2-categories T-Algw for w ∈ {s, p, l, c}, each of which comes equipped with an evident forgetful 2-functor to the base, which we always denote by Uw : T-Algw → C. Each strict morphism is a pseudo morphism (s ≤ p), and each pseudomorphism can be viewed either as lax (p ≤ l) or colax (p ≤ c). It follows that for each pair w1, w2 ∈ {s, p, l, c} satisfying w1 ≤ w2 we have an F-category T-Algw1,w2 with tight morphisms the w1-morphisms, and loose morphisms the w2-morphisms. Each comes equipped with a forgetful F-functor U : T-Algw1,w2 → C (so Uτ = Uw1 and Uλ = Uw2 ) – see the commuting triangles of Diagram 1 of the Introduction. Of particular importance are those F-categories T-Algs,w whose tight morphisms are the strict ones, and following [16] we abbreviate these by T-Algw. As well as using j : T-Algs → T-Algw for the defining inclusion and U : T-Algw → C for the forgetful F-functor, we occasionally use jw or Uw if we are in the presence of multiple j’s or U’s. 2.5. Duality between lax and colax morphisms. Colax algebra morphisms are lax algebra morphisms with 2-cells reversed. This statement can be made precise using the covariant duality 2-functor (−)co : 2-CAT → 2-CAT which takes a 2-category C to the 2-category Cco with the same underlying category but with 2cells reversed. Likewise it takes a 2-monad T : C → C to a 2-monad Tco : Cco → Cco and one then has, as noted in [6], an equality Tco -Algl = T-Algco c which restricts to Tco -Algs = T-Algco s . The (−)co duality naturally extends to a 2-functor (−)co : F-CAT → F-CAT under whose action we have that T-Algco c = Tco -Algl and moreover that Uco : T-Algco c → Cco equals U : Tco -Algl → Cco . A consequence of this duality is that each theorem about lax morphisms has a dual version concerning colax morphisms. Indeed all of our definitions and results in the colax case will be dual to those in the lax setting – though we will state these results for colax morphisms it will always suffice to prove results only in the lax setting. 2.6. Equivalence of F-categories. Our monadicity theorems in Section 6 will assert that certain F-categories are equivalent to F-categories of algebras for a TWO DIMENSIONAL MONADICITY 9 2-monad. By an equivalence of F-categories we mean an equivalence in the 2category of F-categories F-CAT, which is to say an equivalence of V-categories for V = F. Recall from [8] that a V-functor F : A → B is an equivalence just when it is essentially surjective on objects and fully faithful in the enriched sense. When V = F the first condition amounts to Fτ : Aτ → Bτ being essentially surjective on objects, in the usual sense. This also implies the weaker statement that Fλ : Aλ → Bλ is essentially surjective on objects. Enriched fully faithfulness of F amounts to Fτ A,B : Aτ (A, B) → Bτ (FA, FB) and FλA,B : Aλ(A, B) → Bλ(FA, FB) being isomorphisms of categories for each pair A, B ∈ A. We conclude that F is an equivalence of F-categories just when both 2-functors Fτ and Fλ are essentially surjective on objects and 2-fully faithful, which is to say that both Fτ and Fλ are 2-equivalences, or equivalences of 2-categories. 3. Doctrinal adjunction and F-categorical lifting properties If a strict monoidal functor has a right adjoint that right adjoint admits a unique lax monoidal structure such that the adjunction lifts to a monoidal adjunction. This is an instance of doctrinal adjunction – the topic of the present section. We begin by recalling Kelly’s treatment of doctrinal adjunction in the setting of 2monads, recasting the notion in F-categorical terms, so that the above special case becomes the assertion that the forgetful F-functor V : MonCatl → Cat satisfies l-doctrinal adjunction – we treat the cases w ∈ {l, p, c}. In Section 3.2 we define the closely related notion of a w-doctrinal F-functor before showing that the wdoctrinal F-functors form an orthogonality class in F-CAT. 3.1. Doctrinal adjunction F-categorically. Doctrinal adjunction was first studied in Kelly’s paper [6] of the same name. Motivated by the example of adjunctions between monoidal categories amongst others, all known to be describable using 2monads via clubs [7] or other techniques, he gave his treatment in the setting of 2-dimensional monad theory. Let us now recall the relevant aspects of this. Given T-algebras (A, a) and (B, b) and a morphism f : A → B together with an adjunction (ǫ, f ⊣ g, η) in the base, his Theorem 1.2 asserts that there is a bijection between colax algebra morphisms of the form (f, f) : (A, a) (B, b) and lax morphisms of the form (g, g) : (B, b) (A, a). The structure 2-cells f : f.a ⇒ b.Tf and g : a.Tg ⇒ g.b are expressed in terms of one another as mates as below TA TB A B TA B b  f GG a  Tf GG 1  Tg ww♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ g ww♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 1  g '5 ❄❄❄❄ Tη CQ ǫ CQ TB TA B A TB A a  g GG b  Tg GG 1  Tf ww♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ f ww♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 1  f‘™❄❄❄❄ Tǫks η ks Since lax and colax morphisms cannot be composed this relationship cannot be expressed 2-categorically or indeed F-categorically – it can be captured using double 10 JOHN BOURKE categories as in Example 5.4 of [22]. However if we start with (f, f) a pseudomorphism then it does live in the same 2-category as the resultant lax morphism (g, g) : (B, b) (A, a). Moreover it is shown in Proposition 1.3 of [6] that the unit and counit η and ǫ then become algebra 2-cells η : 1 ⇒ (g, g) ◦ (f, f) and ǫ : (f, f) ◦ (g, g) ⇒ 1 in T-Algl and so yield an adjunction (ǫ, (f, f) ⊣ (g, g), η) in T-Algl. Dually, if (g, g) were a pseudomorphism, then upon equipping f with the corresponding colax structure (f, f) the adjunction (ǫ, f ⊣ g, η) lifts to an adjunction (ǫ, (f, f) ⊣ (g, g), η) in the 2-category T-Algc. The invertibility of f does not imply the invertibility of its mate g, or vice-versa. However, if both η and ǫ are invertible, then f is invertible just when g is, which is to say that if (ǫ, f ⊣ g, η) is an adjoint equivalence and either f or g admits the structure of a pseudomorphism the adjoint equivalence lifts to an adjoint equivalence in T-Algp. Let us now abstract these lifting properties of adjunctions and adjoint equivalences into properties of the forgetful F-functors U : T-Algw1,w2 → C. By an adjunction or adjoint equivalence in an F-category A we will mean an adjunction or adjoint equivalence in its 2-category Aλ of loose morphisms. Given an F-functor H : A → B and an adjunction (ǫ, f ⊣ g, η) in B a lifting of this adjunction along H is an adjunction (ǫ′, f′ ⊣ g′, η′) in A such that Hf′ = f, Hg′ = g, Hǫ′ = ǫ and Hη′ = η. We will likewise speak of liftings of adjoint equivalences along H. An F-functor H : A → B is said to satisfy • weak l-doctrinal adjunction if for each tight arrow f : A → B ∈ A each adjunction (ǫ, Hf ⊣ g, η) in B lifts along H to an adjunction in A with left adjoint f. • weak p-doctrinal adjunction if for each tight arrow f : A → B ∈ A each adjoint equivalence (ǫ, Hf ⊣ g, η) in B lifts along H to an adjoint equivalence in A with left adjoint f.2 • weak c-doctrinal adjunction if for each tight arrow f : A → B ∈ A each adjunction (ǫ, g ⊣ Hf, η) in B lifts along H to an adjunction in A with right adjoint f. The lifting properties for algebras described above can be rephrased as asserting exactly that the forgetful F-functor U : T-Algp,w → C satisfies weak w-doctrinal adjunction for w ∈ {l, p, c}. Each of these statements asserts that if we are given a pseudomorphism of algebras whose underlying arrow has some kind of adjoint, then that adjunction lifts in a certain way; of course if the starting pseudomorphism were in fact strict then the same lifting will exist so that, in particular, the forgetful F-functor U : T-Algw → C satisfies weak w-doctrinal adjunction for w ∈ {l, p, c}. In fact such forgetful F-functors lift these adjunctions uniquely – as will follow upon considering the following simple lifting properties. Recall that a 2-functor H : A → B reflects identity 2-cells or is locally conservative when it reflects the property of a 2-cell being an identity or an isomorphism, and is locally faithful if it reflects the equality of parallel 2-cells. Let us say that an F-functor H : A → B has any of these three local properties when its loose part Hλ : Aλ → Bλ has 2This lifting property appears biased but of course is not, since the left adjoint of an adjoint equivalence is equally its right adjoint. TWO DIMENSIONAL MONADICITY 11 them: this means that H has these properties with respect to all 2-cells and not just those between tight morphisms. The following is evident from the definition of an algebra 2-cell. Proposition 1. Given w1, w2 ∈ {s, l, p, c} satisfying w1 ≤ w2 the forgetful Ffunctor U : T-Algw1,w2 → C reflects identity 2-cells, is locally conservative and locally faithful. In particular these properties are true of each U : T-Algw → C. Definition 2. Let w ∈ {l, p, c}. An F-functor H : A → B is said to satisfy wdoctrinal adjunction if it satisfies the unique form of weak w-doctrinal adjunction. For instance H : A → B satisfies l-doctrinal adjunction if for each tight arrow f : A → B ∈ A each adjunction (ǫ, Hf ⊣ g, η) in B lifts uniquely along H to an adjunction in A with left adjoint f. Let us note that, since the (−)co duality interchanges left and right adjoints in an F-category, H satisfies c-doctrinal adjunction just when Hco satisfies l-doctrinal adjunction. Since adjoint equivalences are fixed H satisfies p-doctrinal adjunction just when Hco does. Proposition 3. Let w ∈ {l, p, c} and consider H : A → B. (1) If H satisfies weak w-doctrinal adjunction and reflects identity 2-cells it satisfies w-doctrinal adjunction. (2) If H is locally conservative and satisfies l-doctrinal adjunction or c-doctrinal adjunction then H satisfies p-doctrinal adjunction. Proof. (1) To prove the cases w = l and w = p it will suffice to show that any two adjunctions (ǫ, f ⊣ g, η) and (ǫ′, f ⊣ g′, η′) in A with common left adjoint and common image under H necessarily coincide in A. Since adjoints are unique up to isomorphism we have m : g ∼= g′ given by the composite B A A B 1 GG f y y y y g YYY{Y{Y{Y{Y{Y{Y{ 1 GG g′ YYY{Y{Y{Y{Y{Y{Y{ǫ  η′  Using the triangle equations for f ⊣ g and f ⊣ g′ we see that (m.f) ◦ η = η′ and that ǫ′ ◦ (f.m) = ǫ. Now the image of the 2-cell m under H is an identity by one of the triangle equations for Hf ⊣ Hg = Hg′. Therefore m is an identity and g = g′. Since m.f and f.m are identities it follows that η = η′ and ǫ = ǫ′ too. The case w = c is dual. (2) Suppose that H satisfies l-doctrinal adjunction and is locally conservative. Then given a tight arrow f ∈ A each adjoint equivalence (ǫ, Hf ⊣ g, η) in B lifts uniquely to an adjunction (ǫ′, f ⊣ g′, η′) in A. Since H is locally conservative both ǫ′ and η′ are invertible because their images are. Therefore the lifted adjunction is an adjoint equivalence so that H satisfies p-doctrinal adjunction. The c-case is dual. Corollary 4. Let w ∈ {l, p, c}. Then U : T-Algw → C satisfies w-doctrinal adjunction. Furthermore both U : T-Algl → C and U : T-Algc → C satisfy pdoctrinal adjunction. 12 JOHN BOURKE Proof. Since U : T-Algw → C satisfies weak w-doctrinal adjunction and reflects identity 2-cells it follows from Proposition 3.1 that U satisfies w-doctrinal adjunction. Since it is locally conservative the second part of the claim follows from Proposition 3.2. Example 5. In the concrete setting of monoidal categories doctrinal adjunction is well known. Here we describe only those aspects relevant to our needs: namely, that the forgetful F-functors V : MonCatw → Cat satisfy w-doctrinal adjunction for w ∈ {l, p, c}. Consider then a strict monoidal functor F : A → B and an adjunction of categories (ǫ, F ⊣ G, η). The right adjoint G obtains the structure of a lax monoidal functor G = (G, g, g0) : B A with constraints gx,y and g0 given by the composites Gx ⊗ Gy GF(Gx ⊗ Gy) G(FGx ⊗ FGy) G(x ⊗ y) ηGx⊗Gy GG G(ǫx⊗ǫy) GG and ηiA : iA → GFiA = GiB. It is straightforward to show that, with respect to these constraints, the natural transformations ǫ and η become monoidal transformations. Therefore we obtain the lifted adjunction (ǫ, F ⊣ (G, g, g0), η) in MonCatl whose uniqueness follows, using Proposition 3.1, from the fact that V reflects identity 2-cells; thus V : MonCatl → Cat satisfies l-doctrinal adjunction. The cases w = p and w = c are entirely analogous. Note that unless w = l the forgetful F-functor V : MonCatw → Cat does not satisfy l-doctrinal adjunction. That V : MonCatl → Cat itself does so is due to the fact that the constraints fa,b : Fa ⊗ Fb → F(a ⊗ b) and f0 : iB → FiA point in the correct direction – into F – and are not invertible. Whilst l-doctrinal adjunction captures, to some extent, this laxness it does not determine in any way the coherence axioms for a lax monoidal functor. This is illustrated by the fact that there is an F-category of monoidal categories, strict and incoherent lax monoidal functors (these have components f and f0 oriented as above but satisfying no equations) and this too sits over Cat via a forgetful F-functor satisfying l-doctrinal adjunction. 3.2. Reflections and doctrinal F-functors. Although each forgetful F-functor U : T-Algw → C satisfies w-doctrinal adjunction it turns out that, insofar as this property characterises such F-functors, the only relevant adjunctions take a more specialised form. We will begin by treating the cases w = l and w = p, before treating the case w = c by duality. Let us call an adjunction (1, f ⊣ g, η) with tight left adjoint and identity counit an l-reflection. If, in addition, the unit η is invertible then we call the adjunction a p-reflection. A p-reflection is of course an adjoint equivalence. We remark that any adjunction (ǫ, f ⊣ g, η) is determined by three of its four parts: in particular the unit η is the unique 2-cell 1 ⇒ g.f satisfying the triangle equation (ǫ.f) ◦ (f.η) = 1. In a w-reflection (1, f ⊣ g, η) the unit η is therefore uniquely determined by the adjoints f ⊣ g and the knowledge that the counit is the identity – we can thus faithfully abbreviate a w-reflection (1, f ⊣ g, η) by f ⊣ g if convenient. Whilst we only need to consider liftings of w-reflections we also need to consider liftings of morphisms of w-reflections. Consider w-reflections TWO DIMENSIONAL MONADICITY 13 (1, f1 ⊣ g1, η1) and (1, f2 ⊣ g2, η2) and a tight commutative square (r, s) : f1 → f2 as left below. A C B D r GG f2 f1  s GG A C B D r GG g2 yyy yg1 yyy y s GG We call (r, s) : f1 → f2 a morphism of w-reflections if the above square of right adjoints also commutes and furthermore the compatibility with units r.η1 = η2.r is met. Compatibility with the identity counits is automatic. The following lemma is sometimes useful for recognising morphisms of w-reflections. Lemma 6. Let w ∈ {l, p}. Consider w-reflections (1, f1 ⊣ g1, η1) and (1, f2 ⊣ g2, η2) and a tight commuting square (r, s) : f1 → f2. Then (r, s) is a morphism of w-reflections just when its mate m(r, s) : g2.s ⇒ r.g1 is an identity 2-cell. Proof. It suffices to consider the case w = l. Given a morphism of l-reflections (r, s) : f1 → f2 A B C D r GG f2  f1  s GG C BA B C D r GG s GG f1  f2  g1 YYY{Y{Y{Y{Y{Y{Y{ 1 GG 1 GG g2 YYY{Y{Y{Y{Y{Y{Y{ η2  C A A C B D 1 GG f1  g1 YYY{Y{Y{Y{Y{Y{Y{ r GG 1 GG g1 YYY{Y{Y{Y{Y{Y{Y{ η1  s GG g2 YYY{Y{Y{Y{Y{Y{Y{ consider the mate of the left square: the central composite above. As (r, s) is a morphism of l-reflections we have η2.r = r.η1 so that the mate reduces to the rightmost composite: this is an identity by the triangle equation for f1 ⊣ g1. Conversely suppose that the mate of (r, s) : f1 → f2 is an identity. Then (r, s) certainly commutes with the right adjoints so that it remains to verify compatibility with the units. This is straightforward. Note that each F-functor preserves morphisms of w-reflections. The following lifting properties are crucial. For w ∈ {l, p} we say that an F-functor H : A → B satisfies: • w-Refl if given a tight arrow f : A → B ∈ A each w-reflection (1, Hf ⊣ g, η) lifts uniquely along H to a w-reflection (1, f ⊣ g′, η′) in A. • w-Morph if given w-reflections (1, f1 ⊣ g1, η1) and (1, f2 ⊣ g2, η2) a tight commuting square (r, s) : f1 → f2 is a morphism of w-reflections just when its image (Hr, Hs) : Hf1 → Hf2 is one. We say that H : A → B satisfies c-Refl or c-Morph if Hco : Aco → Bco satisfies lRefl or l-Morph respectively. We remark that these c-variants concern c-reflections which are adjunctions with tight right adjoint and identity unit. Definition 7. Let w ∈ {l, p, c}. An F-functor H : A → B is said to be w-doctrinal if it satisfies w-Refl, w-Morph and is locally faithful. We denote the class of wdoctrinal F-functors by w-Doct. The condition that W be locally faithful may seem somewhat unnatural – see the discussion after Theorem 21 for our reasons for including it. Evidently we have that H is c-doctrinal just when Hco is l-doctrinal. Furthermore 14 JOHN BOURKE H is p-doctrinal just when Hco is p-doctrinal. Let us now compare these lifting properties with those of Section 3.1. Lemma 8. Let w ∈ {l, p, c} and consider H : A → B. (1) If H satisfies w-doctrinal adjunction and reflects identity 2-cells then it satisfies w-Refl and w-Morph. (2) If H satisfies w-doctrinal adjunction, reflects identity 2-cells and is locally faithful then it is w-doctrinal. (3) If H is locally conservative, reflects identity 2-cells, is locally faithful and satisfies either l or c-doctrinal adjunction then it is p-doctrinal. Proof. We will only consider the l-case of (1) and (2), all being essentially identical, with the l and c cases dual. (1) Consider a tight morphism f : A → B ∈ A and l-reflection (1, Hf ⊣ g, η). Because H satisfies l-doctrinal adjunction this lifts uniquely to an adjunction (ǫ′, f ⊣ g′, η′) in A. Since Hǫ′ = 1 and H reflects identity 2-cells ǫ′ is an identity. This verifies l-Refl. For l-Morph consider l-reflections (1, f1 ⊣ g1, η1) and (1, f2 ⊣ g2, η2) in A and a tight morphism (r, s) : f1 → f2 such that (Hr, Hs) : Hf1 → Hf2 is a morphism of l-reflections; we must show (r, s) : f1 → f2 is one too. By Lemma 6 this is equally to say that the mate mr,s : r.g1 ⇒ g2.s of this square is an identity 2-cell, so giving a commutative square (s, r) : g1 → g2. So it will suffice to check Hmr,s is an identity. But Hmr,s = mHr,Hs which is an identity since (Hr, Hs) is a morphism of l-reflections. (2) Since w-doctrinal just means w-Refl and w-Morph together with local faithfulness this follows immediately from Part 1. (3) Since by Proposition 3.2 such an F-functor satisfies p-doctrinal adjunction this follows from Part 2. Corollary 9. Let T be a 2-monad on C. For each w ∈ {l, p, c} the forgetful Ffunctor U : T-Algw → C is w-doctrinal. Furthermore both U : T-Algl → C and U : T-Algc → C are p-doctrinal. Proof. Since U : T-Algw → C satisfies w-doctrinal adjunction, reflects identity 2cells and is locally conservative the first claim follows from Lemma 8.2; since each such U is also locally conservative the second claim follows from Lemma 8.3. Let us conclude by mentioning a further evident example of w-doctrinal F- functors. Proposition 10. Let w ∈ {l, p, c}. If H : A → B is such that Hλ : Aλ → Bλ is 2-fully faithful then H is w-doctrinal for each w. In particular each equivalence of F-categories is w-doctrinal for each w. 3.3. A small orthogonality class. Though not strictly necessary in what follows let us remark that, with the exception of weak w-doctrinal adjunction, all of the lifting/reflection properties so far considered are expressible as orthogonal lifting properties in F-CAT. Certainly it is not hard to see that this is true of the property of reflecting identity 2-cells, or of being locally faithful or locally conservative. Less obvious is that this is true of the notion of w-doctrinal adjunction or of the conditions w-Refl and w-Morph, in particular of the condition w-Morph concerning TWO DIMENSIONAL MONADICITY 15 liftings of morphisms of adjunctions. We describe the conditions l-Refl and l-Morph here – the p and c cases being similar. To this end consider the following F-category Adjl depicted in its entirety on the left below 0 0 1 1 1  f GG g zz zX zX zX zX zX zX zX f GG 1  η CQ 2 Adjl A B j GG   H GGzz F-CAT(Adjl, A) F-CAT(Adjl, B) F-CAT(2, A) F-CAT(2, B) H∗ GG j∗  j∗  H∗ GG where g.f is loose, f.g = 1, f.η = 1 and η.g = 1. This is the free adjunction with identity counit and tight left adjoint f. It has a single non-identity tight arrow f so that Adjlτ equals the free tight arrow 2; therefore the inclusion Adjlτ → Adjl is the F-functor j : 2 → Adjl selecting f. Now to give a commutative square as in the middle above is to give a tight arrow f ∈ A and adjunction (1, Hf ⊣ g, η) in B. To give a filler is to lift the adjunction along H to an adjunction (1, f ⊣ g′, η′) in A; thus H is orthogonal to j when condition l-Refl is met. The conditions l-Refl and l-Morph together assert exactly that j and H are orthogonal in F-CAT as a 2category – this means that the right square above is a pullback in CAT. In fact by a standard argument the conditions l-Refl and l-Morph jointly amount to ordinary (1-categorical) orthogonality against the single F-functor j × 1 : 2 × 2 → Adjl × 2, of which j is a retract. Therefore the class of w-doctrinal F-functors, w-Doct, forms an orthogonality class in the category of F-categories and F-functors. The following section is geared towards establishing sufficient conditions on an F-category A under which the inclusion j : Aτ → A belongs to ⊥w-Doct – is orthogonal to each w-doctrinal F-functor. 4. Loose morphisms as spans We now consider completeness properties of F-categories appropriate to those of the form T-Algw. In an F-category A with such completeness properties we can represent loose morphisms in A by certain tight spans. In the lax setting, for instance, each loose morphism f : A B is represented as a tight span Cf : A → B CfA B pf ⊣rf oo qf GG by taking its colax limit. The tight left leg pf : Cf → A is part of an l-reflection (1, pf ⊣ rf , ηf ) from which f can be recovered as the composite qf .rf : A Cf → B. In the present section we analyse this representation of loose morphisms by tight spans in detail, beginning with a discussion of the relevant limits. 4.1. Limits of loose morphisms. The main reason that F-categories were introduced in [16] was to capture the behaviour of limits in 2-categories of the form T-Algw for w ∈ {l, p, c}. In such 2-categories many 2-categorical limits have an F-categorical aspect – namely, that the projections from the limit are strict and jointly detect strictness. Interpreted in the F-category T-Algw this asserts that the limit projections are tight and jointly detect tightness. This latter property is exactly that which distinguishes F-categorical limits (in the sense of F-enriched category theory) from 2-categorical ones (see Proposition 3.6 of [16]). We will 16 JOHN BOURKE only need a few basic F-categorical limits and our treatment, in what follows, is elementary. There are three limits to consider here – colax, pseudo and lax limits of loose morphisms – these correspond, in turn, to lax, pseudo and colax morphisms. As we always lead with the case of lax morphisms we focus here primarily on colax limits. Given a loose morphism f : A B ∈ A its (colax/pseudo/lax)-limit consists of an object Cf /Pf /Lf and a (colax/pseudo/lax)-cone (pf , λf , qf ) as below Cf A B pf ⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧ qf 11❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ f GGGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGo λf  Pf A B pf ⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧ qf 11❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ f GGGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGo ∼=λf Lf A B pf ⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧ qf 11❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ f GGGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGo λf uƒ with both projections pf and qf tight. The colax limit Cf 3 is required to be the usual 2-categorical colax limit of an arrow [13] in Aλ: this means that it has the following two universal properties. (1) Given any colax cone (r, α, s) as below X A B r  c c c c c s 111•1•1•1•1• f GGGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGo α  there exists a unique t : X Cf satisfying pf .t = r, qf .t = s and λf .t = α (2) Given a pair of colax cones (r, α, s) and (r′, α′, s′) with common base X together with 2-cells θr : r ⇒ r′ ∈ Aλ(X, A) and θs : s ⇒ s′ ∈ Aλ(X, B) satisfying s s′ fr fr′ θs CQ α′ α  fθr CQ there exists a unique 2-cell φ : t ⇒ t′ ∈ Aλ(X, Cf ) between the induced factorisations such that pf .φ = θr and qf .φ = θs . For Cf to be the colax limit of f in the F-categorical sense we must also have (3) A morphism t : X Cf is tight just when pf .t and qf .t are tight – the projections jointly detect tightness. In the case of the pseudolimit Pf the 2-cell λf is required to be invertible. If we call those colax cones with an invertible 2-cell pseudo-cones then the universal properties of (1) and (2) above are only changed by replacing colax cones by pseudo-cones – thus (pf , λf , qf ) is the universal pseudo-cone. The F-categorical 3Colax limits of arrows are usually called oplax limits of arrows. We prefer colax limits here since they are lax limits in Aco rather than Aop and, similarly, sit better with our usage of lax and colax morphisms. TWO DIMENSIONAL MONADICITY 17 aspect of (3) remains the same. The lax limit of f is simply the colax limit in Aco. For w ∈ {l, p, c} let us write w-limit of a loose morphism as an abbreviation, so that c-limit stands for colax limit, for instance. Now we mentioned above that lax morphisms correspond to colax limits and so on. To capture this let us set l = c, ¯p = p and ¯c = l as in [16]: the correspondence is captured by the following result. Proposition 11. Let w ∈ {l, p, c}. The forgetful F-functor U : T-Algw → C creates w-limits of loose morphisms. In its F-categorical formulation above this is a specialisation of Theorem 5.13 of [16] which characterises those limits created by the forgetful F-functors U : T-Algw → C. However for w-limits of loose morphisms, as concern us, the result goes back to [3] and [13]. Because lax limits are colax limits in Aco we can and will avoid them entirely. In order to work with colax and pseudolimits simultaneously let us introduce a final piece of notation. For w ∈ {l, p} we will use ¯Wf A B pf ⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧ qf 11❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ f GGGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGo λf  to denote the w-limit of f and universal w-cone: so Cf and its colax cone when w = l and Pf when w = p. When w = p the 2-cell λf should be interpreted as invertible. Example 12. In Cat the colax limit of a functor F : A → B is given by the comma category B/F: this has objects (x, α : x → Fa, a) and morphisms (r, s) : (x, α, a) → (y, β, b) given by pairs of arrows r : x → y ∈ B and s : a → b ∈ A rendering commutative the square on the left. x Fa y Fb α GG β GG r  F s  B/F A B p ||②②②②②②② q 44❊❊❊❊❊❊❊ F GG λ  The projections p : B/F → A and q : B/F → B of the colax cone (p, λ, q) act on a morphism (r, s) of B/F as p(r, s) = s : a → b and q(r, s) = r : x → y; the value of λ : q ⇒ pF at (x, α, a) is simply the morphism α : x → Fa itself. The pseudolimit of F is the full subcategory of B/F whose objects are those pairs (α : x → Fa, a) with α invertible, whilst the lax limit of F is the comma category F/B. Example 13. It is illuminating to consider the colax limit of a lax monoidal functor F = (F, f, f0) : A B. The forgetful F-functor U : MonCatl → Cat creates these limits: to see how this goes first consider the colax limit of the functor F, the comma category B/F equipped with its colax cone (p, λ, q) described above. The crux of the argument is to show that this lifts uniquely to a colax cone in MonCatl: that B/F admits a unique monoidal structure such that p and q become strict monoidal and λ a monoidal transformation. 18 JOHN BOURKE So consider two objects (x, α, a) and (y, β, b) of B/F: if p and q are to be strict monoidal the tensor product (x, α, a) ⊗ (y, β, b) must certainly be of the form (x ⊗ y, θ, a⊗b); furthermore the tensor condition for λ to be a monoidal transformation interpreted at this pair asserts precisely that (x, α, a) ⊗ (y, β, b) equals x ⊗ y Fa ⊗ Fb F(a ⊗ b) α⊗β GG fa,b GG Likewise the unit condition for a monoidal transformation forces us to define the unit of B/F to be (f0 : iB → FiA, iA). For p and q to preserve tensor products of morphisms we must define the tensor product as (r, s) ⊗ (r′, s′) = (r ⊗ r′, s ⊗ s′) at morphisms of B/F – to say the resulting pair is a morphism of B/F is then to say that the following square is commutative. x ⊗ y Fa ⊗ Fb F(a ⊗ b) x′ ⊗ y′ Fa′ ⊗ Fb′ F(a′ ⊗ b′) α⊗β GG fa,b GG α′⊗β′ GG fa′,b′ GG r⊗r′  F (s⊗s′)  F s⊗F s′  The left square trivially commutes and the right square commutes by naturality of the fa,b. It remains to give the associator and the left and right unit constraints for the monoidal structure on B/F – this is where the coherence axioms for a lax monoidal functor finally come into play. Certainly if p and q are to be strict monoidal they must preserve the associators strictly: this means that the associator at a triple of objects ((x, α, a), (y, β, b), (z, γ, c)) of B/F must be given by (λB x,y,z, λA a,b,c). To say that this is a morphism of B/F is equally to say that the composite square (x ⊗ y) ⊗ z (Fa ⊗ Fb) ⊗ Fc F(a ⊗ b) ⊗ Fc F((a ⊗ b) ⊗ c) x ⊗ (y ⊗ z) Fa ⊗ (Fb ⊗ Fc) Fa ⊗ F(b ⊗ c) F(a ⊗ (b ⊗ c)) (α⊗β)⊗γ GG fa,b⊗1 GG fa⊗b,c GG α⊗(β⊗γ) GG 1⊗fb,c GG fa,b⊗c GG λB x,y,z  λB F a,F b,F c  F λA a,b,c  is commutative. The left square commutes by naturality of the associators in B with the right square asserting exactly the associativity condition for a lax monoidal functor. Similarly the left and right unit constraints at (x, α, a) must be given by (ρB l x, ρA l a) and (ρB r x, ρA r a) – that these lift to isomorphisms of B/F likewise correspond to the left and right unit conditions for a lax monoidal functor. Having given the monoidal structure for B/F it remains to check it verifies the axioms for a monoidal category, but all of these clearly follow from the corresponding axioms for A and B because p and q preserve the structure strictly and are jointly faithful. Finally one needs to verify that this uniquely lifted colax cone in MonCatl satisfies the universal property of the colax limit of (F, f, f0) therein. That p and q jointly detect tightness follows from the fact that they jointly reflect identity arrows – from here it is straightforward to verify that B/F has the universal property of the colax limit in MonCatl. For w ∈ {p, c} one constructs the ¯w-limit of a loose morphism in MonCatw in an entirely similar way. TWO DIMENSIONAL MONADICITY 19 Observe that in lifting the colax cone (p, λ, q) to MonCatl we used all of the coherence axioms for a lax monoidal functor, and indeed these generating coherence axioms are required for the colax cone to lift. Thus while l-doctrinal adjunction is related to the laxness – orientation and non-invertibility – of our lax monoidal functors, colax limits of loose morphisms concern the coherence axioms these lax morphisms must satisfy. 4.2. Loose morphisms as tight spans. For w ∈ {l, p} we suppose that A admits ¯w-limits of loose morphisms. Then given f : A B we have the commutative triangle on the left below. A A B 1 ⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧ f 111•1•1•1•1• f GGGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGo = A ¯Wf A B rf  y y y 1  f  6d 4˜ 2– 0” '‘ %‰ #‡ !… „ ‚  y x w pf ⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧ qf 11❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ f GGGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGo λf  By the universal property of ¯Wf we obtain a unique 1-cell rf : A ¯Wf satisfying pf .rf = 1, qf .rf = f and λf .rf = 1 (4.1) as expressed in the equality of pasting diagrams above. Since pf and qf jointly detect tightness we also have that rf is tight just when f is. (4.2) Proposition 14. Given f : A B as above we have a w-reflection (1, pf ⊣ rf , ηf ) where ηf : 1 ⇒ rf pf is the unique 2-cell satisfying pf .ηf = 1 and qf .ηf = λf . (4.3) Proof. Let us consider firstly the case w = l. We need to give a unit ηf : 1 ⇒ rf .pf . To give such a 2-cell is, by the 2-dimensional universal property of Cf , equally to give 2-cells θ1 : pf .(1) ⇒ pf .(rf .pf ) and θ2 : qf .(1) ⇒ qf .(rf .pf ) satisfying θ1 ◦λf = (λf .rf .pf )◦θ2. We take θ1 to be the identity and θ2 to be λf : qf ⇒ ; the required equality involving θ1 and θ2 is then the assertion that λf equals itself. We thus obtain a unique ηf : 1 ⇒ rf .pf such pf .ηf = 1 and qf .ηf = λf . If the identity 2-cell pf .qf = 1 is to be the counit of the adjunction then the triangle equations become pf .ηf = 1 and ηf .rf = 1. So it remains to check that ηf .rf = 1 for which it suffices, again by the 2-dimensional universal property of Cf , to show that pf .ηf .rf = 1 and qf .ηf .rf = 1. The first of these holds since pf .ηf = 1; the second since qf .ηf = λf and λf .rf = 1. The case w = p is essentially identical – the key point is that the 2-cells θ1 = 1 and θ2 = λf used above to construct ηf are now both invertible. That ηf is itself invertible follows from the fact that pf and qf are jointly conservative – this conservativity follows from the 2-dimensional universal property of Pf . The above constructions have their genesis in the proof of Theorem 4.2 of [3], in which F-categorical aspects of pseudolimits of arrows in T-Algp were used to study establish properties of pseudomorphism classifiers. If we ignore F-categorical 20 JOHN BOURKE aspects then the above constructions and resulting factorisations f = qf .rf have appeared in other contexts too. In the pseudolimit case the factorisation is the (trivial cofibration, fibration)-factorisation of the natural model structure on a 2category [14]. In Cat the factorisation qf .rf : A → Cf → B of a functor f through its colax limit coincides with its factorisation A → B/f → B through the comma category B/f – this is the factorisation (Lf, Rf) of a natural weak factorisation system on Cat described in [5]. Let us return to f : A B as in Proposition 14. By that result we have a span of tight morphisms (a tight span) as below: A ¯Wf B pf ⊣rf oo qf GG whose left leg pf is equipped with the structure of a w-reflection (1, pf ⊣ rf , ηf ). More generally let us use the term w-span to refer to a tight span equipped with the structure of a w-reflection on its left leg. Now let ¯Wf : A → B denote the w-span just described. Given f : A B and g : B C we are going to show that ¯Wf : A → B and ¯Wg : B → C can be composed to give a w-span ¯Wg ¯Wf : A → C and furthermore we will study the relationship between ¯Wg ¯Wf and ¯Wgf . In order to consider composition of such spans we will need to consider tight pullbacks. Given tight morphisms f : A → C and g : B → C in A the tight pullback D of f and g D A B C p GG g GG q  f  is the pullback in the 2-category Aλ with, moreover, both projections p and q tight and jointly detecting tightness. This is equally to say that D is a pullback in Aτ which is preserved by the inclusion j : Aτ → Aλ. Lemma 15. Let w ∈ {l, p} and A admit ¯w-limits of loose morphisms. At f : A B consider the induced tight projection pf : ¯Wf → A from the limit. The tight pullback of pf along any tight morphism g : C → A exists. Proof. In fact the tight pullback is given by ¯Wfg, the w-limit of the composite fg : C A. For observe that by the universal property of ¯Wf the w-cone (g.pfg, λfg, qfg) induces a unique tight map t : ¯Wfg → ¯Wg such that the left square below commutes ¯Wfg ¯Wf B C A B t GG qf GG g GG f GGGoGoGoGoGo pfg  1  pf  λf ÐØ ✡✡✡✡✡✡ and such that λf .t = λgf . Now the universal property of ¯Wfg implies that the left square is a tight pullback. TWO DIMENSIONAL MONADICITY 21 Lemma 16. For w ∈ {l, p} consider a tight pullback square A B C D r GG s GG f1  f2  and w-reflection (1, f2 ⊣ g2, η2). There exists a unique w-reflection (1, f1 ⊣ g1, η1) such that (r, s) : f1 → f2 is a morphism of w-reflections. Proof. First suppose that w = l. Then the left square below C B C D g2.s GGGoGoGo s GG 1  f2  C D A B s GG r GG g1 y y g2 y y commutes and so induces a unique loose morphism g1 : C A such that f1.g1 = 1 and such that the right square commutes. These necessary commutativities will ensure the claimed uniqueness. By the 2-dimensional universal property of the pullback there exists a unique 2-cell η1 : 1 ⇒ g1.f1 such that r.η1 = η2.r and f1.η1 = 1. The other triangle equation η1.f1 = 1 also follows from the universal property of the pullback. Since (r, s) commutes with both adjoints and the units it is a morphism of l-reflections. Note that if η2 is invertible then, since the pullback projections are jointly conservative, so too is η1. This gives the case w = p. Now given f : A B and g : B C we can form the composite span A ¯Wf B ¯Wg C ¯Wg ¯Wf pf ⊣rf ⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧ qf 11❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ pg⊣rg ⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧ qg 11❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ pg,f ⊣rg,f ⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧ qg,f 11❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ in which the central square is the tight pullback of pg along qf . (This pullback exists by Lemma 15). By Lemma 16 there exists a unique w-reflection (1, pg,f ⊣ rg,f , ηg,f ) such that (qg,f , qf ) : pg,f → pg is a morphism of w-reflections. (4.4) We can then compose the w-reflections pf ⊣ rf and pg,f ⊣ rg,f to obtain another w-reflection pf .pg,f ⊣ rg,f .rf , so that the outer span becomes a w-span ¯Wg ¯Wf : A → C. 22 JOHN BOURKE Let us consider the relationship between ¯Wg ¯Wf and ¯Wgf . By the universal property of ¯Wgf the w-cone left below ¯Wg ¯Wf ¯Wf A B pf ⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧ qf 11❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ f GGGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGo λf  ¯Wg C pg ⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧ qg 11❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ g GGGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGo λg  pg,f ⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧ qg,f 11❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ = ¯Wg ¯Wf ¯Wf A B pf ⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧ f GGGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGo λgf  ¯Wg C qg 11❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ g GGGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGo pg,f ⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧ qg,f 11❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ ¯Wgf kg,f  pgf ww♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ qgf 99❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖ induces a unique tight arrow kg,f : ¯Wg ¯Wf → ¯Wgf satisfying the equations pgf .kg,f = pf .pg,f , qgf .kg,f = qg.qg,f and λgf .kg,f = (g.λf .pg,f ) ◦ (λg.qg,f ) (4.5) equally expressed in the equality of pasting diagrams above. Furthermore Lemma 17. Let w ∈ {l, p}. In the span map A A ¯Wg ¯Wf ¯Wgf B B pf .pg,f oo pgf oo qg.qg,f GG qgf GG kg,f 1  1  the commuting square (kg,f , 1) : pf .pg,f → pgf is a morphism of w-reflections. Proof. To show that (kg,f , 1) : pf .pg,f → pgf is a morphism of w-reflections it suffices, by Lemma 6, to show that the mate of this square is an identity. Because the w-reflection pf .pg,f ⊣ rg,f .rf has identity counit the mate of (kg,f , 1) is simply A ¯Wgf ¯Wg ¯Wf ¯Wgf A A kg,f GG 1 GG pf .pg,f  pgf  rg,f .rf YYY{Y{Y{Y{Y{Y{ 1 GG 1 GG rgf YYY{Y{Y{Y{Y{Y{ ηgf "0 ✹✹✹ ✹✹✹ Now the 2-dimensional universal property of ¯Wgf implies that the projections pgf and qgf jointly reflect identity 2-cells: see Lemma 3.1 of [13] in the case of the colax limit. Therefore it suffices to show that the composite of the above 2-cell with both pgf and qgf yields an identity. One of the triangle equations for pgf ⊣ rgf gives pgf .ηgf =1; thus it remains to show qgf .ηgf .kg,f .rg,f .rf = 1. By (4.3) this equals λgf .kg,f .rg,f .rf and by definition of kg,f (as in (4.5)) we have λgf .kg,f = (g.λf .pg,f ) ◦ (λg.qg,f ). Therefore it suffices to show that the 2-cells (g.λf .pg,f ).rg,f .rf and (λg.qg,f ).rg,f .rf are identities separately. With regards the former we have that λf .pg,f .rg,f .rf = λf .rf = 1 where we first use that pg,f .rg,f = 1 and then (4.1); for the other composite we have (λg.qg,f ).rg,f .rf = λg.rg.qf .rf = 1. The first equation holds by (4.4) and the second equation by (4.1). Remark 18. Given any F-category A one can define a bicategory Spanw(A) of w-spans in A. Their composition extends that described for w-spans of the form ¯Wf : A → B above. To ensure composites exist one allows only those w-spans TWO DIMENSIONAL MONADICITY 23 whose left legs admit tight pullbacks along arbitrary tight maps. Now when A admits w-limits of loose morphisms the assigment of ¯Wf : A → B to f can be extended to an identity on objects lax functor from the underlying category of Aλ to Spanw(A) with the span map kg,f : ¯Wg ¯Wf → ¯Wgf describing one of the coherence constraints. 4.3. Representing 2-cells via span transformations. Lastly we consider how to represent a 2-cell α : f ⇒ g by a span map ¯Wf → ¯Wg. Here the cases w = l and w = p diverge. 4.3.1. The case w=l. Suppose that A admits colax limits of loose morphisms. Given α : f ⇒ g the colax cone left below Cf A B pf ⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧ qf 11❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ f AARt Qs Pr Pr Iq Hp Go Fn Em Dl Dl Ck Bj α  g SSBj Ck Dl Dl Em Fn Go Hp Iq Pr Pr Qs Rt λf  = Cf Cg A B cα pf  qf  pg {{✇✇✇✇✇✇✇✇✇✇ qg 55●●●●●●●●●● g GGGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGo λg  induces a unique tight arrow cα : Cf → Cg satisfying pf = cα.pg, qf = cα.qg and (α.pf ) ◦ λf = λg.cα (4.6) In particular the 2-cell α is represented by a span map cα : Cf → Cg as below. A A Cf Cg B B pf oo pg oo qf GG qg GG cα  1  1  Lemma 19. Let cα : Cf → Cg be as above and let mα denote the mate of the square (cα, 1) : pf → pg through the adjunctions pf ⊣ rf and pg ⊣ rg. A A Cf BCg B rf GGGoGoGoGoGo rg GGGoGoGoGoGo qf GG qg GG cα  mα1  1  The composite 2-cell qg.mα equals α. Proof. Because the counit of pf ⊣ rf is an identity the mate mα is simply given by A Cf A Cg A Cg cα  rg GGGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGo 1  rf GGGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGoGo 1  pf ww♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ pg ww♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 1  ηg s{ ♦♦♦♦ 24 JOHN BOURKE Therefore qg.mα = qg.ηg.cα.rf = λg.cα.rf = (α.pf .rf ) ◦ (λf .rf ) = α ◦ 1 = α where the second, third and fourth equalities use (4.3), (4.6) and (4.3) respectively. 4.3.2. The case w=p. Suppose that A admits pseudolimits of loose morphisms. If α : f ⇒ g is invertible then we may construct a map Pf → Pg in essentially the same way as for colax limits of loose morphisms. However this approach does not work in general. The following lemma describes a representation that works for non-invertible 2-cells. It is based upon the notion of a transformation of anafunctors [19] – see also [21] and [1]. Anafunctors can be viewed as spans of categories and functors in which the left leg is a surjective on objects equivalence. If we take A = Cat and functors F, G : A → B then the associated spans PF , PG : A → B are anafunctors. In this setting the 2-cell ρα described below specifies precisely a transformation between the anafunctors PF and PG. Lemma 20. Given α : f ⇒ g consider the tight pullback left below (existing by Lemma 15) Kf,g Pf Pg A sf,g GG pg GG tf,g  pf  uf,g 11❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ A Kf,g Pf Pg A vf,g 555™5™5™5™5™5™ rf 22 Fn Fn Em Dl Ck Bj Ai @h 9g 8f 7e 6d 4˜ 3— rg 55 ƒ „ !… "† #‡ $ˆ & '‘ )“ 0” 2– 4˜ 5™ sf,g GG qf  tf,g  qg GG ρα {Ó ⑧⑧⑧⑧ with diagonal denoted uf,g. (1) There is a unique p-reflection uf,g ⊣ vf,g such that (sf,g, 1) : uf,g → pf and (tf,g, 1) : uf,g → pg are morphisms of p-reflections. If f and g are tight so too is vf,g. (2) There exists a unique 2-cell ρα : qf .sf,g ⇒,g such that ρα.vf,g = α. Proof. (1) Consider the diagram A Kf,g Pf Pg A vf,g 555™5™5™5™5™5™ rf 55 Dl Dl Ck Bj Bj Ai @h 9g 9g 8f 7e 6d 5™ rg 00 "† #‡ #‡ $ˆ $ˆ %‰ & & '‘ (’ )“ )“ 0” sf,g GG pf  tf,g  pg GG in which vf,g is the unique loose map satisfying sf,g.vf,g = rf and tf,g.vf,g = rg. It follows that uf,g.vf,g = 1. To give an invertible 2-cell θf,g : 1 ∼= vf,g.uf,g is, by the universal property of Kf,g, equally to give invertible 2-cells θ1 : sf,g ∼= sf,g.vf,g.uf,g and θ2 : tf,g ∼= tf,g.vf,g.uf,g satisfying pf .θ1 = pg.θ2. We set θ1 = ηf .sf,g and θ2 = η,g noting that pf .ηf .sf,g = 1 = pg.ηg.sf,g. The triangle equations for the p-reflection follow using the universal property of the pullback Kf,g and that sf,g : uf,g → pf and tf,g : uf,g → pg are morphisms of p-reflections follows from the construction of uf,g and θf,g. TWO DIMENSIONAL MONADICITY 25 If f and g are tight so too, by (4.2), are rf and rg. By the universal property of the tight pullback Kf,g it then follows that vf,g is tight. (2) From the first part we have sf,g.vf,g = rf and tf,g.vf,g = rg as in the two triangles above. Now by (4.3) we have qf .rf = f and qg.rg = g. Therefore we can write α : (qf .sf,g).vf,g ⇒ (,g).vf,g. Since vf,g : A Kf,g is an equivalence in Aλ the functor Aλ(vf,g, A) : Aλ(Kf,g, A) → Aλ(A, A) is an equivalence of categories – using its fully faithfulness we obtain ρα : qf .sf,g ⇒,g. 5. Orthogonality The following theorem is the crucial result of the paper. The monadicity theorems of Section 6 follow easily from it. We note that both this theorem and the corollary that follows it are independent of the formalism of 2-monads. Theorem 21. Let w ∈ {l, p, c}. Consider an F-category A with ¯w-limits of loose morphisms. Then the inclusion of tight morphisms j : Aτ → A is orthogonal to each w-doctrinal F-functor. Proof. Consider a commuting square in F-CAT Aτ A B C j GG R  S  H GG K ww in which H is w-doctrinal. We must show there exists a unique diagonal filler K. We begin by noting that the cases w = c and w = l are dual since A satisfies the c-criteria of the theorem just when Aco satisfies the l-criteria with, equally, H c-doctrinal just when Hco is l-doctrinal. Therefore it will suffice to suppose w ∈ {l, p}. (1) Before constructing the diagonal we fix some notation and make some observations about lifted adjunctions that will be repeatedly used in what follows. Given a w-reflection (1, f ⊣ g, η) ∈ A we obtain a w-reflection (1, Sf ⊣ Sg, Sη) in C with Sf = Hf) since f is tight. As H is w-doctrinal this lifts uniquely along H to a w-reflection in B which we denote by (1, Rf ⊣ g, η). Next consider w-reflections (1, f1 ⊣ g1, η1) and (1, f2 ⊣ g2, η2) in A and a tight commuting square (r, s) : f1 → f2 in A as left below A C B D r GG s GG f1  f2  RA RC RB RD Rr GG Rs GG Rf1  Rf2  RB RD RA RC g1 y y g2 y y Rr GG Rs GG Since F-functors preserves morphisms of w-reflections the square (Sr, Ss) : Sf1 → Sf2 is one in C. Now the tight commutative square (Rr, Rs) : Rf1 → Rf2 has image under H the morphism of w-reflections (Sr, Ss) : Sf1 → Sf2. Because H is w-doctrinal it follows that (Rr, Rs) : Rf1 → Rf2 is a morphism between the lifted w-reflections in B. In particular we obtain a commuting square of right adjoints (Rs, Rr) : g1 → g2. Finally consider a composable pair of tight left adjoints f1 : A → B and 26 JOHN BOURKE f2 : B → C with associated w-reflections (1, f1 ⊣ g1, η1) and (1, f2 ⊣ g2, η2) in A. We can form the w-reflections (1, Rf1 ⊣ g1, η1) and (1, Rf2 ⊣ g2, η2) in B and compose these to obtain a further w-reflection f2.f1 ⊣ g1.g2 in B. It is clear that this is a lifting of the w-reflection S(f2.f1) ⊣ S(g1.g2) so that, by uniqueness of liftings, the w-reflections Rf2.Rf1 ⊣ g1.g2 and R(f2.f1) ⊣ g1.g2 coincide. (2) Now to begin constructing K observe that for the left triangle to commute we must define KA = RA for each A ∈ A. (3) Given f : A B ∈ A we recall from (4.1) its factorisation as qf .rf : A Cf → B where (1, pf ⊣ rf , ηf ). Since pf is tight we have the lifted wreflection (1, Rpf ⊣ rf , ηf ) in B living over (1, Spf ⊣ Srf , Sηf ). We define Kf : RA RB as the composite Rqf .rf : RA R ¯Wf → RB. (4) Observe that HKf = HRqf .Hrf = Sqf .Srf = S(qf .rf ) = Sf as required. To see that K extends R observe that if f : A → B is tight then, by (4.2), rf is tight too, so that we have a w-reflection (1, Rpf ⊣ Rrf , Rηf ) living over (1, HRpf ⊣ Srf , ηf ); thus (1, Rpf ⊣ Rrf , Rηf ) = (1, Rpf ⊣ rf , ηf ) so that Kf = Rqf .Rrf = Rf. Thus K coincides with R on tight morphisms. (5) As K agrees with R on tight morphisms we already know that it preserves identity 1-cells. To see that it preserves composition of 1-cells it will suffice to show that all of the regions of the diagram below commute. R ¯Wgf RA RB R ¯Wf Rqf 44❉❉❉❉❉❉❉ R ¯Wg RC Rqg 99❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖ rg ```|`|`|`| Rqgf ))❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀ R ¯Wg,f Rkg,f yy rf UUUwUwUwUwUwUw rgf eeeÑ eÑ eÑ eÑ eÑ eÑ eÑ eÑ eÑ eÑ eÑ eÑ eÑ eÑ eÑ eÑ eÑ eÑ eÑ eÑ rg,f ```|`|`| Rqg,f 44❉❉❉❉❉❉ The rightmost quadrilateral certainly commutes as it is the image of a commutative diagram in Aτ , from (4.5), under R. To see that the central square commutes recall from (4.4) the morphism of w-reflections (qg,f , qf ) : pg,f → pg in A. By Part 1 (Rqg,f , Rqf ) : Rpg,f → pg,f is a morphism of w-reflections in B: now commutativity of the central square simply asserts commutativity with the right adjoints. With regards the leftmost quadrilateral recall from Lemma 17 the morphism of w-reflections in A given by (kg,f , 1) : pf .pg,f → pgf . By Part 1 we know that (Rkg,f , 1) : R(pf .pg,f ) → Rpgf is a morphism of the lifted w-reflections so that, in particular, we have a commuting square of right adjoints (1, Rkg,f ) : rg,f .rf → rgf in B. Again by Part 1 we have rg,f .rf = rg,f rf and therefore the desired commutativity. (6) We define K differently on 2-cells depending upon whether w = l or w = p. Consider α : f ⇒ g and the case w = l. The commuting square (cα, 1) : pf → pg of Lemma 19 has image (Rcα, 1) : Rpf → Rpg. We denote the mate of this TWO DIMENSIONAL MONADICITY 27 square through the adjunctions Rpf ⊣ rf and Rpg ⊣ rg by mα : Rcα.rf ⇒ rg. RA RA RCf RBRCg B rf GGGoGoGoGo rg GGGoGoGoGo Rqf GG Rqg GG Rcα  mα1  1  Now we set Kα = Rqg.mα as depicted above. Note that we have mα = ηg.Rcα.rf since the counit of the l-reflection Rpf ⊣ rf is an identity. Let us show that HKα = Sα. We have from Lemma 19 the decomposition in A of α as qg.mα = qg.ηg.cα.rf and also have Kα = Rqg.ηg.Rcα.rf from above. Thus HKα = Sqg.Sηg.Scα.Srf = S(qg.ηg.cα.rf ) = Sα. To see that K extends R observe that if both f and g are tight then by Part 4 we have (1, Rpf ⊣ rf , ηf ) = (1, Rpf ⊣ Rrf , Rηf ) and likewise for g. Using the same decomposition of α we have Rα = Rqg.Rηg.Rcα.Rrf = Kα. For w = p consider the p-reflection uf,g ⊣ vf,g and the morphisms of preflections (sf,g, 1) : uf,g → pf and (tf,g, 1) : uf,g → pg of Lemma 20. By Part 1 their images (Rsf,g, 1) : Ruf,g → Rpf and (Rtf,g, 1) : Ruf,g → Rpg are morphisms of p-reflections in B so that the two triangles in the diagram below RA RKf,g RPf RPg A vf,g 555™5™5™5™5™5™ rf 55 Fn Em Dl Dl Ck Bj Ai @h 9g 8f 7e 6d 5™ rg 55 ƒ „ !… "† #‡ $ˆ & '‘ )“ 0” 2– 4˜ Rsf,g GG Rqf  Rtf,g  Rqg GG Rρα {Ó ⑧⑧⑧⑧ commute. We set Kα = Rρα.vf,g. By Lemma 20 we have that α = ρα.vf,g. Therefore Sα = Sρα.Svf,g = HRρα.Hvf,g = HKα. If now both f and g are tight then so is vf,g, again by Lemma 20. It follows that the p-reflections Ruf,g ⊣ vf,g and Ruf,g ⊣ Rvf,g coincide, and therefore that Rα = Rρα.Rvf,g = Kα. (7) Treating the cases w = l and w = p together again observe that because H is locally faithful the functoriality of K on 2-cells trivally follows from the functoriality of HK = S on 2-cells. Thus K is an F-functor. (8) For uniqueness let us observe that the definition of the filler is forced upon us by the constraints. Consider any diagonal filler L. We must have Lf = L(qf .rf ) = Lqf .Lrf = Rqf .Lrf . Since HL = S we would need that the image of the adjunction (1, pf ⊣ rf , ηf ) under L were a lifting of its image (1, Spf ⊣ Srf , Sηf ) under HL. But by uniqueness of liftings we would then have (1, Lpf ⊣ Lrf , Lηf ) = (1, Rpf ⊣ rf , ηf ) so that Lf = Rqf .rf . Now for w = l we have, by Lemma 19, the decomposition of α : f ⇒ g as qg.mα = qg.ηg.cα.rf and so must have Lα = Rqg.ηg.Rcα.rf . The argument when w = p is similar but uses the decomposition α = ρα.vf,g of Lemma 20 instead. Let us note that Theorem 21 remains true even if we remove the assumption that w-doctrinal F-functors are locally faithful. The only place that we used 28 JOHN BOURKE this assumption was in establishing the functoriality of the diagonal K on 2-cells. This can alternatively be established by carefully analysing the functoriality of the assignment in Section 4.3 which represents a 2-cell by a span transformation. However the proof becomes significantly longer and more technical, very significantly when w = p. Since local faithfulness is true of those F-functors U : T-Algw → C that we seek to characterise (see Theorem 25) and because the property is easily verified in practice, we have chosen to include it in our definition of w-doctrinal F-functor. As an immediate consequence of Theorem 21 we have: Corollary 22. Let w ∈ {l, p, c}. Consider an F-functor H : A → B to a 2-category and suppose that A has ¯w-limits of loose morphisms and that H is w-doctrinal. Then the decomposition in F-CAT Aτ A B j GG H GG of the 2-functor Hτ : Aτ → B is an orthogonal (⊥w-Doct, w-Doct)-decomposition. Since orthogonal decompositions are essentially unique, this asserts that an Fcategory satisfying some completeness properties and sitting over a base 2-category in a certain way – such as MonCatw or T-Algw over Cat – is uniquely determined by how its tight part sits over the base. This is the core idea behind our monadicity results of Section 6. 5.1. A note on alternative hypotheses. There are other hypotheses upon A which ensure that j : Aτ → A belongs to ⊥w-Doct. Let us focus on the lax case. Say that A admits loose morphism classifiers if the inclusion j : Aτ → Aλ has a left 2-adjoint Q and write pA : A QA and qA : QA → A for the unit and counit. Each loose f : A B corresponds to a tight morphism f′ : QA → B such that f′.pA = f. One triangle equation gives qA.pA = 1; if for each A this happens to be the counit of an l-reflection qA ⊣ pA then each f is represented by an l-span A QA B qA⊣pA oo f′ GG and it can be easily shown that j : Aτ → A ∈⊥ l-Doct. Of course these hypotheses are strong: it is not easy to check whether a given F-category admits loose morphism classifiers. 6. Monadicity In this section we give our monadicity theorems. We begin by extending EilenbergMoore comparison 2-functors to F-functors. In Theorem 24 we show these comparisons to be natural in w, in the sense of Diagram 2 of the Introduction. Our main result on monadicity is Theorem 25. 6.1. Extending the Eilenberg-Moore comparison. Theorem 23. Let H : A → B be an F-functor to a 2-category whose tight part Hτ : Aτ → B has a left adjoint and consider the induced Eilenberg-Moore comparison TWO DIMENSIONAL MONADICITY 29 2-functor E left below. Aτ B T-Algs Hτ ''✼✼✼✼✼✼✼✼✼✼✼ E GG Us ÓÓ✞✞✞✞✞✞✞✞✞✞✞ Aτ A T-Algs T-Algw B j GG jw GG H 66❏❏❏❏❏❏❏ E  Ew  U XXtttttt Let w ∈ {l, p, c} and suppose that A admits w-limits of loose morphisms. Then E : Aτ → T-Algs admits a unique extension to an F-functor Ew : A → T-Algw over B, as depicted on the right above. Proof. The commutativity of the outside of the right diagram just says that UsE = Hτ . By Corollary 9 and Theorem 21 we know that U : T-Algw → B is w-doctrinal and that j : Aτ → A is orthogonal to each w-doctrinal F-functor, in particular U. Therefore there exists a unique F-functor Ew : A → T-Algw satisfying the depicted equations Ewj = jwE and UEw = H. These respectively assert that Ew extends E and lives over the base B. In order to understand the naturality in w of the above Eilenberg-Moore extensions Ew : A → T-Algw it will be convenient to briefly consider F2-categories. An F2-category consists of a 2-category equipped with three kinds of morphism: tight, loose and very loose, all satisfying the expected axioms. For instance we have the F2-category of monoidal categories, strict, strong and lax monoidal functors; likewise of algebras together with strict, pseudo and lax morphisms for a 2-monad. One presentation of an F2-category is as a triple on the left below Aτ Aλ Aφ j GG j GG Aτ,λ Aτ,φ j GG in which each inclusion is the identity on objects, faithful and locally fully faithful. Thus an F2-category has three associated F-categories Aτ,λ, Aλ,φ and Aτ,φ, and is determined by the first and third of these together with the inclusion F-functor, right above, which views tight and loose morphisms as tight and very loose respec- tively. We commonly encounter F2-categories sitting over a base 2-category as on the left below. See how monoidal categories, strict, strong and lax monoidal functors sit over Cat for instance. Aτ Aλ Aφ B j GG j GG Hτ 11❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ Hλ  Hφ ⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧ Aτ,λ Aτ,φ B j GG Hτ,λ %%✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸ Hτ,φ ÕÕ☛☛☛☛☛☛☛☛☛☛ To give such a diagram is equally to give a commutative triangle in F-CAT as on the right above – here the F-functors Hτ,λ and Hτ,φ agree as Hτ on tight parts, and have loose parts Hλ and Hφ respectively. 30 JOHN BOURKE Theorem 24. Let w ∈ {l, c}. Consider an F2-category over a 2-category as below Aτ,λ Aτ,φ B j GG Hτ,λ %%✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸ Hτ,φ ÕÕ☛☛☛☛☛☛☛☛☛☛ Suppose that Hτ admits a left adjoint and that Aτ,λ and Aτ,φ satisfy the (p/w) variants of the completeness criteria of Theorem 23 so that the Eilenberg-Moore comparison 2-functor E : Aτ → T-Algs extends uniquely to F-functors Ep : Aτ,λ → T-Algp and Ew : Aτ,φ → T-Algw over the base B. When all of this holds the square Aτ,λ Aτ,φ T-Algp T-Algw j GG Ew  Ep  j GG commutes. Proof. Consider the diagram left below Aτ Aτ,λ Aτ,φ T-Algp T-Algw B j GG j GG Ew  Ep  j GG Uw GG Aτ Aτ,λ T-Algw B j GG Hτ,λ  jE  {{ Uw GG Now Ep and Ew agree as E : Aτ → T-Algs on tight morphisms. Consequently both paths of the square coincide upon precomposition with j : Aτ → Aτ,λ as the composite jE : Aτ → T-Algs → T-Algw. Because both Eilenberg-Moore extensions Ep and Ew lie over the base B we find that postcomposing both paths of the square with Uw yields the common composite Hτ,λ : Aτ,λ → B. Therefore both paths of the square are diagonal fillers for the square on the right above. Now by Corollary 9 we know that Uw : T-Algw → B is p-doctrinal. But by Theorem 21 j : Aτ → Aτ,λ is orthogonal to each p-doctrinal F-functor so that both paths coincide as the unique filler. 6.2. 2-categorical monadicity. We now turn to monadicity. Let us say that a 2-functor with a left adjoint is monadic if the induced Eilenberg-Moore comparison is a 2-equivalence and strictly monadic if the comparison is an isomorphism. Theorem 25. Let H : A → B be an F-functor to a 2-category B. Let w ∈ {l, p, c} and suppose that (1) Hτ : Aτ → B is monadic. (2) A admits w-limits of loose morphisms. (3) B admits w-limits of arrows. (4) H is w-doctrinal (it suffices that H satisfies w-doctrinal adjunction, is locally faithful and reflects identity 2-cells). TWO DIMENSIONAL MONADICITY 31 Then the 2-equivalence E : Aτ → T-Algs extends uniquely to an equivalence of F-categories Ew : A → T-Algw over B. Moreover if Hτ is strictly monadic then Ew : A → T-Algw is an isomorphism of F-categories. Proof. As in Theorem 23 we have our extension Ew : A → T-Algw, unique in filling the square Aτ A T-Algw B T-Algs E  jw  U GG j GG H  Ew  Recall that this filler exists because U is w-doctrinal and j orthogonal to such F-functors. We begin by proving the theorem in the case of strict monadicity and deduce the general case from that – so suppose that E : Aτ → T-Algs is an isomorphism of 2categories. By Proposition 11 U : T-Algw → B creates w-limits of loose morphisms so that T-Algw admits them. Now Theorem 21 implies that the inclusion jw : T-Algs → T-Algw is orthogonal to each w-doctrinal F-functor; since E : Aτ → T-Algs is an isomorphism jwE : A → T-Algw is also orthogonal to w-doctrinal F-functors. Now H is w-doctrinal by assumption so that the two outer paths of the square are orthogonal decompositions of a common F-functor. Therefore the unique filler Ew : A → T-Algw is an isomorphism. Suppose now that E : Aτ → T-Algs is only an equivalence of 2-categories. The problem now is that E will no longer be orthogonal to w-doctrinal F-functors. We will rectify this by factoring the composite 2-functor jwE : Aτ → T-Algs → T-Algw as the identity on objects followed by 2-fully faithful through a 2-category Aλ as in the commutative square below. Aτ Aλ T-Algs T-Algw j GG E  K jw GG Then K is 2-fully faithful by construction but also essentially surjective on objects since each of E, j and jw are; as such K is a 2-equivalence. Moreover the composite Kj = jwE is both faithful and locally fully faithful since both jw and E are, whilst K is 2-fully faithful. Therefore j is faithful and locally fully faithful too and since it is identity on objects by construction it is the inclusion of an F-category A : Aτ → Aλ. It now follows that the above commutative square, whose vertical legs are 2-equivalences, exhibits L = (E, K) : A → T-Algw as an equivalence of F-categories. Consider the diagram defining the extension Ew again, now drawn on the left 32 JOHN BOURKE below Aτ A T-Algw B A j  L  U GG j GG H  Ew  E ww Aτ A T-Algw BA j  L GG U GG j GG H  E {{ with the left leg rewritten as the composite L ◦ j. Since L is F-fully faithful (2fully faithful on tight and loose parts) it is orthogonal to each bijective on objects F-functor, in particular j, so that we obtain a unique diagonal filler E : A → A making the two leftmost triangles commute. Our goal is to show that Ew is an equivalence of F-categories - but since L is an equivalence this is, by 2 out of 3, equivalently to show that E is an equivalence of F-categories. Now consider the square on the right. The bottom leg is w-doctrinal as both of its components are, L by Proposition 10. Since the F-category A is equivalent to T-Algw it has the same completeness properties, so that, using Theorem 21 again, the left leg is orthogonal to each w-doctrinal F-functor. Therefore the right commutative square consists of two orthogonal decompositions of a common F-functor and we conclude that E is an isomorphism. Note that although Theorem 25, in each of its variants, only asks that A admits certain limits it follows that H creates those limits: for U : T-Algw → B does so by Proposition 11 and E : A → T-Algw is an equivalence of F-categories. In applying the theorem this is often useful in that it tells us how these limits must be constructed in A. 6.3. F-categorical monadicity. Our focus has been upon 2-monads but indeed the above results extend in a routine way to cover F-categorical monadicity too. Let us briefly explain how this goes. An F-monad [16] is a monad in the 2category F-CAT and so consists of an F-functor T : A → A and two F-natural transformations satisfying the usual equations. 2-monads are just F-monads on 2-categories viewed as F-categories. An F-monad T induces 2-monads Tτ and Tλ and so we have strict Tτ and Tλ-algebra morphisms as in the two leftmost diagrams below. TA TB A B Tf GG b  a  f GG TA TB A B Tf GGGoGoGoGo b  a  f GGGoGoGoGoGo TA TB A B Tf GGGoGoGoGo b  a  f GGGoGoGoGoGo f These are the tight and loose morphisms of the Eilenberg-Moore F-category which is denoted by T-Algs. We also have pseudo, lax and colax Tλ-morphisms – a lax Tλ-morphism is drawn above. These are the loose morphisms of the F-categories T-Algw whose tight morphisms are the strict Tτ -algebra maps. Now for each TWO DIMENSIONAL MONADICITY 33 w ∈ {l, p, c} we have the F2-category whose tight and loose morphisms are the strict Tτ and Tλ-morphisms and whose very loose morphisms are the w-Tλ-morphisms: this is captured by the inclusion F-functor jw : T-Algs → T-Algw. We have the evident forgetful F-functors Us : T-Algs → A and Uw : T-Algw → A commuting with jw over the base. The key point for our applications is that these have the same properties as in the 2-monads case: namely Us creates all limits, Uw creates w-limits of loose morphisms (this follows from Theorem 5.13 of [16]) and Uw is w-doctrinal. With these facts in place we can give our monadicity theorem for F-monads – we leave it to the reader to formulate the naturality of the EilenbergMoore extensions, which can be done using F3-categories. Theorem 26. Consider an F2-category Aτ → Aλ → Aφ over an F-category B as below Aτ,λ Aτ,φ B j GG G %%✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸ H ÕÕ☛☛☛☛☛☛☛☛☛☛ (this means that Gτ = Hτ ). Suppose that G has a left F-adjoint so that we have the Eilenberg-Moore comparison F-functor E : Aτ,λ → T-Algs over the base B. Now let w ∈ {l, p, c} and suppose that both Aτ,λ and Aτ,φ admit w-limits of loose morphisms. Then there exists a unique F-functor Ew : Aτ,φ → T-Algw extending E and living over the base, as depicted by the following everywhere commutative diagram. Aτ,λ Aτ,φ T-Algs T-Algw B j GG jw GG H 66❏❏❏❏❏❏ E  Ew  Uw XXtttttt If G is F-monadic, B admits w-limits of loose morphisms and H is w-doctrinal then Ew is an equivalence of F-categories, and an isomorphism of F-categories whenever G is strictly monadic. Proof. The outside of the diagram clearly commutes – since Hj = G and Uwjw = Us this just amounts to the fact that the Eilenberg-Moore comparison E satisfies UsE = G. Now Uw : T-Algw → B is w-doctrinal so that if we can show that the inclusion j : Aτ,λ → Aτ,φ belongs to ⊥w-Doct then we will obtain Ew as the unique filler. Now have a commutative triangle of inclusions Aτ Aτ,λ Aτ,φ j GG j 77▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ j  34 JOHN BOURKE in which the two j’s moving from left to right belong to ⊥w-Doct by Theorem 21; thus by 2 out of 3 j : Aτ,λ → Aτ,φ ∈⊥ w-Doct. As such we obtain the EilenbergMoore extension Ew as the unique filler. The remainder of the proof is a straightforward modification of the proof of Theorem 25. 7. Examples and applications We now turn to examples. We begin by completing our running example of monoidal categories. Of course it is well known that monoidal categories, and each flavour of morphism between them, can be described using 2-monads – see Section 5.5 of [15] for an argument via colimit presentations – although this has not previously been established by application of a monadicity theorem. We then turn to more complex examples. Our final example, in 7.3, is new and typical of the kind of result which cannot be established using techniques, such as colimit presentations, that require explicit knowledge of a 2-monad. 7.1. Monoidal categories. Let us focus, as usual, on the lax monoidal functors of MonCatl. From Example 5 we know that V : MonCatl → Cat satisfies l-doctrinal adjunction. It is clearly locally faithful and reflects identity 2-cells. From Example 13 we know that V : MonCatl → Cat creates colax limits of loose morphisms. Therefore to apply Theorem 25 and establish monadicity it remains to verify that the 2-functor Vs : MonCats → Cat is monadic. That Vs strictly creates Vs-absolute coequalisers (in the enriched sense) is true by essentially the same argument given for groups in 6.8 of [18]; by Beck’s theorem in the enriched setting [4] it follows that Vs is strictly monadic so long as it has a left 2-adjoint. Proposition 3.1 of [3] asserts that a 2-functor preserving cotensors with 2 admits a left 2-adjoint just when its underlying functor admits a left adjoint. Now cotensors with 2 are, in fact, just colax limits of identity arrows. That these are created by Vs follows from the fact that V : MonCatl → Cat creates colax limits of loose morphisms. It therefore remains to show that the underlying functor (Vs)0 admits a left adjoint. Since this functor creates all limits it suffices to show that (Vs)0 satisfies the solution set condition. For this it suffices to show that given a small category A each functor F : A → C = UC to a monoidal category factors as ME : A → B → C with B monoidal, M strict monoidal and the cardinality of the set of morphisms Mor(B) bounded by that of Mor(A). Here B will be the monoidal subcategory of C generated by the image of F and M the inclusion of this monoidal subcategory. For the induced 2-monad T on Cat we now conclude, by Theorem 25, that the isomorphism of 2-categories E : MonCats → T-Algs over Cat extends uniquely to an isomorphism of F-categories El : MonCatl → T-Algl over Cat. Likewise one can verify, in an entirely similar way, that V : MonCatw → Cat satisfies the conditions of Theorem 25 in the cases w ∈ {p, c}. It follows that we have isomorphisms Ew : MonCatw → T-Algw over Cat for each w ∈ {l, p, c}. By Theorem 24 these isomorphisms are natural in p ≤ l and p ≤ c in the sense of Diagram 2 of the Introduction. 7.2. Categories with structure and variants. Of course there was nothing special about our taking monoidal categories in the preceding section. The same TWO DIMENSIONAL MONADICITY 35 arguments can be used to establish monadicity of categories with any kind of algebraically specified structure and their various flavours of morphisms: categories with chosen limits of some kind for instance, distributive categories and so forth. All of these cases are well known to be monadic using colimit presentations of 2-monads, although it requires substantial and laborious calculation to use that theory to establish monadicity in the detailed manner above. Such a detailed treatment using colimit presentations, one expressed in terms of isomorphisms of 2-categories or F-categories, will not be found in the literature. Colimit presentations are one of the two standard techniques for understanding the monadicity of weaker kinds of morphisms; the other is direct calculation with a 2-monad known to exist. As a representative example of this technique consider a small 2-category J and the forgetful 2-functor U : [J, Cat] → [obJ, Cat] which restricts presheaves to families along the inclusion obJ → J. U has a left 2-adjoint F given by left Kan extension and is strictly monadic by Beck’s theorem; moreover the induced 2-monad T = UF admits a simple pointwise description: at X ∈ [obJ, Cat] we have TX(j) = ΣiJ(i, j) × Xi. Using this formula (as in [3]) one directly calculates that T-pseudomorphisms bijectively correspond to pseudonatural transformations and so on, eventually deducing an isomorphism Ps(J, Cat) → T-Algp. It is in such cases, more specifically when T is not so simple, that our results have most value. An example of this kind was given in [10]. Given a complete and cocomplete symmetric monoidal closed category V the authors take as base the 2-category V-Cat of small V-categories. For a small class of weights Φ they consider the 2-category Φ-Colim (we will write Φ-Colims) of V-categories with chosen Φ-weighted colimits, V-functors preserving those colimits strictly and V-natural transformations. This 2-category lives over V-Cat via a forgetful 2-functor Us : Φ-Colims → V-Cat. One also has V-functors preserving colimits in the usual, up to isomorphism, sense: these are the loose morphisms of the F-category Φ-Colimp : Φ-Colims → Φ-Colimp which sits over V-Cat via a forgetful F-functor U : Φ-Colimp → V-Cat. The authors show that Us : Φ-Colims → V-Cat is strictly monadic and then, by calculating directly with the induced 2-monad T, show that one obtains an isomorphism of 2-categories U : Φ-Colimp → T-Algp. Let us show how this can be deduced from Theorem 25. Firstly observe that U satisfies p-doctrinal adjunction: this follows from the fact that any equivalence of V-categories preserves colimits. Again since U is locally fully faithful it is certainly locally faithful and reflects identity 2-cells. It is not hard to see that Φ-Colimp admits pseudo-limits of loose morphisms – indeed this is shown in Section 5 of [10]. It then follows immediately from Theorem 25 that the isomorphism of 2-categories E : Φ-Colims → T-Algs extends uniquely to an isomorphism of F-categories E : Φ-Colimp → T-Algp over V-Cat. Furthermore, because left adjoints preserve colimits, U : Φ-Colimp → V-Cat has the additional property of satisfying c-doctrinal adjunction; since it is isomorphic to T-Algp it also admits, by Theorem 2.6 of [3], lax limits of loose morphisms. Therefore Theorem 25 ensures that the composite Φ-Colimp → T-Algp → T-Algc is also an isomorphism, thus explaining why the colax and pseudo T-morphisms coincide as those V-functors which preserve Φ-colimits. Again one easily applies Theorem 25 to show that T-Algl is isomorphic to the F-category Φ-Coliml whose loose morphisms are arbitary V-functors. This final isomorphism highlights the 36 JOHN BOURKE fact that Ul : T-Algl → V-Cat is 2-fully faithful: 2-monads with this property are called lax idempotent/Kock-Z¨oberlein and have been carefully studied in [9]. 7.3. In a monoidal 2-category. In a monoidal category C one can consider the category of monoids Mon(C) or of commutative monoids. If the forgetful functor U : Mon(C) → C has a left adjoint then Beck’s theorem can be applied, with no further information, to show that U is monadic. For our final example we study the analogous situation in the context of a monoidal 2-category C, in which one can consider monoids, pseudomonoids (generalising monoidal categories), braided pseudomonoids and so on. We consider only the simplest case of monoids because, in the absence of a suitable graphical calculus, it is difficult to encode diagrams compactly. We have the 2-category of monoids, strict monoid morphisms and monoid transformations Mon(C)s and a forgetful 2-functor Us : Mon(C)s → C. Just as before, the enriched version of Beck’s theorem [4] can be applied to show that if Us has a left 2-adjoint then it is monadic. However we now also have (lax/pseudo/colax)-morphisms of monoids and we would like to understand that these too are monadic in the appropriate sense: this is the content, under completeness conditions on the base, of the present example. By a monoidal 2-category C we will mean a monoidal V-category where V = Cat: this satisfies the same axioms as a monoidal category with the exception that the tensor product, the associator and the other data involved are now 2-functorial and 2-natural. In working with C we will write as though it were strict monoidal – this is justified in the theorem that follows – and will use juxtaposition for the tensor product. A monoid in C is just a monoid in the usual sense. Given monoids (X, mX , iX ) and (Y, mY , iY ) a lax monoid map (f, f, f0) : (X, mX , iX ) → (Y, mY , iY ) consists of an arrow f : X → Y and 2-cells as below X2 Y 2 X Y f2 GG f GG mX  mY  f  I X Y iX ÒÒ☎☎☎☎☎☎ iY ((✿✿✿✿✿✿ f GG f0  such that the equation X3 XY 2 Y 3 X2 XY Y 2 X Y 1ff GG f11 GG 1mX  1mY  1mY 1f  1f GG f1 GG f GG mX  mY  f  = X3 X2Y Y 3 X2 XY Y 2 X Y 11f GG ff1 GG mX 1  mX 1  mY 1 f1  1f GG f1 GG f GG mX  mY  f  TWO DIMENSIONAL MONADICITY 37 holds and such that both composite 2-cells X X Y X2 XY Y 2 X Y 1 GG f GG 1iX  1iY  1iY  1f0  1f GG f1 GG f GG mX  mY  1f  X Y Y X2 XY Y 2 X Y f GG 1 GG iX1  iX 1  iY 1  f01  1f GG f1 GG f GG mX  mY  1f  are identities. A monoid transformation α : (f, f, f0) ⇒ (g, g, g0) is a 2-cell α : f ⇒ g satisfying the equations X2 Y 2 X Y mY  g WW mX  f2 88 g2 VV g α2  = X2 Y 2 X Y mY  f 77 g WW mX  f2 88 α  f  I X Y iX  iY  f 77 g WW f0  α  = I X Y iX  iY  g WW g0  These are the 2-cells of the F-category Mon(C)l : Mon(C)s → Mon(C)l of monoids, strict and lax monoid morphisms which sits over C via a forgetful F-functor U : Mon(C)l → C. Likewise we have pseudo and colax monoid morphisms and forgetful F-functors U : Mon(C)w → C for each w ∈ {l, p, c}. For a simple statement we assume in the following result that C admits pie limits [20]: these are a good class of limits containing w-limits of arrows for each w. Theorem 27. Let C be a monoidal 2-category admitting pie limits and suppose that Us : Mon(C)s → C has a left 2-adjoint. Let T be the induced 2-monad on C. Then for each w ∈ {l, p, c} we have isomorphisms of F-categories Mon(C)w → T-Algw over C and these are natural in w. Proof. Let us begin by showing that it suffices to suppose C to be strict monoidal. A straightforward extension of the usual argument for monoidal categories shows that C is equivalent to a strict monoidal 2-category D via a strong monoidal 2equivalence E : C → D. Mon(C)w Mon(D)w C D E∗ GG UD UC  E GG Such an equivalence naturally lifts to a 2-equivalence E∗ : Mon(C)w → Mon(D)w for each w and so induces a commuting square of F-categories and F-functors as above with both horizontal legs equivalences of F-categories. Now to apply Theorem 25 we must show that UC : Mon(C)w → C is w-doctrinal and that Mon(C)w has w-limits of loose morphisms. So suppose that UD and Mon(D)w have these properties and let us deduce from these the corresponding properties for C. Certainly if UD were w-doctrinal then UC would be too; for both horizontal legs, being equivalences, are w-doctrinal and such F-functors, being defined by lifting 38 JOHN BOURKE properties (as in Section 3.3), are closed under 2 out of 3. Likewise any limits existing in Mon(D)w exist in the F-equivalent Mon(C)w. Therefore it suffices to suppose that C is strict monoidal. Now certainly U : Mon(C)l → C is locally faithful and reflects identity 2-cells. Moreover given a strict monoid map (f, f, f0) : X → Y and adjunction (ǫ, f ⊣ g, η) ∈ C taking mates gives 2-cells Y 2 X2 Y X Y 2 X mX  g GG mY  g2 GG 1  f2 ww♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ f ww♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 1  ǫ2 s{ ♦♦♦♦ η s{ ♦♦♦♦ I X Y X iX GG iY  g GG f ww♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 1  η v~ tttttt It is straightforward to see, by cancelling mates, that these give g the structure of a lax monoid map (g, g, g0), with respect to which (ǫ, f ⊣ (g, g, g0), η) is an adjunction in Mon(C)l. Uniqueness of the lifted adjunction follows from Proposition 3.1. Therefore U satisfies l-doctrinal adjunction. We will show that U : Mon(C)l → C creates colax limits of loose morphisms. Consider a lax monoid map (f, f, f0) : X → Y and the colax limit C of f in C with colax cone as below C X Y p ÒÒ☎☎☎☎☎☎ q ((✿✿✿✿✿✿ f GG λ  By the universal property of C the composite colax cone left below induces a unique map mC : CC → C such that p.mC = mX .p2, q.mC = mY .q2 and such that the left equation below holds. Likewise we obtain a unique iC : I → C such that p.iC = iX , q.iC = iY and satisfying λ.iC = f0 as on the right below. C2 X2 Y 2 X Y p2 ⑧⑧⑧⑧ q2 11❄❄❄❄ f2 GG λ2  f GG mX  mY f  = C2 X2 Y 2 C X Y p2 ⑧⑧⑧⑧ q2 11❄❄❄❄ p ⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧ q 11❄❄❄❄❄ mC  λ  f GG mX  mY  I X Y iX  iY  f0  f GG = I C X Y iX  iY  p ⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧ q 11❄❄❄❄❄ iC  λ  f GG If we can show (C, mC , iC) to be a monoid then these combined equations will assert exactly that p and q are strict monoid maps and λ : q ⇒ (f, f, f0).p a monoid transformation. To show that mC.(mC1) = mC.(1mC) : C3 → C amounts to showing that both paths coincide upon postcomposition with the components p, q and λ of the universal colax cone. We have that p.mC.(mC1) = mX.p2.(mC1) = mX .(mX1).p3 = mX.(1mX ).p3 = mX.p2.(1mC) = p.mC.(1mC) and similarly for q so that associativity of mC will follow if we can show that both paths coincide TWO DIMENSIONAL MONADICITY 39 upon postcomposition with λ. Consider the following series of equalities C3 C2 C X Y 1mC  mC  p ÒÒ☎☎☎☎☎☎ q ((✿✿✿✿✿✿ f GG λ  = C3 X3 C2 Y 3 X2 Y 2 X Y ppp ÒÒ✆✆✆✆✆✆✆ qqq ((✾✾✾✾✾✾✾ 1mC  1mX  1mY  pp ÒÒ✆✆✆✆✆✆✆ qq ((✾✾✾✾✾✾✾ ff GG λλ  f GG mX  mY f  = C3 XC2 CY 2 X3 C2 Y 3 XC CY X2 XY Y 2 X Y p11 yyssss 1pp {{①①①①① p1 ss yy 1qq 77❑❑❑❑ 1q ❑❑ 77 q11 55❋❋❋❋❋ 1mC  1p {{①①①①① 1q 55❋❋❋❋❋ 1mY  p1 {{①①①①① q1 55❋❋❋❋❋ 1λ  λ1  1mX  1mC  1mY  1f GG f1 GG f GG mX  mY  f  = C3 XC2 CY 2 X3 XY 2 Y 3 XC CY X2 XY Y 2 X Y p11 yyssss 1pp {{①①①①① 1qq 55❋❋❋❋❋ 1qq 77❑❑❑❑ p11 {{①①①①① q11 55❋❋❋❋❋ 1mC  1p {{①①①①① 1q ❋❋ 55❋❋ 1mY  p1 ①① {{①① q1 55❋❋❋❋❋ 1λ  λ1  1mX  1mY  1mY  1f GG f1 GG f GG mX  mY  f  = C3 XC2 CY 2 X3 X2Y XY 2 Y 3 X2 XY Y 2 X Y p11 zzttt 1pp ww♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 1qq 44❉❉❉❉❉ 1qq 66❏❏❏ p11 ||③③③③③ q11 22❇❇❇❇ 1λλ  λ11  11f GG 1f1 GG f11 GG 1mX  1mY  1mY 1f  1f GG f1 GG f GG mX  mY  f  The first holds by definition of mC, the second merely rewrites the tensor product λλ and the third rewrites the commuting central diamond. The final equality of pasting composites does two things at once: on its left side it again applies the definition of mC postcomposed with λ; we rewrite the right hand side using (λ1).(1mY ) = (1mY ).(λ11). By an entirely similar diagram chase we obtain the equality C3 C2 C X Y mC 1  mC  p ÒÒ☎☎☎☎☎☎ q ((✿✿✿✿✿✿ f GG λ  = C3 X2C C2Y X3 X2Y XY 2 Y 3 X2 XY Y 2 X Y pp1 yyssss 11p xxrrrrrr 11q ))❁❁❁❁ 11q 77❑❑❑❑ pp1 xxrrrrrr qq1 88▲▲▲▲▲▲ 11λ  λλ1  11f GG 1f1 GG f11 GG mX 1  mX 1  mY 1 f1  1f GG f1 GG f GG mX  mY  f  This final composite and the one above it each constitute λ3 sat atop either side of the first equation for a lax monoid morphism: as such they agree and mC is associative. Much smaller, though similar, diagram chases show that mC.(iC1) = 1 and that mC.(1iC) = 1; thus C is a monoid and the colax cone (p, λ : q ⇒ pf, q) lifts (uniquely) to a colax cone in Mon(C)l. That the lifted colax cone satisfies the universal property of the colax limit is 40 JOHN BOURKE relatively straightforward and left to the reader. That p and q detect strict monoid morphisms is a consequence of the fact that they jointly detect identity 2-cells in C. Now if Us : Mon(C)s → C has a left adjoint it is automatically strictly monadic by the enriched version of Beck’s monadicity theorem [4]. Therefore, using the above, Theorem 25 asserts that the isomorphism of 2-categories E : Mon(C)s → T-Algs over C extends uniquely to an isomorphism of F-categories El : Mon(C)l → T-Algl over C. In a similar way one verifies the conditions of Theorem 25 when w ∈ {p, c} to obtain isomorphisms of F-categories Ew : Mon(C)w → T-Algw over C for each w; by Theorem 24 these isomorphisms are natural in w. 7.4. A non-example. All of the examples we have seen are of the strictly monadic variety and indeed this is the case whenever one studies structured objects over some same base 2-category. Now Theorem 25 is general enough to cover ordinary monadicity – up to equivalence of F-categories – but in fact there exist situations of a weaker kind. Here is one such case. Let Catf ⊂ Cat be a full sub 2-category of Cat whose objects form a skeleton of the finitely presentable categories (the finitely presentable objects in Cat) and let [Cat, Cat]f ⊂ [Cat, Cat] be the full sub 2-category consisting of those endo 2-functors preserving filtered colimits: this is the tight part of the F-category Ps(Cat, Cat)f : [Cat, Cat]f → Ps(Cat, Cat)f whose loose morphisms are pseudonatural transformations. Likewise we have an F-category Ps(Catf , Cat) : [Catf , Cat] → Ps(Catf , Cat) and now restriction along the inclusion Catf → Cat induces a forgetful F-functor R : Ps(Cat, Cat)f → Ps(Catf , Cat). Further restricting along the inclusion obCatf → Catf gives a commuting triangle Ps(Cat, Cat)f Ps(Catf , Cat) [obCatf , Cat] R GG SR ))❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀ S ÑÑ✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄ The composite Sτ Rτ : [Cat, Cat]f → [obCatf , Cat] is monadic though not strictly so: for the induced 2-monad T we have T-Algp isomorphic to Ps(Catf , Cat) with Rτ : [Cat, Cat]f → [Catf , Cat] the Eilenberg-Moore comparison 2-functor – that this is a 2-equivalence follows from Cat’s being locally finitely presentable as a 2-category. Whilst Rτ is a 2-equivalence the 2-functor Rλ : Ps(Cat, Cat)f → Ps(Catf , Cat) is not: indeed Ps(Catf , Cat) is locally small whereas Ps(Cat, Cat)f is not. Yet Rλ turns out to be a biequivalence and R the uniquely induced Ffunctor to the F-category of algebras. References [1] Bartels, T. Higher gauge theory 1:2-Bundles. PhD thesis, University of California, Riverside, 2006. [2] Beck, J. Triples, algebras and cohomology. Rep. Theory Appl. Categ. 2 (2003), 1–59. [3] Blackwell, R., Kelly, G. 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