Studia paedagogica vol. 18, n. 4, 2013 DOI: 10.5817/SP2013-4-6 CLASSIFICATION THEORIES OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES: AN EXPLORATORY ANALYSIS KATEŘINA VLČKOVÁ, JANEK BERGER, MANUEL VÖLKLE Abstract The present paper provides a comparison of common taxonomies of foreign language learning strategies using empirical data from a Czech adaptation of the strategy inventory SILL (Oxford, 1990). In an initial analysis none of the traditional taxonomies received strong empirical support. Based on an exploratory followup analysis we thus propose a basic three factorial model of foreign language learning strategies distinguishing 1) elaboration strategies, organisation strategies and self-control, 2) strategies of cooperative learning, and 3) motivational-emotional strategies. This three factorial model bears some similarity to O’Malley’s and Chamot’s (1990) classification of strategies into cognitive, metacognitive, and socioaffective strategies, although cognitive and metacognitive strategies were primarily represented by a single factor, while social and affective strategies appear to be two separated groups of strategies. Based on these first results we suggest better ways to assess foreign learning strategies in future research. Keywords classification of learning strategies, second language acquisition, factor analysis 94 KATEŘINA VLČKOVÁ, JANEK BERGER, MANUEL VÖLKLE Introduction Oxford’s (1990) taxonomy of foreign language learning strategies is one of the most widely used taxonomies in teaching practice and research on language learning. In an influential article, Hsiao and Oxford (2002) compared different classification theories of language learning strategies and showed that although this taxonomy did not produce a fully adequate fit to the data, Oxford’s 6-factor model of learning strategies “is the most consistent with learners’ strategy use” (p. 368). However, Hsiao and Oxford (2002) also suggest that “other possible approaches should be considered as well” (p. 368). The purpose of the present paper is to follow up on this work and to explore the factor structure of foreign language learning strategies using data collected in the Czech Republic. Theoretical background Second and foreign language learning strategies can be understood as “any set of operations, steps, plans, routines used by the learner to facilitate the obtaining, storage, retrieval, and use of information” (Wenden & Rubin, 1987, p. 19). They are intentional (Cohen & Macaro, 2007) and (at least to some degree) conscious procedures by which a learner reaches his or her learning goal. Strategies can be placed on a continuum in terms of the degree of planning and control involved and strategy size (i.e., macro to micro) or specificity (general strategies or specific for the learnt subject). Strategies do not occur in isolation but in sequences or clusters and the quality of their orchestration is important for learning. Accordingly, the definition and especially classification of language learning strategies is a major issue in language learning strategy research and theory. Learning strategies represent one of the key determinants of language acquisition and educational achievement. From a pedagogical point of view, learning strategies are often considered as more easy to modify as compared to individual learning styles1 or even cognitive styles.2 The acquisition of 1 Learning style is an individual’s natural or habitual pattern of acquiring and processing information in learning situations (e.g., individuals differ in how they learn) (James & Gardner, 1995). 2 Cognitive style refers to psychological dimension representing consistencies in an individual’s manner of cognitive functioning, particularly with respect to acquiring and processing information (Ausburn & Ausburn, 1978). 95CLASSIFICATION THEORIES OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES effective learning strategies is a central goal at every level of the educational system in the Czech Republic (see the Framework Educational Programmes, for example RVP ZV, 2010), but also of educational policies of the EU or OECD. Parallel to development in research in cognitive psychology, research on second and foreign language learning strategies has increased tremendously since the end of the 1960’s. While early research was primarily concerned with the identification of strategies used by “good language learners” these initial classifications became more and more refined in recent research. Classifications of second/foreign language learning strategies There exist several international second and foreign language (L2)3 learning strategies classifications (Wenden & Rubin, 1987; O’Malley, Chamot, Stewner-Manzanares, Küpper, & Russo, 1985; Oxford, 1990; Stern, 1992; Ellis, 1990 etc.). The differences are primarily due to different research methods (such as observation, interviews, or questionnaires) or measuring strategies at different language tasks and in different contexts (such as foreign language learning or second language acquisition or on learners with different L2 level of competence). Differences and ambiguities of strategy classifications appear as well at the unification process concerning to which category or strategy group individual concrete strategies belong and which strategies form the logical whole. Classification criteria are important and they can differ considerably. According to O’Malley and Chamot (1990), great differences can be observed, for example in learning strategy classifications between linguists and psychologists as linguistics often fails to implement new findings from the general learning theory (e. g., classification of strategies are not sufficiently based on current theories of information processing and learning). The most frequently referenced classifications of L2 learning strategies in foreign language literature are classifications by Naiman, Fröhlich, Stern, & Todesco (1978), Rubin, & Wenden (1987), Oxford (1990), O’Malley et al. (1985), Stern (1992) or Cohen & Weaver (2006). These classifications are briefly summarised in Table 1. 3 L2 is used as abbreviation for second as well as foreign language. L2 is the language a person knows or is learning or acquiring in addition to their native language (L1). 96 Table 1 Overview of the most widely used classifications of second/foreign language learning strategies Authors Strategies classification Naiman et al. (1978) Active task approach, realisation of language as system, realisation of language as a mean of communication, management of affective demands, monitoring of L2 performance. Dansereau (1985) Primary and support strategies are differentiated and further subdivided according to a language task (reading, writing, vocabulary learning, etc.). O´Malley et al. (1985) Metacognitive, cognitive and socioaffective. Weinstein & Mayer (1986) Primarily building upon the difference between learning strategies and teaching strategies. The major 6 groups of learning strategies are differentiated according to whether they are suitable for basic or complex learning tasks (rehearsal, elabora-tion, and organisational strategies). Further 2 groups are comprehension monitoring strategies (e.g., checking for comprehension failures), and affective and motivational strategies (such as being alert and relaxed, to help overcome test anxiety). Rubin & Wenden (1987) Direct strategies, that is learning strategies: cognitive and metacognitive. Indirect strategies: communication strategies, social strategies. Oxford (1990) Direct strategies: memory, cognitive, compensation. Indirect strategies: metacognitive, affective, social. Stern (1992) Managementandplanningstrategies,cognitive,communicationexperimental, interpersonal and affective. Wild, Schiefele, & Winteler (1992, in Wild, 1997) Primary strategies (cognitive and metacognitive) and secondary strategies. Bimmel & Rampillon (2000) Direct strategies: memory, language processing. Indirect strategies: self-regulatory, affective, social, language use strategies. Cohen & Weaver (2006) a) Retrieval, rehearsal, communication and cover strategies. b) Listening, reading, writing, speaking, vocabulary, and translating strategies. The classifications illustrated in Table 1 differ in the degree of clarity and complexity of involvement of single learning strategies as well as higher order groups of strategies. Most of the classifications do not provide a detailed categorisation of single strategies but only mention some examples from KATEŘINA VLČKOVÁ, JANEK BERGER, MANUEL VÖLKLE 97 a group of strategies (where the observed strategies usually result from a specific research method). A problematic aspect in the classifications on process is the assignment of single strategies both to subgroups and sometimes to the main group of direct or indirect strategies. The strategy assignment often depends on a chosen interpretation of a certain strategy. Some strategies are classified as direct as well as indirect strategies depending on the intention of their use by a learner. Moreover, classifications by psychologists, linguists, and education scientists are often different, involving different definitions, and implying different theories of second language acquisition. At least five basic classification types of language learning strategies can be identified: 1) classifications connected with research of good language learners (e.g., Rubin, 1975), 2) classifications based on psychological functions (e.g., O’Malley & Chamot, 1990), 3) classifications with a linguistic background dealing with meaning mapping, language monitoring, formal and functional practice (e.g., Bialystok, 1981), or communication strategies such as paraphrasing and loanwords (e.g., Tarone, 1983), 4) classifications connected with language skills (e.g., Cohen, 1990; Cohen & Weaver, 2006), 5) classifications based on the distinction of learning styles or types of learners. The variety of classifications indicates the essential problem in strategy research, that is, the field reveals a wide and ambiguous learning strategies concept and nondisjunction of dimensions of strategy classifications while a psychometrically founded and generally accepted classification system for strategy description is absent. General methodological background Building upon the seminal research by Hsiao and Oxford (2002) with the present study, we set out to explore different classifications of language learning strategies by means of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. For the purpose of the present paper, and in line with Hsiao and Oxford (2002), we decided to focus on three of the most widely used taxonomies of L2 learning strategies: Rubin’s (1981), Oxford’s (1990) and O’Malley and Chamot’s (1990) classification of language learning strategies. Whereas Rubin’s classification distinguishes rather roughly between direct and indirect strategies, Oxford’s taxonomy (see Table 4 and 5) postulates six main factors (metacognitive, cognitive, memory, compensation, social, and affective). In contrast, O’Malley and Chamot’s classification proposed a slightly simpler taxonomy which differentiates between metacognitive, cognitive, and socioaffective strategies. In this paper we provide a more detailed comparison of the three taxonomies. CLASSIFICATION THEORIES OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES 98 Comparison of Rubin’s, O’Malley and Chamot´s, and Oxford’s language learning strategy classification Beside the two main groups of strategies (direct and indirect), Rubin (1981) distinguishes further between eight subgroups of strategies (Table 2). Each of these subgroups is comprised of more specific strategies (for details see Rubin, 1981). Table 2 Rubin’s (1981) classification of language learning strategies Groups of strategies Subgroups of strategies Direct strategies 1)Clarification/verification,2)monitoring,3)memorisation, 4) guessing/inductive inferencing, 5) deductive reasoning, 6) practice Indirect strategies 1) Creating opportunities for practice, 2) production tricks O’Malley and Chamot’s (1990) classification is adapted from O’Malley et al. (1985) and based on cognitive concepts of learning by Brown and Palincsar (1982). O’Malley and Chamot (1990) distinguish three broad types of learning strategies: cognitive, metacognitive, and socioaffective. These main strategies are further divided into several substrategies (Table 3). Table 3 O’Malley & Chamot’s classification (1990, pp. 119–120) Groups Subgroups Learning strategy Metacognitive Planning Advance organisers, directed attention, selective attention, self-management, functional planning Monitoring Self-monitoring Evaluation Self-evaluation Cognitive – Repetition, resourcing, translation, grouping, note taking, summarising, deduction, recombination, translation, imagery and auditory representation, keyword method, contextualisation, elaboration, transfer, inferencing Socioaffective Question for clarification – Cooperation – Self-talk – KATEŘINA VLČKOVÁ, JANEK BERGER, MANUEL VÖLKLE 99 Oxford (1990) distinguishes two main group of strategies (direct and indirect), which she however defines differently than Rubin (see table 2 and 4) and which comprised of six other groups further divided into additional subgroups (see Table 4) which are further subdivided. A more detailed description is provided in Table 5. Table 4 Oxford’s (1990) strategy classification Main group Strategy groups Subgroups Direct Memory Creating mental linkages, applying images and sounds, reviewing well, employing action Cognitive Practising, receiving and sending messages, analyzing and reasoning, creating structures for input and output Compensation Guessing intelligently, overcoming limitations in speaking and writing Indirect Metacognitive Centering your learning, arranging and planning your learning, evaluating your learning Affective Lowering your anxiety, encouraging yourself, taking your emotional temperature Social Asking questions, cooperating with others, empathising with others Oxford’s (1990) detailed taxonomy originates in the attempt to integrate all known strategies into a single taxonomy. She linked her taxonomy of strategies to four language skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) and took into account linguistic as well as communicative aspects of L2 learning strategies and the psychological functions which strategies fulfil in information processing. Some strategies in her taxonomy (especially memory and metacognitive strategies) reflect various learning styles and good learner’s strategies. In comparison with Oxford’s (1990) and Rubin’s (1981) classifications, Oxford (1990) decided to not use Rubin’s dichotomy of direct and indirect strategies in the construction of her Strategy Inventory for Language Learning – SILL (Oxford, 1990), because she found it not detailed enough for research operationalisation of single strategy items; she refers to the dichotomy direct vs. indirect strategies only in theory. Also their placement of strategies into categories differs. For example, Oxford did not classify clarification/verification and monitoring into direct strategies as Rubin did, but into indirect strategies: first a social strategy, second a metacognitive strategy. Furthermore, production tricks in Rubin’s classification belong to CLASSIFICATION THEORIES OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES 100 the indirect strategies, whereas in Oxford’s system the compensation strategies are one of the three subgroups of direct strategies. When comparing O’Malley and Chamot’s and Oxford’s classification, it becomes apparent that cognitive strategies in the O’Malley and Chamot’s classification are in Oxford’s classification distinguished as memory and cognitive strategies. Similarly socioaffective strategies are separated and some cognitive strategies (e.g., inferencing) are classified into compensation strategies (e.g., guessing from context) in Oxford’s system. Metacognitive strategies are generally consistent in both classifications. A more detailed comparison of Rubin, O’Malley and Chamot’s and Oxford’s classifications is provided by Hsiao and Oxford (2002). Methodological approach The purpose of the following analyses is to (1) provide new empirical evidence for or against the three taxonomies of foreign language learning strategies by Rubin (1981), O’Malley & Chamot (1990), and Oxford (1990), and to (2) propose a modified version of the Czech SILL inventory, which may provide a basis for further research. Sample Data used in the article stem from research into foreign language learning strategies used at upper secondary comprehensive schools in Brno in the Czech Republic in 2004 (Vlčková, 2007). The sampling procedure was non-random and included a total of 606 students in 14 schools, 29 classes of 3rd graders and corresponding grades at eight-year comprehensive secondary school. Fifty-two percent of the sample were female. During data collection, learners were asked to report learning strategies for a foreign language of their choice, ideally their preferred foreign language. English was the language chosen most often, probably because students have learned it for the longest time, they like it, or because it is the most used language in the world. On average, students had learned their preferred foreign language for 8.2 years. The sample contained multiple cases with missing values and five cases with missing values on every item. These five cases were dropped from the analysis. Measures The data was collected using a Czech adaptation (Vlčková, 2007) of the strategy inventory SILL (version 5.1; Oxford, 1989). The Czech inventory measures the use of 85 single item learning strategies on a five-point scale (1 never or KATEŘINA VLČKOVÁ, JANEK BERGER, MANUEL VÖLKLE 101 almost never to 5 always or almost always) with the possibility to answer I don’t know, I’m not capable of assessing. Table 5 provides an overview of the learning strategies taxonomy by Oxford adopted in the Czech version, together with the items’ codes used in the following analyses. Table 6 provides several examples of items, along with the number of items assessed in each of the six main categories. Data management was carried out in R (version 2.5.3), and Mplus (version 6.1) was used for exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Table 5 Overview of foreign language learning strategies (according to Oxford, 1990, pp. 18–21) with items of the modified inventory (see Vlčková, 2007, pp. 212–213) Strategy groups Subgroups Strategies Item code Memory strategies Creating mental linkages Grouping p1 Associating/elaborating p2 Placing new words into context p3 Applying images and sounds Using imagery p4,5,6 Semantic mapping p7 Using key words p8 Representing sounds in memory p9,10 Reviewing well Structured reviewing p11,12,13 Employing action Using physical response or sensation p14 Using mechanical techniques p15 Cognitive strategies Practising Repeating kg1,2,3 Formally practising with sounds and writing systems kg4,5 Recognising und using formulas and patterns kg6 Recombining kg7 Practising naturalistically kg8,9,10, 11,12,13 Receiving and sending messages Getting the idea quickly kg14,15 Using resources for receiving and sending messages kg16 Analyzing and reasoning Reasoning deductively kg17,18 Analyzing expressions kg19 Analyzing contrastively (across languages) kg20 Translating kg21 Transferring kg22 Creating structures for input and output Taking notes kg23 Summarising kg24 Highlighting kg25 CLASSIFICATION THEORIES OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES 102 Compensation strategies Guessing intelligently Using linguistic clues k1 Using other clues k2 Overcoming limitations in speaking and writing Switching to the mother tongue k3 Getting help k4 Using mime or gesture k5 Avoiding communication partially or totally k6 Selecting the topics k7 Adjusting or approximating the message k8 Coining words k9 Using a circumlocution or synonym k10 Metacognitive strategies Centering your learning Overviewing and linking with already known material m1 Paying attention m2,3 Delaying speech production to focus on listening m4 Arranging and planning your learning Finding out about language learning m5 Organising m6,7,8,9 Setting goals and objectives m10,11 Identifying the purpose of a language task (purposeful listening /reading/speaking/writing) m12 Planning for a language task m13 Seeking practice opportunities m14,15 Evaluating your learning Self-monitoring m16,17 Self-evaluating m18 Affective strategies Lowering your anxiety Using progressive relaxation, deep breathing, or meditation a1 Using music Using laughter Encouraging yourself Making positive statements a2 Taking risks wisely a3 Rewarding yourself a4 Taking your emotional temperature Listening to your body a5 Using a check-list a6 Writing a language learning diary a7 Discussing your feelings with someone else a8 KATEŘINA VLČKOVÁ, JANEK BERGER, MANUEL VÖLKLE 103 Social strategies Asking questions Asking for clarification or verification s1,2 Asking for correction s3 Cooperating with others Cooperating with peers s4,5 Cooperating with proficient users of the new language s6,7 Empathising with others Developing cultural understanding s8 Becoming aware of others’ thoughts and feelings s9 Table 6 Examples of SILL items (Oxford, 1990) Strategy group Number of items Item’s codes Example of SILL items Memory 15 p1–p15 I use flashcards to remember new FL words. (p15) Cognitive 25 kg1–kg25 I find the meaning of an FL word by dividing it into parts that I understand. (kg19) Compensation 10 k1–k10 To understand unfamiliar words, I make guesses. (k1) Metacognitive 18 m1–m18 I notice my FL mistakes and use that information to help me do better. (m17) Affective 8 a1–a8 I encourage myself to speak FL even when I am afraid of making mistakes. (a3) Social 9 s1–s9 If I do not understand something in English, I ask the other person to slow down or say it again. (s1) Statistical analysis The data analytic approach consists of three steps: 1) Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using all items. 2) Item selection and instrument modification on the basis of EFA results in step 1. 3) Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the revised instrument and further post hoc modification. CLASSIFICATION THEORIES OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES 104 Ad 1) Exploratory factor analysis Mplus 6.1 was used for exploratory factor analysis with geomin rotation (Muthén & Muthén, 1998–2010, see also Browne, 2001). As described before, the data are clustered with individual students nested in classes, which in turn are nested in schools. The mean intra-class correlation was .020 at the school level, .034 at the class level, respectively. Due to the small intra-class correlations, we decided to ignore the school level clustering, while controlling for class differences between classes by group mean centering at the class level. Missing values were handled via full information maximum likelihood estimation (Arbuckle, 1996). Figure 1 shows the resulting scree plot, which suggested the extraction of either three or five factors. A subsequent parallel analysis suggested the extraction of 16 factors. As described above, previous research provided somewhat mixed evidence for (classification by Oxford, 1990), three (classification by O’Malley & Chamot, 1990), or two (classification by Rubin, 1972) factors. Together with the five factor solution suggested by the scree plot in Figure 1, we thus decided to more closely examine a six, five, three, and two factor solution, using orthogonal as well as oblique rotation. Ad 2) Item selection and instrument modification Initial results did not reveal a clear factor structure in line with any of the three taxonomies of L2 learning strategies discussed before. In order to improve the measurement instrument and to arrive at a substantively meaningful classification, we excluded all items which had a factor loading < .30, cross-loading > .30, and an item-total-correlation < .30. This procedure was repeated five times, beginning with five factors. The scree plot based on the selected items does not clearly indicate a three factor solution. However, from the initial five factors solution two factors were dropped in the iterative procedure described above due to a lack of items and subsequently a lack of substantive relevance. Ad 3) Confirmatory factor analysis and post hoc modification In the last step the revised instrument was subject to a confirmatory factor analysis. KATEŘINA VLČKOVÁ, JANEK BERGER, MANUEL VÖLKLE 105 Results Exploratory factor analysis using all items The first factor explains 33.5 %, the second factor 12.6 %, the third factor 9.4 %, the fourth factor 5 %, and the fifth factor 4.6 % of the total variance. Figure 1 shows the corresponding scree plot. Figure 1. Scree Plot and Parallel Analysis Based on All Items Item selection and instrument modification Figure 2 shows the scree plot resulting from a factor analysis of the revised instrument with 42 items. The factor loading matrix is given in Table 7. The first factor of the revised instrument explains 47.4 %, the second factor 19.4 %, and the third factor 11.8 % of the total variance. Table 8 shows the corresponding factor correlations. In line with previous research (Oxford, 1990; Hsiao & Oxford, 2002), the factors are not independent from each other. The item-total-correlations are given in Table 9. CLASSIFICATION THEORIES OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES 106 Table 7 Factor loadings of exploratory factor analysis using oblique rotation Item Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5 p12 .43 p13 .35 kg1 .45 kg2 .40 kg5 .30 kg15 .33 kg23 .69 kg24 .53 kg25 .62 m1 .38 m2 .39 m3 .29 m5 .37 m6 .43 m8 .44 m9 .61 m13 .38 kg9 .47 kg11 .51 KATEŘINA VLČKOVÁ, JANEK BERGER, MANUEL VÖLKLE Figure 2. Scree Plot and Parallel Analysis Based on Selected Items 107 kg12 .58 kg13 .63 m15 .54 s5 .61 s7 .40 s8 .40 m11 .40 a1 .44 a2 .48 a4 .51 a5 .52 a6 .63 a7 .56 a8 .51 k3 .49 -.43 k4 .58 -.38 k5 .54 k7 .32 k8 .55 k9 .59 kg3 .39 kg7 .45 Note: Factor loadings < .30 are not displayed. Table 8 Factor correlation matrix Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5 Factor 1 1 Factor 2 .20 1 Factor 3 .33 .29 1 Factor 4 .33 -.10 .08 1 Factor 5 .30 .34 .03 .24 1 Note: Factor correlations based on items provided in Table 7. CLASSIFICATION THEORIES OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES 108 Table 9 Item-Total-Correlations Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Item Item-Total- Correlation Item Item-Total- Correlation Item Item-Total- Correlation p12 p13 kg1 kg2 kg5 kg15 kg23 kg24 kg25 m1 m2 m3 m5 m6 m8 m9 m13 .45 .42 .44 .47 .39 .45 .53 .48 .54 .48 .40 .45 .45 .48 .49 .50 .45 kg9 kg11 kg12 kg13 m15 s5 s7 s8 .42 .44 .47 .54 .56 .51 .40 .45 m11 a1 a2 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 .45 .45 .57 .49 .56 .56 .36 .48 Note: Item-Total-Correlations were computed without the item itself and are based on cases without missing values (listwise deletion). Confirmatory factor analysis and post hoc modification Figure 3 provides a graphical illustration of the confirmatory factor analysis displaying understandardised and standardised factor loadings (in parenthesis). With χ2 = 4745.41 (p = .000), CFI = .85, RMSEA = .046 and SRMR = .058, the fit is moderate. Modification indices reported in Mplus suggested a residual correlation between two pairs of items (kg2 and k15 as well as kg23 and m9). Investigating the very similar item formulations (kg2 “I read a foreign language text many times until I understand. For example I try to get the main idea, then answer questions about the text and then I look for the words” was correlated with kg15 “First I scan the part of the text that I should read, to know what it is about and get the main idea. Then I come back and read the text more carefully”, while kg23 “I make notes in the foreign language class” was correlated with m9 “I have a notebook where I write important language KATEŘINA VLČKOVÁ, JANEK BERGER, MANUEL VÖLKLE 109 information. For example vocabulary, new learning topics and assignments”), correlated residuals of these item pairs seemed plausible and the model was modified accordingly. All factors exhibit sufficient reliability (Cronbach’s alpha = .85 for the first factor, .76 for the second factor, and .78 for the third factor). Figure 3. Results of confirmatory factor analysis (standardised coefficients in parentheses) * p < .001 Comparing the final model to Oxford’s SILL terminology and classification, factor 1 consists of two of the memory strategies focused on reviewing (p12, p13), seven cognitive strategies: three practising strategies (repeating – kg1, kg2 and practising phonetics – kg 5), getting the idea quickly (kg15), taking notes (kg23), summarising (kg24) and highlighting (kg25), and of eight metacognitive strategies: overviewing and linking with already known material (m1), paying attention (m2, m3) and arranging and planning your learning (finding out about language learning – m5; organising – m6, m8, m9) and planning for a language task (m13). These strategies can be summarised as elaboration and organisation strategies, and self-control strategies. CLASSIFICATION THEORIES OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES 110 Factor 2 was named strategies of cooperative learning and consists of four cognitive strategies, mainly practising in natural settings (watching television, movies – kg9, out school activities with FL – kg11, writing in FL – kg13), one metacognitive strategy – seeking practice opportunities (m15) and three social strategies such as cooperating with others (cooperating with peers – s5, cooperating with proficient users of the new language – s7, developing cultural understanding – s8). Factor 3 was called motivational-emotional strategies. It consists of seven affective strategies: lowering own anxiety (a1), encouraging yourself (making positive statements – a2, rewarding oneself – a4), taking own “emotional temperature” (listening to your body – a5, using a check-list – a6, writing a language learning diary – a7, discussing your feelings with someone else – a8) and one metacognitive strategy (setting goals and objectives – m11). Compensation strategies and many of the memory strategies were eliminated (see Table 10). Only 56 percent from metacognitive strategies, 44 percent of cognitive, 13 percent of memory strategies, 33 percent of social strategies, none of the compensatory and 88 percent of affective strategies remain. Some of the remaining strategies come from hierarchically higher groups: memory strategies of repetition (p12, p13), repeating of writing and reading (kg1 a g2), practising (kg9, kg11, kg12, kg13) and attention (m2, m3) and the organisation of learning (m6, m8, m9). Table 10 Number of SILL items before and after the analyses KATEŘINA VLČKOVÁ, JANEK BERGER, MANUEL VÖLKLE 111 Discussion The findings of the present study are somewhat mixed. Clearly, none of the three taxonomies of foreign learning strategies discussed in this paper received strong empirical support. As a matter of fact, the clear misfit between the theoretically postulated factor structure and the results of the exploratory factor analysis with all items is so striking that a formal comparison of the three models by the means of confirmatory factor analyses, along the lines of Hsiao and Oxford (2002), would have been pointless. Instead, we decided to refine the measurement instrument in order to establish a more meaningful taxonomy of foreign language learning strategies. As such, the analyses presented in this article are primarily of an exploratory nature and it is up to future research to cross-validate the findings using an independent sample. In fact, it seems that the individual (sub)categories are often more closely interrelated than postulated by some authors. Based on the final analyses, it can be surprisingly stated that metacognitive strategies like self-control and cognitive strategies like elaboration and organisation, even though traditionally cognitive and metacognitive strategies were seen as separate strategy groups and associated with the distinction of direct (before all cognitive) and indirect (before all metacognitive) strategies. Because of the similarity to the observed three factor solution in the present paper, we consider O’Malley and Chamot’s (1990) classification as more promising for future research than the rather detailed classification of Oxford (1990). In conclusion, the statement regarding the quality of factor structure of a modified questionnaire (i. e., construct validity) requires validation, which is currently being realised. Acknowledgment Kateřina Vlčková was working on the project: Foreign Language Learning Strategies and Achievement: Analysis of Strateg y Clusters and Sequences (Nr. GAP407/12/0432) funded by the Czech Science Foundation while she was researching this paper. Manuel Völkle conducted research for the paper while at the University of Mannheim. References Arbuckle, J. L. (1996). Full information estimation in the presence of incomplete data. In A. Marcoulides & R. E. Schumacher (Eds.), Advanced structural equation modelling (pp. 243–277). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum. CLASSIFICATION THEORIES OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES 112 Ausburn, L. J., & Ausburn, F. B. (1978). Cognitive styles: Some information and implications for instructional design. Educational Communication and Technology, 26(4), 337–354. Bialystok, E. (1981). The role of conscious strategies in second language proficiency. Modern Language Journal, 65(1), 24–35. Bimmel, P., & Rampillon, U. (2000). 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Corresponding authors Kateřina Vlčková Institute for Research in School Education, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, Czech Republic E-mail: Janek Berger Center for Lifespan Psychology, Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development, Germany E-mail: Manuel Völkle Center for Lifespan Psychology, Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development, Germany E-mail: CLASSIFICATION THEORIES OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES