ADAPTAČNÍ PROJEVY SPECIFICKÉHO TRÉNINKU U CYKLISTŮ V GRAVITY DISCIPLÍNÁCH ADAPTATION TO SPECIFIC TRAINING IN GRAVITY CYCLISTS Damjan Siriški, Jan Novotný Abstrakt Cílem naší studie bylo zkoumat somatotyp, tělesnou stavbu a motorické dovednosti elitních cyklistů v gravity disciplínách. Testovací skupina se skládala z 30 jezdců (15 technické gravity disciplíny, 15 sjezdové gravity disciplíny). Použili jsme metody podle Heath-Carter, Matiegka a testy motorických dovedností. Jezdci sjezdových gravity disciplín prokázali vyšší hodnotu svalové složky (47,2%, σ = 3,9%; p = 0,0564) a vyšší hodnotu mezomorfní komponenty (5,04, σ = 0,43; p = 0,1103). Jezdci sjezdových gravity disciplín také prokázali statisticky významný rozdíl ve skoku dalekém z místa (226,9cm, σ = 21,15cm; p = 0,042). Jezdci technických gravity disciplín prokázali statisticky významně vyšší hodnoty ve výskoku s rotací (technical disciplines 547,7°, σ = 110,3°; p = 0,0074). Rozdíly souvisejí s charakteristikou dlouhodobého tréninku a využitím specifických metod. Klíčová slova: motorické dovednosti, somatotyp, tréninkový proces Abstract The objective of our study was to investigate somatotype, body constitution and motor skills of elite cyclists of gravity disciplines. Test group consisted of 30 riders (15 technical gravity disciplines, 15 downhill gravity disciplines). We used Heath-Carter and Matiegka methods and motor skills tests. Downhill gravity cyclists proved significantly higher muscle mass (47,2%, σ = 3,9%; p = 0,0564) and higher value of mesomorph component (5,04, σ = 0,43; p = 0,1103). Downhill gravity cyclists also proved statistically significant differences in broad jump (226,9cm, σ = 21,15cm; p = 0,042). Technical gravity cyclists proved statistically significant differencies in rotation jump (technical disciplines 547,7°, σ = 110,3°; p = 0,0074). Differences relate with characteristics of training and use of specific training methods. Key words: motor skills, somatotype, training process 1 INTRODUCTION Gravity cycling disciplines are the youngest branch of cycling and although they are not far as popular as traditional cycling disciplines, they have been growing fast and are getting a lot of attention. After two decades of existence of these disciplines, scientific publications, which study impact of training on body composition of riders or describe training methods, started to come into existence. Every year hundreds of newcomers get involved in the gravity cycling disciplines worldwide. Bigger base of riders is related with founding of new clubs and recruiting of new coaches and training experts. To keep the sport progressing, it is important to keep on improving the training methods and to apply knowledge of specific training process for each discipline. The physique of an athlete is considered to be an important determinant of success in many sports, and in top level sport there would appear to be a tendency for individuals to gravitate towards the event to which they are anthropometrically best suited (Foley et al. 1989). Factors of sport performance are clearly influenced by metabolic (Allemeier et al. 1994; Dawson et al. 1998) and neural factors (Casabona et al., 1990; Nummela et al., 1994), however, anthropometric factors also play an important role (Mann et al., 1984). 2 METHODS 30 male elite cyclists were studied in the investigation. They included professional cyclists attending world cup level competitions (n=12) and semi-professional cyclists with experiences from national and European level competitions (n=18). In our research we divided gravity disciplines into two groups. Downhill gravity disciplines (fourcross and downhill mtb) and technical gravity disciplines (freestyle mtb and biketrial). Each of the resulting groups contained a mixture of abilities. All anthropometric measures were taken by the same investigator. We used Heath-Carter method (Heath et al. 1967) to define somatotype and Matiegka method (Matiegka 1921) to define physique of cyclists. Participants attended 2 motor skills tests focused on explosive leg strength and coordination (broad jump, rotation jump). Skinfold measurements were taken using a Somet caliper, the sites measured were tricep, bicep, subscapular, chest, abdominal, suprailiac, forearm, medial calf and thigh. A Holtain sliding bone width caliper was used to assess the bi-epicondular breadths of the humerus and femur and the width of the ankle (across the lateral malleolus of the fibula and the medial malleolus of the tibia) and wrist. The bicep, calf, femur and forearm muscle girths were measured using a steel tape according to the procedure described by Heath and Carter (Heath et al. 1967). Height was measured to the nearest centimetre following a deep inspiration and weight was measured to the nearest half kilogram. From the data obtained, ANTROPO1 software was used to calculate somatotype and physique rating for each athlete according to the methods described by Heath (Heath et al. 1967) and Matiegka (Matiegka 1921). The data for the groups of cyclists were compared statistically using Mann-Whitney nonparametric test in STATISTICA software. 3 RESULTS A comparison between the two groups revealed differences in somatotype and physique. The differences are summarized in Table 1 with the somatotypes presented diagrammatically in Figure 1. The average somatotype for each of the groups was as follows; downhill disciplines 2.4-5-2. 9, technical disciplines 2.6-4.7-3. Table 1. Somatotype and physique differences in groups demonstrated by Mann-Whitney nonparametric test Mann-Whitney U test statistical significance p < ,10000 Variable Total Downh Total Techn U Z p-value Z-adjust p-value ENDO 210,000 255,000 90,00 -0,912 0,3615 -0,9132 0,3611 ECTO 216,000 249,000 96,00 -0,663 0,5069 -0,6638 0,5067 MESO 271,500 193,500 73,50 1,596 0,1102 1,5972 0,1102 Bone% 246,500 218,500 98,50 0,559 0,5755 0,5619 0,5741 Muscle% 279,000 186,000 66,00 1,907 0,0563 1,9084 0,0563 Fat% 254,000 211,000 91,00 0,871 0,3837 0,8717 0,3833 Analysis of the mesomorphy component showed the downhill disciplines group to be more mesomorphic than technical disciplines (p=0,1). No significant difference was found in the ectomorphy and endomorphy rating. Figure 1. Average somatotypes of cyclists in present study: ▲ downhill gravity disciplines; ● technical gravity disciplines Analysis of the physique ratings revealed difference in muscle mass component. Downhill disciplines group showed to have higher rating of muscle mass (p=0,1). No significant differences were found between the groups in other physique components. Table 2. Motor skills results differences in groups demonstrated by Mann-Whitney nonparametric test Mann-Whitney U test statistical significance p < ,050000 Variable Total Downh Total Techn U Z p-value Z-adjust p-value Broad jump 282,000 183,000 63,000 2,032 0,0421 2,033 0,0419 Mann-Whitney U test statistical significance p < ,050000 Variable Total Downh Total Techn U Z p-value Z-adjust p-value Rotation jump 167,500 297,500 47,500 -2,675 0,0074 -2,676 0,0074 A comparison between the two groups revealed significant differences in results of both motor skills tests. The average results of broad jump test was as follows; downhill disciplines 226,9cm, technical disciplines 210cm. Analysis of broad jump test showed the downhill disciplines group to have significantly higher rating of results of the test (p=0,05). Analysis of rotation jump test showed the technical disciplines to have significantly higher rating of results of the test (p=0,05). 4 DISCUSSION The results supported suggestions that there was a high correlation between mesomorphy and body strength (White et al. 1978). The high mesomorphy of downhill disciplines riders might be expected, since strength is a major contributor of generating the power and obtaining a high rate of pedal revolutions (De Garay, et al. 1989), which is an important factor in fourcross and downhill sport performance. The lower mesomorphy ratings in technical disciplines may relate to the relative tallness resulting in more ectomorphic physique. Downhill disciplines group´s significantly higher rating of broad jump results may relate to importance of explosive leg strength and ability of quicker acceleration as a major determinant of success in the disciplines. This suggestion may also be connected with higher rating of mesomorphy in downhill disciplines group. Technical disciplines group´s significantly higher rating of rotation jump results correlates with the long-term training process, as the athletes of these disciplines train to execute tricks which include rotating and spinning. Coordination and spatial orientation skills are determinant of successful sport performance in freestyle and biketrial. 5 CONCLUSIONS Significant differencies were detected between the two groups of gravity cyclists. The downhill disciplines riders were more mesomorphic and had a higher rating of muscle mass component. The results in broad jump test revealed that downhill disciplines riders had higher rating in the test. Therefore it may be suggested that higher mesomorphy rating and higher muscle mass is a major contributor of generating the explosive power in legs which is a determinant of successful sport performance in downhill disciplines. The results in rotation jump test revealed that technical disciplines riders had higher rating in the test, which may relate with important role of coordination and spatial orientation skills in technical disciplines´ sport performances. It may be suggested that each form of gravity cycling disciplines may require a different optimum physique and level of motor skills rather than a general cyclist's physique for all types of competition. References 1. ALLEMAIER C.A., FRY A.C., JOHNSON P., HIKIDA R.S., HAGERMAN F.C., STARON R.S. (1994) Effects of sprint cycle training on human skeletal muscle. Journal of Applied Physiology 77, 2385-2290. 2. CASABONA A., POLIZZI M.C., PERCIAVELLE V. (1990) Differences in H-reflex between athletes trained for explosive contractions and non-trained subjects. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology 61, 26-32. 3. DAWSON B., FITZSIMONS M., GREEN S., GOODMAN C., CAREY M., COLE K. 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A technical report submitted to the British Cycling Federation with special reference to the evaluation of the road squad's winter training programme (Nov 1978-Feb 1979) Mgr. Damjan Siriški (hlavní autor) prof. MUDr. Jan Novotný, CSc. (spoluřešitel) Fakulta Sportovních Studií, Masarykova univerzita, Brno 737 912 194