J 2015

Vliv kombinace simvastatinu s ezetimibem na krevní lipidy a na kardiovaskulární příhody u diabetiků (komentář k výsledkům subanalýzy studie IMPROVE-IT)

SOŠKA, Vladimír

Basic information

Original name

Vliv kombinace simvastatinu s ezetimibem na krevní lipidy a na kardiovaskulární příhody u diabetiků (komentář k výsledkům subanalýzy studie IMPROVE-IT)

Name (in English)

The effect of a simvastatin and ezetimib combination on blood lipids and cardiovascular events in diabetic patients (comments on the subanalysis results within the IMPROVE-IT study)


SOŠKA, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)


Vnitřní lékařství, Praha, Česká lékařská společnost J.E. Purkyně, 2015, 0042-773X

Other information



Type of outcome

Article in a journal

Field of Study

10600 1.6 Biological sciences

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords (in Czech)

diabetes mellitus; ezetimib; LDL-cholesterol; simvastatin

Keywords in English

coal workers' pneumoconiosis; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; occupational disease; silicosis; ventilatory function



International impact, Reviewed
Changed: 29/1/2016 15:45, Soňa Böhmová


V originále

Studie IMPROVE-IT prokázala, že přidání 10 mg ezetimibu ke 40 mg simvastatinu u nemocných po akutním koronárním syndromu nejen dále snižuje jejich hladinu LDL-cholesterolu, ale statisticky významně snižuje i počet kardiovaskulárních příhod. Nedávno zveřejněná subanalýza této studie se pak zaměřila na to, zda z výše uvedené kombinace léků profitují více nemocní s diabetes mellitus nebo pacienti bez diabetů. V souboru diabetiků, kteří byli zařazeni do studie IMPROVE-IT, vedlo přidání ezetimibu k simvastatinu k většímu aditivnímu poklesu LDL-cholesterolu než u nemocných bez diabetů. U nemocných s diabetes mellitus se současné statisticky významné snížila jejich kardiovaskulární morbidita a mortalita, snížení těchto klinických cílů v souboru nemocných bez diabetů nenabylo statistické významnosti.

In English

Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine ventilatory function in a group of patients with silicosis and coal workers' pneumoconisos (CWP) newly granted as occupational disease. Methods: The authors have undertaken the analysis of all cases of occupational silicosis and CWP which were diagnosed in men in the South Moravia region. Information on ventilatory function, chest symptoms, age, working and smoking history was collected during the medical surveys, including spirometry testing and chest radiography. Diagnosis was based on history of occupational exposure to coal or silica dust, chest x-ray findings, using International Labour Office classification. Results: In the years 1997-2014,116 occupational silicosis and coal workers' pneumoconiosis have been notified. There were diagnosed 42 cases of simple and 17 cases of complicated silicosis, 40 cases of the simple and 17 cases of complicated CWP. Duration of exposure to respi¬ratory hazards, smoking history and prevalence of ventilatory impairment were not significantly different between these groups. The mean age of persons at diagnosing occupational disease was 61.0 (SD 11.2) years, the mean duration of expo-sure to respirable dust was 24.7 (SD 10.2) years. Abnormal spirometry results were detected in 51.7 % of pneumoconiotics - 8.6 % with restrictive, 11.2 % with obstructive, and 31.9 with mixed impairment. The prevalence of ventilatory function impairment was found to be significantly associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and age. Conclusions: Testing of ventilatory function has an important role in the evaluation of lung disease in employees exposed to various respirable hazards.