Detailed Information on Publication Record
Stem Cell Differentiation on Conducting Polyaniline
HUMPOLÍČEK, Petr, Katarzyna Anna RADASZKIEWICZ, Věra KAŠPÁRKOVÁ, Jaroslav STEJSKAL, Miroslava TRCHOVÁ et. al.Basic information
Original name
Stem Cell Differentiation on Conducting Polyaniline
HUMPOLÍČEK, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor), Katarzyna Anna RADASZKIEWICZ (616 Poland, belonging to the institution), Věra KAŠPÁRKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic), Jaroslav STEJSKAL (203 Czech Republic), Miroslava TRCHOVÁ (203 Czech Republic), Zdenka KUCEKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic), Hana VIČAROVÁ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Jiří PACHERNÍK (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Marián LEHOCKÝ (703 Slovakia) and Antonín MINAŘÍK (203 Czech Republic)
RSC Advances, Cambridge, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015, 2046-2069
Other information
Type of outcome
Článek v odborném periodiku
Field of Study
10404 Polymer science
Country of publisher
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Confidentiality degree
není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství
Impact factor
Impact factor: 3.289
RIV identification code
Organization unit
Faculty of Science
Keywords (in Czech)
Polyanilin; kmenove buňky
Keywords in English
Polyaniline; stem cells
International impact, Reviewed
Změněno: 18/6/2020 11:18, Mgr. Marie Novosadová Šípková, DiS.
V originále
Polyaniline is a promising conducting polymer with broad application potential in biomedicine. Its medical use, however, requires both biocompatibility and suitable physico-chemical and surface properties. The microstructure, electrical properties, and surface characteristics of polyaniline salt, polyaniline base, and polyaniline deposited with biologically active poly(2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid) were revealed using atomic force microscopy, contact angle measurements, and Raman spectroscopy. As conducting polymers can be preferentially applied in tissue engineering of heart and nervous tissues, the cardiomyogenesis in pure cardiomyocytes derived from embryonic stem cells and neurogenesis in neural progenitors isolated from embryonal 13 dpc brain were further investigated. The results show that neither cardiomyogenesis nor neurogenesis were influenced by any of the tested polyaniline films. However, the most favorable cell behaviour was observed on pristine polyaniline base; therefore, polyaniline in pristine forms without any further modification can be applied in a variety of biomedical fields.