Detecting Advanced Network Threats Using a Similarity Search AIMS 2016 Wednesday 22nd June, 2016 Milan Čermák Pavel Čeleda State of the Art of Network Data Analysis Methods classification based on the detection approach Statistical Classification based Clustering & outlier-based Soft computing Knowledge-based Combination learners Detecting Network Threats Using a Similarity Search Page 2 / 13 State of the Art of Network Data Analysis Methods classification based on the detection approach Statistical Classification based Clustering & outlier-based Soft computing Knowledge-based Combination learners Attack example: Dictionary attack on the SSH service Duration Protocol Src IP:Port Dst IP:Port Packets Bytes 1.310 TCP 147.251.AA.BB:49297 -> 147.251.CC.DD:22 12 1197 0.269 TCP 147.251.AA.BB:49320 -> 147.251.CC.DD:22 11 1157 0.436 TCP 147.251.AA.BB:49329 -> 147.251.CC.DD:22 11 1157 0.196 TCP 147.251.AA.BB:49358 -> 147.251.CC.DD:22 11 1173 0.155 TCP 147.251.AA.BB:49308 -> 147.251.CC.DD:22 11 1157 Detecting Network Threats Using a Similarity Search Page 2 / 13 State of the Art of Network Data Analysis Methods classification based on the detection approach Statistical Classification based Clustering & outlier-based Soft computing Knowledge-based Combination learners Attack example: Dictionary attack on the SSH service Duration Protocol Src IP:Port Dst IP:Port Packets Bytes 8.157 TCP 147.251.AA.BB:49368 -> 147.251.CC.DD:22 142 44441 5.501 TCP 147.251.AA.BB:49379 -> 147.251.CC.DD:22 99 30389 14.227 TCP 147.251.AA.BB:49367 -> 147.251.CC.DD:22 239 76837 6.722 TCP 147.251.AA.BB:49369 -> 147.251.CC.DD:22 119 36981 5.429 TCP 147.251.AA.BB:49372 -> 147.251.CC.DD:22 98 29865 Detecting Network Threats Using a Similarity Search Page 2 / 13 State of the Art of Network Data Analysis Methods classification based on the detection approach Statistical Classification based Clustering & outlier-based Soft computing Knowledge-based Combination learners Attack example: Dictionary attack on the SSH service Duration Protocol Src IP:Port Dst IP:Port Packets Bytes 8.157 TCP 147.251.AA.BB:49368 -> 147.251.CC.DD:22 142 44441 5.501 TCP 147.251.AA.BB:49379 -> 147.251.CC.DD:22 99 30389 14.227 TCP 147.251.AA.BB:49367 -> 147.251.CC.DD:22 239 76837 6.722 TCP 147.251.AA.BB:49369 -> 147.251.CC.DD:22 119 36981 5.429 TCP 147.251.AA.BB:49372 -> 147.251.CC.DD:22 98 29865 Detecting Network Threats Using a Similarity Search Page 2 / 13 Similarity Searching Why? Almost every network anomaly detection method utilize some kind of a similarity. Possibility of variability in network anomaly characteristics in opposition to the exact match approach. Query-by-example principle. Detecting Network Threats Using a Similarity Search Page 3 / 13 Aim of the Research Use similarity search techniques for detecting advanced network threats based on similarity of traffic behaviour patterns. Detecting Network Threats Using a Similarity Search Page 4 / 13 Research Question I. How can we characterize similarity in network traffic? Aim of the question Understanding of network traffic behaviour patterns and their mutual relations from the perspective of a similarity. Research areas 1. Definition of behaviour patterns providing reasonable amount of information for a similarity comparison. 2. Specification of methods for a similarity comparison of defined behaviour patterns. Detecting Network Threats Using a Similarity Search Page 5 / 13 Research Question II. How can similarity search techniques be utilized for detecting network anomalies? Aim of the question Research of transformation possibilities of fundamental methods for network anomalies detection into the similarity search concept. Research areas 1. Creation of a collection of behaviour patterns representing selected network anomalies. 2. Definition of a technology concept for a network traffic classification using similarity of behaviour patterns. 3. Concept evaluation and comparison with other common network threats detection methods. Detecting Network Threats Using a Similarity Search Page 6 / 13 Research Question III. What possibilities do the similarity search techniques have for detecting advanced network threats? Aim of the question Utilization of the proposed network anomaly detection approach for detection of advanced network threats. Research areas 1. Improvement of the approach by verification of different distance functions and results representation. 2. Identification of smaller behaviour patterns and their combinations based on general models of network attacks. Detecting Network Threats Using a Similarity Search Page 7 / 13 Proposed Approach – RQ I. Understanding of network traffic characteristics Study of publications focused to network anomalies detection. Evaluation of observed characteristics using public datasets and live network analysis. Specification of behaviour patterns and distance functions Utilization of Bro and IP flow monitoring systems. Two patterns forms: aggregated and sequential. Utilization of the Metric Similarity Search Implementation Framework (MESSIF). Detecting Network Threats Using a Similarity Search Page 8 / 13 Proposed Approach – RQ II. Preparation of annotated behaviour patterns Analysis of current network attacks and anomalies observed within live network traffic. Proof-of-concept framework Real-time kNN-classification of ongoing traffic. Classification based on the similarity with annotated patterns. Verification of the proposed approach Use of simulated network attacks within virtual environment. Comparison with common anomaly detection approaches (Snort, Bro, Flowmon ADS, ...). Detecting Network Threats Using a Similarity Search Page 9 / 13 Proposed Approach – RQ III. Optimization of similarity search attributes Complex study of impacts and the possibilities of similarity search techniques to advanced network threat detection. Evaluation of different characteristics of similarity searches and various representations of network behaviour patterns. Utilization of network security anomaly model Based on patterns corresponding to the attack phases instead of the whole attack. Utilization of general models of network attacks. Detecting Network Threats Using a Similarity Search Page 10 / 13 Preliminary Results Detection of SSH brute-force attacks based on simple similarity of behaviour patterns Three patterns based on the average network behaviour of common attack tools (medusa, ncrack, ...): #orig_pkts #resp_pkts #orig_bytes #resp_bytes time /#flows /#flows /#flows /#flows /#flows medusa vector 15 20 2350 3500 4 Utilization of simple quadratic form distance function: dM(x, y) = (x − y)T · M · (x − y) Detecting Network Threats Using a Similarity Search Page 11 / 13 Preliminary Results Detection of SSH brute-force attacks based on simple similarity of behaviour patterns Three patterns based on the average network behaviour of common attack tools (medusa, ncrack, ...): #orig_pkts #resp_pkts #orig_bytes #resp_bytes time /#flows /#flows /#flows /#flows /#flows medusa vector 15 20 2350 3500 4 Utilization of simple quadratic form distance function: dM(x, y) = (x − y)T · M · (x − y) Ability to identify all variants of attack tools settings. Better results than clustering based detection approach. Practically no false positives. Detecting Network Threats Using a Similarity Search Page 11 / 13 Summary and Expected Results Proposal of methods for a supervised detection of network anomalies based on the similarity of behaviour patterns. Proof-of-concept framework for a network anomalies and attacks detection in a real-time. The evaluation of proposed approach and its comparison with other commonly used network traffic anomaly detection methods. The description of effects of different similarity search methods to a detection of advanced network threats. Detecting Network Threats Using a Similarity Search Page 12 / 13 DETECTING ADVANCED NETWORK THREATS USING A SIMILARITY SEARCH Milan Čermák