KASAGRANDA, Anton, Eva RAJČÁKOVÁ and Jiří VYSTOUPIL. Urban tourism in Slovakia-its quantification, spatial differentiation and typification. Geographica Pannonica. NOVI SAD, SERBIA: UNIV & NOVOM SADU, PRIRODNO-MATEMATICKI FAK, 2016, vol. 20, No 2, p. 114-126. ISSN 0354-8724. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.5937/GeoPan1602114K.
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Basic information
Original name Urban tourism in Slovakia-its quantification, spatial differentiation and typification
Authors KASAGRANDA, Anton (703 Slovakia, guarantor), Eva RAJČÁKOVÁ (703 Slovakia) and Jiří VYSTOUPIL (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution).
Edition Geographica Pannonica, NOVI SAD, SERBIA, UNIV & NOVOM SADU, PRIRODNO-MATEMATICKI FAK, 2016, 0354-8724.
Other information
Original language English
Type of outcome Article in a journal
Field of Study 50700 5.7 Social and economic geography
Country of publisher Serbia
Confidentiality degree is not subject to a state or trade secret
RIV identification code RIV/00216224:14560/16:00120251
Organization unit Faculty of Economics and Administration
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.5937/GeoPan1602114K
UT WoS 000379091400008
Keywords in English urban tourism; accommodation establishments; tourism performance; spatial differentiation
Changed by Changed by: Mgr. Pavlína Kurková, učo 368752. Changed: 19/5/2022 14:18.
Urban tourism, characterized by a high share of international tourists in Slovakia, represents the specific type of tourism that is the main aim of this study. It includes analysis of bed capacities of collective accommodation establishments and urban tourism performance, which represent the basis for the subsequent typification of urban tourism centres. In typification, localization conditions and their attractiveness, which form the very basis of potential of urban tourism centres, are evaluated. Results of the research indicate, that urban tourism is one of the most important type of tourism in Slovakia. In the terms of tourism, the most valuable towns are those with high cultural and historical value (historical towns) and towns defined as spa resorts. The main objective of this paper is the quantification and spatial interpretation of urban tourism in Slovakia, which can serve as a geographical basis for further research
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