ŽÁKOVÁ, Anna, Martin MOTYČKA and Nina JAŠKOVÁ. Apokalypsa v dřevořezech Albrechta Dürera. 2016.
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Basic information
Original name Apokalypsa v dřevořezech Albrechta Dürera
Authors ŽÁKOVÁ, Anna, Martin MOTYČKA and Nina JAŠKOVÁ.
Edition 2016.
Other information
Type of outcome Holding (organization of) an exhibition (with or w/o a crit. cat.)
Confidentiality degree is not subject to a state or trade secret
Organization unit Faculty of Arts
Keywords (in Czech) Albrecht Dürer, Apokalypsa, německá renesance, dřevořez
Changed by Changed by: Mgr. Zuzana Matulíková, učo 405304. Changed: 28/4/2019 15:58.
PrintDisplayed: 14/10/2024 20:49