VERHEYEN, Kris (56 Belgium), Pieter De FRENNE (56 Belgium), Lander BAETEN (56 Belgium), Donald M WALLER (840 United States of America), Radim HÉDL (203 Czech Republic), Michael P PERRING (826 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Haben BLONDEEL (56 Belgium), Jörg BRUNET (752 Sweden), Markéta CHUDOMELOVÁ (203 Czech Republic), Guillaume DECOCQ (250 France), Emiel De LOMBAERDE (56 Belgium), Leen DEPAUW (56 Belgium), Thomas DIRNBÖCK (40 Austria), Tomasz DURAK (616 Poland), Ove ERIKSSON (752 Sweden), Frank S GILLIAM (840 United States of America), Thilo HEINKEN (276 Germany), Steffi HEINRICHS (276 Germany), Martin HERMY (56 Belgium), Bogdan JAROSZEWICZ (616 Poland), Michael A JENKINS (840 United States of America), Sarah E JOHNSON (840 United States of America), Keith J KIRBY (826 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Martin KOPECKÝ (203 Czech Republic), Dries LANDUYT (56 Belgium), Jonathan LENOIR (250 France), Daijiang LI (840 United States of America), Martin MACEK (203 Czech Republic), Sybryn L MAES (56 Belgium), František MÁLIŠ (703 Slovakia), Fraser J G MITCHELL (372 Ireland), Tobias NAAF (276 Germany), George PETERKEN (826 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Petr PETŘÍK (203 Czech Republic), Kamila RECZYŃSKA (616 Poland), David A ROGERS (840 United States of America), Fride HØistad SCHEI (578 Norway), Wolfgang SCHMIDT (276 Germany), Tibor STANDOVÁR (348 Hungary), Krzysztof ŚWIERKOSZ (616 Poland), Karol UJHÁZY (703 Slovakia), Hans Van CALSTER (56 Belgium), Mark VELLEND (124 Canada),
Ondřej VILD (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution), Kerry WOODS (840 United States of America), Monika WULF (276 Germany) and Markus BERNHARDT-RÖMERMANN (276 Germany)