J 2017

Kernelization using structural parameters on sparse graph classes

GAJARSKÝ, Jakub, Petr HLINĚNÝ, Jan OBDRŽÁLEK, Sebastian ORDYNIAK, Felix REIDL et. al.

Basic information

Original name

Kernelization using structural parameters on sparse graph classes


GAJARSKÝ, Jakub (703 Slovakia, belonging to the institution), Petr HLINĚNÝ (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution), Jan OBDRŽÁLEK (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Sebastian ORDYNIAK (276 Germany, belonging to the institution), Felix REIDL (276 Germany), Peter ROSSMANITH (276 Germany), Fernando VILLAAMIL (276 Germany) and Somnath SIKDAR (356 India)


Journal of Computer and System Sciences, SAN DIEGO, Elsevier, 2017, 0022-0000

Other information



Type of outcome

Article in a journal

Field of Study

10201 Computer sciences, information science, bioinformatics

Country of publisher

United States of America

Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

Impact factor

Impact factor: 1.497

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Informatics



Keywords in English

Parameterized complexity; Kernelization; Nowhere dense graphs; Finite integer index; Treedepth


International impact, Reviewed
Changed: 27/4/2018 10:06, RNDr. Pavel Šmerk, Ph.D.


V originále

We prove that graph problems with finite integer index have linear kernels on graphs of bounded expansion when parameterized by the size of a modulator to constant-treedepth graphs. For nowhere dense graph classes, our result yields almost-linear kernels. We also argue that such a linear kernelization result with a weaker parameter would fail to include some of the problems covered by our framework. We only require the problems to have FII on graphs of constant treedepth. This allows to prove linear kernels also for problems such as Longest-Path/Cycle, Exact-s, t-Path, Treewidth, and Pathwidth, which do not have FII on general graphs. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


GA14-03501S, research and development project
Name: Parametrizované algoritmy a kernelizace v kontextu diskrétní matematiky a logiky
Investor: Czech Science Foundation
MUNI/A/0945/2015, interní kód MU
Name: Rozsáhlé výpočetní systémy: modely, aplikace a verifikace V.
Investor: Masaryk University, Category A