Studia Slavica Savariensia, Szombathely, Berzsenyi Dániel Főiskola Szláv Filológiai Tanszékcsoportja, 2016, 1216-0016
V originále
Statya issleduet problemu izobrazheniya dobra i zla v povesti M.P. Arcybasheva "Smert Lande". Khotya geroj otozhdestvlen s dobrom, on umiraet v odinochestve. On dejstvuyet slovami, ne nasiliem, i jego ne ponimaet nikto iz ego druzej. Nakonec, mezhdu nimi stoit stena neponimaniya. Kazhetsya, model absolyutno dobrogo cheloveka ispolzuetsya pisatelem dlya proverki togo, naskolko ona sovmestima s estestvennymi nuzhdami muzhchin i zhenshchin, vklyuchaya telesnye nuzhdy. Povest vystroena v oppozicii k personazhu romana Sanin togo zhe pisatelya.
Stať sleduje problematiku zobrazení dobra a zla v dané autorově próze. Třebaže je hlavní postava ztělesněním dobra, umírá osamocena. Koná slovy, nikoli pomocí fyzického násilí, nikdo z jeho přátel jej nechápe. Nakonec mezi nimi stojí zeď nepochopení. Model absolutně dobrého člověka používá spisovatel jako test toho, nakolik se absolutní dobrá dá skloubit s přirozenými potřebami mužů a žen, a to i potřeb tělesnými. Próza je vystavěna v opozici ke spisovatelovu románu Sanin.
The article concentrates on the question of good as shown in the hero of the story by Mikhail Artsybashev. While the hero embodies the life in absolute good in accordance with his belief his life ends by death in solitude in an unknown forest. Trying to be good and not to use violence Lande tries to act only by his words. His way of handling situations could hardly be understood by others causing them problems and bringing them in very strange situations sometimes. At the end there is a wall of misunderstanding between Lande and the other heroes of the story. The perfectly good man seems therefore as a writer´s construct used to prove that good has to be compatible with the natural needs of men and women including also the needs of the flash. The story seems to stand in opposition to another work by Artsybashev – to his novel Sanin.