B 2016

Funkcionirovanije slov kategorii sostojanija v drevněrusskich pamjatnikach XII-XVII vv.


Basic information

Original name

Funkcionirovanije slov kategorii sostojanija v drevněrusskich pamjatnikach XII-XVII vv.

Name in Czech

Fungování predikativ (slov kategorie stavu) v staroruských památkách z 12.-17. století

Name (in English)

Function of predicatives (category of state) in Old Russian literary works from the period between 12th and 17th century


USHAKOVA, Oxana (643 Russian Federation, guarantor, belonging to the institution)


Brno, 140 pp. Cizí jazyky, 2016


Masarykova univerzita

Other information



Type of outcome

Odborná kniha

Field of Study

60200 6.2 Languages and Literature

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

Publication form

printed version "print"

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Education



Keywords (in Czech)

kategorie stavu; predikativní příslovce; staroruské texty; diachronní analýza; vyjádření stavu

Keywords in English

predicatives; predicative adverbs; Old Russian texts; diachronic analysis; expression of state


International impact, Reviewed
Změněno: 13/4/2017 13:00, Mgr. Bc. Oxana Truhlářová, Ph.D.


V originále

Dannaja monografija posvhjaschena problematike kategorii sostojanija. V monografii issledujetsa funkcionirovanie i transformacii rassmatrivaemych jedinic v chodě istoričeskogo razvitija russkogo jazyka. V kačestve praktičeskogo materiala poslužili 9 letopisnych i 6 žitijnych pamjatnikov, sozdannych v XII-XVII vv. V chodě issledovanija avtor takže obraschalsa k sovremennym istočnikam, v pervuju očereď, k dannym Nacionalnogo korpusa russkogo jazyka, vnimanije bylo takže uděleno jazykovam faktam drugich slavjanskich jazykov, prežde vsego češskogo. Komplexnyj analiz polučennogo materiala predpolagal izučenije jedinic v něskolkich aspektach: leksičeskom, slovoobrazovatelnom, morfologičeskom i sintaksičeskom. Issledovanije s leksičeskoj točki zrenija vyjavilo naličije u rassmatrivajemych slov opredelennych semantičeskich njuansov obschekategorialnogo značenija sostojanija. V leksičeskom ključe byly izučeny i sistemnye otnošenija meždu jedinicami issledujemogo klassa slov. Morfemnyj analiz pokazal, kakije slovoobrazovatelnye tipy i modeli charakterny dlja slov kategorii sostojanija i kakie derivacionnye priznaki tipičny dlja etich jedinic. V ramkach morfologičeskogo analiza issledujutsa grammatičeskije kategorii, kotorymi obladajut slova kategorii sostojanija. Analiz sobrannogo materiala na sintaksičekom urovně byl proveden s raznych storon. Vo-pervych, byly izučeny konstrukcii, v kotorych obnaruživajutsa slova kategorii sostojanija. Vo-vtorych, byly tipologizirovany predikáty, častju kotorych javlajutsa issledujemy jedinicy. V-tretjich, byly rassmotreny sintagmatičeskije svjazi slov kategorii sostojanija v prostom i složnom predloženii.

In English

The present monograph deals with the topic of predicatives, or category of state. The monograph gives a survey of how predicatives functioned in selected Old Russian literary works and how the units under examination consequently developed with regard to historical changes taking place in the development of Russian. As the primary source of material, 9 chronicles and 6 hagiographic texts were chosen, written in the period between 12th and 17th century. The examined units were also inspected from the synchronic point of view; data from the National corpus of Russian language were used for this purpose. To conduct a comparative analysis, we turned our attention to language phenomena from other Slavic languages, especially from Czech. A complex analysis of the excerpted material assumed research in several aspects: lexical, morphological and syntactic. The lexical aspect deals with the examined units from the lexical perspective. Above all, there is classification of semantic nuances of the generally categorial meaning of state. Attention is paid also to the systemic relations of lexical units falling under the class of predicatives. Morphemic analysis depicts which word-forming types and models are characteristic of predicatives and which derivational attributes are typical of these units. In a morphological analysis, the author investigated which grammatical categories are present in the class of the words under examination. The syntactic analysis is focused on several issues of predicatives such as the issue of syntagmatic relations typical of predicatives, the semantic classification of one-member sentences in which predicatives occur (e.g. description of surroundings, expressing evaluation of state), the analysis of constructions with predicatives from the communicative perspective and the analysis of syntactic properties that are evident in these words in a polypredicative sentence.