V originále
Leukokorie , nebo-li bělavý svit zornice, představuje jeden z nejzávažnějších příznaků nitrooční patologie. Správná diagnostika leukokorie a odlišení jejich maligních a nemaligních příčin očních onemocnění je velice důležitá neboť např. u retinoblastomu může včasné zahájení léčby, která zahrnuje léčbu lokální, ozařování, chemoterapii a v poslední řadě také enukleaci, být i záchranou života. Správně odhalená příčina leukokorie má tedy zásadní význam pro zahájení adekvátní léčby, sdělení prognózy choroby rodičům postižených dětí, a u dětí s retinoblastomem záchranu jejich života.
Leukocoria also the white puppilary reflex is one of the most severe sign of the intraocular pathology. The right leukocoria diagnostics and its distinction from malignant to nonmalignant causes of the eye diseases is very important because the early treatment (which includes local therapy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and eye enucleation in the worst case scenario) could save the life in retinoblastoma case. Correct diagnose of leukocoria has the crucial meaning for starting ideal treatment, sharing prognosis with parents and for children with retinoblastoma saving of their life. Leukocoria also the white puppilary reflex is one of the most severe sign of the intraocular pathology. The right leukocoria diagnostics and its distinction from malignant to nonmalignant causes of the eye diseases is very important because the early treatment (which includes local therapy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and eye enucleation in the worst case scenario) could save the life in retinoblastoma case. Correct diagnose of leukocoria has the crucial meaning for starting ideal treatment, sharing prognosis with parents and for children with retinoblastoma saving of their life. Leukocoria also the white puppilary reflex is one of the most severe sign of the intraocular pathology.The right leukocoria diagnostics and its distinction from malignant to nonmalignant causes of the eye diseases is very important because the early treatment (which includes local therapy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and eye enucleation in the worst case scenario) could save the life in retinoblastoma case. Correct diagnose of leukocoria has the crucial meaning for starting ideal treatment, sharing prognosis with parents and for children with retinoblastoma saving of their life.