SYCHRA, Zdeněk. Dopady brexitu na českou politiku vůči Evropské unii (Impact of Brexit on the Czech Policy towards the European Union). Praha: Fridrich-Ebert Stiftung, 2017, 16 pp. Analýza. ISBN 978-80-87748-39-8.
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Basic information
Original name Dopady brexitu na českou politiku vůči Evropské unii
Name in Czech Dopady brexitu na českou politiku vůči Evropské unii
Name (in English) Impact of Brexit on the Czech Policy towards the European Union
Authors SYCHRA, Zdeněk (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution).
Edition Praha, 16 pp. Analýza, 2017.
Publisher Fridrich-Ebert Stiftung
Other information
Original language Czech
Type of outcome Special-purpose publication
Field of Study 50601 Political science
Country of publisher Czech Republic
Confidentiality degree is not subject to a state or trade secret
RIV identification code RIV/00216224:14230/17:00102031
Organization unit Faculty of Social Studies
ISBN 978-80-87748-39-8
Keywords (in Czech) brexit; Evropská unie; česká politika; scénáře
Keywords in English Brexit; European Union; Czech politics; Scenarios
Tags brexit, Czech politics, rivok, scenarios
Changed by Changed by: Mgr. Blanka Farkašová, učo 97333. Changed: 12/3/2019 14:59.
Analýza rozebírá možné scénáře související s dopadem brexitu na Českou republiku a její pozici v Evropské unii.
Abstract (in English)
The analysis examines possible scenarios related to the impact of Brexit on the Czech Republic and its position in the European Union.
PrintDisplayed: 13/10/2024 07:15