CO o o in co Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University 'IBJfffffJf> 99 99 Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition -k ig ■4ü * * * *F A # # *l ^47# 2018^1^(^^157^) S ft Mf^ôJfíMi^ífiSMÉíiSl...................................................... Ii- ô»ŕ*»(i) ABE,iŽ*tU%XWV¥fňt5Lmi§M#MtäM. ■............................................... tt»ŕB*(lo) ■a^Jxis^i"^^^...........................................................................TOänÉraľ) ^wis^Hí^it.t^ittáiaE^ífriříAwuit^^xíb...........................e^(2i) - VAtHmsMfcx^xm .........................................................mnn,^%m) f<«ff£iBWNá£>ffl&>£&##JÍ«t ......................................................... $BS(33) w^#iE^iifa3ífflt>fctiň^w-»^*4^ • raa^nos) IřTÍii^A^lálCEáSAJtlWA^iŘň^HálA^WA........................ 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I3RS(86) ftl*rÄ«^ftTS«Ä^ß«WA^@#(5IlgiilFÄ ............................................. üf«P<93) - w«Äj6rs«55uftffiir>iríi:«tíÄí»l....................................s^;es^(99) «^®tt^aetHÄ^4^fŕlBA^rft«#ŕ..................................... 4t*A«Kio5) - iart«ír«A3WJ .....................................................................3cä(io8) *EI5ffiŤiJi^ísm»nŕi^í(T........................................................................ £#(116) Ň«*ííŕkää70^^ft«frSUÄÄII1líňr»fl:W ........................ 4fcffl»(123) *Ä*«*ft«K*iíifltt*ffiÄfl:»tt^*«Hl................................................ JOURNAL OF INNER MONGOLIA NORMAL UNIVERSITY Philosophy & Social Sciences No. 1,2018 Mongolian Edition Serial No. 157 CONTENTS LANGUAGE & LITERATURE On the Cause of Alexander Pushkin's Method of Forming and Developing Creating Literary Works .......................................... M. Bayasgulang (1) The Writing Features of the Borrowed Words from Chinese in 'Phags-pa Script Mongolian Documents ......................................................... Hasbaganna (10) The Structure of the "Wind and Horse Elegiac Address" ................................. Ayalgu (17) On Mongolian Culture Concerning Worship Hero, from a Proverb "A Man withStrongBodyLastsforshorterTime,aManwithWisdomKeepsforLifeTime"......... Gui Lan (21) A Survey of Practical Use of Mongolian by the Exchange Students from Eight Provinces of China — Take Inner Mongolia Normal University as an Example ............•.....................................Pang Dan-dan, Ma YinTiang (28) HISTORY & CULTURE The Research on Sutra the Dense Printing of Teaching and Asking,and Its Contribution ............................................. Hurcha(33) The Materials Relevant to Nalu Banchin Hutugetu and His Disciples ••• CMongolia]L. Alatanjiya (38) The Research into the Yellow Water Diseases, its Internal, External Causes and Types according to Mongolian Eight Branches of Medical Classics in Danzhur ............................................. Ya Nan, Bao Hasun (46) On Mongolian Traditional Techniques to Store Meat ........................... Jin Liang, Jagar (53) POLITICAL SCIENCE & ECONOMY A Comparative Study of the Types in Terms of Administrative Litigation Decisions between Two Countries: China and Mongolia ...................................................... Tergel (58) A Study on the Practice in Inner Mongolia during the New Democratic Period Linking the Society Theory at the Time ........................■.................... Bai Wen-li (66) The Reflections on the Education about Socialist Core Values to Mongolian Students ............................................................ Bao Shuang-cheng (75) ETHNIC MINORITY EDUCATIN & TEACHING Ways of Enhancing Mongolian Teaching Quality of the Course "Principles of Politics" ...................................................... Wu Hai-shan (79) The Experiences of the Reform in Teacher Education in the Developed Countries............................................................. Wang Shuang-xi (86) Research on the Issues of Cultivating the Talented People in the Ethnic Minority Universities from a Creative Development Perspective ................................. Tana (93) On Compiling College Textbook with Local Features for Tourism Specialty — Take the Mongolian Textbook Introduction to the History and Culture of the Northern Nationalities as an Example ...........• Monghebayar (99) Methods of Improving Students' English Writing Abilities in the Course of Teaching Comprehensive English ...................................................... Oranbilig (105) The Difficult Situation and the Solutions to the Teaching Method Reform as to Social Protection Course — Take Inner Mongolia Agricultural University as an Example •.............•••• Anda (108) How to Guide Mongolian Students to Mongolian Writing from a Aesthetics Perspective ••••......................................... Saragul, Bao Jin—gang (113) LIBRARY & MEDIA An Analysis of the Influence from the Research Papers of Mongolian Medical &. Medicine Journals ...................................■........................ Huwar (116) An Analysis of the Media Reports and the Relevant Situation with Visualized Public Opinions during the Celebration of the 7 0 th Anniversary of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region .................. Urantuyaga ( 123 ) The Academic Value of the Book Mongolian Traditional Material Culture Written by Professor Ochi ...................................................... (Inside Cover 2 &- 3) 2 v u 5 # i ***** si i í i . ti tře » r * t? i í. V t I—I CTI % r "4 í •í-l*í K* ís i f ^ tí * *. Ill í ■v c 2. 3» í 11 3 i 3 * V?8 ^2 tlJ t J ^1 1" á; í t •k ■ i "° "a x> J i O i i it 1 3. » I tí I 3 ~ i. i -1 t* 19 I 2018/1/47# &si157»! igßitt / 0řfO7ĚfémBSíÍižS§ 81 ^ ÍÄ/010022 f^ig/ (0471) 4393037 3í * 3Í ■im li i 3í S I -3i 'I -3Í Mj ft ft ítíttjíS i If i Bo ft 'é h] »0ŕ EP 2 I—I * l-r-r-, I-1 .. I I \\/ f JŤ BP ISSN 1007-1113 ISSN 1007-1113 CN15-1046/C 977100711117409