KUMAR, Sanjiv) (840 United States of America), Melissa J. CAIMANO (840 United States of America), Arvind ANAND (840 United States of America), Abhishek DEY (840 United States of America), Kelly L. HAWLEY (840 United States of America), Morgan E. LEDOYT (840 United States of America), Carson J. LA VAKE (840 United States of America), Adriana R. CRUZ (170 Colombia), Lady G. RAMIREZ (170 Colombia),
Lenka PAŠTĚKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Irina BEZSONOVA (840 United States of America),
David ŠMAJS (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Juan C. SALAZAR (840 United States of America) and Justin D. RADOLF (840 United States of America, guarantor)