J 2020

CaverDock: A Novel Method for the Fast Analysis of Ligand Transport

FILIPOVIČ, Jiří, Ondřej VÁVRA, Jan PLHÁK, David BEDNÁŘ, Sérgio Manuel MARQUES et. al.

Basic information

Original name

CaverDock: A Novel Method for the Fast Analysis of Ligand Transport

Name in Czech

CaverDock: nová metoda pro rychlou analýzu transportu ligandu


FILIPOVIČ, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution), Ondřej VÁVRA (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Jan PLHÁK (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), David BEDNÁŘ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Sérgio Manuel MARQUES (620 Portugal, belonging to the institution), Jan BREZOVSKÝ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Luděk MATYSKA (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) and Jiří DAMBORSKÝ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)


IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Los Alamitos, IEEE Computer Society, 2020, 1545-5963

Other information



Type of outcome

Article in a journal

Field of Study

10201 Computer sciences, information science, bioinformatics

Country of publisher

United States of America

Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret


Impact factor

Impact factor: 3.710

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Institute of Computer Science



Keywords (in Czech)

molekulový doking; analýza tunelu; transport ligandu; design léčiv; numerická optimalizace; silové pole s omezeními; diskretizace objemu

Keywords in English

molecular docking; tunnel analysis; ligand transport; drug design; numerical optimization; restrained force field; volume discretization



International impact, Reviewed
Changed: 17/2/2023 20:52, Mgr. Michaela Hylsová, Ph.D.


V originále

Here we present a novel method for the analysis of transport processes in proteins and its implementation called CaverDock. Our method is based on a modified molecular docking algorithm. It iteratively places the ligand along the access tunnel in such a way that the ligand movement is contiguous and the energy is minimized. The result of CaverDock calculation is a ligand trajectory and an energy profile of transport process. CaverDock uses the modified docking program Autodock Vina for molecular docking and implements a parallel heuristic algorithm for searching the space of possible trajectories. Our method lies in between the geometrical approaches and molecular dynamics simulations. Contrary to the geometrical methods, it provides an evaluation of chemical forces. However, it is far less computationally demanding and easier to set up compared to molecular dynamics simulations. CaverDock will find a broad use in the fields of computational enzymology, drug design and protein engineering. The software is available free of charge to the academic users at https://loschmidt.chemi.muni.cz/caverdock/.

In Czech

Prezentujeme novou metodu pro analýzu transportních procesů v proteinech a její implementaci jménem CaverDock. Naše metoda je založena na modifikovaném algoritmu molekulového dokingu. Metoda spočívá v iterativním umísťování ligandu v přístupovém tunelu tak, že je pohyb ligandu souvislý a jeho energie minimalizovaná. Výsledkem výpočtu CaverDocku je trajektorie ligandu a energetický profil jeho transportu. CaverDock využívá modifikovaný program pro doking AutoDock Vina a implementuje paralelní heuristický algoritmus pro prohledávání prostoru možných trajektorií. Naše metoda leží mezi geometrickými přístupy a molekulovou dynamikou. Na rozdíl od geometrických metod poskytuje chemické síly. Je nicméně méně výpočetně náročná a jednodušší k nastavení než simulace založené na molekulové dynamice. CaverDock najde široké využití v oblasti výpočetní enzymologie, návrhu léčiv a proteinového inženýrství. Software je k dispozici zdarma pro akademické účely na https://loschmidt.chemi.muni.cz/caverdock/.


EF16_013/0001802, research and development project
Name: CERIT Scientific Cloud
LM2015047, research and development project
Name: Česká národní infrastruktura pro biologická data (Acronym: ELIXIR-CZ)
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Czech National Infrastructure for Biological Data
LM2015055, research and development project
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Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
LM2015085, research and development project
Name: CERIT Scientific Cloud (Acronym: CERIT-SC)
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, CERIT Scientific Cloud
MUNI/M/1888/2014, interní kód MU
Name: Pokročilé hybridní metody studia transportních procesů v proteinech a jejich využití v designu biokatalyzátorů
Investor: Masaryk University, INTERDISCIPLINARY - Interdisciplinary research projects