V originále
Koho považují dospívající za své blízké? Koho vyhledávají, když je jim smutno nebo je něco trápí? Jak prožívají, když se jejich rodiče hádají? Co to s nimi dělá? A co když se v rodině stane, že z nějakých důvodů najednou začnou fungovat spíše v roli rodičů či partnerů? Jak vidí to, jak se rodiče shodují na jejich výchově a jaké pro ně má důsledky, když se na tom rodiče neshodnou? Jaký význam a roli v jejich životě hrají učitelé? Mohou pro dospívající být blízkými lidmi, kteří jim pomáhají zvládat stresové situace? Na tyto a řadu dalších otázek odpovídá monografie autorského kolektivu Institutu výzkumu dětí, mládeže a rodiny Fakulty sociálních studií Masarykovy univerzity v Brně.
The aim of the longitudinal project The development of adolescent relationships: Using an attachment theory perspective, a dynamic systems approach, and a time-series method, the results of which form the most substantial part of this book, was to comprehend how adolescents’ social relationships change in their teen years, and how relationships, their forms and quality relate to young peoples’ feelings of happiness and satisfaction. Along with the main objective, which was to follow the changes in the hierarchy of attachment figures for 11 and 18 year-old adolescents, we also attempted to identify other important factors in families with adolescents which affect their mental adaptation and development. This monograph describes the changes occurring in adolescence in the organisation of persons close to adolescents. Theoretical concepts and history of the approaches to social relationships in adolescence are described in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 is devoted to adolescents’ close relationships and their organisation as seen through the perspective of attachment theory. Chapter 3 analyses how adolescents perceive interparental conflict and Chapter 4 concerns parental cooperation in upbringing. We were also interested in the consequences of an adolescent prematurely taking over an adult role in the family, which we addressed in Chapter 5. The final chapter, 6 of the monograph focuses on adolescents’ relationships with their teachers and tries to find out whether a teacher can be an attachment figure for adolescents. The book summarises the results previously published in journals, and presents currently unpublished findings from our project’s data.