V originále
Hstorii sociální práce charakterizuje posun „od slabosti k síle“. Původní deficitní modely, které se zaměřovaly na slabé stránky jedinců, na jejich problémy, byly od 80. let 20. stol. postupně nahrazovány přístupy zaměřenými na jejich potenciály. Sociální práce zaměřená na využití potenciálu klientů vychází z premisy, že každý člověk má své silné stránky, hodnotu, talenty, potenciály, vize, naděje, možnosti a právě na nich by měly intervence profesionálů.
In English
The history of social work is characterized by a shift "from weakness to strength". The original deficit models, which focused on individuals' weaknesses, their problems, were from the 1980s. gradually replaced by approaches focused on their potentials. Strengths based social work is based on the premise that every person has their strengths, value, talents, potentials, visions, hopes, possibilities, and that is what professional interventions should build on. The aim of the paper is to introduce the bases, principles and practical application of the perspective of the strengths of individuals within social work. Particular attention is paid to the perspective of resilience, which is based on favorable development despite adverse circumstances, and at the same time represents a way of using the strengths perspective in the practice of social work, but also in other helping professions.