Toward Guidelines for Designing Cybersecurity Serious Games Miriam Galikova, Valdemar Svabensky, Jan Vykopal Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Czech Republic r i Motivation <£* *£•© Hands-on practical training No standardized methodology Creative and engaging enables deep understanding for creating cybersecurity serious games learning approach Game Example Task Learning by solving realistic tasks in a game-like structure Goals of the Guidelines Based on proven teaching Practical guide for game creators methods that is easy to follow Level: Looking for the server's IP address You managed to guess the password on a Wi-Fi router, so you have already accessed the local network of one institution. You also saw the other machines' IP addresses in the router's web Ul. There are two machines with IP addresses and Now, your your goal is to gain access to the server. Since there are two machines in the network, scan the hosts and recognize the server's IP address. You can recognize the server by its running services. The answer is the port number on which the file sharing service is running on the server's machine. Game Example Topology Challenge Design Using the methods, we create games in which the players proceed in steps of the Mandiant's attack lifecycle [1]. Maintain Presence ■ Move Laterally Initial Compromise Escalate Privileges Outside network (Internet) Network of a fictitious institution Learning Objectives Game Example Environment State of the Art Cybersecurity serious games combine proven teaching methods and creative means of cybersecurity education [2]. Games aim to effectively reproduce real-world security situations that require strategic and adversarial thinking [3]. While playing the game, players can acquire knowledge from various areas, such as penetration testing, network forensics, or secure coding [4]. Guidelines Aspects Learning objectives Design of challenges/tasks and their solutions Hints and suitable scaffolding Gamification elements, such as narrative, players' game identity, injects, special rewards Technical environment, testing, and troubleshooting Data gathering, privacy, and ethical considerations Evaluation and final documentation Copyright and game licences Rules and anti-cheating policies References 2 of China's cyber espionage units". I Mandian. com (2013). pdf. i: 2010 Third IEEE [1] Mandiant Intelligence Center. "APT1: Exposin; urlt h.ttps://www.f ireeye-ww/services/pdf s/mandiant-aptl-rep< [2] V. Aleven et al. "Toward a Framework for the Analysis and Design of Educati International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning. 2010, pp. 69-76. [3] N. M. Katsantonis et al. "Conceptual Framework for Developing Cyber Security Serious Games". In: 201g IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). 2019, pp. 872-881. [4] L. A. Annetta. "The Ts" Have It: A Framework for Serious Educational Game Design". In: Review of General Psychology 14.2 (2010), pp. 105-113. doi: 10.1037/a0018985. url: If you are interested in playing the example cybersecurity game, please contact the author at We would also love to hear your feedback and comments!