KREJČÍ, Janina. Speaking accuracy of Russian language learners in Czech lower secondary schools. Online. In Simona Koryčánková, Anastasija Sokolova. Current issues of the Russian language XIV. 1st electronic edition. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2020, p. 46-53. ISBN 978-80-210-9781-0. Available from:
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Basic information
Original name Speaking accuracy of Russian language learners in Czech lower secondary schools
Name in Czech Lingvistická přesnost žáků českých základních škol v ruském jazyce
Authors KREJČÍ, Janina (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution).
Edition 1st electronic edition. Brno, Current issues of the Russian language XIV, p. 46-53, 8 pp. 2020.
Publisher Masaryk University Press
Other information
Original language English
Type of outcome Proceedings paper
Field of Study 50301 Education, general; including training, pedagogy, didactics [and education systems]
Country of publisher Czech Republic
Confidentiality degree is not subject to a state or trade secret
Publication form electronic version available online
RIV identification code RIV/00216224:14410/20:00118177
Organization unit Faculty of Education
ISBN 978-80-210-9781-0
UT WoS 000698977300006
Keywords (in Czech) přesnost, žákovský jazyk, mluvení, jazykové chyby, výuka ruštiny
Keywords in English accuracy; learner language; linguistic errors; teaching of Russian
Tags International impact, Reviewed
Changed by Changed by: Dana Nesnídalová, učo 831. Changed: 12/11/2021 09:09.
In the process of learning a foreign language, a mastery of means of expression is a prerequisite for a mastery of speaking skills. This article mainly focuses on the problem of learner language accuracy, as well as that of errors in the process of second language acquisition. The article presents the results of a study of Czech lower secondary school students' language that aims to qualify the accuracy of speech during a dialogue in selected communicative situations.
MUNI/A/0925/2019, interní kód MUName: Učení a vyučování cizím jazykům ve výzkumu (Acronym: AKTEV IX)
Investor: Masaryk University, Category A
PrintDisplayed: 16/9/2024 15:39