Is lexical insertion regulated by the subset or the superset principle? Pavel Caha Masaryk University (Brno) Linguistic Flashmob 18 February 2021 □ g - = ► Syncretism ► Portmenteau morphemes □ g - = 2/15 Syncretism rortmanteau The Subset Principle ho 11 oKcot" r\kin^*i t~\Io IC U IJ CI OC L L/1 I v_ I L/1 c I /-\ »-» r* 11 i r- i r\ v\ c 3/15 Latin war servant nom bell- um serv- us acc bell- um serv- um 4/15 Latin war servant nom [A] bell-um serv-us acc [A.B] bell-um serv-um 4/15 Latin war servant nom [A] bell-um serv-us acc [A.B] bell-um serv-um (1) Lexical entries can match multiple feature structures 4/15 in war servant nom [A] bell-um serv-us acc [A.B] bell-um serv-um (1) Lexical entries can match multiple feature structures a. Subset: um = [A] in war servant nom [A] bell-um serv-us acc [A.B] bell-um serv-um (1) Lexical entries can match multiple feature structures a. Subset: um = [A] b. Superset: um = [A,B] Portmanteau Korean negation (Chung 2007) (2) ca -n -ta sleep -pres -decl 'is sleeping' Korean negation (Chung 2007) (2) ca -n -ta sleep -pres -decl 'is sleeping' (3) mos/an(i) ca -n -ta neg sleep -pres -decl 'can't sleep / isn't sleeping' Korean negation (Chung 2007) (2) (3) ca -n -ta sleep -pres -decl 'is sleeping' mos/an(i) ca -n -ta neg sleep -pres -decl 'can't sleep / isn't sleeping' NegP Neg mos/ani V sleep ca □ s Korean negation (Chung 2007) (4) al -n -ta know -pres -decl 'knows' Korean negation (Chung 2007) (4) al -n -ta know -pres -decl 'knows' (5) *mos/an(i) al -n -ta neg know -pres -decl 'cannot / does not know' Korean negation (Chung 2007) (4) al -n -ta know -pres -decl 'knows' (5) *mos/an(i) al -n -ta neg know -pres -decl 'cannot / does not know' (6) molu -n -ta neg.know -pres -decl 'cannot / does not know' Korean negation (Chung 2007) (4) al -n -ta know -pres -decl 'knows' (5) *mos/an(i) al -n -ta neg know -pres -decl 'cannot / does not know' (6) molu -n -ta neg.know -pres -decl 'cannot / does not know' (7) molu = [ neg know ] Korean negation (Chung 2007) (4) al -n -ta know -pres -decl 'knows' (5) *mos/an(i) al -n -ta neg know -pres -decl 'cannot / does not know' (6) molu -n -ta neg.know -pres -decl 'cannot / does not know' (7) molu = [ neg know ] molu □ s> - = rortmanteau The Subset Principle y\ III C I |^\ o 8/15 The Subset Principle (8) The Subset Principle (Halle 1997) The phonological exponent of a Vocabulary Item is inserted into a morpheme of the terminal string if the item matches all or only a subset of the grammatical features specified in the terminal morpheme. □ ifp - = The Subset Principle (8) The Subset Principle (Halle 1997) The phonological exponent of a Vocabulary Item is inserted into a morpheme of the terminal string if the item matches all or only a subset of the grammatical features specified in the terminal morpheme. (9) The Modified Subset Principle (would fail, if proposed) The phonological exponent of a Vocabulary Item is inserted into a node if the item matches all or only a subset of the grammatical features specified in the node. □ ifp - = (10) The Modified Subset Principle The phonological exponent of a Vocabulary Item is inserted into a node if the item matches all or only a subset of the grammatical features specified in the node. (11) molu <^> [ neg know] □ s (10) The Modified Subset Principle The phonological exponent of a Vocabulary Item is inserted into a node if the item matches all or only a subset of the grammatical features specified in the node. (11) molu <^ [ neg know] (12) al-li-know-caus 'let know, inform' □ S1 The Modified Subset Principle The phonological exponent of a Vocabulary Item is inserted into a node if the item matches all or only a subset of the grammatical features specified in the node. molu <^> [ neg know] al-li- CausP know-caus 'let know, inform Caus know -// The Modified Subset Principle The phonological exponent of a Vocabulary Item is inserted into a node if the item matches all or only a subset of the grammatical features specified in the node. molu <^> [ neg know] NegP know-caus 'let know, inform Neg CausP V Caus know -// (10) The Modified Subset Principle The phonological exponent of a Vocabulary Item is inserted into a node if the item matches all or only a subset of the grammatical features specified in the node. molu The Modified Subset Principle The phonological exponent of a Vocabulary Item is inserted into a node if the item matches all or only a subset of the grammatical features specified in the node. molu <^> [ neg know] molu The Modified Subset Principle The phonological exponent of a Vocabulary Item is inserted into a node if the item matches all or only a subset of the grammatical features specified in the node. molu <^> [ neg know] *molu (-li) -ess -ta neg+know -caus -past -decl 'did not /could not inform' mos al-li-ess-ta neg know-caus-past-decl 'did not /could not inform know-caus 'let know, inform molu The Superset principle /-\ iii <"* | /"\ |^\ o 11/15 Insertion (15) The Superset Principle A lexically stored tree L matches a syntactic node S iff L contains the syntactic tree dominated by S as a subtree. 12/15 Insertion (15) The Superset Principle A lexically stored tree L matches a syntactic node S iff L contains the syntactic tree dominated by S as a subtree. NegP /molu/ Neg V know Insertion (15) The Superset Principle A lexically stored tree L matches a syntactic node S iff L contains the syntactic tree dominated by S as a subtree. Neg NegP ^ /molu V know NegP Neg CausP V know Cause □ ifp - = 12/15 Insertion (15) The Superset Principle A lexically stored tree L matches a syntactic node S iff L contains the syntactic tree dominated by S as a subtree. *molu 12/15 Insertion (15) The Superset Principle A lexically stored tree L matches a syntactic node S iff L contains the syntactic tree dominated by S as a subtree. NegP o /molu/ Neg V Neg CausP know moc/ani V Cause know -// a/ 12/15 rortmanteau Conclusions 13/15 Conclusions ► Both principles can give an account of syncretism ► The Superset Principle can also inform us when portmanteau morphemes are possible and when they are impossible 14/15 References Chung, Inkie. 2007. Suppletive negation in Korean and distributed morphology. Lingua 117. 95-148. Halle, Morris. 1997. Impoverishment and fission. In Benjamin Bruening, Y. Kang & Martha McGinnis (eds.), Papers at the interface, vol. 30 MIT Working Papers in Linguistics. 425 - 449. Cambridge, Mass.