From the Revue des Etudes Armeniennes to Sirarpie der Nersessian: "French" perspectives on Armenian Art
PALLADINO, Adrien (250 France, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Kickoff Meeting of the international project “Cultural Interactions in the Medieval Sub-Caucasian Region: Historiographical and Art-Historical Perspectives”, 11. 3. 2021, Fribourg, 2021
Short presentation aiming at presenting the results of a preliminary investigation in the frame of the project on the French scholarship and individual scholars who dealt with the arts of the Caucasus from the end of the 19th to the middle of the 20th century. Special focus on figures of émigrés who received a French intellectual formation.
GF21-01706L, research and development project
Name: Kulturní dialogy v Jihokavkazském regionu ve středověku: historiografická a historicko-umělecká perspektiva (Acronym: CIMS)