□ 1010 01010 01010 information ÍMDPIJ Article On Training Knowledge Graph Embedding Models Sameh K. Mohamed J'*©, Emir Mufioz J© and Vit Novacek1,2 1 Data Science Institute, National University of Ireland, H91 TK33 Galway, Ireland; emir.munoz@insight-centre.org (E.M.); vit.novacek@insight-centre.org (V.N.) 2 Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic * Correspondence: sameh.kamal@insight-centre.org Abstract: Knowledge graph embedding (KGE) models have become popular means for making discoveries in knowledge graphs (e.g., RDF graphs) in an efficient and scalable manner. The key to success of these models is their ability to learn low-rank vector representations for knowledge graph entities and relations. Despite the rapid development of KGE models, state-of-the-art approaches have mostly focused on new ways to represent embeddings interaction functions (i.e., scoring functions). In this paper, we argue that the choice of other training components such as the loss function, hyperparameters and negative sampling strategies can also have substantial impact on the model efficiency. This area has been rather neglected by previous works so far and our contribution is towards closing this gap by a thorough analysis of possible choices of training loss functions, hyperparameters and negative sampling techniques. We finally investigate the effects of specific choices on the scalability and accuracy of knowledge graph embedding models. Keywords: loss functions; knowledge graph embeddings; link prediction ©check for updates Citation: Mohamed, S.; Mufioz, E.; Novacek, V. On Training Knowledge Graph Embedding Models. Information 2021, 22, 147. https:// doi.org/10.3390/infol2040147 Academic Editor: Pierpaolo Basile Received: 8 February 2021 Accepted: 22 March 2021 Published: 31 March 2021 Publisher's Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. [(g) ® Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 4.0/). 1. Introduction The recent advent of knowledge graph embedding (KGE) models has allowed for scalable and efficient manipulation of large knowledge graphs (KGs) such as RDF Graphs, improving the results of a wide range of tasks such as link prediction [1-3], entity resolution [4,5] and entity classification [6]. KGE models operate by learning embeddings in a low-dimensional continuous space from the relational information contained in the KG while preserving its inherent structure. Specifically, their objective is to rank knowledge facts—relational triples (s,p,o) connecting subject and object entities s and o by a relation type p—based on their relevance. Various interactions between their entity and relation embeddings are used for computing the knowledge fact ranking. These interactions are typically reflected in a model-specific scoring function. For instance, TransE [1] uses a scoring function defined as the distance between the o embedding and the translation of the embedding associated with s by the relation type p embedding. DistMult [7], ComplEx [8] and HolE [9] use multiplicative composition of the entity embeddings and the relation type embeddings. This leads to a better reflection of the relational semantics and leads to state-of-the-art performance results (refer to [10] for a review). Although there is a growing body of literature proposing different KG models (mostly focusing on the design of new scoring functions), other parts of the knowledge graph embedding learning process, e.g., loss functions, and negative sampling strategies have not received much attention to date [11]. This has already been shown to influence the behaviour of the KGE models. For instance, Ref. [12] observed that, despite the different motivations behind HolE and CompleEx models, they have equivalent scoring functions. However, their performance still differs. Trouillon et al. [13] have concluded that this difference is caused by the fact that HolE uses a max-margin loss while ComplEx a log-likelihood loss. This shows that cost functions are important for thorough understanding, and even improvement of the performance of different KGE models. Information 2021,12, U7. https://doi.org/10.3390/infol2040147 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/information Information 2021,12,147 2 of 19 Other than loss function selection, the studies of Dettmers et al. [14] and Lacroix et al. [15] have shown that using l-vs.-all negative sampling strategy can significantly enhance the accuracy of KGE models. Furthermore, Kadlec et al. [16] have also shown that the accuracy of KGE models is sensitive to the training parameters where minor changes to the parameters can significantly change the output models' accuracy. Despite the importance of all the previously mentioned parts of the KGE learning process, a comprehensive study is still missing. This study is a step towards improving our understanding of the influence of the different parts of the training pipeline on the behaviour of KGE models. Our analysis specifically focuses on investigating the effects of training parts on both the scalability and accuracy of KGE models. We first investigate KGE loss functions and their different approaches, and we assess the effects of the loss function choice on different KGE models. We then study KGE negative sampling strategies and effects on both accuracy and scalability. We finally discuss the effects of training parameters such as the embedding size, batch size, among others, on the scalability and accuracy of different KGE models. Despite the growing number of KGE models and their different new approaches, we limit our study to a basic set of models: the TransE [1], DistMult [7], TriModel [17], CP [18], and Complex [8] models which represent the most popular and publicly available methods. We use these methods as simple examples to examine and showcase the different parts of the KGE learning process, where each of these model act as a representative of a unique class of knowledge graph embedding models. For example, the TransE model is distance-based model which update the knowledge graph embeddings based on the distance between the entities in the vector space. On the other hand, the DistMult and ComplEx models are factorization based models which operate using a matrix factorization procedure, the complex model, however, belong to the class of the multi-vector embedding models where it represents each entity and relation in the graph using two embedding vectors. The summary of our contributions is as follows: 1. We provide a comprehensive analysis of training loss functions as used in several state-of-the-art KGE models in Section 3. We also preform an empirical evaluation of different KGE models with different loss functions and we show the effect of these losses on the KGE models predictive accuracy. 2. We study negative sampling strategies and we examine their effects on the accuracy and scalability of KGE models. 3. We study the effects of changes in the different hyperparameters and their effects on the accuracy and scalability of KGE models during the training process. 2. Background In this section, we discuss the concepts and notation used throughout the study. We discuss knowledge graph embedding models, learn to rank training objectives and the different metrics for evaluating knowledge graph embedding models in the task of link prediction. We use the following notation in the rest of the paper. Let X = [x\,xi, be a set of objects (triples) to be ranked. Let I : X —> N be a labelling function where l(x) is the label of object x (e.g., true/false or an arbitrary integer in case of multi-label problems). By default, we assume a binary labelling for triples, / : X —> {0,1}, where 0 and 1 represent false and true labels, respectively. Let f = {/i,/2/ •••//«} be the set of possible scoring functions. Given a KGE model, / : X —> R is its scoring function, where / aims to score triples in X such that positive triples are scored higher than negative ones, formally, Vxj,Xj e X Z(x,) > 1(xj) => f(xj) > f(xj). Finally, 1l(xi, f) denotes the rank position of element x, according to scoring function /, or the position of score f(xj) in a descending order of all scores f(x) for all leX. 2.1. Loss Functions in Learning to Rank In learning to rank, models typically use loss functions to learn the optimal scoring function parameters from training data. The learning process then involves minimising a Information 2021,12,147 3 of 19 loss function defined on the basis of the objects, their labels, and the scoring function. In learning to rank models, the objective is to score a set of labelled objects such that: for each two objects with different label values, the object with greater label value also has greater model score. Next, we present the several approaches proposed in learning to rank to learn optimal scoring functions. • Pointwise approach. The loss function is defined in terms of the difference between the element's predicted score and its actual label value. The formula is as follows: n £ (f;X,l) = Y(p(f(xl)-l(xl))r pointwise r—^ where (p is a transformation function, e.g., the square function (p(x) = x2 as in Bayes optimal subset ranking [19] and RESCAL KGE model [4]. • Pairwise approach. The loss is defined as the summation of the differences between the predicted score of an element and the scores of other elements with a smaller labels' value. The formula is as follows: n-l n £ (f;X,l) = YJ E = *(/(*» where f(xj) is the score of object i, i = 1,2,..., n. The listwise loss can then be defined as: n £ (f;X,l) = Y£m(P(f,xi),P(l,xi)), listwise , where £m is a model-dependent loss and l(x) is a labelling function which returns the true label of x. Possible examples include cross-entropy in ListNet [21] or likelihood loss as in ListMLE [22]. 2.2. Knowledge Graph Embedding Process Knowledge graph embedding models learn low rank vector representation i.e., embeddings for graph entities and relations. In the link prediction task, they learn embeddings in order to rank knowledge graph facts according to their factuality. The process of learning these embeddings consists of different phases as shown in Figure 1. First, they initialise the embeddings of both relations and entities using random noise. These embeddings are then used to score a set of true and false facts, where the scores of facts are generated by computing the interaction between their subject, predicate and object embeddings using a model dependent scoring function. Finally, embeddings are updated through a gradient descent routine which minimises a training loss that usually represents a min-max loss over the scored facts. The objective is then to maximise the scores of true facts and minimise the scores of other facts. Information 2021,12,147 4 of 19 Negative Lookup Compute Compute Gradient Embedding Sampling Embeddings Scores Training Loss Update Normalisation ^ A triplet | Corrupted triplet (o^ Embeddings lookup ^^Normalisation Corrupter [T] Triplet embeddings (j?) Scoring function Loss function Figure 1. An illustration of the process of training a knowledge graph embedding model over an example triple x = (s,p, o)—the original triple—and x' refers to a corrupted (negative) version of it. 2.2.1. Negative Sampling In learning to rank approaches, models use a ranking loss, e.g., pointwise or pairwise loss, to rank a set of true and negative instances [23], where negative instances are generated by corrupting true training facts with a given ratio of negative to positive instances [1]. This corruption happens by changing either the subject or object of the true triple instance. In this configuration, the ratio of negative to positive instances is traditionally learnt using a grid search, where models compromise between the accuracy achieved by increasing the ratio and the runtime required for training. On the other hand, multi-class based models train to rank positive triples against all their possible corruptions as a multi-class problem, where the range of classes is the set of all entities. For example, training on a triple (s,p,o) is achieved by learning the right classes "s" and "o" for the pairs (?, p, o) and (s, p, ?), respectively, where the set of possible classes is E of size Ne. Despite the enhancement of predictions' accuracy achieved by such approaches [14,15], their negative sampling procedure is exhaustive and requires a high space complexity due to the usage of the whole entity vocabulary per each triple. 2.2.2. Embedding Interactions After KGE models produce negative samples from input triples, they generate scores for both the true and negative (corrupted) triples. These scores are generated using embedding interaction function, i.e., scoring functions. First, the model looks up the embeddings of the subject, predicate and object of triples. Then, the model uses an embedding interaction function to learn a score for each triple using its embeddings. The embedding interaction functions are model-dependent and they operate using different approaches such as embedding translation [1], linear products [7] and convolutional filters [14]. For example, the TransE model uses a translation-based scoring function which encodes embedding interactions as a translation from the subject embedding vector to the object embedding vector through the predicate vector [1]. Such an approach allowed highly scalable knowledge graph embedding with linear time and space complexity. However, it suffered from limited ability to encode 1-to-many predicates in knowledge graphs due to dependence on direct additive translations [7]. Later models such as DistMult used a linear product-based scoring functions which allowed better encoding of 1-to-many predicates while preserving the linear time and space complexity. However, DistMult model's scoring function suffered of limited ability to preserve the predicate direction due to a dependence on a symmetric operation [7]. More recent approaches, such as ComplEx [8], ConvE [14], TriModel [17], among others, propose new scoring mechanisms which allow for encoding both 1-to-many relations and preserve the predicate directionality within linear time and space complexity. Since these scoring functions are well covered in previous studies, we will not discuss the details of their mechanisms-of-action in our study. For further information and technical details about these knowledge graph embedding scoring functions, we refer the readers to the reviews of Nickel et al. [9] and Wang et al. [10]. Information 2021,12,147 5 of 19 In the following, we provide a further discussion and definition of the embedding interaction functions of the models that we examine in our study, where we discuss them within their embedding strategy. • Distance-based embeddings' interactions The Translating Embedding model (TransE) [1] is one of the early models that use distance between embeddings to generate triple scores. It interprets triple's embeddings interactions as a linear translation of the subject to the object such that es + Wp = e0, and generates a score for a triple as follows: f(x') as shown in Figure 3. • Pairwise logistic loss. Logistic loss can also be interpreted as pairwise margin based loss following the same approach as in hinge loss. The loss is then defined as: £ = E E log(l + exp(/(*')-/(*))), logistic^ xtZ+xfZl- where the objective is to minimise the marginal difference between negative and positive scores with a smoother linear slope than hinge loss as shown in Figure 3. Pr. Hinge Loss Pr. Logistic Loss -4-2 0 2 score -4-2 0 2 score Figure 3. Plot of the loss growth of different types of pairwise knowledge graph embedding loss functions. The term Pr. is an abbreviation for pairwise. 3.3. KGE Multi-Class Losses In the following, we discuss KGE loss functions that are used to cast the KGE process into a multi-class classification problem. • Binary cross entropy loss (BCE). The authors of the ConvE model [14] proposed a new binary cross entropy multi-class loss to model the training error of KGE models in link prediction. In this setting, the whole vocabulary of entities is used to train each positive fact such that for a triple (s,p,o), all facts (s,p,o') with o' e E and o' + o are considered false. The BCE loss can be defined as follows: BCE spo "nE('sp° • log((psp0) + (1 - hpo) ■ log(l - (pspo')), (5) where lSp0 is the true label of triplet (s, p,o). Despite the extra computational cost of this approach, it allowed ConvE to generalise over a larger sample of negative instances, therefore surpassing other approaches in accuracy [14]. Negative-log softmax loss (NLS). In a recent work, Lacroix et al. [15] introduced a soft-max regression loss to model training error of the ComplEx model as a multi-class problem. In this approach, the objective for each (s,p,o) triple is to minimise the following loss: Information 2021,12,147 10 of 19 ■Gpo = ~(pspo + log(XL' eXP(- TransE (PrLog) -♦- DistMult (PtSE) -•- ComplEx (PtLog) TriModel (PtLog) Figure 5. A set of line plots which describe the changes of training data sizes and training hyperparameters and their effects on the training runtime of the TransE, DistMult, TriModel and ComplEx models on the PSE dataset. The runtime is reported in second for all the plots. Plot "B" shows the relationship between the training runtime and the model embedding size. The plot shows that all the investigated models have a linear growth of their training runtime corresponding to the growth of the embeddings size. However, the growth rate of the TransE and DistMult models is considerably smaller than the growth of both the ComplEx and TriModel models. This occurs as both the TransE and DistMult models use a single vector to represent each of their embeddings while the ComplEx and TriModel models use two and three vectors, respectively. Despite the better scalability of both the TransE and DistMult models, the ComplEx and TriModel models generally achieve better predictive accuracy [17]. The plot "C" shows the relation between the runtime of KGE models and the number of negative samples they use during training. The plot shows that there is a positive linear relation between training runtime and the number of negative samples—where all the KGE models have similar results across all the investigated sampling sizes. The TriModel, however, consistently have the highest runtime compared to other models. Plot "D" shows the effects of the size of the batch on the training runtime. The plot shows an exponential decay of the training runtime with the linear growth of the data batch size. The KGE models process all the training data for each training iteration (i.e., epoch), where the data are divided into batches for scalability and generalisation purposes. Therefore, the increase of the training data batch sizes leads to a decrease of the number of model executions for each training iteration. Despite the high scalability that can be achieved with large batch sizes, the best predictive accuracy is often achieved using small data batch sizes. Usually, the most efficient training data batch size is chosen during a hyperparameter grid search along with other hyperparameters such as the embedding size and the number of negative samples. The runtime of the models reported in Figure 5 looks very similar or almost identical for all the models as they all operate using the same training procedure, where they differ only on the way they represent the embeddings and compute their interactions. This is significantly shown in the plot (B) in Figure 5, which shows a significant difference in terms of runtime between models that use single embedding vectors such as TransE and DistMult and other models which use multi-vector embeddings such as ComplEx and TriModel. The reported predictive accuracy of the models in terms of the MRR scores in Figure 6 looks similar as the models parameters were not properly tuned. The reported models are also known to produce very similar or almost identical results on the WN18RR benchmark [17]. The purpose of the figure is also to study the change of the models predictive accuracy in relation to the change of the values of the models' hyperparameters and not the best possible model accuracy. Information 2021,12,147 14 of 19 0.4 0.4 0 250 500 750 lk 0 50 100 150 200 Pi Pi Pi Pi oo pi pi 0 5 10 15 20 (C) Negative samples 0.48 0.36 0.24 0.12 0.0 0.24 0.18 0.12 0.06 0.0 0.48 0.36 0.24 0.12 0.0 A . ♦# ♦—< \ - >-i <-- 0 lk 2k 3k 4k ■A, ^_ ^-« <*s*-1 '- I-1 |-1 |--] ±AA—^ 0 lk 2k 3k 4k . A |-1 t---' —' L_ t_i 4t-4—* '<-= 0 lk 2k 3k 4k (D) Batch size ■ TransE (PrLog) ■ DistMult (PtSE) ■ ComplEx (PtLog) ■ TriModel (PtLog) Figure 6. A set of plots which describe the effects of training hyperparameters of KGE models and their effects on the models' accuracy in terms of MRR on different benchmarking datasets. The base hyperparameters for our experiments are: embedding size (k = 150), negative samples per positive (n = 2), batch size (b = 2048), number of epochs (e = 500), optimizer (AMSgrad), learning rate (lr = 0.01). Analysis of the Predictive Scalability Experiments Our experiments on the effects of training parameters of KGE models on the models' scalability suggest the following: • The results confirm that KGE models have linear time complexity as shown in Figure 5 where the models' runtime grows linearly corresponding to increase of both data size and embedding vector sizes. • The results also confirm that models such as the TriModel and Complex model which have more than one embedding vector for each entity, and relations require more training time compared to models with only one embedding vector. • The results also show that the training batch size has a significant effect on the training runtime, therefore, using larger batch sizes are suggested to significantly decrease the training runtime of the training of KGE models. Information 2021,12,147 15 of 19 4.2. Training Hyperparameters' Effects on KGE Accuracy In the following, we study the relation between changes in different training hyperparameters and the accuracy of KGE models. We perform an experimental evaluation where we examine the changes of the accuracy of KGE models in terms of MRR compared to the changes of the model's training hyperparameters. Figure 6 shows the outcome of our experiments where the plots present the changes on MRR corresponding to changes of the training hyperparameters of different KGE models on the NELL239, WN18RR, FB15k-237 and YAGO10 datasets. The datasets reported in Figure 6 are sorted in a descending order from top to down in terms of the number of facts contained in the dataset (dataset size). The first row of plots corresponds to the experiments which are done on the NELL239 dataset (the smallest dataset); these results show that changing the number of training iteration (epochs) and the embedding size has a significant effect on models' accuracy. On the other hand, the negative samples and batch size hyperparameters have less effect on the models' MRR score where the change in the batch size and the number of negative samples insignificantly affects the MRR score—except by the TransE model which has a positive MRR score relation with the number of negative samples. The results corresponding to the WN18RR dataset also show that the epoch count and embedding size have a significant effect of the model's accuracy. We can also observe that both hyperparameters have a positive relation with the MRR score of KGE models compared to the variable relation on the NELL dataset. The results also show that the MRR score of KGE models stabilises after 250 training iterations with an embedding size of 50—increases above these values do not have significant effects on the MRR score of models. Similar to the results on the NELL239, the negative samples and batch size hyperparameters show no significant relation with the MRR scores of different KGE models. The results of the FB15k-237 dataset have a different relation pattern corresponding to the number of training iterations compared to other datasets where the MRR scores of different KGE models have negative or no relation with the changes of the number of training iterations. For example, the MRR scores TransE and DistMult approximately have the sample values corresponding to all the different values of the number of training iterations. On the other hand, the TriModel and ComplEx models have a negative relation with the number of training iteration where their MRR scores decrease with the growth of the training iterations count. The changes of the embedding size on KGE models on the FB15k-237 dataset also show variant patterns where different KGE models have different relation to the change of the size of the embeddings. On the other hand, the changes of the batch size and number of negative samples follow a similar pattern as in the NELL239 dataset: the models' MRR scores have no significant relation with the changes of both hyperparameters. However, an exception was observed for the TransE model, which has a positive MRR score relation with the number of negative samples. The results of the YAGO10 dataset (the largest dataset in this experiment) show a positive relation between the number of training iterations and the MRR score of the TransE, TriModel and ComplEx models. Conversely, the DistMult model has a negative relation with the the number of training iterations. These results show that all models have a positive relation between their MRR scores and the size of the embeddings. For the batch size and negative samples' hyperparameters, we can observe that there is a lower correlation to the MRR scores as in the previous dataset; however, there is a noticeable low positive correlation between the number of negative samples and the MRR scores of the TransE, TriModel and ComplEx models. Finally, based on the observations previously presented, we can provide a list of practical suggestions for anyone experimenting with KGE models: • Changes on the embedding vectors' size have the biggest effect on the predictive accuracy of KGE models. Thus, we suggest to carefully select this parameter by Information 2021,12,147 16 of 19 searching through a larger search space, which can help with ensuring that the models can reach their best representations of the knowledge graph. • The increased number of training iterations can sometimes have a negative effect on the outcome predictive accuracy. Thus, we suggest using early stopping techniques to decide when to stop model training before accuracy starts to decrease. • Both the number of negative samples and batch sizes showed a small effect on the predictive accuracy of KGE models. Thus, this parameter can either be assigned fixed values or be found using a small search spaces to help decrease the hyperparameters search space, and thus the hyperparameters' tuning runtime. 5. Discussion In this section, we discuss the compromise between scalability and accuracy in the training of KGE models. We also discuss the properties of some datasets and their relation with KGE interaction functions. We finally discuss the compatibility between specific KGE scoring and loss functions. 5.1. The Compromise between Scalability and Accuracy We have shown that KGE models achieve their best result in terms of accuracy using multi-class loss functions. However, these functions depend on the l-vs.-all negative sampling which is time-consuming as we have shown in Section 3.5. On the other hand, KGE models with ranking-based loss function are significantly more scalable, but they have less accurate predictions compared to the multi-class losses. This variability between the capabilities of the two approaches results in a compromise between the scalability and accuracy of KGE models when choosing loss functions for KGE models. In our experiments, we found that the training runtime of multi-class loss functions is affected by the entity count in the dataset along with the dataset size where datasets with a higher number of entities require more training time than others even if they have the same size. We ran all our experiments on GPU where we found out that the multi-class based models consume a large amount of the GPU memory. This, therefore, forced us to use small training batch sizes to fit to the GPU's memory especially on large datasets. The use of these smaller batches resulted in longer training runtime due to the increased number of training iterations over the batches. Wang et al. [10] provided a detailed study of the theoretical time-complexity of such approaches. On the other hand, ranking based loss functions have significantly lower GPU memory consumption compared to the multi-class loss functions. However, the memory consumption grows positively with relation to the number of used negative samples. We thus suggest that KGE models with multi-class losses can be used comfortably used for training of small size (less than 5M facts) knowledge graphs. We also recommend using multiple GPUs when available for running the grid-search process of KGE models with multi-class objectives. 5.2. The Relationship between Datasets and Embedding Interaction Functions From our experiments, it is noticeable that the tensor factorisation based methods such as the DistMult, TriModel and ComplEx models consistently have better accuracy than distance based models such as the TransE model on all benchmark in the ranking losses' configuration. However, we can also see that the TransE model significantly outperforms all other ranking based models on the FB15k-237 dataset. A further study of Nguyen et al. [35] also shows that translation based methods achieve significantly higher accuracy than tensor factorisation based methods in terms of both MRR and Hits@10. We think that this can be due to specific properties of the dataset which is compatible with translation based embedding interaction approaches compared to tensor factorisation methods. We also intend to study this specific relation in future works where we intend to investigate different properties of knowledge graph and their possible relations to specific KGE embedding components. Information 2021,12,147 17 of 19 5.3. Compatibility between Scoring and Loss Functions In the ranking loss functions experiments, we can see that the TransE model achieves its best result using pairwise loss functions while its version with the pointwise loss function has significantly worse results. On the other hand, other tensor factorisation based approaches such as the DistMult and ComplEx models achieve their best results with their version which uses pointwise loss functions such as the pointwise squared error and logistic losses. The pairwise loss function versions of these models also have significantly worse results in terms of both the MRR and Hits@10 metrics on all benchmarks as shown in Table 2. 5.4. Limitations of Knowledge Graph Embedding Models Despite the high accuracy and scalability of knowledge graph embedding models, they suffer from various limitations that we discuss in the following: • Lack of interpretability. In knowledge graph embedding models, the learning objective is to model nodes and edges of the graph using low-rank vector embeddings that preserve the graph's coherent structure. The embedding learning procedure operates mainly by transforming noise vectors to useful embeddings using gradient decent optimisation on a specific objective loss. These procedures, however, work as a black box that is hard to interpret compared to other association rule mining and graph traversal approaches that can be interpreted based on the features they use. • Sensitivity to data quality. KGE models generate vector representations of entities according to their prior knowledge. Therefore, the quality of this knowledge affects the quality of the generated embeddings. • Hyperparameter sensitivity. The outcome predictive accuracy of KGE embeddings is sensitive to their hyperparameters [16]. Therefore, minor changes in these parameters can have significant effects on the outcome predictive accuracy of KGE models. The process of finding the optimal parameters of KGE models is traditionally achieved through an exhausting brute-force parameter search. As a result, their training may require rather time-consuming grid search procedures to find the right parameters for each new dataset. 5.5. Future Directions We intend to extend the scope of this study to examine a new set of models such as the convolution based models and graph neural network based KGE models to further validate the findings of our study. We also intend to examine re-evaluating state-of-the-art approaches with various loss function configurations to see how these loss objectives can affect their predictive accuracy on the standard evaluation benchmarks. 6. Conclusions In this study, we have examined different approaches for defining training objectives in KGE models where we have studied their effects on the models' accuracy and scalability. We have then shown by experimental evaluation that most of the studied KGE models achieve better accuracy in the link prediction task using a different loss function than their originally published functions. We have also studied the differences between multi-class based loss functions and ranking based loss functions and their associated negative sampling strategies with a focus on their relation to the scalability and accuracy of the KGE models. Finally, we have studied the hyperparameter tuning process in the KGE models' training process, and we examined the effect of different training hyperparameters on KGE models' accuracy and scalability. Author Contributions: S.K.M. and E.M. theoretical study, analysis, findings and wrote the manuscript. V.N. fund acquisition, design review, manuscript review and supervise; All authors discussed the results and contributed to the final manuscript. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Information 2021,12,147 18 of 19 Funding: Insight Centre for Data Analytics at the National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland is supported by the Science Foundation Ireland grant (12/RC/2289_P2). Data Availability Statement: All the benchmarking datasets used in this study can be downloaded using the following URL: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.14213894, accessed on 20 March 2021. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. 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