New Czechoslovak Hyphenation Patterns, Word Lists, and Workflow* Petr Sojka Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic Ondfej Sojka Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic Abstract Space- and time-effective segmentation and hyphenation of natural languages stay at the core of every document preparation system, web browser, or mobile rendering system. We use the unreasonable effectiveness of pattern generation with patgen. It is possible to use hyphenation patterns to solve the dictionary problem also for close languages without compromise. In this article, we show how we applied the marvelous effectiveness of patgen for the generation of the new Czechoslovak hyphenation patterns that cover both Czech and Slovak languages. We show that developing universal, up-to-date, high-coverage and high-generalization hyphenation patterns is feasible, generated from semi-automatically prepared word lists from actual language usage. We evaluate the new approach and argue that the new Czechoslovak hyphenation patterns bring significant coverage and generalization improvements, and space savings. We share all the data, word lists, and workflow for reproducibility and usage. "Any respectable word processing package includes a hyphenation facility. Those based on an algorithm, also called logic systems, often break words incorrectly." Major Keary in [11] 1 Introduction Space- and time-effective segmentation and hyphenation of natural languages stay at the core of every document preparation system, being it TEX, modern web browser, or mobile rendering system. Unicode Consortium supports 5,000 languages that are still in use today. Each of these languages is on the move. A digital typographic system that supports Unicode and its languages in full should support hyphenation in the form of algorithms, rules, or patterns. However, languages are "moving targets". Vocabulary does change (e.g., language adopts new words). Meanings of individual words do change in time (e.g., gay in English). The importance of word etymology and segmentation does change as well. Word roz-um (understanding) hyphenated in 1956 [7] according to prefix roz signaling separation and seam um signaling knowledge is now perceived as single stem rozum * This is significantly updated and enriched version of paper published in the Zpravodaj Q j T U G [28]. (intelligence, mind). Thus also word hyphenation algorithms should adapt accordingly from time to time to match language usage. There are essentially two quite different approaches to hyphenation: etymology-based The rule is to cut a word on the border of a compound word or the boundary of stem and affix, prefix, or negation. A typical example is the British hyphenation rules by the Oxford University Press [1]. phonology-based Hyphenation follows the pronunciation of syllables and allows for much more fluent reading. Syllabification is not followed only near word borders in the same languages — hyphenation is forbidden when close to word borders. American publishers [6] and the Chicago Manual of Style [2] users prefer this pragmatic approach. There is a trade-off between the two: one prefers visual highlighting of the word meaning etymology as British do, or likes phonology — convenient reading across the lines. There is high language diversity, but what is the same is that the meaning is conveyed by syllables of the language [15]. There is high diversity TUGboat, Volume 42 (2021), No. 2 — Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Meeting 1 Petr Sojka, Ondřej Sojka in the language spelling, but what is the same is that the mapping from phonology to spelling is almost lossless. There is high diversity in the language hyphenation rules, but when phonology-based hyphenation is preferred, the syllable definition based on consonant and vowel segments is the same for all languages, giving a chance to develop one universal syllable-based segmentation algorithm. Czech and Slovak are very close languages. Citizens of Czechoslovakia understood both before the state split in 1993. The syllabification and pronunciation rules are the same. We spotted a clear trend towards phonology-based hyphenation. The differences in spelling are rule-based. These observations lead us to the idea of common Czechoslovak hyphenation patterns usable for both languages. This paper evaluates the feasibility of the development of universal phonology-based (syllabic) hyphenation patterns. As a case study, we describe the development of Czechoslovak hyphenation patterns from word lists of Czech [20, 29, 21] and Slovak [23]. We generated new patterns from word lists captured from the actual language used during the last decade. We rigorously evaluated new patterns as superior to the current specific Czech and Slovak patterns. We document our reproducible workflow and all resources in a public repository. We conclude by outlining further possible hyphenation pattern developments to meet the demands of today. "Hyphenation does not lend itself to any set of unequivocal rules. Indeed, the many exceptions and disagreements suggest it is all something dreamed up at an anarchists' convention." Major Keary in [11] 2 Syllable Segmentation Methods The core idea is to develop shared hyphenation patterns for phonology-based languages. If these languages share pronunciation rules, homographs from different languages typically do not cause problems, as they are hyphenated the same. [7, 4, 9, 32] There are sporadic cases where the seam of a compound word dictates hyphenation point contrary to phonology (roz-um vs. ro-zum). These could be solved by not allowing the hyphenation of this particular word around this specific seam. Marchand et al. [16] showed that data-driven approaches to syllabification algorithms outperform rule-based ones, reaching accuracy around 95% per single language. Bartlett et al. [3] developed a machine learning approach for automatic syllabification, motivated by the needs of letter-to-phoneme conversion. Trogkanis et al. [30] used conditional random fields for word hyphenation and compared the accuracy and other metrics with the original technique of Liang [14]. Their results abstracted heuristics to optimize generated patterns by patgen, [8] diminishing achievable performance by Liang's technique. A recent study on syllabification [13] shows that even in comparison with the latest "deep" neural approaches, fine-tuned patgen's performance beats them both in accuracy and performance. Recently, there were attempts to tackle the word segmentation problem in different languages by Shao et al. [18]. The algorithm is error-prone, but it was developed primarily for speech recognition and language representation tasks. Due to the nonzero error rate, its applicability to the hyphenation task is limited. In a typesetting system, the hyphenation algorithm must cover all exceptions and not tolerate any errors. We recently showed that the patgen approach of pattern generation from word list is unreasonably effective [25]. One can set the parameters of the generation process so that the patterns cover 100% of hyphenation points, and their size remains reasonably tiny. We compressed the word list with 3,000,000 hyphenated words into 30,000 bytes of the packed trie data structure for the Czech language. That means achieving a compression ratio of several orders of magnitude with 100% coverage and nearly zero errors [25]. For a similar language such as Slovak, the pronunciation is very similar, syllable-forming principles are the same, and compositional rules and prefixes are pretty close, if not identical. We have decided to verify the approach by developing hyphenation patterns that will hyphenate both Czech and Slovak words without errors, with only a few missed hyphens. The missed hyphen will appear only in words like oblít where meaning of the term is needed for the decision: o-blit or ob-lit. The clear trend, at least in the Czech hyphenation codification books from Haller [7] via [24] used sofar in TjrjX and Word, [4] to currently maintained word lists in [9] reflect gradual moving from etymology to phonology for better syllabic pronunciation when reading hyphenated words. The contextdependent hyphenation decision to resolve such preferences and the meaning ambiguities are needed only sporadically. We needed to create lists of correctly hyphenated Czech and Slovak words to generate these hyphenation patterns. 3 Data Preparation For our work, Lexical Computing CZ donated word lists with frequencies for Czech and Slovak from the 2 TUGboat, Volume 42 (2021), No. 2 — Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Meeting New Czechoslovak Hyphenation Patterns, Word Lists, and Workflow TenTen family of corpora [10, 12]. Corpora were crawled from the Internet within the last decade. They contain words used in both languages. The Czech word list was cleaned up and extended as described by us [25, 26, 27], using the Czech morphological analyzer majka. Contrary to the German database, we opted for a simple format as possible, allowing easy word lists enrichment and editing. For generalization of hyphenation rules by patgen, we do not need the word list as complete as possible, so we used only words that appeared more than ten times. The final word list cs-all-cstenten.wls contained 606,494 words. For Slovak, we obtained 1,048,860 Slovak words with a frequency higher than ten from 2011 SkTenTen corpora [10]. We only used words with a frequency higher than thirty that comprised only of ISO Latin 2 characters, obtaining file sktenten.wls with 544,609 words. By joining both language files, we got 967,058 Czech and Slovak words in cssk-all-join, wis, of which 106,016 were contained in the intersection of both word lists: cssk-all-intersect .wis. 4 Pattern Development Figure 1 illustrates the workflow of the Czechoslovak pattern development. We have used recent, accurate Czech patterns [25] for the hyphenation of the joint Czech and Slovak word list. We had to fix incorrect hyphenation points manually, typically near the prefix and stem boundary when phoneme-based hyphenation point was one character away from the seam of the prefix or compound word: neja-traktivnejsi, neja-teistictejsi, neje-kologictejsi. We have then hyphenated words used in both languages also by current Slovak patterns. There were only a few word hyphenations that needed to be corrected — we created thefilesk-corrections.wlh that contained the fixed hyphenated words. Finally, we used them as an input to pat gen with a higher weight during the generation of thefinalCzechoslovak hyphenated patterns. We did not pursue 100% coverage at all costs because the source data is noisy, and we do not want the patterns to learn all the typos and inconsistencies. We expand on this in the Jupyter notebook [19]. Gentle readers may also find the scripts used there. 5 Evaluation We evaluated the quality of developed patterns by two metrics. Coverage of hyphenation points in the training word list tells how the patterns correctly predicted hyphenation points used in training. Generalization means how the patterns behave on unseen data, on the words not available in the data used during patgen training. We see the coverage and generalization as a classification task, i.e., how the patterns classify hyphenation points in the training and testing word lists, respectively. 5.1 Classification For evaluation of classification, there are four numbers in the contingency matrix that compare hyphenation point prediction by patterns with the ground truth expressed in the wordlist: true positives (TP), true negatives (TN), false positives (FP), and false negatives (FN). In tables 1-4 on page 5, we report: Good sum or percentage of found hyphenation points (TP), Bad sum or percentage of badly suggested hyphenation points (FP, type 1 error), Missed sum or percentage of missed hyphenation points (FN, type 2 error). Type 1 errors are more severe than type 2 errors in our hyphenation points setup. Nonzero bad results do not necessarily mean that the patterns performed poorly. Just the opposite holds — patterns have found a rule that the ground truth wordlist does not obey. In other words, the inconsistency needs fixing in the underlying word list rather than emitting the pattern for a valid exception. We practiced manual inspection of bad hyphenation points during the development of the word list. 5.2 Generalization We used tenfold cross-validation to assess the generalization properties, leaving one-tenth out of the training set to evaluate the patterns' effectiveness on unseen words. We show results in Table 5. The evaluation metrics slightly differ with different patgen parameters, with the best results achieved when we maximize the coverage of the training set. The achieved results show that both evaluation metrics are close to perfection. We can either opt for perfect coverage and reach it or push to maximize generalization qualities and performance on unseen words. In the first case, we essentially do lossless compression of wordlist hyphenation points by the developed pattern). In the second, we miss only less than 1% of valid hyphenation points. Achieving that for two languages in parallel seems like a good result. It is feasible to continue merging additional word lists to develop generic patterns for syllabically hyphenated languages. TUGboat, Volume 42 (2021), No. 2 — Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Meeting Petr Sojka, Ondřej Sojka c s s k - a l l - j o i n . w l s 1,319,000 CS+SK words I c s s k - a l l - i n t e r s e c t . w i s 139,000 words that are in both CS and SK patgen (as hyphenator) with cshyphen patterns I patgen (as hyphenator) with skhyph patterns c s s k - a l l - i n t e r s e c t . w l h 139,000 hyphenated words that are in both CS and SK c s s k - a l l - i n t e r s e c t . w l h 139,000 words hyphenated by Slovak patterns c s s k - a l l - j o i n . w l h 1,319,000 CS+SK hyphenated words diff and fixing badly hyphenated SK words s k - c o r r e c t i o n s . w l h corrected SK words from c s s k - a l l - i n t e r s e c t . w l h word lists union with added priorities (join lx, intersect 2x, corrections 3x) c s s k - a l l - w e i g h t e d . w l h 1,319,000 hyphenated words with weights cs-sojka-correctopt.par c s - s o j k a - s i z e o p t . p a r patgen (as pattern generator) csskhyphen.pat Figure 1: The whole pattern development workflow is showed above from top: a) Czech and Slovak word lists collection, [25] and intersection; b) bootstrapping hyphenated word lists with syllabic Czech patterns; c) checking and fixing by deploying rarely used patgen weighting for Slovak words common with Czech ones; d) generation of final patterns. The whole workflow and scripts are available in the public repository [19]. 4 TUGboat, Volume 42 (2021), No. 2 —Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Meeting New Czechoslovak Hyphenation Patterns, Word Lists, and Workflow Table 1: Statistics from the generation of Czechoslovak hyphenation patterns with custom parameters. Level Patterns Good Bad Missed Lengths Params 1 830 2,819,833 470,649 35,908 1 3 1 3 12 2 1,590 2,748,581 3,207 107,160 2 4 1 1 5 3 2,766 2,852,334 12,197 3,407 3 6 1 2 4 4 1,285 2,851,931 986 3,810 3 7 1 4 2 Table 2: Statistics from the generation of Czechoslovak hyphenation patterns with correct optimized parameters. Level Patterns Good Bad Missed Lengths Params 1 2,032 2,800,136 242,962 55,605 1 3 1 5 1 2 2,009 2,791,326 10,343 64,415 1 3 1 5 1 3 3,704 2,855,554 11,970 187 2 6 1 3 1 4 1,206 2,854,794 33 947 2 7 1 3 1 Table 3: Statistics from the generation of Czechoslovak hyphenation patterns with size optimized parameters. Level Patterns Good Bad Missed Lengths Params 1 419 2,833,402 667,031 22,339 1 3 1 2 20 2 1,506 2,430,120 1,188 425,621 2 4 2 1 8 3 3,579 2,846,112 15,881 9,629 3 5 1 4 7 4 2,401 2,843,657 4 12,084 4 7 3 2 1 Table 4: Comparison of the efficiency of different approaches to hyphenating Czech and Slovak. Note that the Czechoslovak patterns are comparable in size and quality to single-language ones — there is only a negligible difference compared to i.e., purely Czech patterns. Word list Parameters Good Bad Missed Size Patterns Slovak [5, by hand] N/A N/A N/A 20 kB 2,467 Czech correctopt [25] 99.76% 2.94% 0.24% 30 kB 5,593 Czech sizeopt [25] 98.95% 2.80% 1.05% 19 kB 3,816 Slovak [22, Table 1] 99.94% 0.01% 0.06% 56 kB 2,347 Czechoslovak sizeopt 99.67% 0.00% 0.33% 40 kB 7,417 Czechoslovak correctopt 99.99% 0.00% 0.01% 45 kB 8,231 Czechoslovak custom 99.87% 0.03% 0.13% 32 kB 5,907 Table 5: Results of 10-fold cross-validation with evaluated parameters shows very good generalization properties (learning on 90%, and testing on remaining 10%) Parameters Good Bad Missed correctopt 99.81% 0.15% 0.04% custom 99.64% 0.22% 0.14% sizeopt 99.41% 0.18% 0.40% TUGboat, Volume 42 (2021), No. 2 — Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Meeting 5 Petr Sojka, Ondřej Sojka We do not know pattern performance for most of the other available patterns as there are no word lists to use for the evaluation and comparison. "Esoteric Nonsense? Hyphenation is neither anarchy nor the sole province of pedants and pedagogues... . Used in moderation, it can make a printed page more visually pleasing. If used indiscriminately, it can have the opposite effect, either putting the reader off or causing unnecessary distraction. If the intended audience is bound to read the work (a user manual, for example), poor hyphenation practice may not matter. If the author wants to attract and hold an audience, then hyphenation needs just as careful attention as any other aspect of presentation." Major Keary in [11] 6 Conclusion and summary We have shown that the development of common hyphenation patterns for several languages with similar pronunciations is feasible. Patgen was able to generalize hyphenation rules for both languages with a negligible increase in the size of the generated patterns. The resulting Czechoslovak patterns hyphenate Czech and Slovak much better than the former singlelanguage patterns, with much higher coverage, zero error rate, and evaluated generalization. The whole process is reproducible, is documented, and available as a Jupyter demo notebook with source code [19]. Dissemination Current hyphenation support based on hyphenation patterns is collected in the hyph-utf 8 [17] project. The project uses ISO standards like Unicode and IETF language tags BCP 47. BCP 47 defines a Scope property to identify subtags for language collections, hyph-utf 8 currently contains hyphenation patterns for 65 different languages with an additional 9 dialect or transliteration variants. Our new patterns for "the Czechoslovak language" were accepted for inclusion to the hyph-utf 8 repository [17], and will be supported in the next revisions of hyph-utf 8, polyglossia in the TjrjX Live distribution. The patterns have to be either loaded all in precomputed, compact form into TjrjX's memory from format file at the start of every document compilation, which increases its start-up time. Only LuaTpX allows loading patterns during run-time only for languages actually used in a document. As suggested by TgX experts, we prefer Czech and Slovak \languages being internally synonyms, with patterns loaded only once. Using the patterns via available libraries in many programming languages (JavaScript, Perl, Python, C, and more) is straightforward and makes the patterns' usage rather versatile. Most typesetting systems and browsers, including OpenOfnce and Chrome, could hyphenate in narrow columns of mobile devices. Most of them, if not all systems, use pattern technology and practices from the TgjX community anyway. We will support pattern dissemination in TjrjX distributions and multilingual support packages. We will tidy up available language resources with the community of Czech and Slovak users. Future work We think of developing language-agnostic patterns for syllabically hyphenated languages, based on available data from CELEX [13] with our workflow and evaluation measures. Wordpiece segmentation algorithm [31] gives superb results in the NLP domain for language translation, indicating that information is conveyed via character n-grams. With universal, syllable-based patterns, it will be possible to hyphenate text for most syllabically hyphenated languages even without knowing the language mark up. Another direction of research attention will be machine-learned heuristics for setting of patgen generation parameters, with the objectives of metrics optimization used in the evaluation. When applied to the languages with available word lists, it would lead to pattern improvements for most supported languages. Acknowledgement We are indebted to Don Knuth for questioning the common properties of Czech and Slovak hyphenation during our presentation of [25] at T U G 2019, which has led us in this research direction. We also thank everyone on which shoulders we build our work, and to all who commented on our workflow, patterns, and this paper, and discussed it at T U G 2021. References [1] R.E. Allen, ed. The Oxford Spelling Dictionary. vol. II of The Oxford Library of English Usage. Oxford University Press, 1990. [2] Anonymous. The Chicago Manual of Style. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 17 edition, Sept. 2017. [3] S. Bartlett, G. Kondrak, C. Cherry. Automatic Syllabification with Structured SVMs for Letter-to-Phoneme Conversion. In Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, pp. 568-576, Columbus, Ohio, June 2008. ACL. anthology/P08-1065 [4] A. Bauer. Dělení slov /slovotvorba v praxi/ (Word hyphenation /practical morphology/). 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