Re€iPSS D2.1-Demonstrator baseline and market characteristics report Project acronym: ReCiPSS Project full title: Resource-efficient Circular Product-Service Systems — ReCiPSS Grant agreement no.: 776577-2 Author/s: Alena Klapalová, Radoslav Škapa, Cristina de Sousa Gabriela Vaceková, Jana Švecová, Radmila Štangová Reviewed: Farazee, M. A. Asif, Conny Bakker, Nina Boorsma, Amir Rashid, Malvína Roci, Niloufar Salehi, Sonja Van Dam Approved: Document Reference: D2.1 Demonstrator baseline and market characteristics report Dissemination Level: PU Version: Final version Date: 22.07.2019 This is a draft document and subject to approvalfor final version. Therefore the information contained herein may change. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models History of Changes Version Date Modification reason Modified by 0.1 12.05.2019 Initial Draft Alena Klapalová 0.2 31.05.2019 Quality Check Conny Bakker 0.3 31.05.2019 Quality Check Nina Boorsma 0.4 03.06.2019 Quality Check Sonja Van Dam 0.5 10.06.2019 Quality Check Malvina Roci 0.6 11.06.2019 Quality Check Amir Rashid 0.7 13.06.2019 Quality Check Farazee M.A.Asif 0.8 18.6.2019 Quality Check Niloufar Salehi 0.9 27. 8. 2019 Quality Check Frances Karsten and Konstantinos Georgopoulos 1.0 02.09.2019 Quality Check Birgit Kraenzl 1.1 02.09.2019 Quality Check Frances Karsten 1.2 02.09.2019 Quality Check Peter Bartel 1.3 04.09.2019 Final reviewed deliverable Alena Klapalova This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 2 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models Table of contents Executive Summary 8 1 Introduction 9 1.1 Document Scope 10 1.2 Methodology 10 2 Literature review - business models and business model innovation 17 2.1 Business models 17 2.2 Business models innovation and the transition to sustainable societies through circular economy 20 2.3 Business models innovation - systematic literature review 21 3 State of the art review - circular business model 27 3.1 Circular economy and circular business models - introduction 27 3.2 Specificities of the circular business models 31 4 Systematic literature review. Circular business models and innovative tools 54 4.1 Circular business models and innovative tools 54 5 Environmental scanning and market analysis - Bosch 68 5.1 In-depth interviews with trade levels 81 5.2 Internal environment 83 6 Environmental scanning and market analysis - Gorenje 85 6.1 External environment 85 6.2 The results of pilot surveys in Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Slovenia ... 101 6.3 Internal environment 126 7 Current business models 128 7.1 Current business model - Bosch 128 7.2 Current business model Gorenje 132 8 Target circular business models 135 8.1 Circular business model Bosch 135 8.2 Circular business model Gorenje 143 8.3 Potential synergies between the models for both demonstrators 152 8.4 "Tools" suitable for the transition and adaptation of business models to be (more) circularl53 9 Conclusions 155 References 157 Appendix 1: References to the Gorenje environmental scanning and market analysis 176 Appendix 2: Bosch- in-depth interview protocol 181 appendix 3: Questionnaires for the pilot survey in 4 markets for Gorenje 191 Appendix 4: Additional data from pilot survey for Gorenje 233 This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 3 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models List of figures Figure 1: Visualisation ofkeywords for literature review (authors) 11 Figure 2: Layers of the business environment (Johnson et al, 2008, p. 54) 13 Figure 3: Activity system design framework 15 Figure 4: Number ofpublications on Business Models in Scopus Indexed 17 Figure 5: Business model canvas 20 Figure 6: lORs (from the original 9Rs) framework 32 Figure 7: Components, strategies and themes with circular business model, 33 Figure 8: Product-service continuum and three subcategories ofPSS 35 Figure 10: Basic characteristics of cloud manufacturing 46 Figure 11: Security issues in loT 47 Figure 12: (a) Trust concept in relation to dependability and social capital; (b) Three main aspects of trust in the social loT environment 47 Figure 13: Environmental layer of the Triple Layer Business Model Canvas 49 Figure 14: Sustainable business model canvas 49 Figure 15: Adapted sustainable business model canvas 50 Figure 16: C3 Business model canvas 51 Figure 17: Product-services systems and the O&P canvas 52 Figure 18: CBM canvas 52 Figure 19: Frameworkfor loT business models 53 Figure 20: Distribution channels for partsforward delivery 70 Figure 21: Aftermarket structure in Europe 71 Figure 22: Groups ofActors in the Automotive Remanufacturing Marketing System 72 Figure 23: Sources for cores 74 Figure 24: Incentives for the core sourcing and returns 76 Figure 25: 6 trends specific to automotive suppliers with a high potential for disruption 77 Figure 26: Traditional versus strategic approach to reverse logistics 80 Figure 27: Preferences of washing machines features andfunctions 89 Figure 28: Total population in Denmarkfrom 2007 to 2018, by age group (in millions) 92 Figure 29: Forecast of the household composition in the Netherlands from 2016 to 2060, by number ofpeople in the household (in 1,000s) 97 Figure 30: Whatfeatures do consumers consider most important in washing machines? 99 Figure 31: The respondents' nationality and the age structure 101 Figure 32: Education 102 Figure 33: Settlement structure 102 Figure 34: Living condition related to the settlement 103 Figure 35: Income per person 103 Figure 36: Structure of households 104 Figure 37: Technology adoption life cycle 104 Figure 38: Eco-friend/fan/campaigner 105 Figure 39: Status of washing machine (in %) 105 Figure 40: Freguency of washing 106 Figure 41: Experience with access-based consumption 107 Figure 42: Motivators for renting of washing machine 108 Figure 43: Motivators for pay per wash (in %) 109 Figure 44: Barriers to pay per wash (in %) 110 Figure 45: Motives for collaborative consumption (in %) 110 This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models Figure 46: Features of an ideal washing machine 113 Figure 47: Renting (in %) 114 Figure 48: PPW (in%) 114 Figure 49: PPW barriers (in %) 115 Figure 50: Comparison of attributes priorities in four countries andfor the whole sample 119 Figure 51: Frequencies of the most preferred profiles 120 Figure 52: Part-worth coefficients for the contract duration 121 Figure 53: Part-worth coefficients for washing machine condition 122 Figure 54: Part-worth coefficients for price levels (pay per wash) 122 Figure 55: Part-worth coefficients for the diverse option of payment scheme 123 Figure 56: Cluster structure description and predictors importance (squared eta coefficients) 124 Figure 57: Clusters comparison 125 Figure 58: Value proposition of remanufacturing at Automotive Aftermarket 129 Figure 59: Business model of remanufacturing at Automotive Aftermarket 130 This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 5 of 238 ReCiPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models List of tables Table 1: Systematic literature review procedure 22 Table 2: Dimensions and categories usedfor the coding process in the systematic literature review 22 Table 3: Some definitions of BMI 23 Table 4: Business model innovations to slow and close resource loops 30 Table 5: Digital technologies functionalities for CE 42 Table 6: SLR on tools for business models innovation - search queries for two databases 56 Table 7: Frameworks, tools, models and methodsfor decision-making in CE 58 Table 8: SLR results - tools for the BMI for CE 66 Table 9: Living conditions 102 Table 10: Status of the washing machine in the cross-country comparison 106 Table 11: Renting - rank correlations between motivators and consumers factors 108 Table 12: pay per wash - rank correlations between motivators and consumers factors 109 Table 13: collaborative consumption - rank correlations between motivators and consumers characteristics Ill Table 14: perception related to experience with reman/refurbished products 112 Table 15: an overview of washing machine features assessed by consumers 112 Table 16: Product attributes tested in CA 116 Table 17: Initial andfinal sample for CA 117 Table 18: The utility definition for CA 117 Table 19: Reversal in the initial model 118 Table 20: Final modelfit 118 Table 21: Attribute importance 118 Table 22: Part-worth coefficients 119 Table 23: Utilities ofprofiles (Score 1 -11) and variability across respondents 120 Table 24: Components of Bosch circular business models 139 Table 25: Components of Gorenje circular business models 147 This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 6 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models List of abbreviations Abbreviation Explanation AAM Automotive aftermarket BECE Backcasting and eco-design for the circular economy BM Business model BMI Business model innovation BMC Business model canvas BSC Balanced Scorecard CE Circular economy CBM Circular business model CLSC Closed loop supply chain CRM Customer Relationship Management EoL End of Life EoU End of Use EMF Ellen McArthur Foundation EU European Union laaS Infrastructure as a service 1AM Independent Aftermarket IC Information and communication ICT Information and Communications Technology IT Information technology loT Internet of Thing IS Information system(s) LSP Logistics service provider OE Original Equipment OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer OES Original Equipment Services PaaS Platform as a service PLC Product life cycle PPW Pay per wash PSS Product service system TCO Total cost of ownership SaaS Software as a service SLR Systematic literature review TL Trade level UA User acceptance Ul User interaction VP Value proposition WP Work package 2PL Second Party Logistics Provider 3PL Third Party Logistics Provider 4PL Fourth Party Logistics Provider This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 7 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models Executive Summary The purpose of this deliverable is to define the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models for two demonstrators (task 2.1) and to analyse both demonstrators' markets characteristics and their impact on the target circular business models (task 2.2). The first demonstrator from the automotive aftermarket is Robert Bosch GmbH or Bosch group (Bosch) as remanufacturing parts supplier and Circular Economy Solutions GmbH (C-ECO) which provides reverse logistics services for remanufacturer in the automotive aftermarket upon the brand of CoremanNet. The main project purpose regarding this demonstrator is to streamline the reverse flows of cores for the remanufacturing business, to improve the information flow related to the cores and to promote circularity of cores via CoremanNet. The second demonstrator is Gorenje Gospodinjski Aparati D.D. (Gorenje) in the case of the white goods industry. The aim of the project is to develop a new circular business model(s) for smart washing machines, specifically for the pay per use business model for end-customer (businesses and organizations) and final consumer enabling three product life cycles. Deliverable first summarizes existing knowledge of business models, business models innovation and circular business models as well as of the innovative tools that are invented and proposed for the changes, adaptations and transitions of linear business models into the circular ones. Systematic literature review of documented and reported knowledge relevant for both demonstrators was performed in this step. Second, environmental forces which create and influence the need for the changes and improvements in the current value creation, value delivery and value capture toward circularity are identified for both demonstrators. Third, the deliverable identifies and proposes the potential and alternative circular business models for both demonstrators. The review of the appropriate and applicable innovative tools for the transition and improvement of the existing models are incorporated into this proposal. Deliverable also provides the preliminary lists of challenges, opportunities, risks and barriers for the alternative models. These factors should be taken into consideration for the detailed development of the models that both demonstrators will pursue in practice during the demonstration. This document is the result of the initial systematic and state-of-the-art literature review and an initial market analysis and circular business models proposal and provides the input for more indepth analyses and more detailed CBM development within WP2 (Task 2.3 - Planning the circular business implementation of the demonstrators), for the detailed plan of circular business models demonstration within WP3 and WP4 and for the IT platforms development (WP5) as well as for the deployment of solutions by both demonstrators in the form of real testing (WP6 and WP7) and evaluation of circular business models performance in the end of the demonstration (WP2, task 2.4; WP3, task, 3.5; WP6, task 6.7 and WP7, task 7.5). We thank to Mr. Frederic Arnould from Surplus Autos S.A.R.L, Mr. Otto Bartel from RG GmbH, Mr. Manuel Birreck from Bald Automobile GmbH, Mr. Jean-Michel Brach from La Concorde, Mr. Pierre Chyrra from Partners Trading E.I.T., Mr. Stephane Cozic from Autodistribution LOIR S.A., Mr. Thierry Durand from Bourgogne Recyclage, Mr. Gregory Edel from Edel International Trading, Mr. Valentin Martin from Soulignon Auto Casse, Mr. Holger Orth from Ebbinghaus Automobile GmbH and Mr. Regis Piton from Lebourgeois Le Havre, for their willingness to participate in the in-depth interviews and for providing valuable information about the Automotive aftermarket business. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 8 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models 1 Introduction The main objective of WP2 is the development of innovative business models supporting circular manufacturing systems in the context of the two demonstrators. The deliverable D2.1 concentrates on defining the current baseline and the target new circular business model - in case of the White goods demonstrator Gorenje - and the improved existing circular business model - in the case of the demonstrator Bosch. The focus is on drawing a relatively comprehensive picture about the current business approach of both demonstrators and based on the summary of the existing knowledge of circular economy, circular business models and the innovative tools the aim of this deliverable is to outline and justify proposals of suitable circular business models with alternative solutions and suggest the suitable path for the innovation process. The questions to be answered in this report are as following: 1. What are the forces and factors that stand behind the circular economy and which may bring companies to do their business in a circular way? What forces and what factors might be the opportunities and challenges and what might be the threats and risks for the white goods (washing machines) circular business and for the automotive aftermarket and automotive remanufacturing circular business? 2. What is the purpose, the essence and the components and linkages between components of business models as a system views on doing the sustainable and circular business? 3. What specificities do the existing circular business models have in comparisons with non-circular models and what are the reasons for these specificities (what factors influence their structure and content)? 4. What are the most viable structure and content of the circular business models for both demonstrators? Who are the customers in circular business models? Which other actors play the role of customers in circular business? What are the needs, wants and the characteristics of customers and stakeholders - as customers' segments and what is the "circular value" proposition for them that can satisfy these needs and wants? How can the "circular value" be delivered to the relevant segments? What resources, competencies and capabilities do companies need to be effective and efficient with the circular business models? Who are the key partners for the "circular value creation", value delivery and value capture? What customers and other relevant stakeholders as customers pay for in "circular value - what is the revenue structure? What specific costs and what cost structure does exist with circular business models? 5. What are the innovation processes and the innovative tools, methods as well as strategies, approaches, models, frameworks for the business models transition, improvements or adaptations that can be used in for both demonstrators to make needed steps towards circular economy? To answer these questions, the following steps are taken: 1. A systematic literature review on circular business models and business models' innovative tools towards circular economy is performed to build the knowledge base. 2. Pilot survey (Gorenje) of consumers from Austria, Denmark, Netherlands and Slovenia (where the demonstration of the pay per wash system will be realized) and pilot inThis project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 9 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models depth interviews with the automotive aftermarket players in France and Germany (where the demonstration of the cloud platform as the tool for the streamlining the reverse flows will be put in practice) are provided to obtain feedback on circular value propositions for both demonstrators. The insight is used for the optimization of circular product offerings, for specifying customer segments and their market readiness for circular economy and business approaches. 3. External and internal environmental scanning of the markets and market analysis which identifies factors for both demonstrators that might be relevant when modelling circular business is executed. The purpose of market analysis is to evaluate the potential of all 6 markets for circular business models proposed in the project. 4. Current business models of both demonstrators covering problems, challenges, barriers, gaps are described. 5. Building on the existing theoretical and empirical knowledge circular business models are suggested for both demonstrators with the relevant alternatives that correspond with the resources, competencies, capabilities of demonstrators and are in harmony with the market trends. Appropriate innovative tools for the transition and improvement accompanied these models. Models will serve as the frameworks for further development within the work of WP2.3, WP3, WP4, WP5, for the implementation by both demonstrators (WP6 and WP7) and for the evaluation of results (WP2-WP8) during the following phases of the project. 1.1 Document Scope This report characterizes the existing value proposal, value creation, value delivery and value capture of the: a) reverse logistics solution to enhance the needed supply of the cores from the endcustomer/consumer to the remanufacturing facilities with the aim to satisfy the demand for remanufactured spare parts and b) the traditional linear washing machine business with only limited reverse logistics processes with the rather limited circularity of products, spare parts, raw materials and Further, a literature review of the circular business solutions and circular economy potential for the business model innovation is provided in the context of both demonstrators. Together with the market analysis of the automotive aftermarket and reverse logistics in this market as well as of the washing machine and laundering market, circular business models are proposed altering to the existing and potential risks, barriers, challenges and opportunities. Relevant innovative tools, methods, strategies, models, frameworks, approaches that help with the transition and improvements are suggested as well. The character of the project requires multimethod research. A triangulation research design as one of the multimethod research approaches is recommended by several authors especially in business, management and entrepreneurship research (Bryman and Bell, 2003; Davidsson, 2003; Westhead and Wright, 2000). The main idea of the triangulation is in the enrichment and supplementation of the pieces of findings from the individual approaches. Triangulation enables to reach wider and deeper context and facilitates the interpretation of the relationships packaging. 1.2 Methodology This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 10 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models between different phenomena and to answer distinct research questions related to the same problem or theme or task (Bryman and Bell, 2003). We applied all four forms of triangulation proposed by Denzin (1989): 1. Data triangulation, which entails gathering data at different times, from different sources, at different spaces and different situations and from different persons or groups of people (in the context of the project from different stakeholders); 2. Investigator triangulation, which means the use of more than one and different researchers in one or from more fields to gather and interpret data; 3. Theoretical triangulation, which involves the use of multiple theoretical perspectives to the same phenomenon for the process of interpreting data; 4. Methods triangulation, which refers to the use of several and different methods (and techniques). 1.2.1 Literature review A combination of a state-of-the-art review and systematic literature review (SLR) was applied for this report. a) The state-of-the-art review concentrates on more current issues and matters. This type of review "may offer new perspectives on an issue or highlight an area in need of further research" (Grant and Booth, 2009, p. 101). The state-of-the-art review was used for understanding the contextual situation regarding the potential circular business models of both demonstrators. This review relieved the themes we believe are connected to the circular business models running. Figure 1 shows the main keywords that were applied to the state-of-the-art review. I digital izati on 15/1 CT loT (internet of ;dijnjg) clea ringhouse Industry 4.0 Consumer / Customer security Payment security for business Predictive rrai rTe na nee Pla^forrn as service revenue Product t i c k i n g + trjiceaifcui|ity^ Pay per use Pay per wash Consumer surveillance Suppliers a: customers — val ue added Cores and spare parts Washing rr achine Product service system Network actors acceptance Consumer behavior Value for cjjsjtorjner/ vajue. proposition. Business rr odels for SLstainability Product design Product life cycje^ Consumer accepta n ce Ul (user interaction) Value delivery supply chain ma nagement Business model innovation Circular business models Customer reja^tiorjshnip management Green business models Product ownership Key activities Reverse logistics/reverse S C M Closed loop supply cjTajjn. Key resources/ cajpa bill ties Impact measurement Key partnerships Automotive afterimarket s^ustalna^bility Value recov/e iy I aundering Circular economy Sharing and collaborative economy Refuse, Reuse, Resale, Reduce, Repair., Refurbish Renimanufacture, Recycle, Repurpose Figure 1: Visualisation of keywordsfor literature review (authors) This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 11 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models b) Systematic literature review is, according to Denyer and Tranfield (2009, p. 672), "a specific methodology that locates existing studies, selects and evaluates contributions, analyses and synthesizes data, and reports the evidence in such a way that allows reasonably clear conclusions to be reached about what is and is not known". SLR comprehensively identifies, appraises, and synthesizes all relevant studies on some specific topic and helps to identify gaps and diversity in current research (Petticrew and Roberts, 2006; Correia et al, 2017). Essentially, SLR aims to synthesize knowledge of multiple original studies. No unified process for SLR exists - authors differ in the number of steps and in detail content of each step. For this report, based on Correia et al (2017) and Okoli and Schabram (2011) we defined six phases: 1. Formulation of the purpose of the literature review; 2. Formulation of the research questions; 3. Literature search; 4. Evaluation and screening of research; 5. Research analysis and 5. Presentation of results. There are two main purposes to do a systematic literature review in relation to the ReCiPSS project and this deliverable: 1. to understand the substance of circular business models and their innovation and 2. to summarize and to evaluate the appropriate tools (methods, strategies, approaches, models, frameworks...) that could be used for the transition (in the case of Gorenje) and improvement (in case of Bosch) of business models to be (more) circular. Based on the task 2.1 within WP2 which should be accomplished through SLR following research questions were formulated: RQ1: What specific features circular business models have in comparison to linear business models? RQ2: What are the main features of business model innovation in the current literature? RQ3: What challenges exist within the process of innovation of business models towards circular ones? RQ4: What innovative tools for the business model change, transition, transformation, adaptation, improvement to become (more) circular are appropriate for both demonstrators within the project? RQ5: Which synergies and cross-fertilization opportunities can exist across cases of both demonstrators in their circular business models' innovation processes? The most often recommended databases - Web of Science and SCOPUS were used for the search of the existing knowledge. For answering the RQ4 also cross-references, Proquest database and review of the first 100 articles in Google Scholar was done to enlarge the scope of potential sources of knowledge. 1.2.2 Environmental scanning and market analysis Environmental scanning and market analyses enable to understand driving forces which urge companies to make adaptations, changes and/or innovation of their way of doing business as well as in the core of their business logic. Opportunities and threats, challenges, risks, barriers should be detected and evaluated during these processes. Some trends were found out also from the in-depth interviews with the automotive aftermarket (AAM) companies (see chapter 2.2.4). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 12 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models Environmental scanning and market analyses encompass all levels of the environment as can be seen from Figure 2. .^e macro-environ,^ competitor Figure 2: Layers of the business environment (Johnson et at, 2008, p. 54) 1.2.3 Current business models description For the current business models description, a mix of several methods was used again. All of them can be covered by the umbrella term "qualitative content analysis". We analysed contents of the transcripts from the on-site visits' presentations, interviews and discussions with the representatives of both demonstrators served as the key informants (Kumar et al, 1993). Expert interviews were used for the exploration and orientation in the situation researched in the project and for collection of context information helping to gain needed insight (Bogner and Menz, 2002). Content analysis from the first introductory co-creation workshops realized by TUD Delft during the first on-site visits with both demonstrators was also incorporated into the description of current business models. Finally, content analysis of webpages of demonstrators, their annual reports, market reports, news, and online practitioners' journals provided needed information as well as existing articles from academic journals. Most information was collected and analysed as part of the environmental scanning (see Chapter 6 and 7). 1.2.4 Pilot surveys, in-depth interviews and co-creation sessions The most effective way for the needed information and data from the consumer markets, where the demonstration of the pay per wash model should be realized (Austria, Denmark, Netherlands and Slovenia), was to use pilot surveys (also recommended in the project proposal). Online surveys with the use of the questionnaire were realized with the help of professional market and marketing research agency Focus during the end of March and beginning of April 2019. The target sample size for every country was 150 responses (which is higher that recommended for a pilot survey). The questionnaire in five languages versions is available in the Appendix to this report. The main purpose of the survey was to explore what is the laundering behaviour of consumers, what experience and attitudes do they have with renting, leasing and pay per use models; what is their perception and the attitudes to refurbished products and specially to washing machines. Conjoint analysis (part of the questionnaire) aims to detect potential preferences of various pay per wash options. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 13 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models The questionnaire design (topics and questions wording) was inspired by two sources: the published conceptual and empirical research (Antikainen et al. 2015; Gullstrand Edbring, Lehner, and Mont 2016; Lieder et al. 2018; Collins, Steg, and Koning 2007; Hsu 2014; Jimenez-Parra, Rubio, and Vicente-Molina 2014; Mugge, Jockin, and Bocken 2017; Sweeney and Soutar 2001; Wang and Hazen 2016; Subramanian and Subramanyam 2012) and by the co-creation session conducted within the ReCiPSS project on 10/12/2018 with Slovenian consumers. Technically, the questions were constructed as single and multiple choice, as 3-, 5- and 7-point scales, openended questions and one ranking question for conjoint analysis. The missing data were not substituted but were deleted, in particular analyses list- or case-wise. For the automotive aftermarket in-depth interviews instead of the pilot survey was more appropriate, first due to the higher probability to get informants and secondly, due to the more explorative character of the research problem. Areas of interest and questions were prepared with the very intensive cooperation with the C-ECO team and the involvement of TU Delft. Recruitment of the informants was provided by the market research agency B-inside. Recruitment and in-depth interviews (face to face and telephone) took place during April and beginning of May 2019. From the databases with 120 companies in Germany and 120 companies in France (divided into the three categories - 1AM distributors, buying groups and garages) 11 interviews in Germany and 11 in France were realized and the results are used for the content of this report. The content analysis of surveys and interviews focused on behaviour and practices and reasons for such behaviour and practices and for defining gains and pains, needs and wants, awareness, attitudes and perceived risks of: a) consumers with current laundering practices, with the pay per wash model and refurbished washing machine; and b) independent automotive aftermarket distributors and garages (workshops) with current reverse logistics processes and information system as well as deposit (surcharge) system for cores. With these actors also their awareness and perception of trends and experience and attitudes to cloud-based information management of the forward and reverse logistics processes were discussed. Findings from the content analysis of the co-creation sessions with the consumers for the Gorenje case which were organized by TU Delft in Netherlands and Slovenia in October and November 2019 also represent the part of empirical research needed for the project. The results of all content analyses and from the pilot surveys were used to develop circular business models for both demonstrators and especially for formulating value propositions. 1.2.5 Circular business model development Circular business models have been developed using a combination of the general methodology of Wirtz (2011), "business model canvas" (BMC) approach and inspiring ideas from "The loT Business Model Builder" (Bilgeri et al, 2015). Wirtz suggests going through 4 steps of business model design process - idea generation, feasibility study, prototyping and decision making. Wirtz's methodology was combined with the Zott and Amitt (2009, p. 7) proposed Activity system design framework (see Figure 3). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 14 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models Framework provides insight by: Giving business model design a language, concepts and tools Highlighting business model design a key managerial/entrepreneurial task Emphasizing system-level design over partial optimization Design elements Content What activities should be performed? Structure How should they be linked and sequenced? Governance Who should perform them, and Where? Design themes Novelty Adopt innovative content, structure or governance Lock-In Build in elements to retain business model stakeholders, e.g. customers Complementarities Bundle activities to generate more value Efficiency Reorganize activities to reduce transaction costs Figure 3: Activity system design framework As this deliverable is created in the very first phase of the whole project schedule, step 2 of business model design process - feasibility study - covers only part of the first two substeps analysis of the existing markets and assessment of the potential. Complex outputs of the step 2 and 3 are dependent on the results of further work of WP2, WP3, WP4, decision making of WP6 and WP7 and work of WP5. Final step 4 - decision making will be the result of whole ReCiPSS project. In the idea generation phase, several creativity techniques were used to generate a multitude of proposals for every strategic component of the potential circular business models for both demonstrators. Knowledge from the literature review was combined with the outputs from applying these techniques and based on the rough features of the models' orientations and the first rough concept have been determined and developed (Wirtz, 2011). Brainstorming meetings were organized for every individual component of circular business models with the purpose to generate as many ideas for the forms and contents of every component as possible. Brainstorming was complemented with the synectics technigue with the aim to generate also unconventional business model ideas by employing personal, fantasy and direct analogies (Wilson et al, 1973). Synectics was used in this initial work only in a nonsystematic way for washing machine value proposition understanding. The results help to design alternative circular business models/alternative components of business models probably not feasible to deploy in the near future, but with some potential for the next decades (Wirtz, 2011). For the feasibility analysis phase findings from the Environmental scanning (see Chapter 2.2.2) and both literature reviews (on business models and their innovation and on circular business models and innovative tools) were employed. Basic conditions as well as the trends of the environment which shape and will shape the circular business models and their individual components - especially customer and market component - were determined. Components and the core logic (architecture) from the business model canvas (see also Chapter 3.1) and its variants and adaptations (proposed in the academic literature and practice for sustainability-focused and circular business models) were used for the circular business models development. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 15 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS circular business models 1.2.6 Document Structure D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved The document is divided into 9 parts (without the Introduction and Discussion and conclusions. Chapter 2 contain the introduction and methodology to several researches and analyses realized during the 1s t year of the project duration. Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 summarize the background of literature on business models and a systematic literature review on business models innovation. Chapter 5 presents results of a systematic literature review on circular business models and innovative tools for the transition from the traditional linear or less developed circular business models towards (more) circular ones. Findings from the environmental scanning and market analyses as well as from the in-depth interviews and online surveys for both demonstrators are provided. Chapter 8 describes current business models of Bosch and CECO's cores market and of Gorenje's washing machine market. Chapter 9 brings proposals of circular business models focusing mainly on the target approaches of both demonstrators defined in the ReCiPSS project proposal and recaps risks, barriers, challenges and opportunities connected to the proposed business models. The suitable tools (methods, strategies, frameworks, model etc.) for the innovative steps toward circularity in business models are part of this chapter. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 16 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models 2 Literature review - business models and business model innovation This section summarises basic knowledge of the business models concept and the role and process of business models innovation. 2.1 Business models The business model (BM) concept appeared in the late 1960s but only gained momentum in the 1990s (Demil & Lecocq 2010) when it started to diffuse among management scholars, namely in the areas of innovation and entrepreneurship studies. This upsurge is related to the emergence of new opportunities and challenges for value creation and capture linked to the digital transformation (e.g. e-commerce) (Wirtz et al. 2016). Figure 4 shows the growth of academic publications using the concept (Scopus database, 10/11/2018. Search query: TITLEABS-KEY ("business model") AND (EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2019). Documents by year 3000 2500 2000 1500 I GOO 1968 1973 1978 1983 1988 1993 199* 2003 2008 2013 2C18 Year Figure 4: Number ofpublications on Business Models in Scopus Indexed Despite the proliferation of research on business models, there is still no agreement on what a business model really is (Arend 2013; Casadeus-Masanell and Ricart 2010; DaSilva and Trkman 2014; Demil & Lecocq 2010; Morris et al. 2005; Osterwalder et al. 2005; Zott et al. 2011). The conceptual diversity can be problematic since the concept is not always used in a coherent way and sometimes is used as a synonym for terms like 'business idea' or 'revenue model' (Wirtz et al 2016) This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 17 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models This means that there are many definitions of business models. For instance, Seidel et al (2017, p. 150) define business model "as a structured, simplified and intelligible representation of how a company buys and sells goods or services and, in that process, earns money". Demil and Lecocq (2010, p. 227) define business model as the concept that "refers to the description of the articulation between different BM components or 'building blocks' to produce a proposition that can generate valuefor consumers and thus for the organization". Wirtz (2011, p. 13) sees a business model to be "the comprehensive description of entrepreneurial activity in aggregated form". Wirtz also adds some roles or purposes of business models - more are introduced further in the text: "business models enable a manager to focus on the essential aspects of his responsibility. Due to the reduction of complexity and the resulting focus on relevant information, the guality of decision-making can be enhanced, which allows for more well-founded strategic and operating decisions" (p. 16). Margretta (2002, p. 89) states that "...a good business model answers Peter Ducker's age-old guestions: Who is the customer? And what does the customer value? It also answers the fundamental guestions every manager must ask: How do we make money in this business? What is the underlying economic logic that explains how we can deliver value to customers at an appropriate cost? " "A business model describes the design or architecture of the value creation, delivery and capture mechanisms employed. The essence of a business model is that it crystallizes customer needs and ability to pay, defines the manner by which the business enterprise responds to and delivers value to customers, entices customers to pay for value, and converts those payments to profit through the proper design and operation of the various elements of the value chain. Put differently, a business model reflects management's hypothesis about what customers want, how they want it and what they will pay, and how an enterprise can organize to best meet customer needs and get paid wellfor doing so." (Teece, 2010, p. 191). Amit and Zott (2001, p. 513) conclude that "A business model depicts the content, structure, and governance of transactions designed so as to create value through the exploitation of business opportunities." According to Osterwalder et al (2005, p. 17-18) a business model is a conceptual tool that contains a set of elements and their relationships and allows expressing the business logic of a specific firm. It is a description of the value a company offers to one or several segments of customers and of the architecture of the firm and its network of partners for creating, marketing, and delivering this value and relationship capital, to generate profitable and sustainable revenue streams. Business models have different functions and so they can be used for different purposes. Based on Osterwalder (2004), Osterwalder et al (2005), Wirtz (2011) and Sarasini and Under (2018, p. 15) we summarize them into the following categories: • understanding and sharing - they can help to capture, visualize, understand, communicate and share the business logic or the key mechanics of an existing business; • to describe some company-level activities, focusing on the creation and distribution of value; • to link firm-level activities with market outcomes; • analysing - they can help to analyse the business logic of a company, improve measuring, tracking, observing, and comparing the business logic of a company with This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 18 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models other companies (or other business logic of the same company if different business models are pursued). In that case business models can be used as a new unit of analysis. • managing - they can help to design, plan processes to follow business logic, help to manage modifying, changing or innovation and implementation of business models. This can also improve the alignment of strategy, business organization and technology. • prospects - they can serve as the basis for innovation routes, for improving the current business structure and operations, for testing and also for stock (prepared for the potential future use); • patenting of business models - however, business models used to be very individual solutions and patenting is not very frequent; • to identify outsourcing opportunities - business models enable to define which processes and activities should be internalized and which are possible and more efficient to externalize. The distinction between a strategy and a business model should be understood as business models describe what and strategies help to answer how to achieve the "what". Teece (2010, p. 179) states that a "business model is more generic than a business strategy". He also adds that to protect competitive advantage resulting from new business model design coupling strategy and business model analysis is needed. Business models are seen to bridge the gap between strategy (the positioning, objectives and goals of the company) and business processes (involving the understanding and implementation of strategic information (Osterwalder and Pigneur, 2002, p.77). Business models should work on business level as a complex; however, they do not exist in a vacuum. Particularly in bigger organization, several business models co-exist sometimes and should be in harmony with others. Their success and sustainability is dependent both on action programs or tactics (or operations) across the whole organization and on networks created by relationships (Wirtz, 2011). Teece (2010, p. 180) stresses that strategy analysis is an essential step in designing a competitively sustainable business model. For a circular business model, some of his comments are important. He alerts on the easiness of replicability of some "observable" characteristics of business model, for instance, leasing vs owning. This is why figuring out and implementing "isolating mechanisms" (e.g. patents, trade secrets, rapid scaling to secure large market share and cost advantages) that can hinder or block imitations by competitors and disintermediation by customer and suppliers. The last example of the isolating mechanism could be problematic because of the low predictability of sustainable success of new model. Summarizing the above-mentioned information, despite the conceptual diversity, there seems to be a consensus on the fact that business models are related to the articulation between different activities designed to produce value (and proposition of value to customers) and to capture that value. According to Demil and Lecocq (2010), two approaches to business models can be found in the BM literature: a static and a dynamic one. The first approach deals with the description of the way the company generates value, helping the managers to set a coherent system. The second approach has a transformational nature, where the BM is understood as a tool to address change and to promote innovation both at the level of the company and at the level of the BM itself. The concept of BM innovation relates to this second approach. In this study, to design the business models for the two demonstrators, we adopt the framework This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 19 of 238 D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improvedRe€iPSSRe€iPSS circular business models developed by Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010). The authors introduce a framework to design BM, which they call 'canvas' (see Figure 5, Osterwalder et al, 2014, p. 19), based on the nine building blocks: customer segments, value propositions, channels, customers' relationships, revenue stream, key resources, key activities, key partnerships and cost structure. This framework has been widely used by academics and practitioners both in management and in sustainability/circular economy literature as a tool to design, redesign, innovate or develop a new BM. Key Partners cm Key Activities Key Resources V a l u e Propositions y u Customer Relationships Of Ü Channels Customer Segments a *> Cost Structure 0-5-0 Revenue Streams Figure 5: Business model canvas 2.2 Business models innovation and the transition to sustainable societies through circular economy In business model (BM) innovation the focus is on new BMs or on the transformation of existing ones. BM innovation is considered an important source of firm's competitive advantage (Spieth et al. 2014). Recently, it is also pointed as a fundamental aspect in a transition to a more sustainable society. The transformation in businesses, and therefore in BM, is considered as a big challenge for companies, as there are many drivers and obstacles to the implementation of a circular economy at the company and value chain and network level (R2n, 2018; Lewandowski 2016). This idea started in the practitioners' arena (e.g. EMF & McKinsey 2012; EMF & McKinsey 2013; EMF, McKinsey & SUN 2015) but the evolution of the number of publications, shows that sustainable/ circular BM are becoming a popular topic of research among academics. However, in the CE literature, BMs are still insufficiently investigated (Antikainen & Valkokari 2016; Blomsma & Brennan 2017; Lewandowski 2016; Lieder & Rashid 2016). The following systematic literature review should give an overview of the main features of business model innovation. These features represent the core of management thinking and managerial processes in the attempt to make any changes or transition from the existing way of doing business, and therefore the awareness of them can help open the space for new ideas and activities. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 20 of 238 D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models 2.3 Business models innovation - systematic literature review In terms of research, BMI is still in its infancy (Hossain 2017) and the literature on BMI lacks wellestablished definitions, proper constructs, and a theoretical foundation (Bock et al., 2012). This is intrinsically linked to lack of a clear concept of business model (Arend 2013; CasadeusMasanell and Ricart 2010; DaSilva and Trkman 2014; Demil & Lecocq 2010; Morris et al. 2005; Osterwalder et al. 2005; Zott et al. 2011). This chapter presents a systematic literature review of the studies on BMI, with the aim of mapping the extant research on the topic. The search was conducted in two bibliographic databases - SCOPUS and Web of Science in the 1s t of March 2019. The table presents the procedures adopted in the SLR. Step Decision Comment / Result Selection of the database SCOPUS Web of Science databases containing journals that are generally highly regarded by the academic community; a large number of sources, providing broad coverage of the academic literature Keyword search SCOPUS Search query: TITLE-ABS-KEY("business model innovation" OR ("business model" AND innovation) N = 1096 Keyword search Web of Science (all databases) TOPIC (("business model innovation" OR ("business model" AND innovation) N = 818 Inclusion criteria Document type = Article OR Article in Press (including Language = English SCOPUS: N = 581 Web of Science: N = 439 Database integration Exclusion of duplicates (documents that are in both databases) N = 652 First scanning through title, abstract and keyword reading Exclude 134papers because they were out of scope: - did not meet the research criteria, as containing the words "business model" or "innovation" within the title, abstract and keywords; - BMI was not dealt in a fundamental way (i.e. that mention the concept but not use it) - they are discussing entrepreneurial universities or business education. N = 518 This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 21 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS circular business models D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved Access check 14 articles were excluded because full text was not available N = 504 Table 1: Systematic literature review procedure The 504 articles were uploaded to Atlas.ti for thematic analysis. On Atlas.ti, through detailed reading, the main body of each article and key information was coded. The coding procedure was guided by the analytical dimensions and categories presented in Table 2. Additionally, each study was classified in terms of its method and empirical context. Table 2. Dimensions and categories used for the coding process in the systematic literature review Dimension Categories Subcategories Emergence of B M I concept B M I Definitions B M I types Drivers Technological Competitive pressure Sustainability pressure Demands of stakeholders Processes of B M I Barriers/facilitators Capabilities Leadership Learning Tools to manage the process Innovative B M Scope Degree of novelty/change Architecture Component Context Industry, market, company, the existing business/incumbent, new venture) Outcomes and consequences Industry level Firm - financial performance Firm - capabilities (e.g. strategic flexibility) Table 2: Dimensions and categories usedfor the coding process in the systematic literature revi 1. The emergence of BMI concept BMI literature lacks a construct clarity (Suddaby, 2010). The existence of multiple BMI definitions (some examples are provided in Table 3) hampers the operationalization and measurement of the empirical application of business model innovation processes and their outcomes (Foss and Saebi, 2017). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Page 22 of 238 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models Authors Definition Citations* Markides (2006:20) "Business model innovation is the discovery of a fundamentally different business model in an existing business." 100 Teece (2010:173) "Business model innovation can itself be a pathway to competitive advantage if the model is sufficiently differentiated and hard to replicate for incumbents and new entrants alike." 1838 Yunus et al. (2010: 312) "Business model innovation is about generating new sources of profit by finding novel value proposition/value constellation combinations." 357 Amit and Zott (2012: 36) "BMI can consist of adding new activities, linking activities in a new way or changing which party performs an activity". 251 Bucherer et al. (2012:184) "process that deliberately changes the core elements of a firm and its business logic." 90 CasadesusMasanell and Zhu (2013: 464) "search for new logic of the firm and new ways to create and capture value for its stakeholders; it focuses primarily on finding new ways to generate revenues and define value propositions for customers, suppliers, and partners." 163 •Number of citations in the SCOPUS or WoS database (1s t March 2019) Table 3: Some definitions ofBMI It is possible to classify BMI according to its forms and types. Amit and Zott (2012) propose three basic forms of BMI: (1) adding new activities to an existing business model, (2) organizing activities in novel ways, and (3) changing some parties that perform the activities. Koen et al. (2011) propose three types of BMI: technology, value network, and financial hurdle. Hwang and Christensen (2008) categorize BMI into three broad categories: solution shops, value-adding business processes, and facilitated user networks. 2. Drivers New technologies are mentioned as the BMI drivers, by some scholars, since they facilitate the emergence of new business models (Hossain, 2017) and create opportunities for firms to consider new business models (Mezger, 2014). Internet and digitalization have disrupted many previously successful, long-standing business models (Holm et al., 2013) and led to new types of BM (Karimi and Walter, 2016). The reasons for the relevance of ICT for BMI as a driver include the fact that these technologies change the way companies, users, customers, and other stakeholders interact (Aagaard and Lindgren, 2015), the data gathering opportunities (Chandy et al, 2018; Trabucchi et al, 2018). Some of the ICT technologies deserving the attention of scholars are cloud computing (Berman et al., 2012; Gorrell, 2012; Khanagha et al, 2014), social media (Bouwman, Nikou et al 2018) and big data (Bouwman, Nikou et al 2018; Cheah and Wang, 2017; Chandy et al, 2018; Trabucchi et al, 2018). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 23 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models Studies also stress the role of 3D printing technologies in promoting BMI, by enabling rapid prototyping and improve the value proposition by better products and personalized consumption experience (Flammini et al, 2017; Holzmannet et al, 2017; Jia et al, 2016; Rayna and Striukova, 2016b). But not all changes in the firms' environment are technological. Market, sustainability and social factors are also mentioned in the literature. The fast change of market environments increases the obsolescence of existing BM and drives the need for continuous BMI, to outperform the competition (Mitchell and Coles, 2003) and achieve long-term success (Sosna et al., 2010). Scholars stress the role of competitive pressure and hyper-competition (Krishnamoorthy and Damle, 2017; Michalski, 2003; Sosna et al 2010), globalization (Ludviga, 2013; Taran et al, 2015) and increased customer expectations (Sorescu etal, 2011). Sustainability is increasingly considered as a BMI driver. Climate change, resource depletion and energy transition have substantial impacts on existing BM (Gorissen et al., 2016). Moreover, new BM is needed to promote sustainable development (Baldassarre et al 2017). Some sustainability factors that are stressed as BMI drivers are: need to optimize material and energy (Bocken et al., 2014); the need to change consumption patterns (Bocken, 2017); the need to align with users' desire for a lower environmental impact (Girontra and Netessine, 2013). Finally, some studies also mention the role of social needs in stimulating BMI (Alegre and Berbegal-Mirabent, 2016). 3. Process of BMI and resources and activities Scholars stress the fact that BMI that involves steps, resources and activities. Sinfield et al. (2011) propose that new BMI can be explored by conducting three sequential steps: creating a template for the study of alternative answers to key BM questions, using that template to find alternative approaches to value creation, and determining what will remain unchanged and what needs to be changed in the business model. Capabilities In process of BMI the existence of needed capabilities as resources are central. Scholars stress specifically the interlinking between dynamic capabilities and BMI (Li et al, 2008; Roaldsen, 2014; Schoemaker et al, 2018; Teece, 2018; Vicente et al, 2018; Wathan and Abi, 2017). Mezger (2014) sees BMI as a distinct dynamic capability, related to the capacity to sense opportunities, seize them through the development of valuable and inimitable BM and consequently reconfigure the firms' competencies and resources. Nair et al. (2013) argue that the firm's ability to understand, manage, and measure its core competencies is pivotal to BMI success. Bucherer et al. (2012) argue that BMI is not a static system but rather a dynamic one, demanding constant adjustments to react to both internal and external changes. Since BMI is a dynamic process, the firm's disposition and capability to modify its business model has a positive effect on BMI success (Cucculelli et al., 2014; Cucculelli and Bettinelli, 2015). In this process, strategic flexibility/agility becomes of utmost importance (Arbussa et al, 2017; Bock et al, 2012; Liao et al, 2018; Schneide and Spieth, 2014). Experimentation is also considered as an important capability in BMI since it allows to learn and improve BMI activities and to create external and internal engagement (Bocken et al., 2018). Its role has been especially stressed in the context of sustainable BMI (Bocken et al., 2018, 2019). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 24 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models Also, in the context of sustainable BMI, Inigo et al (2017) study the role of several organisational and managerial capabilities related to sensing, seizing and reconfiguring for BMI. Bouncken et al, (2016) highlight the role of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and modularity as triggers of BMI; Leadership The literature also shows that leadership plays a major role in BMI (Schoemaker et al, 2018). Chesbrough (2010) claims that leadership of organizational change must be necessary to overcome barriers (obstruction and confusion) that emerge in BMI. Guo et al. (2013) demonstrate how the human and social capital of top managers can shape BMI. Liao et al (2018) conclude that distributed leadership has a significant direct and indirect (by enhancing strategic flexibility) influence on BMI. Learning Scholars also stress the importance of learning processes as a source of BMI (Andries and Debackere, 2013; Eppler et al., 2011; Sosna et al., 2010;), often relating them to experimentation and to trial and error processes. It is claimed that the learning approaches used by firms in BMI change over time. Andries & Debackere (2013) show that, under conditions of uncertainty, firms develop new business models through commitment, incremental experimentation, or radical experimentation; firms need to change their learning approach over time in order to successfully renew their business model. Berends et al (2016) distinguish two patterns that can result in radical BMI: "drifting" and "leaping". The first starts with a focus on experiential learning and shifts later to cognitive search, while the second starts with an emphasis on cognitive search and shifts later to experiential learning. 4. Innovative BM Scope Some scholars consider that changing one of the BM components can be enough to achieve BMI (Amit and Zott, 2012; Bock et al., 2012; Schneider and Spieth, 2013). Another way to conceptualize BMI is through the change of multiple business model elements simultaneously (Frankenberger et al., 2013; Sorescu et al., 2011; Wahyono, 2018). Other scholars go further and consider BMI as an entirely novel combination of all BM components and their interactions (Velamuri et al, 2013; Yanus et al, 2010). This last view is related to the independence of the BM building blocks: changing one element will not only impact other elements but also the interactions between these elements. According to Zott and Amit (2010), innovative business models can be developed through linking activities in a novel way that generates more value. However, the extant literature provides few insights on how to change multiple BM components simultaneously (Wahyono, 2018) and on the interdependences among components in the BMI process (Sorescu et al, 2011). Most studies focus on value creation (Wahyono, 2018), namely on the value proposition, which is seen as its core element. (Landau et al 2016). However, capturing value is also detrimental for the BMI, namely through formal and informal protection strategies (Bonakdar et al 2017). Degree of novelty/change Related to the previous topic, some scholars contend that BMI can be framed as an evolutionary process of incremental changes to some elements of the BM (Amit and Zott, 2012; Landau et This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 25 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models al., 2016; Velu, 2016). Others argue that BMI results from revolutionary processes that replace the existing BM (Bock et al., 2012). Witell and Lbfgren (2013) identify three degrees of BMI: (1) change in the business model, (2) incremental BMI, and (3) radical BMI. Some scholars stress the fact that companies can use more than one BM simultaneously, or even engage in multiple BMI processes. Khanagha et al (2014) advocate that in the BMI process companies have several strategic options related to the implementation of the new BM, ranging from the incremental evolution and transformation to complete replacement of the existing business model. If the company opts to manage the two BM (existing and new) at the same time Markides (2013) points to the existence of three options: to create a separate business unit; to integrate the two business models from the beginning, or to integrate the second business model after a certain period. Flammini et al. (2017) conclude that, in a situation of co-existence of BM, if a company needs to choose one of them it may prefer the most familiar one, particularly if it faces high uncertainty. Context Some studies stress that market differences can affect BMI. They contend that BMI differs in emerging markets when compared to developed countries. Examples of studies focusing on emerging/low-income/base-of-the-pyramid markets include: Abraham (2012); Sanchez and Ricart (2010); Yunus et al., 2010; Gebauer et al 2017a,b,c). Another important factor that can affect BMI is the nature of the company, namely if It is an incumbent or a new venture. Bohnsack et al. (2014) argue that incumbents and entrepreneurs consider BMI in distinct ways, but over time, their business models ultimately converge. Kim and Min (2015) explore how incumbent firms react to the emergence of a disruptive business model by integrating the new business model into their existing one. 5. Outcomes and consequences BMI is positively related to firm performance (Bouwman, Nikou et al 2018; Cucculelli and Bettinelli, 2015; Giesen et al., 2010; Huang et al., 2013; Huang et al. 2012; Kastalli et al. 2013). Financial value capture can be measured using several indicators, with return on equity being commonly used (Bouncken and Fredrich, 2016). Authors also stress that having a novel BMI is not enough for a firm to make profits. Value capture issues are relevant: intellectual property protection and complementary assets management may play a crucial role in a profitable BMI (Desyllas and Sako, 2013). Entry timing can also play a role in the success of BMI (Park 2011) This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 26 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models 3 State of the art review - circular business model 3.1 Circular economy and circular business models - introduction Just a few years ago, interest of practitioners, academics, politicians, and individuals has begun to grow rapidly about what is hidden in, how can be the "what" captured in real and what is not and why as regards the concept of circular economy (CE) (Homrich et al, 2018). Despite the fact that the basic ideas of CE can be found in several schools of thoughts (Ghisellini et al, 2016) and the idea behind a circular economy has existed for a long time (Murray et al, 2017), which can be tracked even to the prehistoric era (Park and Chertow, 2014), only recently some forces push more and more business to turn the attention and intensify the effort of being "less linear" (Liederand Rashid, 2016). The prevailing perception of CE is to become a better alternative to the dominant economic development model, so-called "take, make and dispose" (Ghisellini et al, 2016). It means that the CE approach does not reject or does not keep down the strategy of a (economy, business...) development, only the understanding of how sustainable development can be achieved and for the gains and pains of which parties, has started to change. So, the space around the sustainability continues to expand. There are many conceptions of circular economy and no commonly agreed definition exists yet (Kirchherr et al, 2017). European Commision, who is a big promoter and booster of circular economy in practice, states that "In a circular economy the value of products and materials is maintained for as long as possible; waste and resource use are minimized, and resources are kept within the economy when a product has reached the end of its life, to be used again and again to create further value" (EC, 2015, p. 1). According to Geissdoerfer et al (2018a, p. 712) CE "is based on the idea of putting private business into the service of the transition to a more sustainable system". System view is also stressed by Merli et al (2018) who are of the opinion that CE "proposes a circular system in which the value of products, materials and resources is maintained in the economy as long as possible" (p. 703). Camacho-Otero et al (2018, p. 1) state that a circular economy "aims at decoupling value creation from waste generation and resource use by radically transforming production and consumption systems". The circular economy is viewed as a "business' business" and is predominantly concentrated on ways how to operationalize implementation of sustainability issues at an environmental, economic and social level (Merli et al, 2017). This is obvious from the definition of one of the leading advocates and protagonists of the circular economy, Ellen McArthur Foundation (EMF, 2013, p. 14): "A circular economy is an industrial system that is restorative or regenerative by intention and design...." It replaces the end-of-life concept of a product with one that emphasizes reuse, repair, remanufacturing or recycling "through the superior design of materials, products, systems and business models". However, CE is not only a "business business". Such view is inherited for instance in the comprehensive definition formulated by Kirchherr etal (2017, pp. 224-225): "A circular economy describes an economic system that is based on business models which replace the 'end-of-life' concept with reducing, alternatively reusing, recycling and recovering materials in MWMXBI This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 27 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models production/distribution and consumption processes, thus operating at the micro level (products, companies, consumers), meso level (eco-industrial parks) and macro level (city, region, nation and beyond), with the aim to accomplish sustainable development, which implies creating environmental guality, economic prosperity and social eguity, to the benefit of current andfuture generations." For the term "circle" also a "loop" is sometimes used as a synonym. Stahel (1994) states that there are basically two kinds of loops that differ fundamentally with regard to their feasibility, hence to understand this is extremely important for decision making which circular strategy to follow. First is "reuse of products", which "means an extension of the utilization period ofgoods, through the design of long-life goods; the introduction of service loops to extend an existing product's life, including reuse of the product itself, repair, reconditioning, and technical upgrading; and a combination of these. The result of the reuse of goods is a slowdown of the flow of materials from production to recycling" (p. 179). Second is recycling of materials, which "means simply closing the loop between posture waste (supply) and production (resource demand)" (p. 179). Stahel (1993) explains the essence of five key principles of circular economy (which he labels to be about stock optimization (stock as a wealth in the form of manufactured products, health, education and skills) (p. 3). Those principles are: 1. The smaller the loop (activity-wise and geographically) the more profitable a resource efficient it is - where activity-wise means: "don't repair what is not broken, don't remanufacture what can be repaired and don't recycle what can be remanufactured); Stahel in this point also criticises global recycling business; 2. Loops have no beginning and no end - which replaced the value-added concept of the linear economy; 3. The speed of the circular flows is crucial: the efficiency of managing stock in the circular economy increases with a decreasing flow speed; this principle is extremely important for product design-quality of design itself and quality of material and component which influence how many times product can be "circled" in one level of the recovery options hierarchy (from resell to incineration); 4. Continued ownership is cost-efficient: reuse, repair and remanufacture without a change of ownership save double transaction costs; 5. A circular economy needs a functioning market services are needed. However, for instance, Daly (1977) argues that due to the entropy law for an economic system it is impossible to be fully circular with products and energy turning back to raw materials forever. Lewandowski (2016, p. 5) summarizes other key principles of circular economy: (1) Design out waste/Design for reuse (2) Build resilience through diversity (3) Rely on energy from renewable sources (4) Think in systems (5) Waste is food/Think in cascades/Share values (symbiosis) Another key principle of a circular economy is to drive system-wide change (Webster, 2017 in Wastling et al, 2018). The Ellen McArthur Foundation (EMF, 2015) defines the following three principles (p. 22): This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 28 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models • Preserve and enhance natural capital by controlling finite stocks and balancing renewable resource flows—for example, replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy or using the maximum sustainable yield method to preserve fish stocks. • Optimise resource yields by circulating products, components, and materials at the highest utility at all times in both technical and biological cycles - for example, sharing or looping products and extending product lifetimes. • Foster system effectiveness by revealing and designing out negative externalities, such as water, air, soil, and noise pollution; climate change; toxins; congestion; and negative health effects related to resource use. Based on these principles EMF proposed the ReSOLVE Framework containing six business actions, which can be understood as a tool for generating circular strategies and growth initiatives (pp. 22-23): Regenerate - shift to renewable energy and materials; reclaim, retain, and regenerate the health of ecosystems and return recovered biological resources to the biosphere; Share - keep product loop speed low and maximise utilisation of products, by sharing them among different users (peer-to-peer sharing of privately-owned products or public sharing of a pool of products), by reusing them through their entire technical lifetime (second hand), and by prolonging their lifetime through maintenance, repair, and design for durability. Optimise - increase performance/efficiency of a product; remove waste in production and supply chain (from sourcing and logistics to production, use phase, end-of-use collection etc.); leverage big data, automation, remote sensing and steering. All these actions are implemented without changes to the actual product or technology. Loop - keep components and materials in closed loops and prioritise inner loops. For finite materials, it means remanufacturing products or components and recycling materials. For renewable materials, it means anaerobic digestion and extracting biochemicals from organic waste. Virtualise - dematerialise resource use by delivering utility virtually: directly or indirectly. Exchange - replace old with advanced non-renewable materials, apply new technologies and choose new products/services. Four distinct ways how to create value in circular business models are identified by EMF (2013) in the conceptualization of different powers: • Power of the inner circle • Power of circling longer • Power of cascaded use • Power of pure circles Hierarchy of "powers" reflects both the challenge for the companies to be overcome, the need for new resources and reengineering, innovation in relationships and partners' network as well as the redesign of value creation, delivery and capture the logic and of course also the level or extent of circularity. Bocken et al (2016) based on Stahel (1994) distinguish three strategies towards the cycling of resources: (1) Slowing resource loops (design of long-life goods and product-life extension (i.e. through maintenance, repair, share, reuse, upgrade, refurbishing and remanufacturing) In this strategy following design options are included in: design for attachment and trust; design for reliability This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 29 of 238 D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models and durability, design for product-life extension, design for ease of maintenance and repair, design for upgradability and adaptability, design for standardization and compatibility and design for dis- and reassembly. (2) Closing resource loops through recycling. Within this strategy only three design options are offered: design for a technological cycle, design for a biological cycle and design for dis- and reassembly; (3) Resource efficiency or narrowing resource flows through using fewer resources per product and by reducing the amounts of materials and components in the manufacturing system this strategy is considered by authors not to be applicable for circular economy. However, we can argue that - from the resources list point of view to manufacture a tangible product companies can spend less time, effort and costs and spare them for other cycling processes. This strategy could be used in combination with some of the above-mentioned ones. Six business model strategies for the two above mentioned strategies (slowing and closing the loops) were proposed by the authors - it means no full business model, only strategic directions or the main characteristic feature of potential business models development. Core ideas implemented in these business model strategies can serve as the springboard to think about the architecture of the business model to create and deliver value and how to capture value following the chosen strategic direction. Some examples of value, value creation, value delivery and value capture within individual strategies and in several cases are also mentioned in the article and can be used for CBM design and development for both demonstrators. Strategies and their definition are in Table 4 ((Bocken et al, 2016, p. 313). Strategies definition Business model strategies for slowing loops Access and performance model Providing the capability or services to satisfy user needs without needing to own physical products Extending product value Exploiting residual value of products - from the manufacturing, to consumers, and then back to manufacturing - or collection of products between distinct business entities Classic long-life model Business models focused on delivering long-product life, supported by design for durability and repair for instance Encourage sufficiency Solutions that actively seek to reduce end-user consumption through principles such as durability, upgradability, service, warranties and reparability and a non-consumerist approach to marketing and sales Business model strategies for closing oops Extending resource value Exploiting the residual value of resources: collection and sourcing of otherwise "wasted" materials or resources to turn these into new forms of value Industrial Symbiosis A process-orientated solution, concerned with using residual outputs from one process as feedstock for another process, which benefits from geographical proximity of businesses Table 4: Business model innovations to slow and close resource loops This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 30 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models Accenture (2014) develop five distinct approaches named as the circular business strategies: 1. Product life extension - by repairing, upgrading, remanufacturing or remarketing products. Usually, the inner circles are involved, and the idea of circling longer is followed in this strategy. 2. Resource recovery - is about capturing embedded value in products at the end of one product lifecycle to feed into another via recycling and upcycling processes, often provided as services or manufacturing processes by other players. Circling longer is enabled by this strategy, and also cascade use and even the emergence of pure circles can work here. 3. Product as a service - offers to buy service done by a product instead of buying the product itself, usually through operational leasing or renting and/or pay-for-use arrangements. Durability and upgradability are the main design characteristics for the product in this model. The inner circle and circling longer are typical for this strategy. 4. Sharing platforms - are based on the collaboration among product users, and even product owners, whether individuals or organizations. The main function of platforms is to facilitate the sharing of overcapacity or underutilization, thus increasing productivity and intensify the use of products. In this understanding the inner circle and circling longer are reached, however in some form also cascade use may exist. 3.2 Specificities of the circular business models As can be seen, circular economy brings many challenges to the traditional linear business models and adding the focus on sustainability does not always help to solve the problems which circular economy aims to cope with. This chapter thus gives some answers to the RQ1: What specific features circular business models have in comparison to linear business models? Similar to what happens to business models, the conceptualisation of Circular BM (CBM) is lacking in the academic literature. In fact, few authors provide a clear CBM concept. Under and Williander (2017, p. 2) define a circular business model as "a business model in which the conceptual logic for value creation is based on utilizing the economic value retained in products after use in the production ofnew offerings." Thus, a circular business model implies a return flow to the producer from users, though there can be intermediaries between the two parties. The term circular business model, therefore, overlaps with the concept of closed-loop supply chains, and always involves some "recycling" principles or strategies, as summarized into a framework by Kircherr et al (2017, p. 224) (see Error! Reference source not found.Figure 6). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 31 of 238 )2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved Make product redundant by abandoning its function or by offering the same function with a radically different product Make product use more intensive (e.g. by sharing product) Increase efficiency in product manufacture or use by consuming fewer natural resources and materials Reuse by another consumer of discarded product which is still in good condition and fulfils its original function Repair and maintenance of defective product so it can be used with its original function Restore an old product and bring it up to date Use parts of discarded product in a new product with the same function Use discarded product or its parts in a new product with a different function Process materials to obtain the same (high grade) or lower (low grade) quality Incineration of material with energy recovery economy Figure 6: lORs (from the original 9Rs) framework Geissdoerfer et al (2018b) delineate circular business models as the subcategory of the sustainable business model and characterise them as not only creating sustainable value, employing proactive multi-stakeholder management, and having a long-term perspective, but - except the above-mentioned closing, slowing, narrowing also intensifying and dematerialising resource loops. Geissdoerfer et al (2017) search for similarities and differences between sustainability and circular economy. They also summarize warnings about negative impacts of CE: a) circular systems will require specific costs; b) CE will have to cope with the technical impossibility to really close the circle; c) recycling will be accompanied with growing demand on energy which means that negative impact of this demand will be higher especially in the form of the emission of greenhouse gasses than the overall environmental effect of acquiring the material from conventional sources like mining. Despite the lack of conceptualisation, as mentioned before, the topic of CBM has been attracting the attention of scholars, since it has been realized that the shifting to a circular economy demands the understanding of how companies can introduce circularity into their business models (Lewandowski, 2016). As mentioned, this means a change in several building blocks of the firms' BM, namely value proposition, channels, resources and activities or changes in the whole model as well as the development of a new one(s). In this point, NuBholz (2017a) argues that "the key difference ofcircular business model elements, compared to linear ones, appears to be the embeddedness of a circular strategy in the offer, which can alter materialflows. Only scarce knowledge exists about circular business model components and corresponding sub-components. Among the few, for instance, Mentink (2014) evaluates the specific character of BMC for circular business. Ranta et al (2018, p. 996) summarized findings from the threecases study where specific approaches within 3Rs strategies were found for the general components (see Figure 7Error! Reference source not found.Error! Reference source not found, with some examples within components and strategies). Knowledge of these specificities ReGiPSSReOPSScircular business models Circular Strategies economy Smarter product use and R1 Rethink C facture R2 Reduce R3 Reuse Extend lifespan of product and its parts R4 Repair R5 Refurbish R6 Remanufacture R7 Repurpose Useful application of mate- rials R8 Recycle R9 Recover This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 32 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models enables to understand which changes of the components are in line with the shift towards circularity. Business mat component Offering Reduce Reuse Reducing mixed waste by increasing source separation and increasing recycling. Target Custom New target customers through take-back services. Resources and Capability to provide take-back services that are Capability to separate working products and Capabilities accessible to customers. Take-back services and sales ofused and refurbished products. Used products to consumers. Recycle Cheaper materials for manufacturing or sustainable high-quality end products. New target customers for recycled materials. Capability to capture source-separated waste components from waste and refurbish them for for efficient recycling. Organization Position in the Value Chain Revenue sources Economics 0/ the Business resale. Separating reusable products from materials and refurbishment organized together. Take-back of products and materials operated separately from product manufacturing, either through partners or by other business units. Diverting waste to recycling in various parts of Early separation of reusable products from the value chain. waste streams. Refurbished reused products. Increasing source-separation and thus reducing The sales and refurbishing of used products is mixed waste reduces waste management costs, subsidized. Use ofrecycled materials in producing products is based in a separate business unitfromthe recycling system. New position in the value chain, either in sales of new productsfromrecycled materials or in waste management or take-back services. Sales ofrecycled materials or products made from recycled materials, Recycled materials cheaper than virgin materials. Figure 7: Components, strategies and themes with circular business model, The implementation of CE principles would affect all the building blocks of the BM framework, since they change the logic behind value creation, delivery and capture. Some examples of BM innovation, related to the implementation of CE, are: New value propositions, namely based on longer product life cycles, with designing for more durable products (Hawken et al. 2000) and to support the end of life strategies (Norden, 2015) and on higher customer service levels (Barquet et al. 2013; Bocken et al. 2016) New customer relationships need to be developed, namely that promote the shared use of products among users (collaborative consumption) and reward customers (Bocken et al. 2016) New revenue models, namely those not based in selling products, but instead in selling services, leasing or accessing the products under pay per use mechanisms (Barquet et al. 2013; Lacy & Rutqvist 2015) New key activities, related to closing production loops, like reverse logistics and maintenance (Bocken et al. 2016). It is critical to develop closed-loop supply chains, a combination of forward supply chains (from producer to consumer) and reverse supply chains (from consumer to producer) enabling components and materials to enter again the production process (Wells and Seitz 2005). Probably four terms - beyond remanufacturing and recycling and other value recovery practices (e. g. Verstrepen et al, 2007) - are the most often associated with CE and circular business models and to a certain extent they reflect the content of the ReSOLVE framework: Product Service Systems (PSS), Consumer (Customer) acceptance, Sharing (and collaborative economy) and Internet-of-things (or industry 4.0) and so they reflect-more or less-the specific features of circular business models. There are many interdependences among the content of those terms, however, they can exist in practice also independently. For instance, Kjaer et al (2018, p. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 33 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models 666) argue that "PSS are often mentioned as a means to enable a transition from a linear to a circular economy". Providing services within PSS is more and more dependent on different functionalities which industry 4.0 and loT brings (Bressanelli et al, 2017). Use-oriented PSSs are often related to sharing and collaboration business models (Annarelli et al, 2016). 3.2.1 Product service system (PSS) Tukker (2004) defines PSS "as consisting of 'tangible products and intangible services designed and combined so that theyjointly are capable offulfilling specific customer needs (2004, p. 246) and as "an integrated bundle of products and services which aims at creating customer utility and generating value" (2015, p. 87). Several synonyms and/or alternations to the combination of products and services in one bundle or package to the customers to the term exist: solution development, functional product, functional sales, function-oriented business models, fullservice contracts, performance-based contracting, integrated solutions, servicing or product-life extension services (Tukker, 2004; Lay et al, 2009). Annarelli et al (2016) mention that PSS is by some authors understood as the entire business model. Baines et al (2007) add another view on Product-Service System: "PSS can be thought of as a market proposition that extends the traditional functionality of a product by incorporating additional services" (p. 1543). How the bundle is created and how is related to circularity issues depends on many circumstances, among all for instance on existing resources and capabilities, customer demand and needs, position of a company in value chain and value network, tangible and intangible costs and benefits for the provider(s), customers, environment and society and circularity feasibility. Companies may choose some of the PSS from three options presented in Error! Reference source not found, (developed by Tukker, 2004, p. 248)1 , complemented by Neely (2009 with other two categories: "integration oriented Product-Service Systems" and "service-oriented Product-Service Systems"2 or being inspired by the Morphological box developed by Lay et al (2009, p. 447) which incorporates also differentiating parameters of the individual option (ownership during use and at end of life; financing; maintenance personnel; payment; number of customers; location of the operation; and retrieval and recycling when the final one is not apparent in the box) - see FigureFigureError! Reference source not found.Figure. 1 Tukker defines these three options as: a) in product-oriented services the business model is still mainly geared towards sales of products, but some extra services are added; b) in use-oriented services the product stays in ownership with the provider, and is made available in a different forms, and even sometimes shared by a number of users and c) in result-oriented services the client and provider in principle agree on a result, with no special need to the pre-determination of product involved. 2 Neely explains these two options as (p. 11): "Integration oriented PSS result when firms seek to add services by going downstream and vertically integrating. Service oriented PSS result when firms add services to products, by integrating those services into the product", p. 11 This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 34 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS circular business models D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved Value m ni n ly in product content Product-service system S e r v i c e c o n t e n t £inta r í-cj i t>l e) Value mainly i n service content Pure Product A: Product oriented B : Use oriented C: Result oriented Pure service 1 _ P r o d u c t related 2. Advice- and c o n s u I t a n c y P roduct lease P roduct ronting/ sharin-g P roduct i ng S. Activity ma- nagement V. Pay pe r service unit 3. Functional result Figure 8: Product-service continuum and three subcategories ofPSS Characteristic Features Options Ownership during phase of use Equipment producer Leasing bank Operating joint venture Customer Ownership afterphase of use Equipment producer Leasing bank Operating joint venture Customer Personnel Manufacturing Equipment producer Operating joint venture Customer Personnel Maintenance Equipment producer Operating joint venture Customer Location of operation Equipment producer's establishment Establishment "fence to fence" to the customer Customer's establishment Single /multiple customer operation In parallel operation for multiple customers Operation for a single customer Payment model pay per unit pay for availability fixed r ats pay for equipment Figure 9: Morphological Box as a frameworkfor PSS According to Tukker (2015), the most important issue for companies regards to PSS is to be aware of success factors in general and be aware of many risks and challenges associated with PSS. He also presents some existing findings from literature: well-regarded brand reputations, relevant service competencies, and strong buyer-seller relationships, shared innovativeness, an ability to enhance utility and/or create transaction efficiencies, and effective marketing support. Besides some ways how to evaluate PSS he also points to some risks or barriers of PSS, especially for consumer markets and in result-oriented systems (the power of ownership, lesser care of products from the consumer side and need for the most radical change of business model). With circular economy, the use-oriented PSS is probably the most accepted approach. The useoriented or access-based model contains different strategies (and business models) with the core idea of the ownership of product being remained by the provider/seller, who makes the product available to users, who do not pay for the possession but for its use. As the pay-back period is much longer in comparison to the traditional sales of product, the products used to be of a higher quality, more robust, less repair-dependent and designed for the long service life and for the reuse of parts as much as possible after the end of the product's life (Tukker, 2015). For setting this model up appropriately, there is a need to understand customer\consumer preferences, consumers' everyday lives and the role of material objects in their lives more deeply. For that reason, researchers have started also engaging in consumers' attitudes, motivations and barriers in relation to access-based services (Antikainen et al., 2015). Even This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 35 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models though it is claimed, that consumers are generally interested in access-based services, attitude differs based on the type of product. For example, toward renting or leasing home textiles, beds or kitchen have consumer much more negative attitude in comparison with renting household appliances or furniture (tables, chairs, etc.) (Edbring et al., 2016). According to Raja et al. (2013), the key success factors for consumer satisfaction in accessbased consumption are: the ease of use, guaranteed access, trust toward providers and dynamics of the relationship between consumers and providers. By other authors, flexibility is considered as a critical element for forming consumers' attitude as well. The main reason of this is that consumers may feel a sense of freedom by only having access to the products when they need them (Catulli et al., 2013). Flexibility also relates to the type of contract under which are products rented or leased. Although short-time renting was mentioned in many studies as more preferred, for white goods which are used on a more permanent basis consumer prefer longterm renting. That is because the responsibility remains on the side of the provider, who is responsible for maintenance and reparation, when the product is broken or replaced, when the product becomes out-dated. This may indicate that products with a fast innovation cycle are for consumers more attractive to rent and not to buy (Edbring et al., 2016). As another main reason to engage in the access-based model, the economic reasons and benefits (Bardhi and Eckhardt, 2012) were mentioned. Renting may be seen as a more favourable option because consumers can skip the direct investment. To summarize the above-mentioned issues, it should be clearer now, that short-time contract would be preferable by consumers than long-term. Another aspect, which plays an important role is the setting of contracts in the appropriate form and provide right explanation to consumers (Poppelaars et al., 2018). Another problem, which could occur is related to the payment terms. Those should be properly set up and communicate toward the consumer. Some consumers, who decided to join renting or leasing program, were unpleasantly surprised at the end, that they have to pay extra money for repair, maintenance or even for insurance. This is related to another obstacle toward access-based consumption. The consumer is often uncertain about the rules in the event of the leased or rented product breaking or becoming damaged (Catulli, 2012). Therefore, the provider should clearly communicate the rights and responsibilities of the provider and adopter. The content of offering and the price are very sensitive points for the contracts and extremely important for the revenue for product owner/service provider. For the different schemes of payment Leider and Sahin (2012, p. 6) argue that on B2C market consumers prefer choosing" a flat rate contract (unlimited usage plans) over a pay-per-use option even if it leads to a lower consumption value" probably due to "the risk aversion, demand over-estimation, and a distaste for paying per consumption". 3.2.2 Sharing (collaborative) economy (SE; CE) Access-based consumption is connected to the concept of sharing and collaborative economy. Both are the fast-growing phenomenons disrupting mainstream manufacturing industries. It is not a new phenomenon at all - Cohen and Munoz (2016, p. 90) citing Price (1975) state that SE is "the most universal form of human economic behavior and has been so for several hundred thousand years". Stranger and pseudo-sharing instead of family, friends and true-sharing (without payment being required) are linked to the business models in CE (Ranjbari et al, 2018). Sharing and collaborative consumption encompasses activities that involve customers and consumers as both providers and "obtainers" of resources. But this is more typical for nonThis project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 36 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models business life. Both sharing and collaborative economy are forms of consumption which aims are to recirculate the products and intensify the use of otherwise underutilised assets (CamachoOtero et al, 2018). As Ranjbari et al (2018) summarize "through collaborating the consumption of the resources by different consumers, material goods or less tangible assets are redistributed and efficiently used, and this can release society from hyperconsumption, and leads to environmental"... (and social and economic) ..."benefits" (p. 8). Frenken (2017) articulates three possible futures of the sharing economy: 1. monopolistic super-platforms allowing for seamless services; 2. government regulation of platforms through taxation and 3. platform cooperativism. In the last case, he introduces ideas about cooperatives and their role as sharing economy platforms providers with examples of such business in Germany. Sharing, collaboration and value co-creation Vasantha et al. (2012) define a product-service system as "an integrated product and service offering that delivers value in use to the customer." Vargo et al (2008) argue that in service systems, value is not just delivered to the customer and put emphasis on his active role in the value creation process. In their view, the firm is responsible for the value proposition and service provision, but the value is only determined and derived through use. From this perspective, producers and consumers are not on opposite sides. Co-creation is a collaborative process in which value is created through interactions (Galvagno and Dalli, 2014). However, these interactions are not limited to the firm and its customers. Vargo et al (2008) acknowledge the importance of the network of stakeholders such as suppliers, employees, stockholders, government agencies, etc. From a cultural viewpoint, value is not created only materially but also symbolically (Galvagno and Dalli, 2014). As Edvardsson et al (2011) suggest, the perception of value is influenced by the degree of social consensus about such value. Value is therefore not static but relative, partly dependant on the social context. In the context of a circular economy, this might have important implications for consumer acceptance of PSS offerings as a society often supports ownership (Rexfelt and Hiort af Ornas, 2009). Apart from the use phase, value co-creation can also be present in the design phase of service offerings as well as products. Co-creation might be regarded as customers' participation in producing the offering for themselves (Kaasinen et al., 2013). This is also referred to as coproduction (Fernandes and Remelhe, 2016). Another approach to co-creation is the engagement of customers in the development of new products and services (Kaasinen et al., 2013). Fernandes and Remelhe (2016) argue that while co-production is an integral part of the transaction and thus not voluntary, users' participation on development of new offerings, also known as collaborative innovation, is relatively optional, voluntary and effortful. Companies often struggle to identify customers' requirements, which may be even more difficult when it comes to services due to their intangible nature (Rexfelt and Hiort af Ornas, 2009). Involving users in design helps the company to better fit their needs (Kaissen et al., 2013). Fernandes and Remelhe (2016) examined consumer motivations to engage in virtual communities for collaborative innovation. They concluded that the most important motivators were knowledge acquisition and intrinsic motivation, while the financial reward was viewed as a less important factor. According to Gebauer et al (2013), collaborative innovation activities create a sense of community among the participants and may help increase loyalty and establish valuable relationships with customers. However, they argue that interactions between companies and users might also initiate negative reactions. When the interactions This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 37 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models between service systems cause a decline in at least one of the system's wellbeing, the process is referred to as value co-destruction (Pie and Chumpitaz Caceres, 2010). Value co-destruction occurs when customers misbehave, fail to process information (Jarvi, Kahkbnen and Torvinen, 2018) or misuse the product (Pie and Chumpitaz Caceres, 2010). In Business-to-business market, value co-destruction is the result of the absence of trust among the actors, inadequate human capital, poor coordination and power or dependence imbalance (Jarvi et al, 2018). In service encounters, interactions potentially occur among individual customers (Yoo et al, 2012) through sharing product information and experiences (Adjei et al, 2010). These customerto-customer (C2C) interactions may be powerful marketing tools. Customers can contribute to disseminating information through word of mouth, influence other customers' perceptions, acquire new customers Fernandes and Remelhe (2016), promote brand knowledge and service satisfaction (Yoo et al, 2012). On the other hand, posting a negative review is seen as another form of value co-destruction (Jarvi et al, 2018). 3.2.3 Consumer (customer) acceptance Consumer acceptance is considered to be one of the main reasons why the circular economy solutions have not been widely adopted in the markets in spite of their potential environmental benefits (Camacho-Otero et al, 2017). The issue of acceptance deals with various areas which are in more details elaborated in the following text. They can be grouped into the three broad and often interlinked categories - access-base (or use-oriented) PSS, "not-new" products and Internet of Thing or smart products and digitalized services. A significant change in peoples everyday lives required by the transition to PSS is giving up ownership (Camacho-Otero et al., 2018). Consumers accumulate things to have the sense they are building an estate and consuming material good to express their image, self-identity or social position (Catulli et al., 2013). According to Thompson and Haytko (1997) thanks to owning of some good can even make consumers feel they "stand out" at the top of the socioeconomic ladder, and they even think they can help them to gain advantages in life and career. On the other hand, this barrier might be lower for products that are used for their primary function in comparison with the products which are associated with social status or some emotional value, because consumer doesn't buy them to express their personal style or their identity (Edbring et al., 2016). In this context, literature pointed out that consumers behave less responsible for the product, which they don't own. It is because they don't build strong attachments to them which consequently leads to less care and increased wear of the product (Bocken et al., 2018). This phenomenon was also confirmed by Bardhi and Eckhardt (2012), who proved that people don't develop a sense of ownership to the products in access-based consumption model, because of the temporary nature of involvement which those products. Contradict opinion is brought by Belk and Llamas (2012), who claim that consumers might feel a sense of ownership also over the shared products. A good example could be aircraft or yachts, which are very expensive and only a small group of consumers can afford to buy them. Thanks to sharing of their use, sense of ownership might be created and consequently defines who they are and what community they belong to (Catulli et al., 2013). This is to some extent in line with the idea that the ownership is believed to provide a specific intangible added value (Cherry and Pidgeon, 2018). Having conducted a series of workshops with the public in order to explore the concerns regarding the pay-per-use concept, Cherry and Pidgeon (2018) concluded that willingness to give up ownership differs according to product types and circumstances. The perceived benefits of ownership were higher in case of more personal items connected to personal This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 38 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models identities such as clothes or furniture. On the other hand, the convenience of non-ownership was appreciated for more functional products like appliances and tools. The results of the case study conducted by Lieder et al. (2018) do not contradict the latter observation. When comparing washing machine offers, consumers showed a preference for access rather than ownership. Schräder (1999) suggests that the acceptance of ownership substituting services is influenced by various socio-demographic and socio-psychographic factors such as age, education, apartment size, income, etc. He argues that younger consumers are less likely to consider products like cars or washing machines as status-enhancing goods. Furthermore, a portion of older people among innovators is usually smaller. Innovators, early adopters and environmentally aware consumers have a generally higher educational background. The costs of storing goods that are not used frequently arise with the smaller apartment size. Finally, the influence of income and household size is believed to be ambivalent. According to Ceschin et al (2010), a role of aesthetics in users acceptance of eco-efficient PSS should be taken into account. It should be pointed out that instead of focusing on product aesthetics alone, it is important to consider aesthetic of all the PSS elements - products, services, communication and interactions which can be referred to as system aesthetic. PSS can provide access to a certain product for the customers who could not afford to purchase it. It is also believed to generate important cost savings for those who do not need to use the product often enough or those who like to have the latest upgraded version. Moreover, PSS reduces customers financial risk related to owning and maintaining the product (Lacy and Rutqvist, 2015). However, consumers sometimes fail to recognize the potential economic benefits of PSS solutions. In fact, PSS offerings are often considered more expensive than the purchase of products due to lack of knowledge about lifecycle costs when users do not consider the use, the maintenance, the repair and the disposal costs (Ceschin et al, 2010). Sharing is also influenced by the perceived risk of unfamiliar people - in particular, if regards sharing their own products (Cheng and Chow, 2018). Focusing on the transaction costs rather than on the net present value is also the reason for non-acceptance of upgrading products to more durable ones instead of replacing them with new ones (Planing, 2015). Concerns about the financial risks of a pay-per-use model were also expressed by the participants of the above-mentioned workshop led by Cherry and Pidgeon (2018). More specifically, they highlighted the risk of financial lock-in and fears of inability to pay the service charges due to a sudden change of personal circumstances. For some participants, insurance-based protection would help to overcome these concerns. Another barrier to pay-per-use acceptance identified by the participants includes distrust in contracts and business and a fear of losing freedom regarding the use of products. Lack of PSS acceptance seems to concern B2B markets as well. Schenkl et al (2014) suggest that identifying factors of acceptance of outsourcing helps to understand the market acceptance of PSS since both these systems rely on the transfer of activities or the responsibility to a service provider. Perceived benefits include cost savings, transparency about the total cost of ownership (TCO), budget certainty, and lower need for investment or risk reduction associated with changing fix costs into variable costs. Market acceptance can be hindered by the perceived loss of control or service providers' access to customers' sensitive information. In some cases, a shift to a circular economy requires giving up newness. (Camacho-Otero et al., 2018). Having examined consumer acceptance of refurbished smartphones, van Weelden et al (2016) discuss the level of perceived risk, which may represent a barrier to acceptance. More specifically, the risks can be categorized as financial, performance and time risks. Perceived This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 39 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models risk-benefit balance is significantly influenced by warranty and service while a brand and a seller can also serve as a form of warranty. In addition, a lack of knowledge about the refurbishment process reduces the perceived value. Buyers with prior experience with refurbished products showed a lower level of perceived risk. The authors further suggest that benefits customers link with refurbishment are mainly financial and environmental benefits. However, environmental benefits do not play a significant role in decision-making. Similar results were reported by Bittar (2018) whose research showed that consumers environmental consciousness does not influence their purchase decision in case of remanufactures laptops. These decisions were mainly driven by brand and price. On the other hand, Wang and Hazen (2016) found that "green knowledge" had a significant effect on perceived value of remanufactured products, although still lower than cost and quality knowledge. Since quality seems to be a major determinant and consumers do not have the possibility to verify it before purchase, the authors call for a collaboration between government and remanufacturers to promote that remanufactured products are as good as new. Government incentives have a potential to pull consumers towards remanufactured products (Hazen et al, 2017). The environmental dimension of remanufactured products could be communicated through eco-labels and green certification. Wang et al. (2018) demonstrated that green certification has a positive impact on purchase intention on remanufactured automotive parts via building trust. For refurbishment or remanufacturing to work, the consumers should accept these products as substitutes to new ones. Quality perception of the former as well as willingness to pay is currently lower (Mugge et al, 2017). However, there might be product categories in which consumers prefer used products over remanufactured ones such as products related to safety e.g. child car seats. Indeed, consumers' acceptance of refurbishment seems to vary for specific product categories. As suggested by Mugge et al (2017) for hedonic products like watches or vases, aesthetics is of high significance, and it is important that the product looks new. Products serving a utilitarian purpose that are usually not visible to others are more likely to be accepted refurbished even if they are visually damaged. The perceived risk seems to be lower when the quality of a refurbished can be easily checked. In this respect, purchasing refurbished electronics entails a higher level of risk than furniture. Another important factor is the level of involvement. For the categories requiring a great financial investment, consumers need assurance on the product quality such as warranty or more information about the refurbishment process. In the case of low involvement products such as hangers, perceived financial benefits are not significant, and it is advised to communicate the environmental benefits. Dynamic product categories influenced by a fast-technological advancement face a risk of obsolescence; it is therefore important to highlight their durability and functional quality. Categories perceived as less suitable for refurbishment also include personalized products and hygienic products that are in contact with users' skin or food. Baxter et al (2017) use the term contaminated interactions to designate the decline of object's perceived value caused by its past use. These interactions represent a barrier to circular flows. Apart from giving up ownership and newness, consumers in the circular economy should engage in returning goods (Camacho-Otero et al., 2018). Botelho et al. (2016) examined the impact of incentive schemes for take-back of waste electrical and electronic equipment on consumer acceptance in Portugal. From five proposed alternatives, exchange for money and exchange for a new product were the most valued by the consumers, while the discount coupons the least. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 40 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models 3.2.4 Internet of Thing (loT) and industry 4.0 IS/ICT In many industries, technological development and associated costs decrease lead to higher information content in product and processes (Porter and Heppelmann, 2015). It is the new digital technologies that are the backbones of the "fourth industrial revolution" by enabling serviced business models and transition towards Circular economy (partially as a consequence of servitization). The role of ICT as a driver/enabler for CE is being already proposed by the Ellen McArthur Foundation. Up to date, any detailed analysis of the ICT in the CE-transition process has not been done (Bressanelli et al., 2018), in other words, there has been limited knowledge of how to use these technologies for the circular economy (Pagoropoulos et al, 2017). The technical reason for ICT lies in the fact that ICT supplements the product with feedback control, which can be used for evaluating of stakeholders" actions throughout (multiple) product life (Pagoropoulos et al, 2017). The technology around CE consists of three task-layers: Data collection (based on radio frequency identification (RFID) and lot/sensors) Data integration (relational databases and Product Lifecycle Management systems - PLM) Data analysis (big data + machine learning) The environmental benefits of ICT application are summarized by Li and Found (2017) as follows: Simplifying/replacing of mechanical components by software Upgrade of physical products via software through remote control Replacing the on-side service by remote one Transport elimination and reduction (e.g. thanks to 3D print, routes optimization) Supply chain synchronization Shared product database stimulates renting, sharing, refurbishing etc. The above list is not exhaustive. E.g. Product Lifecycle Management systems besides its typical function can be utilized for other purposes, in other situations too: PLM shares the product data across various stakeholders in the value chain and through different life cycles (Pagoropoulos et al, 2017). It can preserve product-related data that can be used in other lifecycles of product. Bressanelli et al (2018b, p. 648) identified eight specific functionalities enabled by digital technologies (See Table 5) and investigated how these functionalities affect three circular economy value drivers (increasing resource efficiency, extending lifespan, and closing the loop). Based on literature and a case study they developed a conceptual framework for utilizing such technologies in transition to CE business models, specifically in value drivers' development and support. For the purpose of the ReCiPSS project, the list of digital technology functionalities is inspiring, despite the fact that the list is not fully comprehensive and should be expanded by continuing literature reviews. Full conceptual Framework is not presented in this Deliverable, as there might be some limitations on its applicability for the project. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 41 of 238 D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models digital technology functionality description Improving product design By collecting usage data through loT and by analyzing them through appropriate analytics, companies may improve the design of their products to better respond to customers' needs Attracting target customers An elaboration of the information gathered from the products installed base (through loT) regarding how customers are using products allows companies to improve marketing activities, with the aim to attract new and targeted customers. Monitoring and tracking products activity Through loT, companies monitor product condition, status, location and usage. To enable product sharing between multiple users, this information must be collected and easily made available to each single user. Providing technical support Information collected through loT helps companies and their field network to provide technical support and other services such as spare parts management, repair, etc. Providing preventive and predictive maintenance The analysis of Big Data collected through loT by appropriate analytics entails the provision of preventive and predictive maintenance. Optimizing product usage By analysing with appropriate analytics the Big Data collected through loT, companies may provide to their customer's personalized advice with the aim to optimize the usage phase, e.g. how the product should be used to reduce energy consumption. Upgrading the product When the product offered becomes smart, companies may upgrade only its digital elements, e.g. the product firmware, thus enhancing the feasibility of an upgrade Enhancing renovation and end-of-life activities Through the loT technology, companies can access realtime product location and condition. This information may be used for better execution of end-of-life collection, refurbishment, remanufacturing, and recycling activities Table 5: Digital technologies functionalitiesfor CE Lopes et Sousa Jabbour et al (2018) summarize core technologies of the Industry 4.0. These are: cyber-physical systems, cloud manufacturing (computing), internet of thing and additive manufacturing (mostly in the form of the 3D printing). Antikainen et al (2018) exploratory qualitative study aims to detect what challenges and what opportunities of the digitalisation in the CE transformation exists. They categorize knowledge flows when digital tools are employed into circular business models into: knowledge of the product location in real time; knowledge of product condition and knowledge of product availability. Results from the workshop (empirical part of the paper) revealed several relevant points for circular business model within ReCiPSS: 1. For Channel and Stakeholder - especially Customers' relationships - social media is one of the major enablers in consumer involvement and interactive relationships. 2. For Channel and Stakeholder relationships and for Key activities and key Resources marketing is - due to digitalization - becoming more interactive and intelligent. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 42 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models 3. For Key resources. Cost structure. Revenues and probably also for Key partners In the context of business models - developing ideas into successful business models, reframing and redefining business models, changing the mindset from productoriented business towards service models, ensuring access to data and data ownership, sharing data between competitors, integration of big data owned by multiple actors, ensuring privacy and property rights, lack of needed data and management of information flows belong to the biggest challenges. 4. For Key partners and Key resources - organising collaboration between different partners, defining shared processes, finding suitable collaborators, combining different areas of expertise and harmonizing diverse perspectives are also perceived as very big challenges. 5. For Key resources mainly - ICT and sustainability-related competences and their combination is the core issue and challenge as well 6. For circular business models functioning - networking and co-creation can be the most proper solution for the alignment with challenges. Rajala et al (2018, p. 21) explore "the ways in which the intelligence of goods influences closedloop ecosystems"..." This "embedded intelligence" enabled by information software and hardware transforms products into active nodes of new value-creating systems". Authors introduce the concept "material intelligence" (which "provides customers with personal and contextual information about the materials they use to meet their business needs (p. 23)" for the ReCiPSS project we can ask if provision can also be realized for other stakeholders who may need it). They further stress the role of digital platforms which help to foster collaboration within circular (close-loop) ecosystems because these platforms can work as the intelligence that will be holding together technologies like sensors, telematics, machine-to-machine (M2M), and others to create new value. "Platforms create shared value and benefits for the participants through network effects". Rajala et al (2018) also alert that "monetizing platforms is difficult because openness is what helps to grow the platform, but control is what helps the platform owner to capture profits" (p. 30). Other examples are distributed ledger technologies which enable to connect parties to jointly generate, maintain, and share any database on a fully distributed basis. "A distributed ledger is a key infrastructure element for a PIP network3 in which organizations can store, manage, and share information toform one data structure ofany good....The participating organizations store, manage and share information in a joint fashion according to a tamper-resistant set of verifiable contract and business rules, backed up by hash functions and cryptographic algorithms. " (p. 28). To summarise, the smart products (loT) are reshaping the industry and changing the relationships with customers that becomes continuous and open-ended (Porter and Heppelmann, 2015). loT opens an opportunity for value creation in the following aspects: Shorter product development cycles (including smaller software updates) New business models - cloud-based solutions, models built on the access to user data,... User data enable for better service offerings (better product utilisation, advice on product usage,...) Tangible products become a part of the broader system (including sensors and software) Data analytics (Rymaszewska et al, 2017) 3 P2P (peer to peer) network is a group of the interconnected computers which acts as a node for sharing the files and is seen as one of the key aspects of blockchain technology This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 43 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models Internet of Things and product and behaviour tracking and traceability Technologies grouped under the umbrella loT typically include the following: radio frequency identification (RFID), wireless sensor networks (WSN), middleware, cloud computing, loT application software (Lee and Lee, 2015) including cognitive computing (Tseng et al, 2018). The link between loT and CE is straightforward: loT has the potential to make some CE-related processes viable. Specifically, the loT platform helps to monitor and manage the products, which are at the customers, out of direct control of the producer (Spring and Araujo, 2017). In return, the reliable data about product usage and performance enable for a solid value proposition resulting in improved customer satisfaction (Rymaszewska et al, 2017). Besides learning about customers' behaviour, the loT also enables for the capturing of (individual) products biographies (Spring and Araujo, 2017), which has far-reaching conclusions for circularity. Taylor, Reilly and Wren (2018) discussed the potential of loTto support customer relationship management, business intelligence and new product design. Smart devices are often monitored or controlled from an application which may also serve as a communication channel. Besides of marketing new products and services, the communication through this channel can also cover customer support as for instance advising consumers on their product usage optimization. Analysing the data from embedded sensors as well as consumer-entered data further enables the manufacturer to identify usage patterns which can be useful for new product design. The data can be combined with socio-economic data to perform customer segmentation. Bressanelli et al. (2018b) examined digital technologies as an enabler of circular economy. They point out that in addition to increasing resource efficiency by optimizing product usage, monitoring product activity can prevent users from wrong behaviour in usage and together with technical support and preventive and predictive maintenance helps to increase the product's lifespan. Information about product condition and location is useful to organize collection activities better and contributes to closing the loop. Additionally, In the case of smart products, companies can avert obsolescence by only upgrading digital components of the products which do not generate any material waste (Bressanelli et al., 2018a). Collecting the data at an individual customer level allows for personalized pricing (Yerpude and Singhal, 2018) which is important for PSS. Some users seem to be willing to exchange personal data for a certain level of convenience. (Williams, Nurse and Creese, 2016). In-depth interviews with early-adopters Coskun, Kaner and Bostan (2018) revealed that convenience, together with optimization, personalizing the home, having a peace of mind and impressing others are perceived as major benefits of smart devices. When asked to choose a single desired feature, most participants selected autonomy. This feature was mainly preferred for washing machines and stoves. At the same time, control was identified as a major concern. Although the participants wanted smart devices to take over their chores such as housekeeping, they did not want them to intrude in pleasurable activities like spending time with children or watching TV. Even if the participants preferred full automation of household chore, they still wanted to be able to change the decisions taken by autonomous appliances if needed. Falcone and Sapienza (2018) suggest that the level of autonomy users are willing to grant the devices is proportional to the level of trust. They proposed a model for users' acceptance of loT systems focusing on users' interaction with those systems. By asking for users' feedback and modifying the work accordingly, the device can gradually gain their trust through positive experiences. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 44 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models 3.2.5 loTand consumer/customer acceptance Gao and Bai (2014) analyzed the factors influencing users' acceptance of loT technologies based on an extended technology acceptance model. Their findings suggest that the intention to adopt loT technologies is influenced by perceived usefulness, ease of use, behavioural control, enjoyment and social influence while usefulness is viewed as the most important. However, the authors acknowledge that the relative importance of these factors might depend on the type of usage environment (e.g. hedonic vs utilitarian). Mani and Chouk (2018) focused on barriers leading to consumer resistance to smart services. The results of their research indicate that a major barrier to the acceptance of loT services is their perceived complexity since consumers may lack the necessary skills to understand these services and take advantage of them. Other barriers include risks (e.g. fears about being hacked or theft of sensitive data), inertia and selfimage congruence as some individuals perceive a gap between their image and the loT services they consider as luxuries and nonessentials. Technology anxiety and technological dependence are believed to have an indirect impact on resistance through scepticism towards loT. Smart services rely on loT devices able to perform activities autonomously. Interestingly, one of the barriers identified in this study was the need for human interaction Digital revolution has the potential to alter all aspects of the business, including supply chains. The use of loT in this area could make each individual item visible leading to a supply chain where the location and characteristics of all things could be seen any time (Haddud et al., 2017). Tu (2018) explored factors affecting firms adoption intention of loT in their supply chain management. Benefits identified by the interviewed managers included visibility of supply chain, supply chain efficiency and product tagging benefits (e.g. the fact that data on RFID tags can be over-written repeatedly). Perceived benefits can be lowered by uncertainties about the trustworthiness of technology such as reliability of the loT system, integration of supply chain information and system integration. Other important concerns were related to costs of organisational adjustment as well as loT systems equipment, hardware and software. The adoption intention towards loT technology was also found to be influenced by external forces represented by customers and government. Apart from the technological complexity and compatibility, costs, perceived effectiveness and government support in line with the above-mentioned study, they found that RFID adoption is further influenced by organisation size, trust between enterprises, management support and competitive pressure. Haddud et al. (2017) examined potential benefits and challenges of the adoption of loT in organisational supply chain perceived by scholars focusing on individual organisations as well as the entire supply chain. Cloud computing The clouds (or cloud computing) makes storage and reprocessing of such a large-scale data affordable due to one of its elementary feature, which is the scalability - the clouds provide reconfigurable resources such as computers, networks, servers, storage, applications, services, software that the customers need not own, they can buy it (Infrastructure as a Service (laaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) or Software as a Service (SaaS)) (Lee and Lee, 2015). In this way, they could be an ideal platform for producers who need not invest too much in the necessary ICT infrastructure. Basic characteristics that help to distinguish between the cloud manufacturing options are indicated in the following Figure (Labes, et al, 2013, p. 2). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 45 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS circular business models D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved Ess en HaI CH ara cteristics Shared 1 P ß r o a d N e t w o r k 1 Resource P o o l I A c c e s s R a p i d Elasticity M e a s u r e d Service 1 O n - d e m a n d Self-Service Service Layer 1 Software as a Service (SaaS) Platform as a Service (PaaS) 1 r I nfrastructure as a Service (Ii'i'S) Deployment \fodels f-C Public Jl ^r H y b r i d J j-J C o m m u n i t y ~X Private \ - C l o u d -y-J "i^ 1 Opening decreasing C l o u d -y^-' ^ - C l o u d -y-J \ - C l o u d ~-~yJ Figure 9: Basic characteristics ofcloud manufacturing Security, privacy and trust As communication among loT devices, other machines and humans is done through the Internet; the loT applications will amplify the security threats of the Internet. At the same time, the traditional security and privacy solutions will be insufficient due to the scalability problem caused by the high number of interconnected devices (Sicari et al, 2015) and by the heterogeneity of the loT networks (Li et al, 2015). The Internet is not the only issue in loT: In the loT environment the devices are facing potential attacks from internal sources (elements of the particular network) and external (from other networks), so the security at all system levels is the most sensitive subject for loT (Li et al, 2015). The new need for loT functionality in traditional companies could stimulate outsourcing initiatives, which increases the risk of data abuse/leakage in third parties (Sicari et al, 2015). Data leakage represents the major threats in the personalised service specifically. The privacy together with security are two challenges for loT, and the solution to privacy and security risks will require the adoption of available Internet standards for the interoperable protocol (Li et al, 2015). Ng and Wakenshaw (2017) point out that more research should focus on making the exchange and use of personal data beneficial for both the firms and the individuals as, for example, through personal data markets. At present, the company collecting the data has custodial right to it. However, the authors suggest that the current model of the data economy is about to change thanks to HAT,4 a personal data platform where the user has full custodial rights to his data. If having a HAT becomes a standard, customer relationship management will evolve into vendor relationship management with the customers being able to decide what can be done with their data (Ng and Wakenshaw, 2017). Customers, in that case, will play the roles of suppliers. The main issues in loT security are summarised by Tryfonas et al (2016) in the Figure 10: 4 This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 46 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models Data Confidentiality ' Insufficient authentication/authorization • Insecure interfaces (web, mobile, cloud, etc.) • Lack of transport encryption • Confidentiality preserving • Access control Privacy • Privacy, data protection and information security risk management • Privacy by design and privacy by default • Data protection legislation • Traceability/profiling/unlawful processing Trust • Identity management system • Insecure software/firmware • Ensuring continuity and availability of services • Realization of malicious attacks against loT devices and system • Loss of user control/difficult in making decision Figure 10: Security issues in loT Li et al (2015) call for the further development of access control and trust management in particular. It is the mutual interactions of loT devices that raise the question of how to guarantee the access permission for the authorization process (Sicari et al, 2015). Trust as a concept is well developed in IS/ ICT research. Trust is a higher-level concept, which extends dependability by adding individual and social behaviour, norms, and patterns to shape the Social Capital (Truong et al, 2017), see Figure below. The trust in the loT environment, however, requires a special evaluation that differs to usual computer science approach due to the convergence of physical, cyber and social network layers: One of the trust model designed for (social) loT specifically combines data and information covering the three dimensions: Reputation (global opinions), Personal Experiences, and Knowledge (based on direct observation) - REK model (Truong et al, 2017) see Figure 11. The model separates the trust evaluation in humans and devices. Other approaches to trust evaluation utilize the elements of honesty, cooperativeness, and community interest (Sicari et al, 2015). (a) (b) Figure 11: (a) Trust concept in relation to dependability and social capital; (b) Three main a trust in the social loT environment This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 47 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models Trust building tools and techniques Trust can be classified into three dimensions: technical trust (e.g. data security, operability of platform), business/trading/community/network trust (e.g. image or credit), and human trust (perceived by individual human or group of members) (Lee, 2015). Suryanarayana and Taylor (2004) classify trust (in terms of trust management) into three types: policy-based, reputationbased, and social network-based. Trust could be also built and maintained along three dimensions: human-to-human trust; human-to-object trust and object-to-object trust. Trust mainly concerns beliefs, credentials, delegation, recommendation and reputation; however,s interconnected with security issues (comprising confidentiality, integrity and authentication) as well as reliability, dependability and ability and finally also privacy (Lee, 2015). This means that building and maintaining trust must include also these aspects. Trust building and maintenance starts with awareness of what helps to create and support trust and what may hamper or even destroy trust followed by understanding based on studying the facts (from the experience) and existing knowledge. Belief about trust (and its elements and linkages) is created afterwards and beliefs lead to some action (s). There are several models, tools and techniques developed for the trust management for internet cloud platforms and loT environment. Detailed information could be found for instance in Noor et al (2013) or in Noor and Sheng (2011), Lee (2015). From the management perspectives some ideas how to build a trusted cloud ecosystem are suggested by Ernst and Young company (EY, 2014). Such an ecosystem contains Trusted design (controls addressing key areas of risks); Trusted execution (controls execution) of cloud ecosystem and Trusted certification. Six cloud control domains exist in the ecosystem - organizational, technology, data, operational, Audit and compliance and Governance. Lee (2015) refers to the model developed within the EU 7t h Framework Programme's project OPTET. The model covers relevant aspects of trust for software development and software operation life cycle, so not directly focused on cloud platform, however model can be inspiring for the ReCiPSS project. Finding the right balance between providing and protecting the data is crucial, because undue data protection is counterproductive: without data, the companies are unable to provide "smart" services and achieve cost decrease by data-based optimizations (Lee and Lee, 2015). Overrated data confidentiality can also eliminate the optimization opportunities of big data for sustainability enhancement, "which naturally leads to the question of whether emerging technologies can be used to provide the necessary environmental solutions (Tseng et al, 2018). For initiatives of reuse, remanufacture, recycle to be effective, the operational data needs to be disclosed within cross-industry networks of multiple supply chains (Tseng et al, 2018). 3.2.6 Existing general circular economy business models Some scholars try to provide a framework that can be useful for CBM design, development or change of the linear model, drawing on the Osterwald and Pigneur's (O&P) Canvas Model. Here we present also sustainability-grounded models which might be inspiring for CBMs as well, one sharing economy canvas model and one loT general canvas business model. For example, Joyce and Paquin (2016) adapt the O&P Canvas model to include sustainability and suggest a BM Canvas with three layers, making more clearly the existence of different components of value creation, delivery and capture: economic, environmental and social. For this project, it is important to consider the environmental layer, which tries to capture "how the organization generates more environmental benefits than environmental impacts" (Joyce and Paquin, 2016, p. 1478). This layer, with nine building blocks that are interlinked with the 9 This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 48 of 238 D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improvedRe€iPSSRe€iPSS circular business models building blocks of O&P canvas, can provide useful insights into the design of CBM. Figure 12 presents the framework suggested by the author for the environmental layer. Supplies Pirr/lijcrnn AAA Functional U&CrialS M l ( i n : EnrJ-flf-Lifie w. Diärrlbutlwi f Envircnmental ImpaclE znvimnmental GerefitE.r r. Figure 12: Environmental layer of the Triple Layer Business Model Canvas Sempels and Hoffmann (2013, p. 39) add shared costs, costs for society and the environment, shared benefits and benefits for society and the environment as the new components into the canvas and adapted value proposition into the sustainable value proposition in their view on a sustainable business model (see Figure 13Figure 9Figure 13). Cxntx ft* Key P.irtncr% Key Activity Sti\tiui.ihfc Vtlhc Noo et 1 ii I• I 111• Proportion Kn\ iron men t Key Revources (luxtomcr I' • 111 • hip Management I 'in 11 .i I Channels Cuitomcr Bench t\ for Sciantm Society and the hnvironmcnt Sh.i red ( i W K C o « Stnic tu re Revenue St Sh.ired Benefits Figure 13: Sustainable business model canvas Bocken et al (2018, p. 82) suggest the adapted sustainable business model canvas containing value proposition not only for customers but also for the planet, systemic view stressed in some elements of the model, reverse logistics in key stakeholders and possibilities to retrieve products within the channel (Figure 14). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 49 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS circular business models D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved Figure 14: Adapted sustainable business model canvas Hoffmann et al (2017, p. 174) suggest C3 Business model canvas (see Figure 15), where C3 stands for the three integrated ecological, social and economic dimensions of sustainable development within the circular economy. There are several problems with this model. First, the authors redefined logic, structure and elements of the original BCM (as they confess) without any argument why and what the redefinition of logic and structure means for whole model architecture. Second, from the text, it is not clear how much do they know about stakeholders, the real meaning of costs and key resources, network relationships or channels as these components are much more complicated to understanding and trying to nest them into the general model. Third, as with other circular business models, the circularity is not visible from the canvas at all. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 50 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models - Podnsptwru |£dil| • Hydrcsprumi I ; K * • Crj-Cmalicin Value FrgpgrjiTion • PigHonnEnw • n.j>i iniULiI 1 • •• • I'.iih JI i < I'I.I.|I:U •mil. , ^lin,- Scrviw poovkLir . H i-| i.I'.ir.ii.'.'H.^. v.i' i itriicufarbuincu Cireuipr EiisintSE NeNork ChMMtl • CdnlinuriStkJn • D Urfbuban • PTWU|*m»nl • Rfld*1|ibiMlci iniULiI 1 • •• • I'.iih JI i < I'I.I.|I:U •mil. , ^lin,- Scrviw poovkLir . H i-| i.I'.ir.ii.'.'H.^. v.i' i itriicufarbuincu • COnndritin • PrenaiONliifl 1 ;.: ..: , KsyAetlv-itiet • Design • DflvHopmenl -Marrteriarice - Qowdfiflhon - Kcl(,r|? Jirrinrl'RCfflanurtafJijra • CmkiniiJliu-i - .rjeoiing ihs Job • Brand' Statue • C « t IBCUGIIOT • Risk mJurtiw • Accawbtty •Clfllltt - Physical - Financial Key Ren PU rem • l ili-l'.'A70%) expect the issues around parts identification and the development of IAM catalogues to worsen over the next 5 years mainly due to the increase in complexity of vehicles and the lack of parts identification information provided by OEMs." (Lbhr et al, 2017, p. 2). Also, research by Kalverkamp (2017) focused on the problems with cores, the role of corebrokers and comparison of the procurement strategies and e-procurement competencies between the U.S. and European market confirms existing gap and reveals potential progress. With such a core and information leakage connected to the return routes of cores, there are also other problems. 9 CLEPA is the European Association of Automotive Suppliers (further information available at: 1 0 FIGIEFA is the European Federation and political representative in the EU of the independent wholesalers and retailers of automotive replacement parts and their associated repair chains (further information available at This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 75 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models Lower as the needed quality of cores that are coming back is also associated with the information value. Bosch as every remanufacturer would need more information regards the core - e.g. condition of using the car, level of care for the car etc. Many information is not possible to keep with core or to engage into the core now. Low-quality cores, if accepted in the previous step(s) represent lost money in deposit and money extra for the core that must be scrapped as a waste (often with part of hazardous waste). It is of utmost importance to get the right (appropriate, good quality) cores, since they are the raw material for the next remanufacturing cycle. Cores are usually obtained through a reverse logistics and deposit system in the automotive distribution chain or from specialized core dealers (APRA Europe & ReMaTec, 2018). In fact, the continuous access to cores for reman is heavily dependent on the provision of financial incentives for core return. These can work differently for different stakeholders as illustrated in the Figure 23 below (Kemeny Boehme & Company & ReMaTec, 2017). H O W DID Y O U G E T B A C K O L D P A R T S / C O R E S ? T Y P E S O F I N C E N T I V E S F O R C O R E R E T U R N & G O O D C O R E Q U O T A incentive OEM/OES 1AM Tier-n Others deposits 7 5 % 5 6 % 2 5 % o % adjustment surcharges 2 5 % 4 4 % 7 5 % 1 o o % good core quota 69% 54% 38% 23% Figure 23: Incentivesfor the core sourcing and returns Summary of the problems with the cores in return flows in general (also reflected in Bosch and C-ECO business): 1. Time (longer routes back); 2. Wrong "destination" - lack of cores (not right quantity) and risk of "losing the knowhow" to some extent; 3. Demand and supply of the cores are not in balance, especially if a certain type of core is needed in a specific period in the market where the actors do their business; 4. Scrapping of the cores considered to be of low quality despite the fact that they could be remanufactured; 5. Bad or insufficient quality of cores detected in the final phase before remanufacturing processes; This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Page 76 of 238 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models 6. Leakage of information about cores; 7. Sometimes lower profit (if the "deposit surplus" stated by the TL is lower than the potential margin from the sale of reman product); 8. Extra money, time and effort costs associated with handling the cores within return processes - individual TLs; 9. Extra costs for scrapping useless core at the C-ECO partners or Bosch as remanufacturer. 10. Lower profit due to the need to buy a new parts for the core - Bosch as remanufacturer. 11. More money, time and effort costs associated with active purchasing of cores out of the forward supply chain for Bosch as remanufacturer. 12. Unused capacity and fluctuation of capacity utilization of Bosch remanufacturing. 13. Lower satisfaction of Bosch customers if the supply does not cover demand for reman parts due to the shortage of cores - the price of the new spare parts is higher. Market trends McKinsey&Company market study also revealed six trends that are expected to disrupt the automotive aftermarket (highlighted in Figure 24). Most, resp. all of them will have an impact on Bosch and C-ECO circular business model. Key trends Timeline Short term (0 • S years) Medium term (5-10 years) Long term (> 10 years) Increasing influence of intermediaries A i£. Increasing competition among parts manufacturers A (J] Professionalization of garages/workshops Increased price transparency and — diversity of suppty for customers q c Consolidation amongparts distnbutors Ä •_ OEMs aggressively expanding aftermarket activities Q [j^ Digitization of channels/interfaces '[Hi] Access to car-generated data A. I© Connectivity Fewer individually owned cars, more mobility solutions and fleets Qff^E-niobility © Autonomous dnving Low HKjh Disruption potential Figure 24:6 trends specific to automotive suppliers with a high potentialfor disruption 1. Consolidation among parts distributors. According to the study of McKinsey, the consolidation, especially in the European market has started already and this market is - through the M&A (mergers and acquisitions) - approaching the US market with only four big wholesalers having more than 40% share. In 2018 in Europe, This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 77 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models the three leading players together accounted for around 15% of the market (Brenner et al, 2018). M&As in Europe have been more expressive in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands. They involve American and Canadian firms wishing to exploit the European market (e.g. LKQ Corporation (USA), Genuine Parts Company (USA), Uni-Select Inc. (Canada)), but also European player, namely German, trying to reinforce their market position through acquisitions (e.g. Hess Group Wessels+ Müller, Stahlgruber) (Breitschwerdt et al, 2017; Brenner et al, 2018). This consolidation crusade enables to exploit economies of scale, with cost-savings in parts procurement, logistics and warehousing, as well other strategic motives like expanding the global procurement network, diversifying product portfolio and gaining immediate access to more customers (Brenner et al, 2018). Consolidation is accompanied by the growing closing of some businesses. In Germany, the Federal Statistical Office recorded 638 insolvencies in the vehicle repair trade in 2017, 9% more than in the previous year. Distributors of car parts and accessories are in particular trouble: 105 filed for insolvency protection that year, one-third up on 2016 (Brenner et al, 2018). Consolidation can be an advantage and opportunity for Bosch and C-ECO as it is easier to handle and do forward and reverse business with fewer big players, but on the other side also some threat due to the growing bargaining power of these wholesalers regards the prices for instance. There is also a clear trend toward larger and more professionalized workshops to cope with increasing vehicle complexity. The increasing complexity of car parts will rise towards the production of the more complete vehicle subsystems. Authors of McKinsey&Company 2018 study argue that this will help suppliers establish their own touch points with the end customer to capture further aftermarket spend. 2. OEMs aggressively expanding their aftermarket activities. These activities are more obvious in markets with higher average age, but the trend can be seen everywhere. The increased penetration OEMs into aftermarket activities (Breitschwerdt et al, 2017; Global Market Insights, 2018; Koggersb0l et al, 2018) is primarily driven by superior access of OEMs to in-vehicle data, which increases the share of vehicles in fleets under OEM control and facilitates new service offerings to customers Koggersb0l et al (2018). Several practices exist - OEMs are starting to occupy some parts of the aftermarket value chain by, for example, creating their own networks of non-car brand-specific repair shops. They also try to "automate" decision making related to service and repair through the offer of special services to create a customer experience, for instance with leveraging vehicle connectivity and so to localize them. Good relationships with OEMs can utilize such a trend as an opportunity for Bosch and C-ECO. 3. Digitization of channels and interfaces It is expected that the e-commerce share of parts sales will increase to 20 to 30% by 2035. "Currently, traditional distributors dominate sales to workshops: while about 85 to 95% of workshop orders are placed on B2B platforms or physical channels of traditional distributors across analysed markets, less than 5% ofthe orders are placed through specialized online players or mass merchandisers in Germany, the UK, and France and only 10 to 15% in Poland and Russia." (p. 21). The value chain will shorten as some of the trade levels will not be able to reach the critical mass and leverage economies of scale. Opportunity can be seen if the intermediaries will be able to connect customers and services. 4. Access to car-generated data. Capabilities and competencies to work with big data and advanced analytics also in the automotive aftermarket are considered to be an indispensable asset in the future. As this trend This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 78 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models is very fast, most automotive aftermarket players are not adequately prepared. This can be seen as a big competitive advantage of Bosch and C-ECO and should be turned into the value proposition for the cores business. The same advantage is with the fact that the car is becoming a platform for software and applications and so profit might shift to tech giants (as Bosch is) or new software entrants (McKinsey&Company, 2018). Study of McKinsey&Company from 2018 points to the one important fact and questions behind this trend - digital connectivity potentially opens the car as a system to aftermarket players. However, the question is: Who will own customer contact in the future? According to the research realized by McKinsey&Company (2018) OEMs will be the key players. But the degree to which various players will control data and customer interfaces will highly depend on future regulatory guidelines. Car data and new IT and ICT technologies give rise to the new market "Diagnostics 2.0" that might be captured by the OEMs (Breitschwerdt et al., 2017). 5. Increasing influence of (digital) intermediaries. There is a trend towards the entrance of new players in the market, namely (digital) intermediaries. They provide specific solutions like telematics, fleet management systems and professional logistics. (Breitschwerdt et al, 2017). Another important trend which probably will change current playground for the automotive aftermarket is the fleet management (in business as well as in a customer fleet context). "The rise of car sharing users and professionalfleets opens up new opportunities to steer and optimize maintenance and repair services. Partnerships will likely emerge between intermediaries and workshop chains, and the workflow and parts logistics can be fully automatized." (p. 20). Study of McKinsey&Company from 2018 even stresses the growth of the share of business customers and points to the other associated trend - service management of B2B customer's fleet will become more centralized with professionalized purchasing processes and service operations. This means that the total cost of ownership shifts into focus and needs to be considered in service offerings and pricing policy. However, big B2B end customers are easier to approach for the sale of parts, sale of service and for collection of cores, especially if they search for highquality products and services with a strong brand. 6. Higher price transparency and greater diversity of supply for customers. E-commerce growth in the spare parts market is also associated with the expanding crossborder trade within Europe. This trade is also fuelled with the possibility to compare prices for spare parts and non-existing barriers for purchasing online at the EU market. However, for suppliers of spare parts, the effect of price transparency might mean a decrease in price and greater price transparency through e-commerce and big data might challenge the current margins. "Online could be an opportunity for suppliers to start their own online presence or partner with successful platforms. Some players have already set up their own online channels, e.g., Hella. Finally, a digital sales model may be the key to a shorter, leaner value chain that benefits suppliers. By eliminating the need for intermediaries and streamlining the distributor layer, suppliers may see bigger margins and savings they may decide to pass on to their customers." (p. 21) Big hopes are connected to the use of blockchain technology for tracking and tracing spare parts. For instance, just recently Mera published in the News from November 19th, 2018 that Daimler Trucks North America (DTNA) has completed the project testing the use of blockchain technology for aftermarket remanufacturing operations with the goal to improve its commercial vehicle maintenance program by automating and streamlining remanufacturing through a partnership with Filament, the blockchain solutions provider. A USB device and software called Blocklet will "interface with DTNA's legacy systems to digitize supply chain ledgers to trace, track This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 79 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models and also verify shipping and transaction data in the parts remanufacturing process" and so to facilitate data capture. BlockletTVA (Trusted Vehicle Applications) connected vehicle blockchain platform "includes a chipset that plugs into a passenger vehicle's OBD-II port or commercial vehicle's J1939 port to capture and record data such as that coming from the engine's electronic control unit. The system also has environmental sensors that can detect temperature, humidity, and more and a motion sensor that can track things like acceleration, G-forces, and incline. Builtin and dedicated GPS adds coordinates and location info". (Mera, 2018). Unfortunately, there are only a few published works (e.g. Drescher, 2017 or Rajkov, 2018) which offer some pieces of information about the technical features of this technology for tracking the parts and identifying challenges (both technical, relationship and legal). Based on the forecast of a digital future for the automotive aftermarket KPMG study (KPMG, 2017, p. 11) proposes a strategic approach to reverse logistics (see Figure 25): Traditional versus Strategic approach Traditional approach Disposition Opüüirt Traditional approach JSj | ConSAfner reiurns iiema to purchase point • y y y l>a**el receives IH-~-E Channel :enii and aggregates in by item see or rtärehüuse ma *ulacu e. Channel requests rerun henna cunsolidded äuTrüfiidtrün IftA) tram t « shipment ra distributor, manufacturer d srnbu ui center ürThird Parcv LDyiStt P-o^oai 131=_ Ir.blli:. LltU via Less Than Trudclnaoi ILTL> in ffä Olli iäffie J Items received and jyyieL|j:eJ ar m Men :•. • ^jti:ed süned tp/dfipüsniDn di9inbunoA « n u r type liernscDnsolidaied for deposii ion ÜC Clerk reqLesra to for final •AspüäiliüM liems shipped viaLTL 'J- tibial Lc--±\ K tll'iJl d-fipfjäiiion lotflCrfln Strategic approach Potential approach Salea force \oqt orto Ftauma Sysiern. ge^ieraws a returns requöM. ard-specilies teiurns request is appro^d, Label \i prodded, and parage sent v d ine -<,••-•! cost- effect ve carrer Kiis are shipped ma package earner at UL direct to teiurn Faci iy Kira are sca-med ar Return bll £ geriewied. nfltrfitfliiun ra seni a siakeh aiders Her-" CD hlflntrhcturer ftec" CD '••ri^iv Repair/fielurtiisri Her.'- CD Suf^rVHDSpiial FteCyde^JiLpüSal > Other Charily Action Figure 25: Traditional versus strategic approach to reverse logistics Although some legislation favours the reman business, there are also some barriers that are driven by institutional changes. Two examples can be found: i) the eCall regulation may undermine the regulation for the aftermarket for parts and services by allowing OEMs to adapt vehicles for OEM-specific telematics, favouring OEMS and shifting maintenance and repair away from independent aftermarkets(Parker et al, 2015); .ii) car scrappage schemes that have been introduced in some EU countries during the last financial crisis (Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain) have encouraged consumers to purchase new vehicles to generate growth in the sector, to the detriment of repair (Parker et al, 2015). Another trend that can negatively affect the remanufacturers business is the increasing competition from imports of low-cost new products or of repaired or reconditioned (i.e. not fully remanufactured) parts, predominantly from the Far East (Parker et al, 2015). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 80 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models Simultaneously, the aftermarket players are changing their business models. (Breitschwerdt et al, 2017). New business models like eCommerce, digital platforms and service aggregation are gaining momentum (ReportBuyer, 2018). Currently, online trade represents a very small part of the sales channel (around 5%) and online platforms are considered immature due to insufficient product range and availability as well as an inability to assist workshops in identifying right parts. Despite this small figure, multiple platforms for online parts sales exist already in several levels of the value chain: Suppliers, OEMs, distributors, and workshop chains (Breitschwerdt et al, 2017). The numbers should increase, reaching 20 to 30% by 2035, either by the increased use of the existing platforms and by launching new online trade platforms (Breitschwerdt et al, 2017). The online channels will not have the same importance in all parts: logistically demanding parts, e.g., windshields and airbags, which are difficult to transport or part of complex workshop processes, will continue mainly being sold via the traditional OEM or 1AM wholesale channels (Breitschwerdt et al, 2017). This trend can have different meanings for different stakeholders: Traditional parts manufacturers, distributors, and workshops can face increased competitive pressure as OEMs, intermediaries, and online providers may attempt to increase their influence on end customers, shrinking the margins of players accustomed to having the full attention of end customers (Breitschwerdt et al, 2017). Digital technologies will not have an impact on sales channels. Digital platforms can become true game change in the articulation of actors throughout the value chain (Koggersb0l et al, 2018). In terms of aggregation, there is evidence that regional part distributors in Europe are likely to shift focus from just mechanical parts to a mix of both collision parts and electro-components (ReportBuyer, 2018). 5.1 In-depth interviews with trade levels In total 22 in-depth interviews were realized in Germany and France (11 in Germany and 11 in France). In Germany 9 companies belong to the biggest 1AM distributors at the market, 1 company is buying group and 1 company is a core-broker (with the sales volume and turnover also ranks to the big players). Most of the German companies deal with purchase and sale of cars and spare parts, provide repairs of cars and also leasing of cars. This means, that these companies are not only distributors but provide also workshop services (garages). Three companies (from the 1AM distributors) are the wholesalers and retailers only for the 1 car manufacturer (Daimler-Benz, Opel), the others are independent and work for many suppliers. In France 1 company (1AM distributor) deals also with recycling cars, 2 are core-brokers and 1AM distributors. Only the one third of the companies provide also repair, most of the companies, purchase, sale and/ or dismantle the cars. About half of companies are independent and the other half is a member of some buying group. No company is directly connected to any car manufacturer. French companies are on average much smaller in size, but some of them do business globally (what is not the case of German companies which mostly do their business locally or regionally). No only-garage-business (workshops) has been interviewed as the majority of garages do also some purchase and sale and even some wholesale. There are only a few buying groups in both countries due to the high level of concentration and it is extremely difficult to find contacts. The This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 81 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models end-garages could be easily approached locally during the demonstration, however their pain points, awareness, experience, expectations are very likely to be the same as in the case of 1AM wholesalers. Some companies (1AM wholesalers) has their own system for tracking the cores (and spare parts), some use the information system of the supplier (or even more information systems if different suppliers use different systems and these suppliers have a strong bargaining power to press companies (1AM wholesalers) to use their systems). These companies are very dependent on decision making regarding the software made by the suppliers. Some companies (working both as 1AM wholesalers and workshops) also use to have their own software and information system (developed solely for the company) for many years (even more than 20 years). On average, they are satisfied, but some problems were detected (see below). No one company has real experience with cloud manufacturing or cloud services for the operations and even not enough knowledge. One buying group (the purchase is their only activity) has no pain points in the core return and in the purchase of parts and reman parts. Usually, suppliers do quality checking and the other reverse logistics processes. Interviewed companies provide only simple visual quality control and pack and store the cores. They see no big problems with these operations - however, again also with this issue some pain points could be found. No capacity barriers for stock keeping exist. There are almost no outsourced processes except transport in some cases. Managers cannot imagine what activities could be worth of outsourcing - either they do a minimum of reverse logistics processes (and externalize them), or they consider them as their core activities and they do not want to lose business and take jobs from the employees. Summary of pain points and "typical" categories of representants introducing the pain: • Different information systems used for different operations - purchase of parts, evidence of cores - and to some extent also for different suppliers and customers (depends on the volume of the core business and on the dependency with the supplier (manufacturer, buying group) - 1AM distributor; • Some data needs to be manually entered into the systems due to non-existing compatibility - time-consuming and potential loss of data or mistake made - 1AM distributor; • Time - waiting for the decision making about the quality of cores and deposit return (more than 2 weeks or even more than 2 months) - 1AM distributor; • Loss of the cores returned to wholesalers and the necessity to keep evidence tracking and to remind yourself for the deposit reimbursement - 1AM distributor; • Money in the system - the circularity of spare parts and cores if dependent on deposit and time for return represents lost opportunity and problems with the cash flow - 1AM distributor; • Transparency of the reimbursement process is rather low - companies often do not know why the sum of the deposit is as it is - they would prefer clear information connected to every piece of core. This is special problem in the case when the share of cores in the business is rather high and the volume as well - 1AM distributor. • Lack of tools for diagnosis of the new spare parts especially for the electric and hybrid cars and lack of knowledge of the correct evaluation of quality - 1AM distributor; This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 82 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models • Quality or state of a core not correctly evaluated for the acceptance of the supplier (lack of knowledge, skills and diagnosis equipment), which leads to lower or no pay back of deposit - 1AM distributor; • The same pain as above, which results in a loss of deposit if the spare parts is evaluated to be scraped - 1AM distributor, core-broker and also remanufacturer; • Time - waiting until the number of cores is sufficient - this is related with the need to store the cores and provide some minimal handling (internal transport, evidence keeping etc.) - 1AM distributors, wholesalers, core-brokers and remanufacturers; • Not enough cores on the stock - demand cannot be satisfied at the right time (depends on the frequency of deliveries in the forward flows and on the intensity of work provided by the supplier) - 1AM distributors, core-broker and remanufacturer; • Cores not enough clean for acceptance by supplier - 1AM distributors; • Risk of cloud-based infrastructures - data confidentiality (maybe because of the insufficient knowledge of how clouds work) - 1AM distributors, wholesalers, core-brokers and remanufacturers; • Image of the cloud services provider is crucial - 1AM distributors, wholesalers, corebrokers and remanufacturers; • Chinese competition is growing with cheap and low-quality spare parts - this trend makes a problem for business - mostly core-brokers or those 1AM distributors with high share of reman parts for sale. 5.2 Internal environment The Automotive Aftermarket division of Robert Bosch GmbH is a part of the Mobility Solutions business sector, one of the four sectors of the company. The division offers a comprehensive range of automotive spare parts (both new and reconditioned) and repair, diagnostic and repairshop solutions for the aftermarket and for repair shops worldwide. Spare parts and solutions are delivered to more than 16,500 Bosch certified car service garages (with more than 90 years long history) globally within the market of Bosch Car Service and AutoCrew, two independent repair-shop franchises under the Bosch Service Network. Spare parts are distributed to Bosch customers (automotive manufacturers' headquarters, dealerships networks, mostly wholesalers and to licensed workshops) from Karlsruhe, Germany to 150 different countries approx. 25000 items per day in approx. 150 trucks daily. The division also manages a further 24 warehouses around the world. (Bosch annual report, 2017, p. 26; Bosch Automotive Aftermarket online and Bosch History Blog online). Through special Bosch exchange program, an extensive range of exchange parts 30 different product groups and around 11,000 order numbers can be offered to the workshops. Bosch processes the core return with the core return service provider CoremanNet - an independent brand of C-ECO. CoremanNet runs the world's largest reverse logistics service network for the return of automotive spare parts for remanufacturing. Solutions for other sectors are being developed. CoremanNet has today a well-established network with more than 20 collection points globally. C-ECO is logistics services and solutions provider for Bosch, but also for other companies which demand the reverse logistics services. These services are realized through the network of contract partners. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 83 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models Franchise Bosch Car Service provides all-around solution scheme. The concept has several branding advantages: Global largest automotive aftermarket service brand; Quality car parts supply; Car diagnosis, service technology and management support; Systematic talent training plan and Service activity with the target at car owners. Besides spare parts and diagnosis equipment, professional car repair knowledge and services under the technical and service training system are provided to franchisors together with strong marketing and management development support. (Franchise Bosch car service, 2015). Major strengths of Bosch are not only in the sustainable and globally competitive market(s) position and financial resources, but also in research and development capabilities and IT and ICT competencies among all other intangible capital categories. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 84 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models 6 Environmental scanning and market analysis - Gorenje The ambition related to the new circular business model for washing machines is in line with strategic aims of Gorenje in two areas: to help minimise the environmental impact of both Gorenje's production and products and to strengthen the Gorenje's position as an innovative and premium producer. In 2017, the revenue share of innovative products and premium brands reached nearly 30 per cent (Gorenje group, annual report, 2017). This chapter will first discuss the main facts, environmental forces and trends that will affect washing machine and laundry business in the four markets (Austria, Denmark, Netherlands and Slovenia)11 that are relevant for the RECiPSS project. It further presents the results from the empirical survey realized in these countries. 6.1 External environment As in other industries/markets, the competition in the washing machine (WM) market is tough. Besides traditional producers, the companies focusing on lower segments by low price strategy have strengthened their position by remarkable production quality improvement and as such they became relevant actors on the mid-range market for WM. In other words, the price/value ratio they offer is a clear order winner for potential customers. In this situation, the smart households' equipment seems to be a promising segment: According to the GfK research (GfK, 2018), the market for smart washing machines (in Europe) was growing over-proportionally thanks to the connectivity factor, which enables a surcharge of 50 per cent compared to conventional products. Smart appliances can provide additional value to their consumers in many ways - due to the sensors and the Internet connectivity new functions can be provided as well as new business models, which includes sharing or renting/leasing12 /pay-per-use. The alternative ownership models can appeal to heterogeneous consumer groups, with specific motivation and requirements. Based on business experience, the consumers, in general, assess the renting and leasing by economic criteria in the first place. The purely altruistic motives are of lesser impact, despite what consumers sometimes claim. More realistic view on decision criteria (excluding the price) are as follows: environmental and health effect on consumer's family and consumer him/herself, direct economic effect (lower water and energy consumption), and the altruistic/societal effects as least important. The order of decision criteria may reflect the consumers' real understanding of the eco-products in general. At the same time, it is risky to perceive consumers as a single homogenous group. For instance, the cross-cultural differences are apparent: In Europe alone, the business models need to take the fact into account that the ownership prevails dominantly in southern European countries as Data and information about the four markets freely available come from different sources and have different structure and character. 1 2 In this report both concepts - renting and leasing - are used due to the fact that the innovative business model of Gorenje with the pay per use (wash) solution can be a part of both approaches. According to the ( renting in comparison to leasing involves a shorter time period and a less formal agreement and is preferred by customers usually forthe temporary needs. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 85 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models apparent in high rates of houses/flats ownership compared to the north countries. Another difficulty related to consumer understanding: the consumer behaviour concerning washing machines is very different from other household equipment such as kitchen appliances and that knowledge cannot be applied in the context of washing machines mechanically. The consumers who consider a washing machine renting/leasing instead of the ownership, expect more than just an access to the machine: the renting/leasing of a tangible product needs to be supplemented by some additional services for consumers. From the business point of view, such value-added service constitutes the order winners. As customers change the washing machine on very special occasions only (such as fatal breakdowns, residence change, or during a complete upgrade of the kitchen/bathroom), their requirements on the product quality have increased; at the same time this means the higher demand for longer-lasting products (the average length of WM usage is around 10 years according to GFK study). There is also a rationale behind that: the purchasing cost makes smaller part of total cost of ownership for the consumer, so higher purchasing (forefront cost) are compensated by lower operating cost in the future (Saccani et al., 2017). The longer product life should be accompanied by longer warranties. The focus on longer lasting WM makes sense also from the technical side: In this case, the production costs are higher by approx. 70 %, but the duration of use is extended by (far) more than 70%. The aspects outlined above raise the question of product remanufacturing as a viable strategy. Remanufacturing (and other reprocessing options) will probably play a more important role shortly because of the raw material scarcity, which is and which will further be reflected in increasing prices. The implementation of remanufacturing into the production represents a complex change, as it relates to diverse aspects of business processes and relationships. It includes among others: • Technical aspects (adjustments to product design, redesign of reverse logistics/closing the loop in supply chain...), • Legislation issues (diverse approach to waste across countries, technical requirements/norms - e.g. to sell products in 90 countries, Gorenje needs the approx. 200 certificates now). • Consumer perception: remanufacturing raises concerns for user safety of the used/remanufactured product. Product exterior cannot be demerged on visible parts (scratches...) or be smelly (which indicates cleanness in consumers' perception). At the same time, some technical burdens for remanufacturing and for renting/leasing business models are eased by recent ICT technology advances (wireless sensors, the blockchain,...). Competition and renting/leasing and pay per use models The four markets in which the demonstration of the new PSS model will be implemented are very different in terms of the market development and/or a "product life cycle" when talking about renting/leasing as such and pay per wash (pay per use, or access-based models). The most mature market with both models (renting/leasing-based or fixed fee model without pay per wash and a purely pay per wash model) is the Netherlands. Three start-ups offering one This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 86 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models or both of these models serve the market and one big retailer with brick-and-mortar shop and e-shop offers solely leasing (probably more retailers do the same). These companies differ in many aspects. The first company in the market (established in 2014) - Bundles - with both the pay per wash model and renting/leasing/fixed fee is substantially supported by Miele company (the washing machines are Miele) and by an accelerator programme funding. Bundles offer its products across the whole Netherlands. Two other start-up companies were established both in 2017. Bluemovement is supported by Bosch GmbH and (so Bosch washing machines are serviced). Homie is a spinoff of the TU Delft and works with Zanussi brand. CoolBlue is a big retailer. In addition to the differences in founders and supporters or owners, year of beginning the business, market coverage, and brands they work with, these companies also differ in their product range. Homie has only 1 type of washing machine and solely offers a pay per wash model, while Bundles provides 2 types of washing machines with two types of product/services packages. The premium washing machine (Premium) is offered only with an auto-dose and includes detergent. A basic machine (Basic) is provided without auto-dose and detergent. Both machines are offered as fixed fee or a combination of fixed fee and pay per wash. BlueMovement offers 3 types of washing machines, however only leasing and no pay per wash model. In their subscription-based models, CoolBlue offers only leasing and 2 types of washing machines. Companies have very different systems of deposits, times for contract and conditions for deposit return and of course in other payments. For instance, Homie does not require any monthly fees (and probably even no deposit, but this information is not available at their webpage which is the only channel for the entry information), while the competitor Bundles requires monthly fees also in the case of pay per wash. Bundles offers a discount price if customers rent 2 or more appliances. BlueMovement enables to use discount coupons and also up to 35 euro cashback via Differences are also in delivery times. Bundles communicates in Dutch, English and German, Homie in Dutch and English, while BlueMovement only in Dutch, CoolBlue Dutch and English. To give a little bit broader picture regards the market position of the start-ups (CoolBlue is not evaluated), numbers of Facebook followers and likes are introduced (30th April 2019): Bundles - 2652 likes and 2699 followers, BlueMovement - 2652 likes and 2699 followers and Homie - 145 likes and 150 followers. Austrian and Danish markets are rather well developed in case of subscription (renting/leasing) of home appliances (washing machines included) - many retailers or special service organizations offer this possibility. No business with pay per wash (or use) was detected. The least mature market is Slovenia. Even though the French market is not involved in ReCiPSS project, one case is relevant. Company Lokéo, established already in 2009 is the leading player with very broad product portfolio which business is only in renting home appliances and other products. They have 59 different types of several different brands of the washing machine in their offer. However, no pay per wash model is offered. 6.1.1 Austria GOVERNMENT There has been a living public discussion about circular economy issues in Austria under the umbrella term of Kreislaufwirtschaft for many years, yet the term of the circular economy is a present in the discourse too. An overview of successful Austrian projects was summarised in 2016~s document: Regionale Kreislaufwirtschaft - Inputpapier fur die Implementierung von RESET2020 (RepaNet, 2016), which suggested several circular model solutions that could be applied on regional level by different actors: for the enterprises the most promising approaches This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 87 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models included the slowing down of product loops, cascading principle, renting and repairing among others. Generally, the Austrians position in circulatory initiatives and achievements is very good. In a recent ranking of the EU-countries, Austria took a 9-th position in countries circularity, but with mixed results - whereas it excels in food waste, recycling and trading of recyclable raw materials, it is behind the EU average in private investment into circularity and in patents (Hervey, 2018). Austria belongs to countries that applied the pay as you throw the system (usage-pricing; payment for the waste according to its weight). Such a system is running in 17 EU-countries, but in three of them only it is applied in all municipalities and Austria belongs to them (Circular Future (n.d.). The EU's 2020 municipal waste recycling target has been already reached (European Commision, 2019), which confirm good position of the country in terms of waste management and recycling also due to government initiatives such as imposing the Austrian Recycled Construction Materials Regulation and starting the waste prevention program (Bundes-Abfallwirtschaftsplan) (European Commision, 2017). According to The Environmental Implementation Review, Austria focuses on reuse activities in its transition towards a circular economy. In 2018 also an Austria's Circular Futures Platform was launched. In the Austrian economy, the proportion of secondary raw materials in processed materials amount to 8.5% and the share of recycled materials in interim outputs made 16.8% (Jacobi et al., 2018). Some facts suggest that the waste separation is not enough for circular economy transition: out of the material pre-processed by industry, 9 per cent is recycled, the rest 91 per cent are virgin materials. The environment is encumbered with 10 tons of waste per person per year. The recycling is based on rather simple technologies (Initiative Wachstum im Wandel, 2019). The Eurostat data for Computer and personal and household goods repair suggest that repair activities are less frequent than in Austria compared to other EU-countries (it should be noted. However, that the economic impact of repair activities is marginal even in the states that dominate in this statistic - in Croatia or in the Czech Republic it makes 0.3 % of economic value added without financial sector) (Eurostat, 2018). On the other hand, Austria is a front-runner when it comes to product reuse - Austrian government-supported network is well developed and offers a second-hand product of highquality (European Environment Agency, 2017). CUSTOMERS - smart home and washing The Austrians belong to the loT fans: in 2016 surveyed GfK market research agency, Austria ranked on 14-th position worldwide in so-called the Connected consumer index. This index measures the extent to which the consumers are connected to the Internet through various appliances. The extent of smart home appliances in Austria is eight times greater than the global average and three times than the West Europe average (GfK, 2018). Austrians' attitude to a smart home is positive (52 % compared to 14.6% of negative responses); however, it does not mean the positive perception is shared among all groups equally. Males and the younger generation are more positive about smart homes. In terms of smart product risks, the consumers are afraid of the collection of private data and hackers' attacks. When it comes to washing machines, the findings are a bit contradictory: Out of 15 product groups listed in the consumer survey, the smart washing machine took the fourth position ECONOMY This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 88 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models among the most frequently used smart products (after TV, motion sensors, and smoke sensor) (Marktmeinungmensch,2017). However, when being asked about smart product purchase intention (during the next three years), the washing machine took 13t h position only with 5.8 % consumers intending the purchase. The average lifespan of a washing machine in Austrian household is 8.3 years, but it has a decreasing tendency, as the span was 11.9 in a survey conducted four years earlier. Speaking about consumers' view on home appliances lifespan/durability in general, the satisfaction prevails (45 per cent against 30 per cent of unsatisfied) (Wieser and Trbger, 2015). The market research also indicates a higher preference of Austrians towards larger-capacity appliances (although the most common ones are medium-sized washing machines with a capacity of 6.0- 8 kg (Euromonitor, 2019a). The price per wash is decreasing as a result of cheaper laundry care products (due to private labels and frequent sales promotions) (Euromonitor, 2019b). In a typical Austrian household, the washing is males' responsibility (Nielsen, 2017). Even if women see washing in a more positive light than men, it is not an entertaining activity for any gender (Marktmeinungmensch, 2018). Preferences of washing machines features and functions are depicted in the following Figure 26 (Euromonitor International Analyst Pulse Survey, 2015). Energy efficient Water efficient Lownoise Quickwash cycle Delicate cycle Size of appliance Variety of temperature settings Front loading machine Design of appliance Detergent sensors Appliancefinish Top loading machine Other Steam Sports clothing cycle Connectivity with smartdevice None of the above 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 % of respondentswho checkedthisfeature 30 90 Figure 26: Preferences of washing machinesfeatures andfunctions 6.1.2 Denmark GOVERNMENT Danish government initiatives toward a circular economy To accelerates the transition towards the circular economy last year Danish government launched the new strategy, which follows the recommendations (formulated in four main areas: the circular value chain, design, and production, consumption and recycling) of the government's Advisory Board on circular economy (State of Green, 2019). To help companies to accelerate their circular progress, the Danish government has set aside EUR 16 million with six focus areas and 15 initiatives (e.g., strengthen the companies as the motivating force for the circular transition; support the circular economy through data and digitalisation; enhance the Paee 89 of 238 This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 ° research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models circular economy through design; change consumption patterns through circular economy; create a well-functioning market for waste and reused goods; generate more value from buildings and biomass) (Food nation, 2019; MFVM, 2019). All those initiatives have stemmed from results of case study on Denmark, conducted by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, which showed that introducing the circular economic principles to the Danish economy would: • Increase GDP by 0.8-1.4% • Reduce consumption of selected resources by up to 50 % • Reduce the Danish carbon footprint by 3-7 % • Create 7 000 - 13 000 jobs by 2035 Moreover, according to DAKOFA13 (2019) more and more companies are becoming aware of the significant growth opportunities in the circular economy. Danish companies are developing pioneering circular economy solutions that benefit the environment, climate and economy. In 2015, Denmark was even awarded the World Economic Forum's Young Global Leaders award 'The Circulars' for being a global front-runner in exploiting the potential for a circular economy (Copcap, 2015). All these initiatives indicate that there is huge potential for companies to implement a circular business model Danish government and digitalization According to Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) Denmark continues to occupy the position as EU's most digital country. Since Denmark government is aware of the huge potential of the tech ecosystem, in 2018 it allocated 134 million EUR to initiatives running until 2025 as a part of a new "Digital Growth Strategy." The strategy contains 38 concrete initiatives, which aim to secure and enhance Denmark's position as an attractive digital hub by providing a boost to the Danish tech ecosystem and improve conditions for businesses to be able to utilize the full benefits of new technologies. In this context, Brian Mikkelsen (Danish Minister of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs) states that: "The government wants Denmark as a digital frontrunner, where all Danes get a share of the benefits of digitalization. The new technologies can make us richer as a nation and has the potential to improve our environment, healthcare, and lives in many ways. We have to utilize that opportunity and bring Denmark into the digital future." (Christensen, 2018a; Christensen, 2018b). As regards comparison with 2017, Denmark has experienced a growth in the percentage of ICT specialists and Denmark continues to be on the forefront when it comes to the use of technology by businesses. Danish businesses are increasingly embracing digital technologies, such as cloud computing (38%) and social media (29 %) (Christensen, 2018). In the context of the circular economy, researchers at DTU1 4 have developed a new digital tool that can help manufacturing companies in their transition to a circular economy. This tool is targeted at manufacturing firms from all industries without a difference in size. Thanks to sharing strengths and opportunities and benchmark against other companies from the same or other industries, Danish companies may be able to optimize their circular economy initiatives and thus better utilize their raw materials or residual products (Frederiksen, 2018). To digitally enhance SMEs, Danish EPA has launched a website to help small- and medium-sized companies Waste and Resource Network Denmark Technical University of Denmark This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 90 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models to participate in the circular economy. It is supposed to provide information on greener production and how this can be used in marketing a business (CW Research, 2019). ECONOMY Danish economy and future forecast Denmark has a prosperous economy, which stems from economic results. In 2018, the country recorded a GDP growth of 2% according to IMF estimates, with forecasts of 1.9% and 1.8% for 2019 and 2020, respectively. The national Ministry of Finance and FocusEconomics analysts are however slightly more conservative and expect growth of 1.7% in 2019, which is down 0.1 percentage points from last month's forecast, and 1.6% in 2020 (FocusEconomics, 2019; Nordea, 2019). Although, it is expected that in total the economy should strengthen this year - driven by stillsolid domestic demand amid a tight labour market and robust wage gains, uncertainty regarding this year's election can pose big risks. According to the latest polls suggest the Social Democrats—headed by Mette Frederiksen—hold a commanding lead ahead of general elections which must be held by 17 June, and the centre-left bloc is on course for a parliamentary majority. A centre-left victory is unlikely to change the current prudent fiscal stance significantly and will likely have a minimal impact on growth prospects this year (FocusEconomics, 2019). Danish business scene According to the World Competitive Yearbook 2018, Denmark ranks 6th in the top most competitive business nations and is considered to be one of the greenest countries in the world. This is confirmed by the latest moves on the Danish business scene also reveal another key strength: the eagerness of local start-ups to embrace the circular economy model. Moreover, apart from public recycling programs, the preference for a waste-free future can also be seen in recent business practices (Young Upstarts, 2019). In 2017, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency conducted a survey and based on responses from 610 small and medium-sized companies state that: • 9 out of 10 small and medium-sized companies think the circular economy is beneficial and want to be part of the change. • 56% of the companies are already focusing on reducing their use of raw materials and the production of waste. • 88% of companies have a positive attitude towards a circular economy. • 51% of the companies feel that their knowledge of a circular economy is inadequate. • 53% believe that there is business potential in a circular economy (State of Green, 2017). Danish market with washing machines Since the Danish housing market continues to prosper and increase between 2017 and 2018 by 0.6 %, the market with washing machines is also growing. Thanks to this the home laundry appliances have become the particularly competitive category in Denmark. Moreover, between two main factors influencing purchasing decisions in 2018 belong price and energy efficiency. Since Denmark put a lot of attention to new technologies, it is not surprising that connected home laundry appliances have started to become a topic of conversation in 2018. Moreover, the results of Euromonitor's survey show that more than half of the respondents knew about the connectivity features between washing machines and smartphones. This suggests a clear increase compared to 2017, especially among older age groups (Euromonitor, 2019). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 91 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models Denmark's washing machine competitors: The majority position is held by Samsung, who belongs between the first movers implementing the latest technological advancements in home laundry appliances. They recently launched the new Quickdrive range which perfectly fits with current customers' trends: The washing time is half that of the average, which is a big plus in the hectic lifestyles of Danish consumers and it also resonates with the convenience trend. Moreover, BSH's Siemens brand put emphasis on technology and connectivity when it comes to marketing its home laundry appliances. Its Home Connect app puts full control of its connected consumer appliances in the hands of tech-savvy customers through their smartphones. CUSTOMERS Danish consumers Denmark has enjoyed a relatively steady growth in population; however, in recent years it has been increasing. That is the consequence of the higher number of not only births but also immigrants (make up 13.3 % of the population). In 2019, Denmark has an estimated population of 5.78 million, according to the latest census figures and another growth is expected in the future. According to the forecast, there will be roughly over 6 million people living in Denmark by 2028. As regards population density, it is 136 per Km2, which ranks 86th in the world (World Population Review, 2018). The Figure 27 shows the development of the total population in Denmark by age. In 2018, people from 20 to 39 years old (1,46 million) formed the two the largest groups among Danish inhabitants, followed by age group 0 to 19 years old (1.31 million). The median age of the population is of 42.2 years. Thanks to a nearly equal number of the old and young Danish population, the same distribution is also expected for the future (Statista, 2019). i 1.34 • 1.34 • 1.35 • 1.35 • 1.35 • 1.34 • 1.34 • 1.33 • 1.32 • 1.31 • 1.31 • 1.31 2007 200S 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 201S # 0-1 9 years # 20-39 years 40-59 years # 60-79 years # 80 years and older Figure 27: Total population in Denmarkfrom 2007 to 2018, by age group (in millions) It is not surprising that Denmark, as the most digital country in EU, has one of the most advanced information societies in the world. Danish consumers quickly adopt new technologies and hightech products, which stems from their openness to change and risks. They are also considered to be highly-skilled customers with innovating and critique point of view. With regards to purchasing behaviour, despite the fact that Danish consumers are opened to change and risks, when they are buying a product, they are rather conservative. They favour products from companies that have been operating in the country for a long time, which speaks for well and This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 92 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models long-established companies. Danish consumers also have high expectation, especially in the case of product quality (the highest rate in Europe). Moreover, they put a lot of attention on health, the environment, ethics towards animals and taste (Banco Santander, 2019). Despite a high level of income tax, Danish consumers generally enjoy one of the best qualities of life in the world - high connectivity with modern infrastructure. This also reflects consumers purchasing power. According to the latest analysis, on average, Danish households enjoy a disposable income of about USD 65 000 a year, 70% of which is used for consumption. Based on this, it may be said, that the average Danish consumer is relatively well-off. Moreover, Danes had also been repaying their mortgages at the fastest pace in a decade. Thanks to this, their Research&Development and innovative capabilities, production, quality management have large amounts of discretionary income to consumption (Euromonitor, 2018). According to the latest available data, in the fourth quarter of 2018, consumers spending counted 233101 DKK Million, and until 2020 it is expected its growth to 248152.00 DKK Million (Trading economics, 2019). Positive forecasts on the Danish market in case of consumer spending are also supported by consumers' confidence. Despite the fact that the consumer confidence index went down slightly to 3.7 points from 3.8 points in March 2019, Danish consumers are still optimistic. According to Burke (2019) April's dip was mainly driven by consumers' less positive view of their personal financial situation over the next 12 months. Moreover, consumers grew increasingly pessimistic about making major purchases. Since the purchase of a washing machine is not considered to be such a large purchase, the washing machine market can be expected to be unaffected. Widespread use of technologies in Denmark is also supported by the internet access. Culpin (2018) estimates that there are about 5.4 million Internet users in Denmark, which represent 97% of the total population. Latest available data show that over two-thirds of these regularly use the internet for shopping, meaning there is a large potential for selling product through e- shop. Consumers and renting Denmark is rated as one of the most "livable" locations in the world, where every month over 1000 people move into the Greater Copenhagen region alone. Since the cities are no growing so fast the removers are facing problems with finding a place for living. And thus, it is then no wonder that rent is one of the most discussed subjects in Denmark. Charlies Roof (2019) even describes the Danish rental market as incredibly complex, competitive and completely crazy. Since people rent both type of houses - furnished as well as unfurnished, there is a big potential for renting household appliances such as washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, etc., which new removers will need. Consumers and the sharing economy According to Marton (2018), there is 10% of the population being participated in the sharing economy in some form in Denmark. The small participation in the Danish sharing economy also confirms survey conducted by NS Gallup for Nordea Denmark, which shows that only very small percentage of the population engages in sharing economy transactions by providing their own assets and services and using other people's assets and services (Fjalland, and Landbo, 2017). This result is surprising because as similar to other EU's countries, in Denmark are widespread platforms such as Airbnb, UberPop, BlaBlacar, Deliveroo, GoMore, DriveNow and Resecond, through them consumers share private homes, cars, clothes, and so on. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 93 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models Since the government realized the great potential of sharing economy when it comes to securing a better use of resources and giving consumers opportunities, the Danish government announced a sharing economy strategy according to Levring and Wienberg (2017). Denmark wants to bring the so-called sharing economy into its legal codex so that companies like Uber and Airbnb can be absorbed into the Scandinavian welfare model. In this context business Minister Brian Mikkelsen said: "If you want people to understand the prospects, in terms of new jobs and new technology, then it also has to contribute to the financing of the welfare society we live in." Consumers and loT Martin Lobel, CEO of Teracom, said: "The interestfor loT solutions and the demandfor Internetof-things connectivity is growing dramatically in Denmark" (Ryan (2019). This also confirms the latest statistic which shows that the Internet is the only media platform whose share of daily users is increasing. In 2017 the Internet was even more by most Danes on a daily basis (88% of the population aged 16-89) (EPRA, 2018). As regards smart devices, Danish consumers prefer the electronics offering convenience and connectivity, such as wireless products, and wearables and novelty products at a reasonable price. The new attention is paid to the electronics goods that are more connected and to be able to merge as many services as possible into one device such as wireless speakers and smartphones (Euromonitor, 2019). The importance of smartphones also confirms the latest statistic, according to them, Denmark has the highest penetration of smartphones in the world - with 77% of the population using a smartphone. This is reflected in the e-commerce industry, with one in four online purchases in Denmark made using a cell phone. This pointed out that the seller website, especially e-shops should be adapted to the mobile interface as well (Ecommerce News, 2019). Consumer interest in connected home devices does not remain behind. Danish consumers more and more own a home camera, surveillance system or smart home appliance (Statistica, 2019). 6.1.3 Netherlands GOVERNMENT Netherlands government initiatives toward a circular economy Netherlands government is taking various measures (fostering legislation and regulations, intelligent market incentives, financing, knowledge and innovation, international cooperation) to encourage the transition to a circular economy (for more information read Government of Netherlands, 2019a). Government: • seeks to develop further the legislation and regulations that encourage innovation, which includes rules promoting a sharing economy. • encourages producers to use raw materials that can be reused more often. • invests in entrepreneurs who are active in the fields of renewable energy, energy saving and reducing C02 emissions. • stimulates the creation of knowledge networks and different ways of exchanging knowledge. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 94 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models • works with other countries as much as possible, in the European Union and also in the United Nations. In September 2016 the Netherlands government launched wide programme for a Circular Economy. It has selected five economic sectors and value chains that will be the first to switch to a circular economy. These sectors (biomass and food, plastics, manufacturing industry, construction sector, consumer goods) are important to the Dutch economy and have a big impact on the environment. As regards the manufacturing industry, the government wants to make the business community more aware of the vulnerability of natural resources. By 2050 many critical materials will have to be reused and recycled, including scarce raw materials like 'rare earth' metals (Government of Netherlands, 2019b). Netherlands government and digitalization According to "Dutch Digitalisation Strategy" report the Netherlands is in an excellent position to capitalise on the economic and social opportunities created by digitalization. They have a world-class digital infrastructure. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth were invented in the Netherlands. The AMS-IX, one of the most important internet exchange points in the world, is located in the Netherlands. Moreover, the Netherlands has a highly educated workforce at an international level, and Dutch consumers often lead the way in embracing new digital applications (Government of Netherlands, 2019c). ECONOMY Netherlands economy and future forecast Dutch economy grows at a dynamic pace: growth was estimated at 2.8% of GDP in 2018 driven primarily by domestic demand, but the pace of expansion is expected to ease from 2.6% and 2.3% in the next couple of years mainly due to slowing private consumption and investment (IMF). Since the external environment becomes more challenging, defined by lingering global trade tensions and Brexit-related uncertainties, it is expected that economic growth will moderate and grow by 1.7% in 2019 and 1.6% in 2020 (FocusEconomics, 2019a). Services sector account for over 70.3% of national revenue and employ 81.4% of the workforce. The services sector is focused mainly on transportation, distribution, logistics, banking and insurance, water engineering and new technologies (Nordea, 2019). Dutch market with washing machines As the focus is now on energy efficiency in most appliances (reflecting consumers' demand), there was a shift also towards energy efficient automatic dryers, automatic washing machines, and automatic washer dryers. In 2018 there were price reductions, especially for automatic washing machines where volume sales were declining, and manufacturers were trying to push volumes using attractive prices (Euromonitor, 2019). Nederland's washing machine main competitors: 1) Whirlpool Nederland • In 2018 it registered disappointing results in home laundry appliances, with volume sales declining. The company seems unable to stabilize after its restructuring in 2015. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 95 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models 2) Samsung Nederland BV • the fastest growing player in home laundry appliances in 2018 in the Netherlands • the leading player in automatic washer dryers and offers a wide range of models to choose 3) Electrolux Home Products • enjoyed marginal retail volume growth in 2018 partly because of its focus on the greater specific value offered by AEG-Electrolux and less on the economic Zanussi-Electrolux. 4) Miele • It is the only remaining manufacturer that uses 100% reusable or recyclable materials. New trends in the laundry market The rapid development of digital technology has been unlocking better and longer use of the product. The idea of an 'Internet of Things' (loT) has captured public attention and permeates the mainstream tech and business media. Dutch start-up, Bundles, is demonstrating the benefits of a holistic view by applying loT technology to the laundry (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2019). Laundry leaders such as P&G, Unilever and Henkel are not staying behind. They are responding to consumer's changing needs and demands and aiming to save consumers time with premeasured or all-in-one offerings. Moreover, they are using collaboration with start-ups, who deliver soap to consumers' homes or who create new mobile apps offering additional services to customers (Geller, 2018). A similar approach is also used by Bundles, however, as regards coffee machines - customers subscribe to the use of a high-quality coffee machine and automatic delivery of coffee beans, based on personal preferences and amount of coffee usage. •=> Future potential: Since the consumer demands products which save their time and are environmentally sustainable, it worthy of considering this market-niche. A consumer might subscribe to the use of high-quality washing machine and delivery of laundry detergent, based on their preferences (aroma, type - gel/powder, type of cloths - white/black/color, for sensitive skin, for babies, etc.). Moreover, members of the Board for Washing Excellence have created a whitepaper of what can be expected through 2030 looking at four categories in the laundry cleaning process. There are stated only examples (for review see Hydrofinity, 2018). 1) Mechanical action - Smart Laundry Technology 2) Chemical action - A Different Approach to Detergent 3) Temperature effect - Reducing the Use of Resources 4) Time savings - Reducing the Use of Resources CUSTOMERS Dutch consumers The Netherlands is one of the world's most densely populated nations and similar to most western European countries has an ageing population. Figure 28 captures the household This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 96 of 238 D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improvedRe€iPSSRe€iPSS circular business models composition from 2016 to 2060 (Statista, 2019). The forecast indicates that composition will change very slightly in the following years. As regards population density, in 2018 it was reported at 506 sq. Km (StatisticsTimes, 2019). 2 6 0 S • 2 571 • 2 5 5 6 • 2 5 5 4 • 2 561 o 4 OOO I I M II 9 7 8 H 9 80 1 0 0 4 • 1 0 0 4 3 171 • 3 4 3 5 • 3 5 7 0 • 3 6 3 0 • 3 6 7 4 WĚĚ 3 6 9 5 WĚĚ 3 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 5 2 0 3 0 2 0 3 5 2CI40 2 0 4 5 2 0 5 0 2 0 5 5 206O 1 p e r s o n 2 p e r s o n s 3 p e r s o n s A 4 p e r s o n s 5 p e r s o n s Figure 28: Forecast of the household composition in the Netherlandsfrom 2016 to 2060, by nu people in the household (in 1,000s) The Dutch population has been found to be among the happiest in the world. Dutch consumers are enjoying a comfortable standard of living, with a buoyant economy, low unemployment and a generous pensions system, which helps to maintain demand for a range of discretionary products and services (Euromonitor, 2018). Despite this general positivism, last year has brought a pessimistic especially as regards households' financial situation, which lasts until this year. Customer sentiment index dropped further in March of this year, which resulted in a decrease in consumers' willingness to buy. On the other hand, private consumption is expanding at 1.6% in 2019, which is unchanged from last month's estimate. In 2020, the panel expects private consumption to grow 1.7% (FocusEconomics, 2019b). Dutch consumers are characterized by caution and are very sensitive to prices and special offers. Also, quality is also an important factor influencing their purchase behaviour. Therefore, they are willing to pay a premium price for a product of higher quality. Dutch customers prefer practical, healthy and sustainable products, which reflect their greater interest in social responsibility. Moreover, younger consumers are embracing mindfulness and betterment, which may be reflected in their buying habits. Interesting enough, consumers of all ages are questioning ownership as flexible, minimalist living gains popularity (Angus, 2018). Dutch consumers are also highly connected online and social relationships are extremely important to them. This new trend lasts, which confirms also Rene Djuricek, Owner of Netherlands-based Meesterslijpers, who says, "The days of customers using only email and telephone to contact businesses are over. Customers want to contact a business the same way they contact their friends and family." (Metselaar, 2019). Thus, technology has become critical to consumer behaviour changes, especially mobile technologies and internet access (NVC, 2019). This also results in the way how Dutch businesses do customer service. They started to incorporate new customer service tools, improve customer care overall, and forge more human relationships with customers on channels, which the customers prefer. Interestingly enough, the channels like chat, Twitter and WhatsApp will grow significantly. Through chat, firms can connect with potential customers it would not connect with otherwise (Metselaar, 2019). Consumers and renting This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 97 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models Consumer habits are changing quite often nowadays. Following on from the house, apartment and vehicle rentals, the rental business has now spread to household goods such as electrical appliances, DIY tools, and even clothing. Although the older generations were more reluctant about renting thing, the need to balance household budgets, greater geographical mobility, and new consumer habits are all reasons why nowadays many people prefer not to invest long term in equipment for the home. Moreover, renting brings many benefits, because in addition to saving on the cost of installation and any necessary repairs, renting a home appliance can enable the consumer to obtain a tailored service (Frontiere, 2014). There are currently several successful business models such as NeoSquat (Startup rents out furniture) or Bundles (Startup rents out washing machines), home appliance renting which seems to indicate that this is a promising business with numerous advantages. Consumers and the sharing economy There are numerous sharing economy initiatives across the Netherlands. For example, Amsterdam has created dozens of new digital platforms encouraging citizens to participate in the sharing economy. In addition, the digital application contributes to concerted effort to reduce waste and remove one per cent of all cars from roads in Europe. Sharing is popular in many services like food and drink, accommodation, renting cars, etc. From the public sector's point of view, sharing and collaboration are valuable tools in the drive towards achieving a sustainable and friendly city. Nanette Schippers15 in the context of sharing economy said: '"Everything indicates that people continue sharing because of a whole bunch of other reasons such as a sustainable society. Now, we know who is willing to share - those between the ages of 20 and 45 are more likely to share. But our role is to expand this group to include low-income groups and the elderly. We want a pro-active, open attitude which understands the sharing initiative and helps everyone."(Apolitical, 2019). Consumers and loT • The European loT market is still growing- in 2018, there are around 11 billion connected 'things,' where 60-65% are consumer devices. The Netherlands is one of the leaders in capability and initiatives within Europe. According to Statistics Netherlands report, smartphones (85 % of all households) and laptops (78 % of all households) were the most frequently used internet devices used by households in 2017. Dutch older adults are increasingly active in using smart devices, which indicate the potential of a loT market in the Netherlands. On the other hand, GfK research pointed out that the interest in adopting smart home solutions was declining in 2018 compared to 2017 (less than 50% of the people claim to be interested). Between benefits associated with smart home solutions for the Dutch consumers belong the ability to save energy and the convenience of being able to control your devices from anywhere. And, the barriers preventing people from adopting the trend are cost and privacy issues (Siliconcanals, 2018) Program manager, sharing economy for innovation office, at the government of Amsterdam This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 98 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models Therefore, to promote loT services, CBI16 (2019) highlights that good communication between customer and service provider is essential. Unclear communication may cause misunderstandings and disagreements, which can lead to disputes. Customers and laundry Recent launched Unilever's market research shows, that generation of millennials (age 22-37 years), who earn more than a quarter of the world's income, have a different approach to laundry than other age groups. They are less loyal to traditional brands and have new demands, including those products, save time and be environmentally sustainable. Moreover, many young customers want to spend as little time as possible on laundry. In this context, 36-year-old Olivia Tusinski said that "washing too often wears your clothes out faster" and that she doesn't like to waste water or energy (Geller, 2018). Additionally, the majority of millennials consists of students, who are living in rented houses and do not consider buying white goods (such as washing machine) but rent it along with the home. An example is Splash Lease, who rents/leases out washing machines, dryers, etc. (included delivery and repairs) to students and student houses all over the Netherlands from € 9,- per month (Splash Lease, 2019). With regards to customer preferences when choosing a washing machine, a recent survey conducted by Euromonitor International (Figure 29) revealed that the most important features for consumers were energy and water efficiency, which were followed by features that increased convenience, such as time-saving features, while design and appearance features and other more technological advances interested consumers less (Euromonitor International Analyst Pulse Survey, 2015). Therefore, it is important to highlight to consumers' needs and not only promote technological prowess (Baus, 2015). Energy efficient Water efficient Low noise Quickwa sh cycle Delicate cycle Size of appliance Variety of temperature settings Front loading machine Design of appliance Detergent sensors Appliance finish Top loading machine Other Steam Sports clothing cycle Connectivity with smartdevice None of the above 1 0 20 30 40 SO 60 70 % of respondentswho checked this feature :.:u &0 Figure 29: Whatfeatures do consumers consider most important in washing machines? 6.1.4 Slovenia GOVERNMENT and ECONOMY For the further development in Slovenia, the Circular Economy Roadmap of Slovenia that was officially launched in May 2018, is of high relevance. The Roadmap is based on principles of 1 6 We are part of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency and are funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 99 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models collaboration and co-creation among different stakeholders. Potential ways of transition in Slovenia include product-service systems, sharing, or switching from consumers to users' approach. Digitization, including blockchain technologies, is seen among key enablers in the roadmap. To assess the readiness of Slovenia for circulatory transition, two rankings are of relevance: Slovenia reached the 6th position in the EU Eco-innovation Index for 2017 (the European Commission, 2017) as "the Slovenian Government significantly strengthened its support and activities related with circular change". Slovenia also took 7th position in circularity among 28 EU-countries, although the results are mixed: Slovenia over performs other countries in food waste processing, recycling and trading of recyclable raw materials, but it lacks in private investment into circularity and in patents (Hervey, 2018). The latest achievements of Slovenia in circularity transition was summarized by The Environmental Implementation Review as follows: • "Slovenia has adopted new spatial planning legislation (the Spatial Planning Act and the Construction Act) to become fully compliant with EU law on environmental assessment and access to justice. • On nature conservation, Slovenia has made good progress in mapping and assessing its ecosystem services. • Slovenia has strengthened its economic instruments to increase the budget available for residual waste treatment." (European Commission, 2019). Slovenian institutions are also partnering European projects promoting CE, such as MOVECO (Mobilising Institutional Learning for Better Exploitation of Research and Innovation for the Circular Economy) in the Danube region. Nevertheless, some problems and barriers still exist. A recent study focused on the view and readiness of Slovenian small and medium enterprises. The SMEs complained about the inadequate fiscal policy set by the government, and they also felt a lack of interest and readiness among consumers' payment of higher prices associated with pro-circular products. Other barriers relate to little information and knowledge of circularity among all groups of stakeholders (Sirec et al., 2018). The understanding the CE itself is rather limited: In a pilot survey, 68% of companies claimed to have heard about the CE, but they did not know what means while 20% of the Slovenian companies have heard of the circular economy and know the concept well (Baggia, 2017). CUSTOMERS In the adoption of smart home appliance, the Slovenian consumer are fans of loT technologies: the presence of smart home products in their households is above the average for Central Europe, it is even higher than it is in the typical or average west-European household, but, e.g. Austrians adopted the smart home appliances three times more often than Slovenians (GfK, 2018) however; in older survey, Slovenians expressed more willingness for smart home appliances than Austrians (Mert et al., 2009). Besides digitization, the sharing economy is another circularity enabler that is established in Slovenia - in the form of small online platforms that are extremely popular. "The issue has been a "hot topic" in the media since 2015 when the government intensified its efforts to start the debate on legal reforms to accommodate foreign sharing economy companies in Slovenia" (Cost Association, 2019). The legislation in Slovenia is a burden for sharing economy services in accommodations, especially (Grifoni et al, 2018). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 100 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models Some data suggest that environmental awareness is limited: Majority of Slovenian consumers consider material composition when buying apparel, while only a small percentage consider ecolabels and the environmental impact (Zurga and Forte Tavcer, 2014). The willingness to buy green electricity showed to be moderated by age and education, and environmental awareness too, but the most powerful factor is the income (Zoric and Hrovatin, 2012). The value system of Slovenians is quite traditional; thus, the environment (e.g. the value of clean air) is important, but some other environmental-awareness related factors are of lesser importance (such as social cohesion, equality, green food) (Redek et al, 2012). 6.2 The results of pilot surveys in Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Slovenia 6.2.1 The sample description The quantitative study presented in this section serves as pilot research to supplement the secondary data about market readiness for circular business models. The data collected from consumers in four countries provide inputs for business model design in terms of motivation and barriers for renting of washing machines, participation in collaborative consumption, usage of remanufactured washing machines, and idea about the ideal washing machine. One section of the survey included the inputs for conjoint analysis, which tested preferences for four product attributes. The online questionnaire was distributed through professional research agency in the first week of April 2019. Quota sampling was employed, the final sample size amounted to 659 cases representing the four countries equally (see the Figure 30). 30 • Austria • Denmark • the Netherlands Slovenia 18-23 24-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61 and more Figure 30: The respondents' nationality and the age structure The number of women slightly outweighed men (52 vs 48 per cent). The average age was 44 years (49 years for men and 41 years for women) and did not differ across countries as tested by ANOVA (f = 274.4, df = 3, p = 0.433). The high school is the most frequent education level; in Austria and the Netherlands, more than 50 per cent of respondents belong to this group. There is no significant difference in education level between males and females across countries (see Figures below). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 101 of 238 15,6% ReQPSSReQPSS circular business models 100,0% 90,0% 80,0% 70,0% 60,0% 50,0% 40,0% 30,0% 20,0% 10,0% 0,0% D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved Austria Denmark the Netherlands Slovenia I primary education • high school • bachelor degree master degree and more Figure 31: Education 47,50% 35,60% 47,50% 35,60% 47,50% 35,60% 16,90% 32,20% 32,70% Austria Denmark the Netherlands Slovenia • village Ismail town • big town Figure 32: Settlement structure Most respondents live in private house/cottage except for Austria, where the apartments are significantly more frequent (64%) since the apartments also dominate in small towns in Austria. In other countries, the apartments are typical for big towns only, whereas in villages the share of the private houses makes over 80% (Table 9: Living conditionsTable 9 and Figure 33). Austria Denmark the Netherlands Slovenia Total private house/cottage 34.60% 52.20% 57.00% 56.00% 49.90% the apartment 64.10% 42.20% 39.60% 42.00% 47.00% other 1.30% 5.60% 3.40% 2.00% 3.10% Table 9: Living conditions This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 102 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS circular business models D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved Slovenia - big town Slovenia - small town Slovenia - village the Netherlands - big town the Netherlands - smalltown the Netherlands - village Denmark - big town Denmark - small town Denmark - village Austria - big town Austria - small town Austria - village 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% I private house/cottage • the apartment • other 100% Figure 33: Living condition related to the settlement The data about income per person was collected by the closed-ended question, which response categories were set as quintiles - the intervals in national currencies taken from public Eurostat data. As apparent from Figure 34, the most representative sample from this point of view comes from the Netherlands as all the five groups are of similar size. Austria Denmark the Netherlands Slovenia • 1st quintile 2nd quintile 3rd quintile 4th quintile • 5th quintile Figure 34: Income per person The majority of respondents live in a household with a partner without children (34%) or with one or two children (25%). Living alone is three and a half times more often in Denmark (36%) compared to Slovenia (10%). For Slovenia, living with parents or grandparents in one household is more common than in other countries (Figure 35). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 103 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS circular business models D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved 100,00% 90,00% 80,00% 70,00% 60,00% 50,00% 40,00% 30,00% 20,00% 10,00% n nno/ 90,00% 80,00% 70,00% 60,00% 50,00% 40,00% 30,00% 20,00% 10,00% n nno/ 90,00% 80,00% 70,00% 60,00% 50,00% 40,00% 30,00% 20,00% 10,00% n nno/ 90,00% 80,00% 70,00% 60,00% 50,00% 40,00% 30,00% 20,00% 10,00% n nno/ 90,00% 80,00% 70,00% 60,00% 50,00% 40,00% 30,00% 20,00% 10,00% n nno/ 90,00% 80,00% 70,00% 60,00% 50,00% 40,00% 30,00% 20,00% 10,00% n nno/ 90,00% 80,00% 70,00% 60,00% 50,00% 40,00% 30,00% 20,00% 10,00% n nno/ 90,00% 80,00% 70,00% 60,00% 50,00% 40,00% 30,00% 20,00% 10,00% n nno/ 90,00% 80,00% 70,00% 60,00% 50,00% 40,00% 30,00% 20,00% 10,00% n nno/ 90,00% 80,00% 70,00% 60,00% 50,00% 40,00% 30,00% 20,00% 10,00% n nno/ U,UU?b Austria Denmark the Netherlands • other • friends/ schoolmates/colleagues • parents and/orgrandparents (more than 3 persons) • parents and/orgrandparents (2-3 persons) partnerwith 3 and more children • partnerwith 1-2 children • partner without children • alone Slovenia Figure 35: Structure ofhouseholds In terms of acceptance of new products and new trends, there is a slight difference with Danish respondents, as they perceive themselves more often as a late majority - at the same time, the early adopters are underrepresented there. Slovenian and Dutch people are more innovative when compared with the other two countries (Figure 36). Slovenia Netherlands Denmark Austria 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% linovator • early adopter • early majority late majority • laggard Figure 36: Technology adoption life cycle This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 104 of 238 D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improvedRe€iPSSRe€iPSS circular business models Majority of consumers are "eco-friends" or neutral concerning the environmental issues, in Slovenia the proportion of consumers profiling themselves as neutral to friendly is higher substantially (Figure 37). Slovenia the Netherlands Denmark Austria 0,00% 20,00% 40,00% 60,00% 80,00% 100,00% • not at all - 1 " 2 « 3 4 • 5 - absolutely Figure 37: Eco-friend/J'an/campaigner Three-quarters of households own the washing machine; other three quite frequent types include collaborative consumption (sharing the WM with other flats in the house of flats), leasing/ bought on credit, and landlords' ownership, each amounting to 6 per cent of the share. Speaking about countries specificities, less ownership in favour of the collaborative consumption and using the landlords' WM is typical for Denmark. More owning and less collaborative consumption is characteristic for Slovenia, whereas renting is more common in the Netherlands (Figure 38 and Table 10). i l/we bought it/got it I l/we use WM i n our house of flatwe payforthe use I l/we leased it/bought on credit Washing machine l/we use WM owned by our land lord i l/we rent it I l/we use the laundromat I Other 20 40 60 80 100 Figure 38: Status of washing machine (in %) This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 105 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS circular business models D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved Austria Denmark The Netherlands Slovenia Total l/we bought it/got it 81.3% 62.3% 72.2% 85.4% 75.2% l/we use WM in our house of flat - we pay for the use 3.9% 16.4% 5.3% 0.7% 6.7% l/we leased it/bought on credit 6.5% 6.3% 6.0% 6.6% 6.3% l/we use WM owned by our landlord 3.2% 10.1% 6.6% 5.3% 6.3% l/we rent it 3.2% 1.9% 5.3% 0.7% 2.8% l/we use the laundromat 0.6% 0.0% 0.7% 0.0% 0.3% Other 1.3% 3.1% 4.0% 1.3% 2.4% Table 10: Status of the washing machine in the cross-country comparison 43 per cent of respondents wash once or twice a week, three or four times a week is a typical frequency for 27 per cent. In this aspect, the Danish respondents show less frequent washing; however, this is probably due to the higher number of Danish singles in the sample (Figure 39). Slovenia the Netherlands Den ma rk Austria 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% • less than once a week • 1-2 times perweek • 3-4 times a week • more than 4 times a week Figure 39: Frequency of washing 6.2.2 The main results of statistical analysis This analytical part covers several areas of consumers' approach to washing: their experience, motivation and barriers related to different kinds of access-based consumption are explored. Additionally, the desired features of the washing machine are investigated in the end. Each topic is presented in the form of frequency counts for the whole research sample, followed by a bivariate analysis which uncovers meaningful and statistically significant differences and strength of associations for countries or consumers" socio-demographic and behavioural characteristics.17 Experience with access-based consumption The consumers are rather inexperienced when it comes to access-based consumption; among the three types inquired, the renting is the most common way with almost 47 per cent of consumers who rented something at least once. The renting experience is similar across the 1 7 Several methods of bivariate analysis have been applied, namely measures of Association (Cramer's V, Spearman rank correlation, ANOVA) This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 106 of 238 D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improvedRe€iPSSRe€iPSS circular business models countries. The Austrians have less experience with both pay per use and collaborative consumption. In Slovenia, there are more people who tried pay per use once or twice (see the appendix for exact data). Renting Pay per use Co IIa bo rative consum ption 21 8 100%0% 20% 40% 60% 80% • No experience •Onceortwice • Often Figure 40: Experience with access-based consumption The experience decreases with the age of consumers - the younger the customer is, the more often he/she uses access-based consumption (F = 12.11, p= 0; F = 21.33, p = 0; F = 12.34, p = 0). In the group of washing machine owners, all three access-based consumption models are less frequent: this is evident specifically for pay per use (Cramer's V = 0.270, p = 0.00) and collaborative consumption (Cramer's V = 0.304, p = 0.00). For the renting the relation to ownership is weaker (Cramer's V = 0.134, p = 0.004). The data suggest that washing machine owners prefer the ownership also of other products than washing machine as this group is underrepresented in the answer of "often" - another way round: the people who often use any kind of access-based consumption own the washing machine less frequent. The experience is related to many consumers' characteristic. In short, the experience with access-based consumption is related to: Approach to innovations and new technology (innovators and early adopters have more experience) Eco-friendliness (positive relationship) A higher level of education (positive relationship) Location in towns (positive relationship) Just for renting, intensive washing frequency, higher income and gender (males) are also positively related to extensive experience. Renting of washing machine Out of diverse motives of transition from owning to renting, the following four factors seem to be the most relevant (Figure 41): Getting rid of the responsibility for washing machine maintenance (if maintenance is offered together with renting) Smaller risk of breakdowns due to professional maintenance done by a service company and due to the high quality of washing machine (within renting usually higher quality machines are provided) Opportunity to test the washing machine (e.g. brand I would like to have) Environmental concerns (renting requires durable products that operate for a longer time) This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 107 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS circular business models The aspect of cost/money is relevant, but to some extent only. D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved no responsibilityno responsibility no risks tact LU Lfcrbl fcrMVII UllllltrllL itis cheaper fcrMVII UllllltrllL itis cheaper fcrMVII UllllltrllL itis cheaper no upfront costno upfront cost no reason to buyno reason to buy 0% 20% • no 40% 60% • to some extent Byes 80% 100% Figure 41: Motivatorsfor renting of washing machine Although there are several differences across countries, only two of them are of higher statistical power-both refer to Slovenia. In this market, the customers are substantially more motivated for renting by the opportunity to test the washing machine (without buying it; adjusted residuals = 5.3) and by environmental concern (adjusted residuals = 3.7). The sociodemographic characteristics are not related to motivation. Among other consumers' characteristics, four of them are related to motivation for renting (Table 11): • New product approach - consumers profiling themselves as more innovative towards new technologies would like to avoid the upfront cost and declare to have a lesser interest in ownership; they are more considerate to environmental protection. • Eco-friends share the motives with the above group, but testing, cheaper cost and risk avoidance are relevant too. • Washing machine ownership is negatively related to factors of no reason for buy and other reasons. Lower age is associated with higher importance of six motivators. no upfront cost no reason to buy it is cheaper to test no responsibility no risks enviro. other reasons New product approach -.111" -.178" -0.053 -.088* -0.034 -0.079 -.142" -0.045 Eco-friends .189" .120" .123" .136" .126" .170" .328" 0.071 Washing frequency -0.005 -0.010 -0.024 .092* 0.005 -0.020 -0.005 -0.059 WM owners -0.058 -.210" -.093* 0.043 0.014 0.009 -0.026 -.150" Education 0.048 0.043 0.054 -0.005 0.038 0.077 .081* 0.021 Location 0.056 0.066 0.042 -0.025 0.026 0.050 0.009 0.016 Income -0.013 -0.063 0.029 -0.006 -0.034 -0.030 -0.012 -0.033 Gender 0.036 -0.002 0.053 0.038 -0.003 0.024 0.055 0.000 Age -,135** -,103* -,122** -,092* -0,054 -,092* -,164** -0,073 Note: ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed), * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). Table 11: Renting - rank correlations between motivators and consumers factors This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Page 108 of 238 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 ReQPSSReQPSS circular business models Pay per wash D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved The similar battery of items inquired the motivation for pay per wash system (Figure 42). The relevance of factors for pay per wash is like those for renting. In countries comparison, only the position of Slovenia is specific: the Slovenian consumer would be motivated more for pay per wash by chance to test a new washing machine and to avoid the upfront cost. • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 ••^•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••J •••••••••••••J to test • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••11 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••J •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••^•••••••••J • other reasons • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 20 40 60 80 100 • no • to some extent Byes Figure 42: Motivatorsfor pay per wash (in %) Among other consumers' characteristics, the approach to innovations, eco-friendliness, age, and washing machine ownership are associated with most of the factors, as apparent from the Table 12). no upfront cost it is cheaper to test no respons. no risks Enviro. Cost overview impress others Other New -.088* -0.064 -.093* -0.051 -0.018 -.098* -.087* -.196** -.097* Eco-friends .215** 145** .185** .169** .200** .330** .183** .202** .088* Washing freq. -0.025 -0.061 0.063 -0.014 -0.032 -0.008 -0.03 .083* -0.027 Age -.126** -.103* -.103* -0.073 -.092* -.133** -.090* -.167** -.138** Edu. 0.074 .093* 0.031 .133** .102* .105* 0.063 0.073 0.023 Location .088* .085* -0.023 0.08 0.044 0.051 0.046 0.008 0.047 Income -.089* 0.005 -0.019 -0.023 -0.036 -0.037 -0.067 -0.059 -0.043 Gender 0.077 0.058 0.019 0.015 0.061 .083* 0.069 -0.061 -0.04 WM owners -0.07 -.123** -0.053 -0.024 -0.048 -0.036 -0.055 -.232** -.314** Note: ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed), * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). Table 12: Pay per wash - rank correlations between motivators and consumersfactors Among barriers that could discourage people from pay per wash, the two are of the most importance: insisting on ownership and the belief that pay per wash is a more expensive option in the end compared to owning. To the contrary, fear of personal data leakage or misuse is rather limited. The view on barriers is uniform across countries. The association of barriers with other consumers' characteristics is sporadic: pay per wash as an expensive alternative is perceived by This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 109 of 238 D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improvedRe€iPSSRe€iPSS circular business models older people and in the group of washing machine owners (this group puts more stress on the factor of ownership as a barrier too). Preference of ownership is more important for those who wash more frequent. For eco-friends, ownership is a barrier of lesser impact. owning preference more expensive missing knowledge financial liability anxiety insufficient data protection provider knows too much other 70 80 90 1000 10 20 30 40 50 60 • no • to some extent Byes Figure 43: Barriers to pay per wash (in %) Collaborative consumption The first battery of question covered diverse motives that would persuade the consumers to get involved in collaborative consumption. The most relevant factors are as follows (in decreasing order - Figure 44): • Flexibility - getting rid of the ownership ties • The belief that washing would be cheaper • Avoiding upfront purchasing cost • Environmental concerns • To get rid of the responsibility for washing machine maintenance flexibility it is cheaper no upfront cost environment to test no responsibility no need to buy socialize impress others Other 0% 20% 40% I to some extent 60% I yes 80% 100% Figure 44: Motivesfor collaborative consumption (in %) This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 110 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models The countries differ in the above motives in minor aspects only - generally, the perception of motives is shared across all the four countries. Like results for renting, also in case of collaborative consumption Slovenian would be more motivated by chance to test the products. The issue of getting rid of the responsibility for maintenance is stronger in this country too. The association with consumers' features is similar to previous results: the motivation is related to approach to innovations (negative correlations in the table results from coding scheme lover innovativeness was coded with higher number), eco-friendliness, age, and washing machine ownership (the relation is negative here - people who own washing machine expressed lover motivation in seven out of ten factors). See Table 13. no upfront cost no need to buy it is cheap to test no resp. Enviro. flexibility impress others socialize Other New product app. -.081* -.132** -.103* -0.064 -0.049 -0.075 -0.061 -.121** -.137** -,092* Eco-friends 145** .127** 149** .102* .135** .230** 192* * .156** .182** 0,05 Washing freq. -0.047 -0.04 -0.016 -0.067 -0.064 0.004 -0.026 0.041 -0.024 -0,079 Age 129** -0.076 .120** -0.054 -0.067 -.093* -0.068 -.156** -.083* -,095* Edu. 0.078 0.065 .122** 0.033 0.051 .104* 0.062 0.028 0.009 0,055 Location -0.025 0.068 .092* -0.017 0.033 0.049 .084* 0.036 0.028 0,042 Income -0.075 -0.031 0.012 -0.036 -0.075 -0.071 -0.079 -.082* -0.06 -0,058 Gender -0.012 -0.077 -0.018 -0.039 -0.025 0.032 -0.038 -0.021 -0.053 -0,059 WM owners -.157** -.152** -.085* -0.052 -0.07 -0.049 -.106** -.252** -.147** -,230** Note: ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed), * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). Table 13: Collaborative consumption - rank correlations between motivators and consumer characteristics Refurbished and remanufactured washing machine The vast majority of consumers (70%) have no experience with refurbished or remanufactured products; this inexperience is slightly higher in Austria (78%) compared to the other countries. No more substantial differences were identified across countries. A battery of questions inquired the perception of these products in diverse aspects (Table 14). For all respondents, regardless of their experience, the essential factor when thinking about reman/refurbished washing machine is brand reputation. They also perceive such products as inferior compared to new production. At the same time, a contradictory statement (reman is of the same value as new productions) is present quite often too, suggesting that there might be two or more consumer segments when it comes to reman/refurbished products views. Surprisingly, out of seven aspects, it is just one that differs between the group of experienced and inexperienced respondents: consumers with the experience with reman/refurbished products are more afraid of problems with the reliability of washing machine after its warranty period is over. It is worth to mention that elderly people more disagree with most statements. No other associations to consumers' characteristics were identified. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 111 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS circular business models D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved refurbishing/reman experience: no yes Total brand reputation essential 3.36 3.35 3.36 reman is inferior 3.26 3.37 3.29 concern about hygiene 3.2 3.27 3.22 reman valued as new 3.19 3.27 3.21 reliability problems 3.13 3.36 3.2 less enviro. Impact 3.01 3.13 3.04 resources protection 2.96 3.12 3.01 Note: values represent means on scale 1 (fully disagree) to 5 (fully agree) Table 14: Perception related to experience with reman/refurbished products Ideal washing machine The respondents expressed dis/agreement (on scale 1 (not at all) to 5 (absolutely)) with a battery of statements describing diverse features of the washing machine. Overview of features that were assessed is in the Table below. / would like a washing machine that: is robust and durable so that it lasts longer is smart and Internet-connected so that I can manage and control washing online tells me in advance ifsomething in the washing machine has to be cleaned or repaired works with my personal profile, so it recommends me how and when to wash (to optimize water, energy and detergent consumption) is upgraded by the service provider so I can always have the up-to-date machine has an auto dose for the detergent (auto dosing washing machines will weigh your clothes in the drum and set the perfect detergent amount automatically) an online calendar connection online expert advice (available 24 hours/7 days per week - tutorials, videos etc.) gives me information about energy and water consumption gives me information about the price for wash Table: Overview of washing machinefeatures assessed by consumers The differences among features are not dramatic (see the Figure 45); using the mean as a measure of central tendency - it spreads from 3.18 to 2.49 (least preferred feature). Three of the most willing options include: a function that informs a consumer in advance about necessary cleaning or repair (cleaning/repair warning) the up-to-date washing machine that is upgraded by the service provider (upgrading up to date) a function displaying the price of the washing cycle (the price of washing cycle info) Online calendar functionality is relatively less important, but it is the robustness that is required at least. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 112 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS circular business models D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved 3,5 3,18 3,15 3,14 3,1 3,05 3,05 3,05 2,82 Figure 45: Features of an ideal washing machine The view of consumers across countries is rather similar (see the figure depicting the differences in the appendix), the only thing that can be distinguished is the view of Slovenian vs Dutch consumers that is elaborated in the next section. In terms of consumer characteristics, the specific association is identified for eco-friends - these people are less interested in five out of ten assessed features. Elderly people and washing machine owners are less interested in robustness of the machine and in online calendar functionality. Country profiles: The Netherlands vs Slovenia After conducting several bi-variate tests and applying multivariate methods such as cluster analysis and tree analysis, a significant difference among countries was identified in two of them - in consumers from the Netherlands and Slovenia. Denmark and Austria are neither identical nor "average", but the consumers here share many views/preferences with each other as well as with Dutch and/or Slovenian consumers - this does not allow for creation of a unique country profile. The following figures visualize those aspects that distinguish Slovenian and Dutch consumers the most. In short, these factors are of higher importance in Slovenia in comparison to Dutch customers: The motivation for renting: Avoidance of up-front cost A chance to test new/other product Getting rid of responsibility for maintenance Environmental concerns Smaller risk of breakdowns due to professional maintenance The motivation for pay per wash (same as above, plus): Better overview of the cost of washing To impress others This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 113 of 238 D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improvedRe€iPSSRe€iPSS circular business models Slovenians feel more anxiety related to PPW caused by limited knowledge of this business model (its risks) and are more aware of data protection risks. The biggest motivators for Dutch consumers are no responsibility and no risks (in case of renting) and no risks and costs overview (in case of PPW). 60,00% 50,00% 40,00% 30,00% 20,00% 10,00% 0,00% / y y .v>N I the Netherlands Slovenia .aP e^- sib o& ^ ^ up 80,00% 70,00% 60,00% 50,00% 40,00% 30,00% 20,00% 10,00% 0,00% h Figure 46: Renting (in %) / / . ^ / / / / / / « / V * > / / / v V ' ^ >y «>vz ^ / This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 224 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS circular business models Najlepša hvala za sodelovanje. D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved Raziskava poteka v štirih državah: Avstriji, na Dánskem, Nizozemskem in Sloveniji. Cilj krožnega gospodarstva je čim bolj zmanjšati količino odpadkov, zmanjšati negativen vpliv proizvodnje in prometá na okolje, pomagati podjetjem in družbi k trajnostnosti z ohranjanjem izdelkov čim dlje v uporabi (porabi) in ne spodbujati tako imenovane družbe »odmetavanja«. Rešitve za krožno gospodarstvo so: 1. proizvodnja in dobava visokokakovostnih trajno vzdržnih izdelkov (ki so precej dragi); 2. popravljanje izdelkov kolikor je mogoče dolgo časa (ZDA in nekatere druge dŕžave že imajo zakonodajo, ki spodbuja pravico do popravila, v EU se bodo taka pravila uporabljala od aprila 2021); 3. obnova izdelkov (da so kot novi); predelava izdelkov (skoraj enako kot obnova z več postopki); recikliranje izdelkov (uporaba materiálov in sestavnih delov iz starih izdelkov pri proizvodnji novih). Daljše kroženje izdelkov se namesto nakupa, lastništva in zavrženja lahko doseže tudi z najemom/delitvijo/združevanjem (t.i. delitveno porabo) ali plačilom po uporabi. Te načine imenujemo »poraba po dostopu«. V imenu raziskovalne skupine ReCiPSS z Masarykove univerze, Fakultete za ekonomijo in upravo v Brnem na Češkem, Alena Klapalová 1. Izkušnje s porabo po dostopu: m) Kakšne so vaše izkušnje z najemom ali zakupom (lizingom) izdelkov (npr. gospodinjskih aparátov, avtomobilov, orodja, prenosnih računalnikov itd.)? Brez izkušenj x Enkrat ali dvakrát x Pogosto najemam/zakupujem n) Kakšne so vaše izkušnje s plačevanjem po uporabi izdelkov (npr. gospodinjskih aparátov, avtomobilov, koles, orodja, prenosnih računalnikov itd.)? Brez izkušenj x Enkrat ali dvakrát x Pogosto plačujem po uporabi o) Kakšne so vaše izkušnje s t.i. »delitveno porabo« (to je oblika delitve izdelkov z drugimi - izdelke lahko kupi skupina ljudi ali ena oseba ali celo institucija in jih ponudi v uporabo za nadomestilo (v obliki finančnega nadomestila, izdelka ali storitve)? Brez izkušenj x Enkrat ali dvakrát x Pogosto uporabljam delitveno porabo XVII. Najem pralnega stroja 13. Kaj bi vas prepričalo, da bi lastništvo pralnega stroja zamenjali za najem? (najem pomeni pogodbo za določen čas z obročnim plačevanjem) Če niste lastnik pralnega stroja, ampak ga imate v najemu, zakaj ste se za to odločili? Izberite med temi odgovori (lahko izberete tudi več odgovorov): u. Ni neposrednih stroškov nakupa (ni treba imeti denarja ali vzeti posojila za nakup) ne deloma da v. Ne želim kupiti in imeti v lasti, in če »da«, zakaj? Razlog vpišite spodaj This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 225 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS circular business models ne deloma D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved da...Zakaj? w. Po mojem mnenju je to ceneje ne deloma da x. Moznost preizkusa pralnega stroja (npr. znamke, ki bi jo zelel imeti) ne deloma da i. Ne zelim se ukvarjati z vzdrzevanjem pralnega stroja (ce je vzdrzevanje vkljuceno v najem) ne deloma da v. Manjse tveganje okvar zaradi strokovnega vzdrzevanja servisnega podjetja in zaradi visoke kakovosti pralnega stroja (v najem se obicajno dajejo kakovostnejsi stroji) ne deloma da w. Okoljska vprasanja (najemajo se trajni izdelki, ki delujejo dlje casa) ne deloma da x. Prilagodljivost - nisem vezan na lastnistvo ne deloma da y. Nekaj drugega... vpisite tukaj:... ne deloma da 14. Kaj bi vas prepricalo, da bi placevali po pranju? Placevanje po pranju pomeni, da pralnega stroja ne kupite, ampak ga uporabljate tako, da placate za posamezno pranje, bodisi doma za lastno uporabo (ponavadi ga najamete ali zakupite) ali z delitveno porabo ali v pralnici. Ce to moznost ze uporabljate, oznacite, kaj vas je prepricalo... v tern primeru ne izberite »morda«. Izberete lahko vec odgovorov. b. Ni neposrednih stroskov nakupa (ni treba imeti denarja ali vzeti posojila za nakup) ne deloma da dd. Po mojem mnenju je to ceneje ne deloma da ee. Moznost preizkusa pralnega stroja (npr. znamke, ki bi jo zelel imeti) ne deloma da ff. Ne zelim se ukvarjati z vzdrzevanjem pralnega stroja (ce je vzdrzevanje vkljuceno v najem v zvezi s placilom glede na pranje) This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 226 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS circular business models ne deloma D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved da gg. Manjse tveganje okvar zaradi strokovnega vzdrzevanja servisnega podjetja in zaradi visoke kakovosti pralnega stroja (pri placevanju glede na pranje se obicajno uporabljajo kakovostnejsi stroji) ne deloma da hh. Okoljska vprasanja (kot zgoraj - obicajno se pri tern uporabljajo vzdrzljivejsi pralni stroji) ne deloma da y. Pregled nad placili za vsako pranje ne deloma da ff. Vtis na druge (ljudje bi zaradi tega obcudovali mojo inovativnost) ne deloma da p. Prilagodljivost - nisem vezan na lastnistvo ne deloma da q. Nekaj drugega ... kaj? ne deloma da 15. Bi vas pri razmisljanju o placevanju po pranju namesto lastnistva pralnega stroja ti dejavniki odvrnili od placevanja po pranju? (pri placevanju po pranju je treba namestiti modul, s katerim je stroj prek interneta povezan s ponudnikom in omogoca razlicne dodatne funkcije) gg. Raje sem lastnik stvari ne deloma da ee. ponudnik placevanja po pranju bi izvedel prevec o meni ne deloma da ii. ponudnik placevanja po pranju ne more zagotoviti popolnega varstva podatkov ne deloma da gg. na koncu bi placal vec, kot ce bi bil lastnik pralnega stroja ne deloma da hh. Se nikoli nisem slisal za sistem placevanja po pranju ali o tern vem zelo malo ne deloma da This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 227 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models II. Strah pred neznaním (menim, da obstaja veliko ali nekaj tveganj s plačevanjem po pranju - izdelek lahko poškodujem, cene se lahko povišajo ...) ne deloma da mm. Plačevanje po pranju pomeni zame dodatno finančno breme, kar je stresno (npr. ne želim prejemati mesečnih računov) ne deloma da nn. Še kaj? Kaj? XVIII. Delitvena poraba/uporaba pralnega stroja, ki se deli z drugimi in plačuje po pranju 4. Kaj bi vas prepričalo, da v svojem gospodinjstvu pralnega stroja ne bi imeli v lasti, ampak bi si uporabo delili, npr. en pralni stroj za več gospodinjstev ali v pralnici? II. Ni neposrednih stroškov nakupa (ni treba imeti denarja ali vzeti posojila za nakup) ne deloma da mm. Ne želim kupiti in imeti v lasti, in če »da«, zakaj? Razlog vpišite spodaj ne deloma da...Zakaj? Po mojem mnenju je to ceneje ne deloma da Možnost preizkusa pralnega stroja (npr. znamke, ki bi jo želel imeti) ne deloma da Ne želim se ukvarjati z vzdrževanjem pralnega stroja (če je vzdrževanje vključeno v plačevanje po pranju pri delitveni porabi) ne deloma da Okoljska vprašanja (v delitveni porabi so trajni izdelki, ki delujejo dlje časa) ne deloma da Manjše tveganje okvar zaradi strokovnega vzdrževanja servisnega podjetja in zaradi visoke kakovosti pralnega stroja ne deloma da vv. Prilagodljivost - nisem vezan na lastništvo ne deloma da tt. Vtis na druge - ljudje bi me zaradi tega občudovali qq. rr. ss. tt. uu. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 228 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models ne deloma da Možnost druženja z drugimi ne deloma cda xx Nekaj drugega vpišite tukaj: ne deloma da XIX. Obnovljen in předělán pralni stroj Obnovljen in předělán pralni stroj je rabljen pralni stroj, ki se predela tako, da je kot nov, tako da se glavni sestavní deli izdelka razstavijo, očistijo in zamenjajo ter nato ponovno sestavijo in preizkusijo. Deluje enako (z enako porabo električne energije in vode) in je enako kakovosten ali boljši kot nov izdelek. Pri predelavi je potrebnih več opravil, uporablja pa se več novih delov. 13. Imate izkušnje z obnovljenim in/ali predelanim izdelkom, predvsem kar zadeva gospodinjske aparáte in elektroniko? Ne Da 14. Kaj menite o obnovljenih in predelanih pralnih strojih? q) Obnovljen/predelan stroj je zame enak novému 5) Nikakor se ne strinjam 5) Povsem se strinjam r) Nakup obnovljenega/predelanega pralnega stroja pripomore k manjši porabi omejenih virov 5) Nikakor se ne strinjam 5) Povsem se strinjam s) Nakup obnovljenega/predelanega pralnega stroja lahko zmanjša škodljive vplive na okolje. 5) Nikakor se ne strinjam 5) Povsem se strinjam t) Skrbi me, da bi obnovljen/predelan pralni stroj deloval slabše delovanje novih 5) Nikakor se ne strinjam 5) Povsem se strinjam q) Skrbi me zanesljivost pralnega stroja po koncu garancijskega obdobja 1) Nikakor se ne strinjam 5) Povsem se strinjam r) Skrbi me higiena obnovljenega/predelanega pralnega stroja 5) Nikakor se ne strinjam 5) Povsem se strinjam s) Pri odločitvi za nakup predelanega pralnega stroja je bistven ugled blagovne známke 5) Nikakor se ne strinjam 5) Povsem se strinjam This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 229 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS circular business models D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved Spodnje kartice (profili izdelkov) predstavljajo različne možnosti pranja. Kartice razvrstite po želji (povlecite jih z misko in jih spustíte v desno polje). Najprimernejša (najbolj zaželena) možnost pranja bo na vrhu vašega seznama, najmanj ustrezna pa na dnu. Cena za en cikel pranja 0 0 0 trajanje veljavnosti pogodbe 0 prilagodljivo (mesečno) stanje pralnega stroja letno 0 dolgoročno (5 let) Nov Kot nov (približno 5 let) Ponovno uporabljen (približno 10 let) servisná odzivnost V enem dnevu V 4 dnen V ltednu náčin plačevanja Predplačilo (in plačilo Po obračunu Takojšnje (neposredno po preostalega zneska) pranju) XX. Vaš ideálen pralni stroj? (navedite stopnjo strinjanja z navedeními izjavami) 21. Želim pralni stroj, ki: II) je zanesljiv in trajen, da bo vzdržal dlje 1 (sploh ne) 5 (seveda) mm) je pameten in povezan z internetom, da lahko pranje upravljam in spremljam po spletu 1 (sploh ne) 5 (seveda) qq) mi vnaprej pove, če je treba kaj očistiti ali popraviti 1 (sploh ne) 5 (seveda) rr) deluje prek mojega osebnega profila in mi zato priporoči, kako in kdaj naj perem (za optimizacijo porabe vode, energije in detergentov) 1 (sploh ne) 5 (seveda) pp) ga ponudnik storitev nadgrajuje, tako da je ves čas posodobljen 1 (sploh ne) 5 (seveda) tt) samodejno odmerja detergent(pralni stroji s samodejnim odmerjanjem stehtajo oblačila v bobnu in samodejno nastavijo ustrezno količino detergenta) 1 (sploh ne) 5 (seveda) This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 230 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models uu) ima povezavo s spletnim koledarjem 1 (sploh ne) 5 (seveda) ss) omogoča spletno strokovno svetovanje (na voljo 24 ur/7 dni na teden - vodnik, videoposnetki itd.) 1 (sploh ne) 5 (seveda) ww) me obvešča o porabi energije in vode 1 (sploh ne) 5 (seveda) xx) me obvešča o ceni pranja 1 (sploh ne) 5 (seveda) 22. Ali po vašem mnenju pri sprejemanju in nakupovanju novih izdelkov ter sprejemanju novih trendov nasploh spadáte med: e) inovatorje b) tište, ki se zgodaj priključijo c) tište, ki se zgodaj priključijo večini d) tište, ki se pozno priključijo večini e) zamudnike 23. Ste po vašem mnenju eko-prijatelj, eko-ljubitelj ali celo eko-promotor? 1 (sploh ne) 5 (seveda) 24. Kako je z lastništvom in nákupom pralnega stroja, ki ga uporabljate? ô) Kupil/dobil sem ga sam (srno ga, če ste v paru ali družini) dd) Zakupil(i)/kupil(i) sem/srno ga na kredit (celoten znesek bom(o) plačal(i) postopoma) ee) Najel(i) sem/srno ga (pogodba za določen čas) ff) Pralni stroj uporabljam(o) v svojem/našem stanovanju, vendar je v lasti najemodajalca gg) Pralni stroj uporabljam(o) v svoji hiši ali stanovanju (t.i. delitvena uporaba), vendar ni naš in za uporabo plačujem(o) hh) Uporabljam(o) pralnico v mestu ii) Drugo... vpišite, kako: 25. Kako pogosto perete perilo? q) Manj kot enkrat na teden r) Enkrat do dvakrát na teden s) Trikrát do štirikrat na teden t) Več kot štirikrat na teden Vaša starostna skupina: • 18-23 • 24-30 • 31-40 • 41-50 • 51-60 • 60 ali več Vaša izobrazba: This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 231 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models osnovna sola srednja sola diploma ali vec Vaš trenutni kraj bivanja: Vas majhno mesto veliko mesto Vaš status: Živim sam Živim s partnerjem brez otrok Živim s partnerjem z 1-2 otrokoma Živim s partnerjem s 3 ali več otroki Živim s starši in/ali starimi starši (2-3 osebe) Živim s starši in/ali starimi starši (več kot 3 osebe) Živim s prijatelji/sošolci/sodelavci Drugo: Vaše življenjske razmere: Živim v zasebni hiši/koči Živim v stanovanju (večstanovanjska hiša) Drugo: Vaša dohodkovna skupina (xxx/osebo): This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 232 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models Appendix 4: Additional data from pilot survey for Gorenje Figure: age structurefor each country Austria Denmark NL Slovenia Total alone 21.90% 36.00% 23.80% 9.90% 23.10% partner without children 41.30% 30.40% 35.10% 29.80% 34.10% partner with 1-2 children 25.80% 16.10% 19.20% 39.70% 25.10% partner with 3 and more children 2.60% 6.80% 11.90% 2.00% 5.80% parents and/or grandparents (2-3 persons) 3.20% 5.00% 4.60% 7.30% 5.00% parents and/or grandparents (more than 3 pers.) 1.30% 2.50% 0.70% 7.90% 3.10% friends/ schoolmates/colleagues 2.60% 1.90% 1.30% 1.30% 1.80% other 1.30% 1.20% 3.30% 2.00% 1.90% Table: living conditions This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 233 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS circular business models D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved Renting Austria Denmark The Netherlands Slovenia Total No experience 52.5% 54.3% 52.9% 50.9% 52.7% 1 did it once or twice 39.5% 39.3% 40.1% 42.8% 40.4% often 8.0% 6.4% 7.0% 6.3% 6.9% Pay per use No experience 73.5% 60.3% 61.9% 50.3% 61.6% 1 did it once or twice 22.8% 33.3% 29.0% 45.2% 32.6% often 3.7% 6.3% 9.0% 4.5% 5.9% Collaborative consumption No experience 78.9% 68.4% 66.0% 72.2% 71.3% 1 did it once or twice 14.9% 22.4% 23.1% 24.1% 21.1% often 6.2% 9.2% 10.9% 3.8% 7.6% Table: Experience with access-based consumption New product approach Ecofriend Washing frequency Education Location Income Gender Renting Spearman rho -.185** 142** 142** .122** .084* .133** -.106** Pay per use Spearman rho 199** 224** 0.078 .146** 141** 0.068 -0.046 Co. con. Spearman rho -.245** .198** -0.022 124** .103* 0.024 -0.031 ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed), * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). Table: Experience with access-based consumption related to consumers characteristics owning pref. provider knows too much Insuff. data protection more expensi. missing knowledge anxiety financial liability other New product app. 0.047 -0.048 -0.051 0.009 0.051 -0.035 -0.034 -0.017 Eco-friends -.128** 0.04 0.064 -0.018 -0.038 0.011 -0.002 0.027 Washing freq. .111** 0.004 0.025 -0.013 0.018 -0.016 0.014 119** Age 0.028 0.052 0.025 .116** .100* 0.041 0.03 -.121** Edu. -.103* -0.022 0.02 0.03 -0.048 -0.053 -.086* 0.035 Location -0.035 0.04 0.007 0.042 -0.009 -0.039 -0.044 0.02 Income 0.009 -0.043 -0.067 0.063 0.053 -0.063 -0.052 -0.025 Gender 0.052 -0.071 -0.009 -0.008 0.039 0.054 .090* -0.033 WM owners .196** 0.047 0.054 .130** .091* -0.011 0.049 197** Table: pay per wash - rank correlations between barriers and consumers characteristics reman valued as new resources protection less enviro. Impact reman is inferior reliability problems concern about hygiene brand reputation essential New product app. 0.059 .083* 0.023 0.004 0.02 0.05 .107** Eco-friends -0.041 -.216** -.167** 0.029 -0.047 -0.053 -0.076 Washing freq. -0.01 0.007 0.015 -0.016 -0.074 0.044 0.028 Age -.132** -0.074 -.107** -.095* -.108** -.088* -0.079 This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 234 of 238 D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models Edu. .104** -0.053 -0.016 0.037 .093* -0.028 0.015 Location 0.005 -0.051 -0.03 -0.007 0.029 0.013 -0.055 Income 0.019 -0.006 -0.001 -0.06 0.045 0.015 -0.022 Gender 0.031 0.029 0.028 0.007 -0.03 -0.033 0.07 WM owners -0.034 -.115** -.103* -0.053 -0.06 -0.001 0.005 Table: rank correlations between the approach to reman product and consumers characterist New produc tapp. Eco- friends Washing freq. Age Edu. Location Income Gender WM owners robust WM -0.023 -0.059 -0.026 -.174** 0.003 0.03 0.021 -0.017 -.245** smart/online control -0.079 0.026 -0.023 -0.078 0.052 0.042 0.018 0.049 -.101* cleaning/repair warning 0.066 -.103* -0.074 0.001 0.056 -0.047 -0.048 -0.038 -0.054 personalised recommendation 0.043 -0.038 0.035 -.086* 0.031 -0.008 -0.026 0.042 -0.033 upgrading up to date 0.047 -.087* -0.04 -0.066 0.053 0.007 -0.047 -0.001 0.008 autodosing 0.045 -.125** -0.033 -0.047 0.015 -0.043 -0.008 -0.023 -0.073 online calendar -0.056 0.068 -0.033 -.105** .082* 0.019 0.064 -0.008 -.082* online expert advice 0.062 0.015 -0.058 -0.057 0.029 0.034 0.02 0.004 -0.051 energy/water consumption info 0.068 -.156** 0.004 -0.025 -0.028 0.021 0.041 -.081* -0.003 price of washing cycle info 0.063 -.165** 0.005 -0.056 -0.013 0.001 0.007 -0.039 -0.033 Table: rank correlations between requirementsfor ideal washing machine and consumers characteristics • Austria 1 Denmark • the Netherlands Slovenia Figure: The ideal washing machine in the view offour countries This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 235 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS circular business models D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved brand reputation essential concern about hygiene reliability problems reman is inferior less enviro. Impact resources protection reman valued as new 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 ISIovenia • the Netherlands 3,5 Figure: perception of remanufacturing/refurbishing in the Netherlands and Slovenia price of washing cycle info energy/water consumption info online expert advice autod osing upgrading up to date cleaning/repair warning robust WM 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 • Slovenia • the Netherlands Figure: perception of ideal washing machine in the Netherlands and Slovenia CONJOINT PLAN=profiles.sav' /SEQUENCE=CA1 TO CA11 /SUBJECT=IDorder /FACTORS= contract (LINEAR LESS) MWstatus (discrete) payment (DISCRETE) Price (LINEAR LESS) /PRINT=SUMMARYONLY /UTIUTY='Utility.sav' /plot= all. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 236 of 238 D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved circular business models Table: Original conjoint model (script in IBM SPSS) Profile 1 Vertragslaufzeit: monatlich; Waschmaschinenzustand: wie neu (ca. 5 Jahre); Abrechnungsschema: online - sofort (direkt nach dem Waschen); 1 Euro Preis für einen Waschgang Profile 2 Vertragslaufzeit: jährlich; Waschmaschinenzustand: wiederverwendet (gebraucht) (ca. 10 Jahre); Abrechnungsschema: online - sofort (direkt nach dem Waschen); 0,40 Euro Preis für einen Waschgang Profile 3 Vertragslaufzeit: monatlich; Waschmaschinenzustand: wiederverwendet (gebraucht) (ca. 10 Jahre); Abrechnungsschema: nachberechnet; 0,80 Euro Preis für einen Waschgang Profile 4 Vertragslaufzeit: 5 Jahre; Waschmaschinenzustand: wiederverwendet (gebraucht) (ca. 10 Jahre); Abrechnungsschema: online - sofort (direkt nach dem Waschen); 0,40 Euro Preis für einen Waschgang Profile 5 Vertragslaufzeit: 5 Jahre Waschmaschinenzustand: neu Abrechnungsschema: online - sofort (direkt nach dem Waschen) 0,80 Euro Preis für einen Waschgang Profile 6 Vertragslaufzeit: jährlich; aschmaschinenzustand: wie neu (ca. 5 Jahre); Abrechnungsschema: vorausbezahlt (und den Rest bezahlen); 0,80 Euro Preis für einen Waschgang Profile 7 Vertragslaufzeit: monatlich; Waschmaschinenzustand: neu; Abrechnungsschema: vorausbezahlt (und den Rest bezahlen); 0,40 Euro Preis für einen Waschgang Profile8 Vertragslaufzeit: jährlich; Waschmaschinenzustand: wiederverwendet (gebraucht) (ca. 10 Jahre); Abrechnungsschema: nachberechnet; 0,80 Euro Preis für einen Waschgang Profile 9 Vertragslaufzeit: 5 Jahre; Waschmaschinenzustand: wie neu (ca. 5 Jahre); Abrechnungsschema: nachberechnet; 0,80 Euro Preis für einen Waschgang Profile 10 Vertragslaufzeit: jährlich; Waschmaschinenzustand: neu; Abrechnungsschema: nachberechnet; 1 Euro Preis für einen Waschgang Profile 11 Vertragslaufzeit: 5 Jahre; Waschmaschinenzustand: wiederverwendet (gebraucht) (ca. 10 Jahre); Abrechnungsschema: vorausbezahlt (und den Rest bezahlen); 1 Euro Preis für einen Waschgang Table: Full list ofprofiles - example ofAustrian survey This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 237 of 238 ReQPSSReQPSS circular business models D2.1 - Defining the current baseline and the target/improved monthly contract yearly contract 5-year contract New WM As new WM Reused WM Pre-paid Post- paid Instant pay. Price CI 1 0.1424 0.5762 -0.7186 0.2797 -0.4657 0.1859 0.1893 -0.742 0.5528 -1.3945 CI 2 -0.2339 -0.3038 0.5376 0.6613 0.2688 -0.9301 -0.1317 0.5376 -0.4059 -0.1142 CI 3 2.1379 0.3027 -2.4406 0.272 -0.0651 -0.2069 -0.0345 -0.2222 0.2567 -0.2471 Total 0.452 0.252 -0.7041 0.3935 -0.1585 -0.235 0.0447 -0.2447 0.2 -0.7638 Table. Cluster centres - average part-worth utilities monthly contract yearly contract 5-year contract New WM As new WM Reused WM Pre-paid Post-paid Instant payment Price Cluster 1 1,1313 0,87788 0,92786 0,94959 0,98063 0,95848 1,04092 0,94007 1,23564 1,30828 Cluster 2 1,18404 1,07783 1,07169 1,56346 1,15679 1,66979 1,17087 0,93773 1,07325 1,13704 Cluster 3 0,80141 0,93956 0,72335 0,97452 0,76052 0,98469 0,69705 0,70007 0,7326 0,78498 Table. Standard deviation in part-worth coefficients across clusters This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776577-2 Page 238 of 238