INTERFACE Review l * J Check for Updates Cite this article: Voutsa V et al. 2021 Two classes of functional connectivity in dynamical processes in networks. J. R. Soc. Interface 18: 20210486. https://doi.Org/10.1098/rsif.2021.0486 Received: 12 June 2021 Accepted: 13 September 2021 Subject Category: Reviews Subject Areas: biocomplexity Keywords: scale-free graphs, modular graphs, random graphs, synchronisation, excitable dynamics, chaotic oscillators Author for correspondence: Marc-Thorsten Hütt e-mail: Electronic supplementary material is available online at c.5648010. THE ROYAL SOCIETY PUBLISHING Two classes of functional connectivity in dynamical processes in networks Venetia Voutsa1 , Demian Battaglia2,3 , Louise J. Bracken5 , Andrea Brovelli4 , Julia Costescu5 , Mario Diaz Muhoz6 , Brian D. Fath7 '8 '9 , Andrea Funk10 '11 , Mel Guirro5 , Thomas Hein1 0 , 1 1 , Christian Kerschner6,9 , Christian Kimmich9,12 , Vinicius Lima2,4 , Arnaud Messe13 , Anthony J. Parsons5 , John Perez5 , Ronald Poppl15 , Christina Prell14 , Sonia Recinos10 , Yanhua Shi9 , Shubham Tiwari5 , Laura Turnbull5 , John Wainwright5 , Harald Waxenecker9 and Marc-Thorsten Hutt1 department of Life Sciences and Chemistry, Jacobs University Bremen, 28759 Bremen, Germany 2 Aix-Marseille Universite, Inserm, Institut de Neurosciences des Systemes (UMR 1106), Marseille, France 3 University of Strasbourg Institute for Advanced Studies (USIAS), Strasbourg 67083, France 4 Aix-Marseille Universite, CNRS, Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone (UMR 7289), Marseille, France department of Geography, Durham University, Durham DH1 3LE, UK department of Sustainability, Governance and Methods, Modul University Vienna, 1190 Vienna, Austria department of Biological Sciences, Towson University, Towson, Maryland 21252, USA advancing Systems Analysis Program, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg 2361, Austria department of Environmental Studies, Masaryk University, 60200 Brno, Czech Republic 10 lnstitute of Hydrobiology and Aguatic Ecosystem Management (IHG), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU), 1180 Vienna, Austria "wasserCluster Lunz - Biologische Station GmbH, Dr. Carl Kupelwieser Promenade 5,3293 Lunz am See, Austria 12 Regional Science and Environmental Research, Institute for Advanced Studies, 1080 Vienna, Austria "Department of Computational Neuroscience, University Medical Center Eppendorf, Hamburg University, Germany "Department of Cultural Geography, University of Groningen, 9747 AD, Groningen, The Netherlands ^Department of Geography and Regional Research, University of Vienna, Universitatsstr. 7,1010 Vienna, Austria VV, 0000-0001-6079-0292; MG, 0000-0003-1565-5686; TH, 0000-0002-7767-4607; AM, 0000-0001-9081-3088; YS, 0000-0001-7575-6177; LT, 0000-0002-3307-1214; M-TH, 0000-0003-2221-423X The relationship between n e t w o r k structure a n d d y n a m i c s is one of the most extensively investigated problems i n the theory of c o m p l e x systems of recent years. U n d e r s t a n d i n g this relationship is o f relevance to a range of d i s c i p l i n e s — f r o m neuroscience to g e o m o r p h o l o g y . A major strategy of investigating this relationship is the quantitative c o m p a r i s o n of a representation of n e t w o r k architecture (structural connectivity S C ) w i t h a (network) representation of the d y n a m i c s (functional connectivity F C ) . Here, w e s h o w that one c a n d i s t i n g u i s h t w o classes of functional connect i v i t y — o n e based o n simultaneous activity (co-activity) of nodes, the other based o n sequential activity o f nodes. W e delineate these t w o classes i n different categories of d y n a m i c a l processes—excitations, regular a n d chaotic oscillators—and p r o v i d e examples for S C / F C correlations of b o t h classes i n each of these models. W e e x p a n d the theoretical v i e w of the S C / F C relationships, w i t h conceptual instances o f the S C a n d the t w o classes of F C f o r v a r i o u s application scenarios i n g e o m o r p h o l o g y ecology systems b i o l o g y neuroscience a n d socio-ecological systems. Seeing the organisation of d y n a m i c a l processes i n a n e t w o r k either as governed b y co-activity o r b y sequential activity a l l o w s u s to b r i n g some order i n the m y r i a d of observations relating structure a n d function of c o m p l e x networks. © 2021 The Authors. Published by the Royal Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License http://creativecommons.0rg/licenses/by/4.O/, which permits unrestricted use, provided the original author and source are credited. 1. Introduction The relationship between network structure a n d dynamics has been at the forefront of investigation i n the field of complex systems d u r i n g the past decades, w i t h networks serving as p o w e r f u l abstract representations of real-world systems. H o w ever, a solid theoretical understanding of the generic features relating network structure a n d d y n a m i c s is still missing. Here, our strategy of investigating these features is v i a the quantitative comparison of network architecture (structural connectivity, SC) w i t h a network (or matrix) representation of the dynamics (functional connectivity, F C ) . W e establish k e y relationships using simple m o d e l representations of dynamics: excitable dynamics represented b y a stochastic cellular automaton, coupled phase oscillators, chaotic oscillators represented b y coupled logistic maps. W e validate these relationships i n coupled F i t z H u g h - N a g u m o oscillators, i n the excitable a n d the oscillatory regimes. Furthermore, w e give examples of h o w the t w o classes of F C can be applied to various application domains, i n w h i c h networks play a prominent role. The simplest w a y of representing time series of d y n a m i c a l elements as a network is to compute pairwise correlations. Often, one also k n o w s about the 'true' or 'static' connectivity of these d y n a m i c a l elements beforehand. The statistical question then arises i n a natural w a y , whether the k n o w n network (SC) a n d the network d e r i v e d f r o m the d y n a m i c a l observations (FC) are similar. A s w e w i l l see i n the applications, functional connectivity c a n either be thought of as d y n a m i c a l similarities of nodes o r flows (of material, activity, information, etc.) connecting t w o nodes. The simplicity of the d y n a m i c s i n c l u d e d i n our investigation allows us to w o r k w i t h this correlation-based approach. In case of a large heterogeneity of d y n a m i c a l elements, v e r y noisy dynamics, poor statistics (temporal sampling) or incomplete information, more sophisticated representations of d y n a m i c a l relationships a m o n g nodes are required [1-5]. Originating i n neuroscience [6], research into S C / F C correlations has become a p r o m i s i n g marker for changes i n systemic function a n d a means for exploring the principles u n d e r l y i n g the relationship between network architecture a n d d y n a m i c s — i n systems b i o l o g y [7,8], social sciences [9-11], g e o m o r p h o l o g y [12-14] a n d technology [15-17], just to name a few of the application areas. S u c h S C / F C relationships are at the same time markers for certain forms of systemic behaviour (e.g. a loss of S C / F C correlation m a y indicate pathological brain activity patterns [18]) a n d h i g h l y informative starting points for a mechanistic understanding of the system (e.g. revealing h i g h l y connected elements—hubs—as centres of self-organized excitation waves i n scale-free graphs [19,20]). W h i l e the systemic implications a n d the key results have been reviewed elsewhere [21], here w e w o u l d like to s h o w that across a range of d y n a m i c a l processes a n d n e t w o r k architectures some f u n d a m e n t a l c o m m o n principles exist. W e argue that one needs to distinguish between t w o types of functional connectivity, one related to synchronous activity (or co-activation), the other related to chains of events (or sequential activation). A system, like phase oscillators [22-24], f a v o u r i n g o n e type of functional connectivity (for this example, synchronization) c a n also d i s p l a y the other type of S C / F C correlations under certain conditions. A c o n d i t i o n here is characterized b y the n e t w o r k type, the strength of the c o u p l i n g of the d y n a m i c a l elements a n d the choice of further (intrinsic) parameters of each of the d y n a m i cal elements. Here, w e s h o w m a n y examples of transitions f r o m one type of S C / F C correlations to another type u n d e r changes of these conditions. Stylized models of d y n a m i c s often offer a deep mechanistic understanding of the d y n a m i c a l processes a n d phenomena and, i n particular, help discern h o w network architecture shapes the d y n a m i c a l behaviour. This point is illustrated b y the intense research over the past decades o n networks of coupled phase oscillators as a stylized m o d e l of oscillatory dynamics. T w o prominent examples of this line of investigation are the topological determinants of synchronizability [23,25], the lifetimes of intermediate synchronization patterns i n a time course towards full synchronization a n d their relationships to the network's m o d u l a r organization [22]. Remarkably, it is precisely this f o r m a l distinction between functional connectivity based o n co-activation a n d sequential activation that is often h a r d to discriminate i n more detailed (e.g. continuous) m o d e l s [26] a n d experimental data [27]. In the case of S C / F C correlations, the best-investigated stylized m o d e l is the—three-state cellular automaton—SER m o d e l of excitable d y n a m i c s [19,28,29]. K e y results include that the topological overlap [30] is h i g h l y associated w i t h functional connectivity based o n simultaneous activity, F C s m v a n d that v i a this m e c h a n i s m — a clustering of high topological overlap values w i t h i n m o d u l e s — m o d u l a r graphs display h i g h S C / F C correlations, w h i l e scale-free graphs tend to display low, or even systematically negative S C / F C correlations w i t h this definition of F C [28,30]. Furthermore, a large asymmetry of the sequential activation matrix (which is the foundation of functional connectivity based o n sequential activation, FCseq) can be associated w i t h self-organized waves a r o u n d hubs [20]. A d d i t i o n a l l y the role of cycles for organizing S C / F C correlations has been investigated [31] a n d i n the deterministic limit of the m o d e l , a theoretical framework for predicting S C / F C correlations has been established [30]. A s a first illustration of the tremendous p o w e r of p r o b i n g networks w i t h v a r i o u s types of d y n a m i c s , i n order to understand h o w n e t w o r k architecture determines some of the d y n a m i c a l features, i n figure 1, w e s h o w snapshots of d y n a m i c a l states for three real-life n e t w o r k s c o m i n g f r o m different d o m a i n s — N e u r o s c i e n c e (the macaque cortical area n e t w o r k f r o m [32]), systems b i o l o g y (the core metabolic system of the g u t bacterium Escherichia coli f r o m [33]) a n d social sciences (intra-organizational n e t w o r k of skills awareness i n a c o m p a n y f r o m [34])—under the action of three types of dynamics—excitable d y n a m i c s , phase oscillators, the logistic m a p as a n example of a chaotic oscillator. The real-life networks s h o w n i n figure 1 c a n all be considered examples of structural connectivity. T h e detailed description of the structure of these networks is g i v e n i n the electronic supplementary material. A n important question a r o u n d figure 1 is whether the three types of d y n a m i c s are plausible for the networks at h a n d . First, w e w o u l d like to emphasize that the strategy of our investigation is to probe n e t w o r k architectures b y simple prototypes (or v e r y stylized forms) of d y n a m i c s , rather than d e v i s i n g realistic m o d e l s of the most plausible f o r m of d y n a m i c s for each of these networks. In the case of the cortical area network, the excitable d y n a m i c s as w e l l as the oscillatory d y n a m i c s can be seen as stylized b u t plausible d y n a m i c a l probes a n d , i n fact, those have been p r e v i o u s l y e m p l o y e d to explore such n e t w o r k neural network metabolic network social network I 0.065 0.060 0.055 0.050 0.045 0.05 -0.05 •-0.10 [r 0.400 - 0.375 0.350 • 0.325 - 0.300 • V 0.275 ^ 1 0.060 0.055 0.050 0.045 0.040 0.035 0.030 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.06 irnal/i 0.04 irnal/i 0.02 0 -0.02 s - -0.04 R.Soc.Interfai 0.400 Interfai 0.375 0.350 OO 0.325 0.300 ho o ho 0.275 0.250 10486 Figure 1. An illustrative example of applying different categories of dynamical processes to real networks with different structures. Neural network: macaque cortical area network from [32]. Metabolic network: core metabolic system of the gut bacterium Escherichia coli from [33]. Social network: skills awareness network from [34]. SER: The mean activity of each node after 1000 timesteps, with a rate of spontaneous activity f= 0.001 and a recovery probability p = 0.1. Phase oscillators: The average effective frequency of each node for ten simulations of length T= 200 initialized with a uniform distribution of eigenfrequencies. Logistic map: The average standard deviation of the time series of each node for 10 simulations of 500 timesteps with the parameter R for each node randomly selected from a uniform distribution with ffmin = 3.7 and /?m a x = 3.9. b i3 structures [20,35-37]. B u t also chaotic d y n a m i c s , as i n the third r o w of figure 1, have been used to s t u d y neuronal connectivity patterns [38,39]. In the case of metabolic networks, synchronous activity patterns, a n d hence c o u p l e d phase oscillators, are a plausible f o r m of d y n a m i c s (see, for example, the arguments i n [40], where enzymes are described as cyclically operating devices, as w e l l as the prominent usage of correlation networks i n metabolomics [41^13]). A more pathway-oriented v i e w of m e t a b o l i s m m i g h t emphasize the propagation o f activity a n d , hence, w o u l d b e closer to t h e excitable d y n a m i c s s h o w n i n the first r o w of figure 1. Chaotic oscillators are clearly less relevant for this application d o m a i n . Interaction d y n a m i c s , contact d y n a m i c s a n d information f l o w i n a corporate setting unite aspects of excitable d y n a m i c s (as i n t h e case of r u m o u r spreading, [44]) o r synchronization [45,46]. B u t also chaotic d y n a m i c s have been e m p l o y e d to m o d e l decision d y n a m i c s a n d activity i n corporate settings [47-49]. The three m a i n messages of the illustration of d y n a m i c s o n real-life networks s h o w n i n figure 1 are: (1) T h e representation of complex systems as networks enables the p r o b i n g of such complex structures w i t h dynamics. (2) Different networks react differently to o n e type of dynamics. This general point can be seen for example i n figure 1 b y f o l l o w i n g one type of d y n a m i c s (e.g.excitable dynamics; first r o w i n figure 1) across the three networks a n d observing that groups of nodes acting together (similar colour, representing similar d y n a m i c a l states) c a n be either i n the periphery or i n the centre of these network representations. (3) A given network reacts differently to different d y n a m i c a l probes. This general feature c a n be seen b y f o l l o w i n g a single network across different types of d y n a m i c s (columns i n figure 1). Regions i n the g r a p h w i t h a similar d y n a m i c a l state (same colours) for one d y n a m i c s look heterogeneous (different colours) for another d y n a m i c s . A l s o , similarities occur. T h e periphery a n d the centre of the networks tend to behave differently i n a l l the examples o f d y n a m i c s s h o w n i n figure 1. It is obvious that s u c h a n illustration c a n o n l y p r o v i d e a single snapshot of the diverse d y n a m i c s possible o n such networks, even for a single type of dynamics, as the internal parameters at each node, as w e l l as the c o u p l i n g type a n d strength a m o n g t h e m c a n have different values. I n the following, w e w a n t to further explore the systematic changes of these d y n a m i c a l patterns as a function o f network architecture, coupling a n d internal d y n a m i c a l parameters a n d h o w this theoretical framework c a n be a p p l i e d to various disciplines. 2. Results and discussion W e create different instances that indicate the behaviour of the two classes of F C u s i n g various numerical schemes. T h e means of enhancing or destroying S C / F C correlations c a n be structural (i.e. d r i v e n b y network architecture) or d y n a m i c a l (induced b y changing the parameters o f the d y n a m i c a l model). T h e investigation i s organized a r o u n d the f o r m of change: §2.1 topological changes, §2.2 changes i n the c o u p l i n g strength, §2.3 changes of the intrinsic parameters of the i n d i v i d ual elements. In §2.4, w e illustrate these principles i n a case («) 0.7 0.6 0.5 £ 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 SC/FCsjm - S C / F C ! e q ! ! ^ : ( i 1 — ' — i =f ) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 8 1.0 randomization (b) 0 •a io o g 20 5 30 : l 4 0 ° 50 0 10 20 30 40 m 50 SC 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 ft-*. A- ' 2 » a FC sim 10 20 30 40 50 FC seq 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Km*- i«* 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 50 0 - —1 r . 10 2020 - • 5\_* . . • . > . . . j ; 30 • C - • ' ^ . ^ ••" t r m »• i,i > - . 40 * - • *^ v • v . - : - - . \>. 50 1 .• ."".rv Figure 2. (a) SC/FCsjm and SC/FCseq correlations across the randomization of a modular network, (b) Illustration of the SC and the FCsjm, FCseq matrices for three network cases, pointed out by the dashed vertical black lines on the left figure (original modular network, 30% randomized network and completely randomized network). The dynamical model used for the FC is the SER model (parameters: fmax = 10, NR = 10000, p = 0.1, f= 0.001.) study o n a network of coupled F i t z H u g h - N a g u m o oscillators i n the excitable a n d oscillatory regimes. U s i n g the three examples f r o m figure 1, i n §2.5, w e s h o w the behaviour of S C / F C correlations o n these real-world networks. 2.1. Topological changes The first part of our investigation is related to the effect of topology i n the S C / F C correlations. W e started w i t h networks w i t h a distinct structure (modular graph, hierarchical graph, regular graph), w h i c h w e gradually destroyed either b y r a n d o m i z i n g or b y rewiring the initial network (see M e t h o d s , §5). Figure 2 introduces the c o m p a r i s o n of structural connectivity a n d functional connectivity o n the matrix level, b y depicting the adjacency matrices o f t w o networks, together w i t h examples of the corresponding functional connectivity matrices d e r i v e d f r o m d y n a m i c s (here: the co-activation a n d sequential activation matrices obtained f r o m simulations of the S E R m o d e l ; see M e t h o d s , §5). This matrix v i e w o n S C / F C relationships is similar to fig. 1 i n [26] a n d fig. 1 i n [28] a n d a l l o w s u s to v i s u a l l y discern the strong positive correlation between the adjacency matrix a n d the co-activation matrix i n the case o f the m o d u l a r g r a p h (first row) a n d the apparent lack thereof i n the more r a n d o m g r a p h (second row), for w h i c h w e , however, can v i s u a l l y perceive a n agreement between the adjacency matrix a n d the sequential activation matrix. S o , here a change i n n e t w o r k t o p o l o g y goes a l o n g w i t h a change f r o m o n e type of S C / F C correlations (co-activation to sequential activation). This is the p h e n o m e n o n w e set out to explore further i n the following. In the electronic s u p p l e m e n t a r y material, figures S2 a n d S3 s h o w the same matrix view, but for c o u p l e d phase oscillators a n d logistic m a p s , respectively. I n figure S2 (phase oscillators) i n the electronic supplementary material, a v i s u a l inspection clearly s h o w s that the S C / F C correlations based o n sequential activation are m u c h weaker than the ones based o n co-activation. A l s o , S C / F C s j m remains visibly h i g h d u r i n g r a n d o m i z a t i o n . In figure S3 i n the electronic supplementary material (logistic maps), the lack o f correlation between co-activation a n d the m o d u l a r structure is clearly seen, as is the (faint, but discernible) agreement of this m o d ular structure w i t h sequential activation. C a r e f u l v i s u a l inspection also reveals the persisting positive S C / F C s e q correlations, as w e l l as the negative S C / F C g j m correlations, under r a n d o m i z a t i o n of the m o d u l a r network. I n figure S4 i n the electronic supplementary material examples of space—time plots for single runs o f the chaotic d y n a m i c s are s h o w n a n d this thus provides a microscopic v i e w o f the results s u m m a r i z e d i n figure 2. In figure 3, w e g o f r o m rather structured n e t w o r k topologies to rather unstructured r a n d o m n e t w o r k topologies. Figure 3 supports the v i s u a l impression f r o m the matrix examples s h o w n i n figure 2 b y s h o w i n g the t w o types of S C / F C correlations as a function of n e t w o r k r a n d o m i z a t i o n procedures, f o r the S E R m o d e l ( w h i c h w a s also used i n figure 2), as w e l l as t w o other types of d y n a m i c s , n a m e l y c o u p l e d phase oscillators a n d c o u p l e d logistic m a p s i n the chaotic regime (see M e t h o d s , §5). It s h o u l d b e noted that each o f these d y n a m i c a l m o d e l s has been instrumental i n the past i n a d v a n c i n g o u r u n d e r s t a n d i n g of f u n d a m e n t a l relationships between n e t w o r k architecture a n d d y n a m i c s (see, e.g. [19,30,50] for the S E R m o d e l , [22,24] f o r c o u p l e d phase oscillators, a n d [51,52] for the logistic maps). For the S E R m o d e l , w e see a trend that structured topologies favour h i g h S C / F C correlations o f b o t h types, whereas unstructured r a n d o m networks favour h i g h S C / F C s e q correlations. W e c a n also see that S C / F C s j m is v e r y sensitive to topological changes, i n contrast to S C / F C s e q , w h i c h , i n this case, shows a more stable behaviour. The networks of coupled phase oscillators behave i n almost the opposite way, where co-activation (rather than sequential activation) is favoured b y r a n d o m network structures a n d shows a more stable 0.8 I 0.6u 0.4- % u 0.2- 0-0 7modular to Erdds-Renyi 0.8 0.6 I _ ^ ^ ^ ^ SC/FCsim _ SC/FC , y \\ \ () 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 1 0 0.6 0.4 1 U 0.2 ° 5 .H 55 0 -0.2 -0.4 .2 U 0.4- 6; £ g 0.2a. 0- -0.2- 0 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 1 0 SC/FCsim 0.2 0.4 0.6 randomization 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 regular to Erdds-Renyi hierarchical to scale-free SC/FCsim cr/cf T seq \ 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 SC/FCsim SC/FC. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 3C/FCsim () 0 2 0 4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 rewiring SC/FCsimSC/FCsim 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 SC/FCsim SC/FQ„ 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 5C/FCsim5C/FCsim 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 randomization 1.0 Figure 3. SC/FCsjm and SC/FCseq correlations across the range of randomization/rewiring processes. First column: randomization of a modular graph. Second column: rewiring of a regular graph. Third column: randomization of a hierarchical graph in the three models. First row: SER model; parameters: fmax = 10, NR (over different initial conditions) = 10000, Wff (over different initial graphs) = 10, p = 0.1, f= 0.001. Second row: coupled phase oscillators; parameters: fmax = 50, Wff (over different initial conditions) = 100, NR (over different initial graphs) = 10, co e (0,1), k = 10, a = 0.25, u e (0,1). Third row: logistic map (chaotic oscillators); parameters: fmax = 500, Wff (over different initial conditions) = 50, R e (3.7, 3.9), k = 2. behaviour under topological changes. I n the case o f chaotic oscillators, the details about the n e t w o r k architecture a n d the selection o f the type of c o u p l i n g matter. For this case, the transition f r o m structured to unstructured networks does not affect the S C / F C s e q , but leads to strong negative correlations of the S C / F C s m v The hierarchical n e t w o r k is the o n l y one, though, i n w h i c h the destruction of the m o d u l a r i t y is n o t revealed f r o m the dynamics. For this graph, all the d y n a m i c a l models s h o w that the r a n d o m i z a t i o n does not essentially affect the value of S C / F C correlations, instead constant, l o w positive correlations o f S C / F C s e q a n d constant, l o w negative correlations o f S C / F C s j m a r e m a i n t a i n e d d u r i n g t h e r a n d o m i z a t i o n process. 2.2. Changes in coupling strength The second set o f o u r n u m e r i c a l experiments pertains to changes i n the c o u p l i n g strength a m o n g nodes. For this type of change, o n l y the models of the phase a n d chaotic oscillators can be used, as the S E R m o d e l — i n the f o r m used here—has no c o u p l i n g parameter ( w h i c h c o u l d , however, b e introduced v i a a relative excitation threshold, as i n [29,53]). Figure 4 shows that i n the case of c o u p l e d phase oscillators, all the n e t w o r k architectures stabilize S C / F C g ^ against changes o f c o u p l i n g strength. Large values o f c o u p l i n g strength lead t o r a p i d synchronization (co-activity o f the nodes) a n d therefore to inadequate a m o u n t o f information for the sequential activation. A s a result, seeing the structure of the n e t w o r k through the d y n a m i c s u s i n g the sequential activation is, i n this case, not possible. For the chaotic oscillators, w e observe general trends o f increasing S C / F C s e q w i t h increasing c o u p l i n g , reaching a m a x i m u m , a n d gradually decreasing for further increase of the c o u p l i n g , essentially across all n e t w o r k architectures (figure 4). 2.3. Changes in intrinsic parameters Each d y n a m i c a l m o d e l i s characterized b y specific intrinsic parameters that determine the b e h a v i o u r o f the i n d i v i d u a l elements a n d of the system, too. Changes i n the values of the intrinsic parameters m a y result i n drastic changes to the functional connectivity. I n this part o f the investigation, the t w o types of functional connectivity are studied as a function of such intrinsic parameters. W e are here attempting t o address the f o l l o w i n g question: i s there at least one class of the functional connectivity that c a n s u r v i v e u n d e r the changes of a d y n a m i c a l parameter of the m o d e l ? O r relatedly is it possible to observe the structure of the n e t w o r k t h r o u g h the d y n a m i c s even i f w e are consistently c h a n g i n g a n intrinsic parameter? The stochastic S E R m o d e l is characterized b y the recovery probability p, that determines if a node i n the refractory state w i l l return to the susceptible state. For the phase oscillators, w e use the range of natural frequencies as the intrinsic parameter. The logistic m a p has o n l y one intrinsic parameter, R, w h i c h defines the d y n a m i c a l behaviour o f the u n c o u p l e d modul argraph Erdos-Rényi graph Barabási-Albert graph hierarchical graph LQ b i3 Figure 4. SC/FCsjm and SC/FCseq correlations as a function of the coupling strength among the nodes in the two types of oscillators applied to different network architectures. First column: modular graph. Second column: Erdos-Renyi graph. Third column: Barabasi-Albert graph. Fourth column: hierarchical graph. First row: coupled phase oscillators; parameters: fmax = 50, Wp = 100 (over different initial conditions), Wp = 10 (over different initial graphs), w e (0,1), k = 10, a= 0.25, u e (0,1). Second row: logistic map (chaotic oscillators); parameters: fmax = 500, Wp = 50, /?e (3.7, 3.9), k=2. modular graph Erdos-Rényi graph Barabási-Albert graph hierarchical graph o CO (-0.1,0.1) (-0.1,0.1) (-0.6,0.6) 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 - SC/FC,h - S C / F C 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 - SC/FC,i ( - SC/FC, 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 - SC/FC ,i ( - SC/FC. 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 - SC/FC,i ( - S C / F C , , , Figure 5. SC/FCsjm and SC/FCseq correlations under changes of dynamical parameters in the three models. First row: SER model with increasing recovery probability (parameters: fmax =10, Wff = 10 000 (over initial conditions), Ng = 10 (over different initial graphs), f= 0.001). Second row: coupled phase oscillators under a widening of the distribution of the natural frequencies (parameters: fmax = 50, Wff = 100 (over initial conditions), Ng = 10 (over different initial graphs), k = 10, rj= 0.25, u e (0,1)). Third row: logistic map under a shift of /?average of the distribution of R within the interval (3.7, 3.9), keeping the width equal to 0.2 (parameters: fmax = 500, Wff = 50 (over initial conditions), k=2). Four network architectures were used for each model: First column: modular graph. Second column: Erdos-Renyi graph. Third column: Barabasi-Albert graph. Fourth column: hierarchical graph. oscillator. W e here v a r y the average R such that the u n c o u p l e d oscillator w o u l d reside i n the chaotic regime (3.7, 3.9). Figure 5 s h o w s the results of this part of the investigation. For the S E R m o d e l , w e see that n e t w o r k effects are consistent across the w h o l e parameter range. W e c a n see that S C / F C s m l is consistently h i g h f o r the m o d u l a r g r a p h a n d v e r y close to zero f o r a l l the other graphs, where, i n contrast, t h e S C / F C s e q h a s positive correlation values. F o r the phase oscillators, t h e w i d t h o f the frequency distribution matters: increasing w i d t h leads to a consistent decrease of S C / F C s m v b u t leaves S C / F C s e q intact i n a l l graphs, except for the m o d u l a r , i n w h i c h the behaviour of S C / F C s e q is similar t o S C / F C s m v T h e logistic m a p does n o t s h o w a n y parameter sensitivity of S C / F C correlations i n the different n e t w o r k architectures. 2.4. Additional case study The F i t z H u g h - N a g u m o m o d e l c a n b e u s e d as a case s t u d y verifying whether o u r previous results translate t o this (a) 0.7 I 0.6- 0.5 u 0.4- & u 0.3 - 0.2- 0.1 - 0 FitzHugh-Nagumo: excitable FitzHugh-Nagumo: oscillatory randomization SC/FC.r a S C 7 F C e [ ] - — () 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 randomization 1.0 Figure 6. SC/FC correlations from the FitzHugh-Nagumo model in excitable (a) and oscillatory (b) regime while randomizing random modular networks. The blue curves represent co-activation (i.e. a time window of 1 ms), while the red curves represent sequential activation (i.e. using a time window of 12 ms). more detailed, more realistic m o d e l . T o this end, w e study the behaviour of S C / F C correlations as a function of r a n d o m i z i n g a m o d u l a r g r a p h i n the oscillatory regime (a = 0) a n d i n the excitable regime (a = 0.8). T h e results of this more complicated m o d e l s h o w n i n figure 6 c o n f i r m the general observations d e r i v e d f r o m the t w o corresponding m i n i m a l models: the excitable d y n a m i c s enhance the S C / F C s e q across the transition of a m o d u l a r to a n E r d o s - R e n y i graph, whereas oscillations favour the S C / F C s m l across the r a n d o m i z a t i o n process. 2.5. SC/FC correlations in real networks W e c a n n o w return to the real-life n e t w o r k s f r o m figure 1 a n d study the t w o types of S C / F C correlations i n these networks as a function of the intrinsic parameters of the d y n a m i c a l models, as d o n e i n figure 5 f o r the abstract n e t w o r k architectures. T h e results are s u m m a r i z e d i n figure 7. R e g a r d i n g the S E R m o d e l , w e see h i g h S C / F C s e q correlations for the neural system a n d , i n contrast, h i g h S C / F C s j m correlations for the social system, u n d e r the increase of the recovery probability, w h i l e i n the case of the metabolic system, the type of S C / F C correlation that is higher depends strongly on the parameter value. F o r the phase oscillators, w e see initially h i g h correlations that approach zero v a l u e as w e increase the w i d t h of the eigenfrequencies distribution, w i t h the S C / F C g ^ to have constantly higher values. I n the metabolic network, d o m i n a n t a n d relatively strong a n d stable S C / F C s j m appears u n d e r the same changes of the o) distribution, whereas the zero values of S C / F C g ^ for the n a r r o w distributions give place to strong negative correlations as w e m o v e to w i d e r distributions. T h e behaviour of the social n e t w o r k is similar to the neural o n e , b u t w i t h lower S C / F C correlation values. T h e results for the logistic m a p are d o m i n a t e d b y S C / F C s e q correlations, independent of n e t w o r k architecture a n d parameter value. connectivity exist i n this d o m a i n a n d (3) h o w the t w o types of functional connectivity appear i n this setting. Throughout this investigation, w e have the f o l l o w i n g scenario i n m i n d : given a network (structural connectivity) a n d d y n a m i c a l processes for each of the nodes, w e analyse the time series observed at each node a n d derive relationships a m o n g the nodes (functional connectivity) i n order to understand h o w network architecture determines o r shapes the d y n a m i c a l relationships a m o n g nodes. This interplay of structure a n d d y n a m i c s is then illustrated b y a n d quantified i n terms of S C / F C correlations. T h e topic of d y n a m i c s o n graphs is, of course, m u c h broader than w e describe it here. T h e clear distinction between (static or s l o w l y changing) structural c o n n e c t i v i t y — w h i c h serves as 'infrastructure' for d y n a m i c a l processes—and (often r a p i d l y changing) functional connectivity is not plausible for a l l applications. A s a consequence, a debate about S C / F C correlations is not possible i n important areas of research. Often, i n those disciplines, the evolution of the network itself under the action of its agents (nodes) is investigated, therefore w e c a n o n l y conceptualize the F C i n the context of the evolution of the structure of the netw o r k . Social network analysis ( S N A ) is the m e t h o d o l o g y of choice for such situations [54] (see electronic supplementary material for more details). W h e n multiple relationships must b e taken into account to provide a more realistic a n d precise description of a complex system o r w h e n interactions g o b e y o n d the pairwise level (with examples f r o m systems biology being protein complexes or biochemical reactions), hypergraphs [55,56] can serve as a useful framework for representing these systems. Furthermore, if the structural network changes o n a similar timescale to functional connectivity or even under the influence of the functional dynamics, w e enter the rich field of adaptive networks [57-59]. In this case, inevitably, the topology influences the character of the collective dynamics of the system, b u t d y n a m i c s affect topology, too, leading to a continuing interplay between them. This is of particular relevance i n social-ecological systems (see §3.5). 3. Applications In this section, w e briefly review some areas of application to illustrate, (1) h o w structural connectivity c a n b e defined i n these contexts, (2) w h i c h approaches for d e f i n i n g functional 3.1. Application to geomorphology W i t h i n h y d r o l o g y a n d geomorphology, the examples of structurally connected pathways that w e w i l l discuss here are those that direct the f l o w of water a n d sediment over the S C / F C s t a S C / F C s e q 3 u 3 ft. o U 1 ft ° 5 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 (-0.1,0.1) 0.4- 0.2 - 0-0.2 • -0.4 neural network metabolic network social network 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 C P .8 1.0 S C / F C s i m SC/FC.._ seq (-0.6, 0.6) 0) — S C / F C s i m S C / F C s e q S C / F C s i m S C / F C s e q 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 S C / F C s i m SC/FCs e q • - 0 0.2 0.4 P 0.6 0.8 1.0 SC/FCs i r SC/FCs e n \ SC/FCs i r SC/FCs e n \ (-0.1,0.1) 0.4" 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 S C / F C s i m SC/FC seq (-0.6, 0.6) 3.65 3.70 3.75 3.80 3.85 3.65 3.70 3.75 3.80 3.85 " S C / F C s i m 3.65 3.70 3.75 3.80 3.85 Figure 7. SC/FCsjm and SC/FCseq correlations for the three real-life networks under changes of dynamical parameters in the three models, as in §2.3. First column: neural network. Second column: metabolic network. Third column: social network. First row: SER model; parameters: fmax = 10, Wff (over different initial conditions) = 10000, f= 0.001. Second row: coupled phase oscillators; parameters: fmax = 50, Wff=100 (over different initial conditions), /r = 10, ~\0 Xi(t) = S o r R . Separating the nodes into the two categories (active or inactive) is a convenient way to define the t w o classes of functional connectivity. The co­activation matrix is Q = 5>(f)c,­(f), t and the sequential activation matrix is S? = $ > ( f ) c , ­ ( f ­ l ) . t It should be noted that different normalizations of these quantities can be envisioned (see [28] for a detailed discussion). For all the cases where the SER model was used, we simulated NR = 10 000 runs of i m a x = 10 (unit timestep) with randomly generated initial conditions, with 6% of the nodes to be i n the E state and the rest to be i n S or R state with an equiprobability. The information for the F C matrices was accumulated by initially taking the sum over the time of each matrix, and then by taking the s u m over the multiple runs. The S C / F C correlations were computed with the Pearson correlation between the flattened adjacency and the co­activation/sequential activation matrix. The final average value was computed as the mean of the correlations from the 10 different initial graphs, and the errors as the standard deviation of these correlation values. W e obtain the main results using the recovery probability p = 0.1 and transmission probability/= 0.001. 5.4. Phase oscillators The second, also well studied, model studied here is the Kuramoto model [118,284]. It describes the behaviour of a large set of coupled phase oscillators and their transition to synchronization. W e use it here i n a variant, where the oscillators are coupled according to the architecture of a given network [24]. Each of the oscillators has a n intrinsic natural frequency (or 'eigenfrequency') &>,­ and all of them are equally coupled with their neighbours with coupling k. The evolution of the phase of a node i n a population of N oscillators is governed b y the following dynamics: - £ = W I + Ň S A i j s i n { d i ~ 0 i ) ' i = 1 N This model has been instrumental i n the past for understanding h o w network topology determines synchronizability [23] and h o w synchronization patterns emerge from architectural features of networks [22]. Investigating the behaviour of the two classes of FC , i n this model, requires oscillators that have not reached the total synchronization, w h i c h indicates the absolute ' w i n ' of the co­activation. Thus, Gaussian noise, scaled b y amplitude a, was added i n order to delay the synchronization process. d-0- k ^ -r1 = COÍ + — V AH siní Oj -6Í) + ( = ^ ' + f ' W + 1 ) ­ ei{f) Z a l t'=t-M for some suitable choice of a time w i n d o w At. For a continuous model, such as the coupled phase oscillators, the definition of the two classes of functional connectivity is not possible i n a parameter­free manner. In equation (5.1), for St = 0, we have strict co­activation and with increasing time lag St a transition from correlations dominated by co­activation to correlations dominated b y sequential activation (before the two timeseries of effective frequencies essentially de­couple). Particularly, the decision of the appropriate selection of the time lag for the sequential activation was based o n the results of S C / F C correlations as a function of the coupling strength for different values of time lag. In the electronic supplementary material, figure S5 shows the multiple curves of the different time delay values for a modular and an E R graph. While the effect of the increasing time delay i n a m o d ular graph is the gradual decrease of the S C / F C correlation, i n the ER graph three groups of curves emerge. The first one corresponds to the co­activity of the nodes (includes the zero and time lag equal to 1), the second group includes the curve that corresponds to the time­delay 2 and, i n this case, is the appropriate selection for the sequential activation, since larger values for the time delay, which constitutes the third group of curves, have zero contribution in the sequential activation. For this case, we simulated NR = 100 runs over f m a x = 50 using the Euler method, with randomly generated initial conditions from the uniform distribution (—n, TI) o n different graphs with non­identical oscillators. The integration timestep for the solution of the system was equal to 0.1. The Gaussian noise was selected to have zero mean, unit variance and it was scaled b y amplitude a = 0.25. The eigenfrequencies were uniformly selected from the interval (0,1). The size of the time w i n d o w we selected At for the effective frequency was equal to 20 and the F C matrices were constructed from the Pearson correlation of the effective frequencies between each pair of nodes. The diagonal elements are zero, b y default. A s i n the SER model, the S C / F C correlations were computed with the Pearson correlation of the flattened adjacency and F C matrices. F or the latter one, the sum, over multiple runs, was taken and the average correlation values derived from the S C / F C correlations of 10 different initial networks; the corresponding errors derived from the standard deviation of these 10 values. F or the main results, we selected a coupling strength equal to 10. 5.5. Logistic map The third model that was used as a dynamical probe of network architectures is the logistic map. Such dimensional maps (also termed finite­difference equations or recursion relations) are used to describe the evolution of one variable over discrete steps i n time, following a template of the form xM =f(xf). The logistic map xi+i = Rx,(l - xt) is the most well­known example of this class of dynamical models [285]. Starting from a stable fixed point at low R, the system undergoes a sequence of period­doubling bifurcations with increasing R leading to a large regime of deterministic chaos, occasionally interrupted b y small periodic windows. Systems of coupled logistic maps have been studied extensively as a model for spatio­temporal pattern formation [286] and o n networks [51,52,287]. The coupled system has the form k N Xi(t + l)=RjXi(t)(l-Xi(t)) + t ; 1 = 1, where k is the coupling strength a n d Ay is the network's adjacency matrix (structural connectivity). Note that w e impose additional constraints o n the system to force each xt(t) to be i n the interval x e [0, 1]. W e define F C as the correlation between the timeseries of the nodes for zero time lag (co-activation) and a time lag of 1 (sequential activation): Cjj = corr,(x;(f), Xj{t)), Si, = corr,(x,-(f), Xj(t + 1)). We simulated NR = 50 runs over f m a x = 500 (unit timestep) w i t h randomly generated initial conditions from the uniform distribution (0,1). The parameter R was randomly selected b y each oscillator from the interval (3.7, 3.9). For the m a i n results, the coupling strength that was used was equal to 2. The F C matrices were constructed from the Pearson correlation between the time series of the x variable (diagonal elements are zero b y default). The S C / F C correlations derived from the comparison of the flattened adjacency a n d F C matrices, b y taking the Pearson correlation, after each run. The average correlation value derived from the mean correlation values over the multiple runs a n d the errors from the standard deviation of the correlation values over the multiple runs. 5.6. FitzHugh-Nagumo model A s a more sophisticated model of excitable dynamics a n d regular oscillations, w e use the F i t z H u g h - N a g u m o model [288,289], a two-dimensional model of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The F i t z H u g h - N a g u m o model is composed of two coupled variables, where x represents the membrane potential a n d y is the recovery variable: x?(f) •Vi{t) (d) the randomization process of a modular graph i n the excitable and i n the oscillatory regime. A s w i t h the logistic map, coupled F i t z H u g h - N a g u m o oscillators have been employed i n a range of investigations focusing on spatio-temporal pattern formation [290] a n d collective dynamics i n networks [26]. We simulated 10 runs, using the Euler method to solve the system. The total time of each simulated r u n was 180 s a n d the integration step 0.1 ms. W e downsampled the output at 1 ms and we used this to calculate the F C . The F C s m l matrix derived from the s u m of the co-activation matrices over the time of each run. The co-activation matrices were constructed as i n the SER model, after discretizing the time series (spike detection) w i t h a threshold equal to one a n d using a time w i n d o w equal to 1 ms. For the FCseq matrices, various widths of time w i n d o w s were selected i n order to discretize the time series a n d detect the spikes. Larger time w i n d o w s include both spikes that occur simultaneously a n d sequentially, thus, from the whole activity within the window, the co-activity (time w i n d o w 1 ms) was subtracted. The calculation of S C / F C correlations derived from the flattened adjacency a n d functional connectivity matrices, after excluding the diagonal elements. The final correlation values came from the mean value of the 10 correlation values from the different runs a n d the errors from the corresponding standard deviation. The co-activity of the nodes, as well as the sequential activity of the nodes, using different w i n d o w sizes, were tested under different values for the coupling strength and the noise amplitude for both the excitable (a = 0.8) a n d oscillatory regime (a = 0) (see electronic supplementary material, S6). The selected parameter values for the system are /? = 0.6, y=l, rx = 0.001, Ty = 0.1. The random numbers for the noise ux were selected from a normal distribution w i t h zero mean a n d unit variance, whose amplitudes were scaled b y a a n d w i t h a n additional scaling parameter y/dt/rx (At is the size of the integration step). The scaling term for the uy is equal to zero. For the main results, we selected the coupling strength (divided b y the average degree i n the network) equal to 0.044, the amplitude of the noise equal to a = 0.15 a n d the time w i n d o w of 12 ms for the sequential activation. b ho o ho o C O and ßyit)+a, where (d) is the average degree i n the network, xx, Ty are the timescale parameters for each variable, again k the coupling strength among the connected nodes, vx, vy are random variables d r a w n from a Gaussian distribution of zero mean a n d unit variance and a the amplitude of the noise. In the xy plane, w e can distinguish three regions a n d the intersection of the nullclines of the system (see electronic supplementary material, figure SI), dxj(t)/dt = 0 A dyi(t)/dt = 0 defines the fixed point. Hence, depending o n the region that the fixed point is placed, the system can be found either i n the oscillatory or i n the excitable regime. By shifting the linear nullcline (changing the parameter a), w e can move from region 1 (excitable regime) to region 2 (oscillatory regime). Here, we plot the correlation values during Data accessibility. This article has no additional data. The Python codes used for the numerical simulations will be available from the authors upon request. Authors' contributions. V.V. and M.-T.H. designed research. V.V. and A . M . wrote computational code and performed simulations. V.V. and M.-T.H. analysed results and wrote the framework of the paper. L.J.B., J.C., M.G., A.J.P., J.P., R.P., ST., L.T. and J.W. wrote the geomorphology section. A.F., T . H . and S.R. wrote the freshwater ecology section. M.T.H. wrote the systems biology section. D.B., A.B. and V L . wrote the neuroscience section. M . D . M . , B.F., C.Ker., C.Kim., Y.S. and H.W. wrote the social-ecological systems section. C P . wrote §1.2 of the Electronic Supplementary Material and contributed to the application section. 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