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(Post)človek (post)človeku vlkom: Priateľstvo ako kohézny prvok v spoločnosti postľudí
DUDÍKOVÁ, PatríciaBasic information
Original name
(Post)človek (post)človeku vlkom: Priateľstvo ako kohézny prvok v spoločnosti postľudí
Name (in English)
(Post)human Is a Wolf to (Post)human: Friendship as a Cohesive Element in a Society of Posthumans
Filozofie za horizontem událostí, Masarykova univerzita, Brno, 15.–16. 11. 2021, 2021
Other information
Type of outcome
Presentations at conferences
Field of Study
60301 Philosophy, History and Philosophy of science and technology
Country of publisher
Czech Republic
Confidentiality degree
is not subject to a state or trade secret
Organization unit
Faculty of Arts
Keywords in English
transhumanism; extropianism; posthuman; friendship; civic friendship; human enhancement
Changed: 28/5/2023 13:56, Mgr. Patrícia Dudíková
V originále
Príspevok sa zameriava na problematizáciu možnosti existencie priateľstva v spoločnosti postľudí.
In English
The contribution focuses on problematization of the possibilities of friendship in a society of posthumans.
MUNI/A/1120/2020, interní kód MU |