V originále
FaR-RMS is an over-arching study for patients with newly diagnosed and relapsed RMS including multi-arm, multi-stage questions with three principal aims. These are to evaluate:•systemic therapy through the introduction of new agent regimens in the most advanced disease states: Very High Risk (VHR), High Risk (HR) and Relapse•the duration of maintenance therapy•radiotherapy to improve local control in VHR, HR and Standard Risk (SR) patients and to treat metastatic diseaseIn addition the study will evaluate:•risk stratification through the use of PAX-FOXO1 fusion gene status instead of histological subtyping•the use of FDG PET-CT response assessment as a prognostic biomarker for outcome following induction chemotherapy FaR-RMS includes a study entry point where all patients with RMS may give consent for the analysis of their biological samples and tumour pathology, alongside the collection of very basic patient characteristics, a treatment summary, and follow-up data for events.