RONOVSKÁ, Kateřina, Vlastimil PIHERA, Adam HOLUBÁŘ, Petra PETŘÍKOVÁ and Natálie KARBAŠOVÁ. Cross-border aspects of Trust (like) instruments in Continental Europe. 2022.
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Basic information
Original name Cross-border aspects of Trust (like) instruments in Continental Europe
Name in Czech Přeshraniční aspekty trust (like) struktur v kontinentální Evropě
Authors RONOVSKÁ, Kateřina, Vlastimil PIHERA, Adam HOLUBÁŘ, Petra PETŘÍKOVÁ and Natálie KARBAŠOVÁ.
Edition 2022.
Other information
Original language English
Type of outcome Organization of a conference
Field of Study 50501 Law
Confidentiality degree is not subject to a state or trade secret
Organization unit Faculty of Law
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