KUČERA, Jaroslav, Pavel BROŽ, Maciej HAJDUGA and Zbigniew JURASZ. The oxidation of Fe-rollers with different diameters in ambient air at 1100 °C. Acta Technica CSAV. 1998, vol. 43, No 4, p. 345-359. ISSN 0001-7043.
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Basic information
Original name The oxidation of Fe-rollers with different diameters in ambient air at 1100 °C
Authors KUČERA, Jaroslav (203 Czech Republic), Pavel BROŽ (203 Czech Republic, guarantor), Maciej HAJDUGA (616 Poland) and Zbigniew JURASZ (616 Poland).
Edition Acta Technica CSAV, 1998, 0001-7043.
Other information
Original language English
Type of outcome Article in a journal
Field of Study 10403 Physical chemistry
Country of publisher Czech Republic
Confidentiality degree is not subject to a state or trade secret
Organization unit Faculty of Science
Keywords in English oxidation; steel
Tags oxidation, steel
Changed by Changed by: doc. RNDr. Pavel Brož, Ph.D., učo 857. Changed: 31/1/2008 15:20.
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