Detailed Information on Publication Record
Pharmacokinetic profiling via dried blood spot sampling method
PELCOVÁ, Marta, Eva KREJČÍŘOVÁ, Miriam ŠTOLCOVÁ, Jan JUŘICA, Zdeněk GLATZ et. al.Basic information
Original name
Pharmacokinetic profiling via dried blood spot sampling method
Name in Czech
Farmakokinetické profilování pomocí metody suché krevní kapky
Name (in English)
Pharmacokinetic profiling via dried blood spot sampling method
Synthesis and Analysis of Drugs, 2022
Other information
Type of outcome
Prezentace na konferencích
Confidentiality degree
není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství
Keywords (in Czech)
aplikovaná farmakokinetika, suchá krevní skrvna, serie vzorků
Keywords in English
applied pharmacokinetics, dried blood spot, serial sampling
Změněno: 29/11/2022 15:09, Mgr. Marta Pelcová, Ph.D.
V originále
Pharmacokinetic (PK) profiles are still an inevitable part of preclinical safety studies. Generally, PK studies require the collection of a series of blood samples in sufficient volumes (usually about 200 µl). Typically, animal protocols limit the total blood draw between 10 and 15 % of the total blood volume allowed within a 2-week period. Further, animal models are subjected to ethical standards to be carefully monitored and principles of the 3Rs are required: replacement, reduction and refinement. Our pilot PK study of clozapine (CLO) was conducted in a single Wistar albino rat. CLO was administrated subcutaneously in a single dose bolus (20 mg/kg) and blood samples were taken from a retroorbital plexus by a calibrated glass capillary and spotted onto the card (Whatman 903 Protein Saver Card). CLO concentrations were acquired by LC-MS method and corresponding PK parameters were calculated by Kinetica 4.4 software. The obtained parameters are in agreement with data from a large cohort study.
In Czech
Farmakokinetické profilování je stále nedílnou součástí preklinických studií. Pro provedení farmakokinetické studie je potřeba odebrat sérii vzorků krve v dostatečném objemu (okolo 200 µl). Standardně je povoleno odebrat testovanému zvířeti maximálně 15 % celkového objemu krve s dvoutýdenní rekonvalescencí. Pro takové studie modelová zvířata podléhají etickým standardům, které jsou důsledně sledovány a princily 3R vyžadovány: tj. náhrada, snížení a zmírnění. naše pilotní PK studie za využití klozapinu (CLO) byla provedena je jednom jediném zvířeti (wistarská krysa). CLO byl podán jednorázově a vzorky krve byly odebírány z retroorbitálního plexu kalibrovanou kapilárou a naneseny na odběrovou kartu (Whatman 903 Protein Saver Card). Koncentrace CLO byly měřeny LC-MS metodou a odpovídající farmakokinetické parametry byly vypočteny pomocí softwaru Kinetica 4.4. Získané parametry byly ve shodě s publikovanými údaji.
In English
Pharmacokinetic (PK) profiles are still an inevitable part of preclinical safety studies. Generally, PK studies require the collection of a series of blood samples in sufficient volumes (usually about 200 µl). Typically, animal protocols limit the total blood draw between 10 and 15 % of the total blood volume allowed within a 2-week period. Further, animal models are subjected to ethical standards to be carefully monitored and principles of the 3Rs are required: replacement, reduction and refinement. Our pilot PK study of clozapine (CLO) was conducted in a single Wistar albino rat. CLO was administrated subcutaneously in a single dose bolus (20 mg/kg) and blood samples were taken from a retroorbital plexus by a calibrated glass capillary and spotted onto the card (Whatman 903 Protein Saver Card). CLO concentrations were acquired by LC-MS method and corresponding PK parameters were calculated by Kinetica 4.4 software. The obtained parameters are in agreement with data from a large cohort study.
MUNI/G/1464/2018, interní kód MU |