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Jaké je postavení geografie v probíhající kurikulární reformě? Diskuze klíčových témat geografického vzdělávání v rámci revize Rámcového vzdělávacího programu pro základní vzdělávání
TRAHORSCH, Petr and Veronika KORVASOVÁBasic information
Original name
Jaké je postavení geografie v probíhající kurikulární reformě? Diskuze klíčových témat geografického vzdělávání v rámci revize Rámcového vzdělávacího programu pro základní vzdělávání
Name (in English)
What is the position of geography in the ongoing curricular reform? Discussion of key topics in geographical education as part of the revision of the Framework Educational Program for Elementary Education
Informace České geografické společnosti, 2023, 1213-1075
Other information
Type of outcome
Článek v odborném periodiku (nerecenzovaný)
Confidentiality degree
není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství
Keywords in English
curriculum, framework educational program, curriculum revision, concept of curriculum
Změněno: 7/2/2024 07:34, Mgr. Veronika Korvasová, Ph.D.
In English
The aim of the article is to discuss selected aspects of geography education in the context of changes in the prepared curriculum in Czechia, with a focus on the general professional geographic community. The first part of the text describes the system of curricular documents in Czechia, emphasizing the key specific features of this system, including its setting into a certain historical framework. The second part of the text examines the forthcoming changes in the curriculum documents, which are being prepared as part of the “Great Revision of the Framework Educational Programs for Elementary Education”. The analysed topics include the factors of successful implementation of the new curriculum in schools, the inclusion of geography in the Framework Educational Programs for Elementary Education structure, the conceptual approach in geography, and the framework curriculum including hourly grants for geography. The successful implementation of the planned curricular reform will primarily depend on the methodological support of the Ministry of Education and the National Pedagogical Institute as well as the abilities and skills of teachers at specific schools; the key will be the correct methodological management of schools and the appropriate argumentation of changes.