Detailed Information on Publication Record
Slika Crne Gore u stripu Partizani Julesa Radilovića i Đorđa Lebovića
PILCH, PavelBasic information
Original name
Slika Crne Gore u stripu Partizani Julesa Radilovića i Đorđa Lebovića
Name in Czech
Obraz Černé Hory v komiksu Partizani Julese Radiloviće a Đorđe Leboviće
Name (in English)
Picture of Montenegro in the Partizani comic by Jules Radilović and Đorđe Lebović
Cetinjski filološki dani IV (6.-8. 9. 2023, Cetinje, Černá Hora), 2023
Other information
Type of outcome
Presentations at conferences
Field of Study
60206 Specific literatures
Country of publisher
Confidentiality degree
is not subject to a state or trade secret
Organization unit
Faculty of Arts
Keywords (in Czech)
partyzáni; komiks; černá hora; radilović; lebović
Keywords in English
partisans; comics; montenegro; radilović; lebović
Changed: 28/1/2024 12:23, Mgr. Pavel Pilch, Ph.D.
V originále
Stip-serija Partizani donijela je 80-tih godina nov i neobičan prikaz narodnooslobodilačke borbe tako što je više krenula prema popularnoj (bukvalno „zapadnoj“) kulturi, a manje u pravcu tradicionalne ideološke propagande kojoj su partizanski stripovi pretežno služili. U jednoj od nekoliko epizoda, autorski dvojac Radilović-Lebović posvetio se Crnoj Gori kad je radnju stripovne priče smjestio u Boku Kotorsku. Moj se posvećuje upravo načinu na koji se Crna Gora i Crnogorci u ovom djelu prikazuju.
In English
In the 1980s, the comic series Partizani brought a new and unusual depiction of the national liberation struggle by moving more towards popular (literally "western") culture and less towards the traditional ideological propaganda that partisan comics mainly served. In one of several episodes, the author duo Radilović-Lebović dedicated themselves to Montenegro when they set the plot of the comic story in Boka Kotorska. My work is devoted to the way in which Montenegro and Montenegrins are portrayed in this work.
MUNI/A/1349/2022, interní kód MU |