Detailed Information on Publication Record
"Mne NEVYNOSIMY samyje slova èti, terminy..." : ocenka rečevych faktov v russkoj dokumental'noj i publicističeskoj literature pervoj četverti XX veka
AGAPOVA, AnnaBasic information
Original name
"Mne NEVYNOSIMY samyje slova èti, terminy..." : ocenka rečevych faktov v russkoj dokumental'noj i publicističeskoj literature pervoj četverti XX veka
Name (in English)
"I CAN'T STAND these very words, terms..." : Evaluations of Speech Facts in Russian Documentary and Journalistic Literature of the First Quarter of the XXth Century
AGAPOVA, Anna (643 Russian Federation, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
1. vyd. Brno, Revitalizace hodnot : umění a literatura VI, p. 427-438, 12 pp. 2024
Masarykova univerzita
Other information
Type of outcome
Stať ve sborníku
Field of Study
60202 Specific languages
Country of publisher
Czech Republic
Confidentiality degree
není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství
Publication form
electronic version available online
Organization unit
Faculty of Arts
Keywords in English
literary language; literary norm; ideology; meta-linguistic awareness; meta-linguistic statement; loanwords; evaluative meaning
International impact, Reviewed
Změněno: 12/11/2024 18:58, Mgr. Anna Agapova, Ph.D.
V originále
V napisannoj rovno sto let nazad znamenitoj stat’je "Ob”jektivnaja i normativnaja točka zrenija na jazyk" A. M. Peškovskij otmečajet "porazitel’nyj konservatizm" "literaturno-jazykovogo ideala", kotoryj projavljajetsja, s odnoj storony, v orijentacii na suščestvujuščije precedenty, na reč’ staršich pokolenij i predšestvovavšich literaturnych škol, a s drugoj storony, na moskovskuju normu. Dal’nejšije rassuždenija Peškovskogo podtverždajut tezis professora Petra Dojčmana, prozvučavšij v jego plenarnom doklade na XXVI meždunarodnoj konferencii "Olomouckije dni rusistov": ideja literaturnoj normy v slučaje russkogo jazyka tesno svjazana s idejej nacional’no-gosudarstvennogo jedinstva. Čtoby proverit’, naskol’ko èta mysl’ byla obščim mestom dlja obrazovannych nositelej jazyka v pervoj četverti XX veka, my obratilis’ k dokumental’noj i publicističeskoj literature ètogo vremeni i izučili metajazykovyje vyskazyvanija, vstrečajuščijesja v ètich tekstach. Predmetom našego vnimanija byl charakter ocenki rečevych faktov i jeje kriterii.
In English
In his famous article “Objective and Normative Point of View on Language” written exactly one hundred years ago, A. M. Peshkovsky notes the “striking conservatism” of the “literary language ideal”, which manifests itself, on the one hand, in the orientation on existing precedents, on the speech of older generations and previous literary schools, and, on the other hand, on the Moscow norm. Peshkovsky’s further reasoning confirms the thesis of Professor Peter Deutschmann in his plenary talk at the 26th Olomouc Days of Russian Studies conference: The idea of a literary norm in the case of the Russian language is closely linked to the idea of national and state unity. In order to check to what extent this connection was a commonplace for educated native speakers of the first quarter of the 20th century, we turned to the documentary and journalistic literature of that time and studied the meta-linguistic statements found in these texts. The focus of our attention was on the nature of the speech facts evaluations and their criteria.
MUNI/A/1349/2022, interní kód MU |