INGERLE, Petr and Kaliopi CHAMONIKOLA. Melancholie (Melancholy). Přeložil/Translated by Katka Tlachová, Ivory Rodriguez & Jeffrey Vanderziel. Brno: Moravská galerie v Brně, 2000, 200 pp. ISBN 80-7027-160-X.
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Basic information
Original name Melancholie
Name (in English) Melancholy
Authors INGERLE, Petr and Kaliopi CHAMONIKOLA.
Přeložil/Translated by Katka Tlachová, Ivory Rodriguez & Jeffrey Vanderziel.
Edition Brno, 200 pp. 2000.
Publisher Moravská galerie v Brně
Other information
Type of outcome Book on a specialized topic
Confidentiality degree is not subject to a state or trade secret
Organization unit Faculty of Arts
ISBN 80-7027-160-X
Changed by Changed by: Jeffrey Alan Vanderziel, B.A., učo 37043. Changed: 30/5/2001 18:37.
PrintDisplayed: 5/10/2024 20:56