V originále
Práce seznamuje čtenáře s personálním obsazením kateder matematiky a deskriptivní geometrie na německé technice v Brně. Touto školou prošla během její existence řada významných osobností rakouské a německé matematiky. Jmenujme jména E. Czuber, E. Waelsch, G. Hamel, R. Mises, J. Radon, E. Fischer, H. Tietze, G. A. Peschka, J. Krames, ...
In English
The aim of this article is to describe the development of mathematical education at Brno German Technical University during its whole existence. The first part is devoted to the history of Brno German Technical University and deals with the most important events in the development of the school. The second part describes professors' staff of the Departments of Mathematics, and the third part is devoted to the Department of Descriptive geometry. The last part describes mathematicians who were assistants at these three departments. The article shows that a lot of important Austrian and German mathematicians worked at Brno German Technical University. Many of them started their professional career in Brno and then went to more important universities in Austria and Germany. Apart from these, there were also other mathematicians who devoted their entire lives to the work in Brno and whose names are nowadays almost forgotten even by historians of mathematics.